How Frontpage Turned A New Page and Stockpiled Top Talent

3 min readNov 15, 2021


About Frontpage

FrontPage, in its literal sense, is the front page for India’s Stock Market. They strive towards bringing a sense of community to investing and making it more accessible to everyone. On FrontPage, users can learn from each other, discuss stocks in their portfolios and find new ideas to innovate.

Shortly, their users will be able to transact on this information from within the app. FrontPage combines the need to manage investments with the benefits of a social platform hence, creating a conducive environment for investors and traders.

Hiring Challenges faced by Frontpage

Frontpage is building the platform for social investing for 100M Indians, and to build the digital infrastructure at such colossal scales requires the best of engineering talent.

So, Frontpage initiated a hiring spree for developers with remarkable skills and it didn’t yield any satisfactory results. Interviews took a lot of time and candidate skills could not be interpreted in relevance to requirements.

Besides, creating a skill-accurate talent pipeline seemed impossible with traditional recruitment methods.

Frontpage, SEPT’21 BC . [Before Codejudge]

Previously, Frontpage’s hiring strategy was modeled after the conventional recruiting mechanisms which don’t necessarily provide favorable results. Also, traditional interviews cost more in both time and money, the two most precious assets any company has.

Despite investing all that capital and hours, this process would not guarantee the high-quality performance of the developers, and all the efforts seemed obsolete.

Multiple platforms could repair the talent pipeline building system, but applying different solutions and strategies was a messy business. They hadn’t encountered a one-stop solution yet.

A Frontline Solution by Codejudge

So, when Frontpage approached Codejudge for a solution, everything fell into place.

The hiring solutions from Codejudge have been designed for operational comfort for recruiters and candidates alike. Hence, it was pretty simple for the team at Frontpage to customize and build their technical assessments with role-based and difficulty level filters.

The technical assessments were then pushed into the automation tunnel to ensure the funneling of skill-accurate and extraordinary candidates. Additionally, the developer campaigns, backed by a personalized marketing outreach drive, were successfully executed assuring a rise in the awareness of the opportunities at Frontpage.

Read further about winning tech hiring and how to hire the best talent.

Moreover, the developer performance reports with 127+ code metrics helped Frontpage get a grasp of the technical prowess of the candidates. This in turn saved them a ton of time in shortlisting candidates because all the data is right there.

Most of the impediments were solved right on the frontline, resulting in the smooth implementation of an already effective hiring plan with an outstanding outcome proving Codejudge to be the one stop tech hiring platform.


The evidence is in the numbers and by trusting in Codejudge, Frontpage actively passed the following milestones:

  • 103 Hours of Interview time was saved! — 12 working days
  • $3090 in Hiring Cost saved!
  • 24 Skill-accurate Interview-ready Engineers.

Adding to these achievements Codejudge managed to deliver 3X Interview-ready candidates in just 2 days!

This only goes to show the dedication and determination we invest to make sure that the right and the best candidates are acquired for growth.

At Codejudge, we constantly strive to polish the vast ecology of strategies in the realm of recruitment and when it comes to hiring the best developers, we leave no stone unturned. Learn more about us and our products.

Contact Us if you would like to effectively scale up with a skill-based assessment and we will reach out to you.

Let’s Connect, Collaborate and Cultivate Competence!

