Snapchat — The most important app to reach millennials

All Things Snap
Published in
4 min readOct 28, 2015

by ronatory

Photo Credit: Rodion Kutsaev

In times of despair, you may believe the cynic who tells you that one person cannot make difference — and there are times it may be hard to see your own impact. I beg you to remember that it is not possible at this time or any time to know the end results of our efforts. — Evan Spiegel

First of all to everybody who still don’t know that Snapchat is not only an app for sexting or to send a text message or photo which disappears after a few seconds. I mention that because when I talk with people about Snapchat, the first answer is “Oh yes, it’s this app where you can send messages which disappear and it was used to send also nasty photos”. No, not only these features! That was only the way how Snapchat started. I don’t want to focus on the features of the app, if you are interested in read this.

It’s not really surprising why Evan Spiegel, CEO and co-founder of Snapchat, is the youngest billionaire with the age of only 24 and why Bobby Murphy is the second youngest billionaire with the age of 25.

Snapchat Ghost Icon

Today Snapchat is introducing a new set of filters called “Speed Modifiers” for videos on iOS or Android. Read the full article about the filters on TechCrunch.

This is one of the reasons why millennials (most researchers and commentators use birth years ranging from the early 1980s to the early 2000s.) love to use this app. Because they add features which are easy to use and have a big impact.

The main reasons of the success

In my opinion the main reasons why they are so successful and attract most of Generation Y beside that 70% of college students posting on at least once a day on Snapchat, only 11% report on Facebook with the same frequency

  • you can currently only use it as app
  • you can currently not search for users like on Facebook, you must search for the exact username to find someone (privacy)
  • users must make their usernames public to get followers on other social platforms (a reason why it’s also went viral)
  • then there a currently no annoying ads popping up or something like that
  • the last one is the color. Yellow! Look at your Smartphone how many app icons have the color yellow? Flashy isn’t it?

Discover Stories — The money machine

They are valuated at $16 billion, so Investors need to know how they make money. Beside that they allowed users to start paying $0.99 for the newer app version for replaying disappearing snaps and then there is the feature to discover Stories.

Currently you can view the story of 15 different brands. According to a report by BuzzFeed they are asking advertisers to get up to $700,000 per day for sponsored Lenses on holidays by reaching up to 16 million views.



All Things Snap

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