13 Ways To Stay Active And Happy When You Work At Home

Life is a choice, choose wisely.

Dian Sage
9 min readOct 11, 2022
Photo by Slava Keyzman on Unsplash

How is your life after the pandemic? Have you returned to work in the office? or still, working from home? Regardless of all situations, we want to be active, productive, and happy, right? No one wants to sit on the sofa all the time and sleep with meaningless activities.

If you like to spend time outdoors, you may not be comfortable staying at home and sitting in front of the computer for so long. And if you have a lot of hobbies and like to learn new things, this might be a good time to try new experiences.

Have you ever wondered what kind of activities can keep you happy and active at home? Here are 13 ways to stay active and happy when you work at home that you can use as a reference.

1. Planting or Gardening

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

Do you love to spend time in a green environment? Have you visited a park or participated in a camping trip in the past? Have you ever felt that gardening is good for your mental health and helps to reduce stress?

Some benefits from growing plants also help improve our moods, concentration, and creativity. If you have a backyard or front yard at home, Why don’t try to plant your favorite plant or tree? And if you live in a guest house or dormitory? If it has a balcony, you can buy some pots and try ornamental plants.

Recently, there are many environmental problems around the globe. At the same time, environmental awareness is also growing in our society and community. If we can’t do the big parts, let’s do simple things starting with one plant or tree.

2. Cooking

Photo by Edgar Castrejon on Unsplash

Do you love cooking? What kinds of food do you like? Salty, sweet, plain, or spicy foods? If there is one thing I love when working at home is to enjoy and experiment with different types of foods.

When I worked full-time, I always had my lunch at work. On the weekends, I spent most of my time outside. I rarely touched my kitchen except to make tea, juice, noodles, and bake bread.

Cooking is not only about food. We can learn a lot of things such as preparation, process, learning from failure, and being more patient. Sometimes we can find new ideas through it.

Cooking also helps us improve our innovation & creativity. even though it looks easy, the reality is not. That’s why many businesses foods booming since the pandemic, despite the economic situation.

3. Reading Books

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Through books, you can learn about everything. History, art, language, culture, health, etc. Unlike in the past, there are a lot of free e-books that you can read.

Now you can choose your favorite books and the topic that suits your needs. Reading also helps expand your vocabulary, makes you more open-minded, and has a broader perspective.

For some reason, even with all the e-books out there, I still like to read physical books. Sometimes when I look at a screen and read for a very long time, I get dizzy and my eyes get tired. Also, I have a different feeling & sensation when I read a physical book than a digital one.

If you feel that physical books are expensive, try to exchange them with people who like to read or have the same interests as you.

4. Writing or Journaling

Photo by Kara on Unsplash

Do you want to talk to someone, but no one is listening to you? Do you want to share something but feel it is too private and personal? Oh my goodness, I have so many ideas in my head, but I do not know how to start. Does this sound familiar?

If you feel confused and unclear, try to start writing. It helps your mind to get clarity, relieves stress, recalls memories, and gains awareness,

5. Online meeting

Photo by CoWomen on Unsplash

How many meetings do you have each day? According to statista.com, Zoom had 300 million daily meeting attendees worldwide In 2021- 2022. True, this online conferencing can save time, gas, and energy. But too many online meetings can also leave you feeling overwhelmed and dizzy.

All those meetings may look great, have a wonderful topic, and have great speakers. Regardless of how good the meeting is, you need to ask yourself whether it aligns with your goal. If you are an active participant, try to focus on and choose an event that aligns with your work and values. Also, something that can serve your purpose, vision, and community.

6. Online Learning

Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

Do you love to learn and study something new? Have you ever thought of learning something with flexible time? Would you like to take up a new profession and stay active at home?

For example, are you interested in health, business, nutrition, etc.? But you have no experience or background in these fields. For this reason, you may want to get licensed and certified.

Why not try taking some courses through an online learning platform? There are many free and paid online courses. You can choose the one that fits your needs.

Covid-19 has had an impact on the rise of online learning. In the past, if we wanted to study something and get a degree, we had to take an exam and apply to a specific school or university. Now we can find all kinds of subjects and lessons on the Internet.

7. Donating or Fundraising

Photo by Yuri Catalano on Unsplash

Many people have lost their jobs since the pandemic. At the same time, there have been humanitarian crises in many other parts of the world.

There are many ways to help them. Whether personal or through the community. You can collect donations through an online platform and help those in need. In other ways, you can donate food, money, clothes, etc.

Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love. — Mother Teresa

8. Exercises and Self-Care Ritual

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Do you know what is the most precious things in the world? It’s you. You are the greatest asset. All things in this world have happened because we as human beings have chosen to create and make them. So take care of yourself. Because all the treasures you have, such as money, a house, a car, and gold, have no meaning if something happens to your health.

Make sure you live a balanced life. Eat healthy food, exercise moderately, get enough sleep, rest, etc. Sometimes this is easier said than done, especially when there are many to-do lists in a day. It could be deadlines, new projects, work, business, family life, events, community, etc. But no amount of money in the world can compare to our health.

9. Having Pets

Photo by Daniel Tuttle on Unsplash

Owning pets gives many benefits to our mental health. For those who live alone and far from family, they make you feel less lonely and help to reduce depression.

Pets can also entertain us. Playing with your pets such as dogs, rabbits, or cats can relieve stress and anxiety and lower your blood pressure. Also, owning a pet like a dog can protect your home and family from harmful things.

10. Meditation or Retreat

Photo by Shashi Chaturvedula on Unsplash

Do you love serenity and quietness? Have you often visited an ashram to meditate? If you are not able to go to an ashram or attend a retreat, but want to avoid crowded and noisy things, then meditation is one of the best activities for you.

There are many different types of meditation that you can do at home.
Meditation can improve your concentration and sharpen your intuition. It also enhances self-awareness, improves sleep, etc. The best times to meditate are in the evening before going to bed and in the morning after waking up.

11. Spending quality time with family and loved one

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

What quality time? I already live with them and see them every day, why do I need to spend more time with them? Does this question sound familiar to you? Living together under one roof does not mean that you are connected.

We may know someone for over 20 years, but we do not know them personally as a person. This happens at school, at work, and even with family and relatives. This may be increasing now, especially in this day and age when everyone is busy and has a cell phone.

Try to set aside 1 or 2 hours each day to talk with your loved one, without the phone, TV, and all the other technological tools. You can also combine this with some activities.

12. Working online as a Freelancer

Photo by Marta Filipczyk on Unsplash

Are you an employee or unemployed? Have you lost your job as a result of a global pandemic? Do you need an alternative income but can not leave your family and children at home?

There are now many opportunities to work online as a freelancer. The advantage of working as a freelancer is that you are flexible in your time, and you can choose your work and project. Also, you can work as much or as little as you want, depending on what kind of work you have.

13. Brainstorming and trying startup business

Photo by MING Labs on Unsplash

Do you have a lot of ideas in your head? Do you want to give more of your monthly income to your family? Do you want to be more creative and think outside the box? You may need to brainstorm on how to start your own business.

Find your strong reason and why. In many cases, a new start-up business is very vulnerable. Look at your experience and your current situation with a 360-degree view and listen to your inner voice.

The world of entrepreneurs is full of uncertainty, and some people take a high risks. But, it also opens up an unlimited world of possibilities and creativity. Life is full of choices, choose wisely.

Originally published on diansage.com

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Dian Sage

5X Top Writer, Tea Lover, Life Coach & Lifelong Learner. — I write about self-improvement, life lessons, mental health & well-being. https://ko-fi.com/diansage