Wisdom’s Muscles — Part 5


Sam Mokhtari
4 min readMar 11, 2024
Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

Welcome back to our ongoing exploration of wisdom! In previous parts, we uncovered the secrets of wisdom’s foundation and its muscles including goodness, faith and acknowledgment. Now, let’s dive into the next “muscle”: Hope.
We aim to turn hope into more than just an idea; we’ll cover its significance, explore its place in the bigger picture of life, and find simple ways to enhance this essential quality.

Hope: Definition and Power

Hope isn’t naive optimism or wishful thinking. It’s a deep-seated belief that even in darkness, there’s the potential for positive change. It involves:

  • Agency: Hope fuels action. It’s the belief that our choices matter, even in difficult circumstances.
  • Resilience: Hope enables us to navigate setbacks, seeing them as obstacles to conquer rather than as signals of inevitable defeat.
  • Openness to Possibility: Hope allows us to envision a better future and search for pathways towards it, even when they’re not immediately obvious.

Despair is a feeling of hopelessness that results in doing nothing and believing that situations cannot be altered. It can show up as:

  • Cynicism: Thinking that everything is pointless and people are just bad.
  • Apathy: Not caring or feeling motivated, even about important things.
  • Resignation: Giving up and believing things can’t get better.

Hope: The Fuel for a Wiser Life

Hope is like a compass guiding us toward a brighter future, even when things seem uncertain. It’s not about ignoring problems or waiting for miracles. Real hope gives us the strength to tackle challenges with a solution-focused attitude. Here’s why:

  • Keeps You Learning: Hope makes you hungry for knowledge and open to new perspectives. It combats the “I know it all” attitude that stifles growth, a key aspect of wisdom.
  • Bounce Back Stronger: Everyone faces setbacks. Hope is what stops you from giving up. It lets you learn from mistakes and try again, wiser than before.
  • Action, Not Just Wishing: Hope motivates action. It drives you to work for your goals. This active approach is key to turning knowledge into meaningful action, which is what wisdom is all about.
  • Meaning in the Struggle: Even during hard times, hope keeps you connected to a bigger picture. This ability to find purpose in challenges allows you to persevere, emerging wiser in the process.

Hope and Wisdom: A Dynamic Relationship

Wisdom requires a delicate balance between hope and realism.

  • Hope Without Wisdom: Can lead to unrealistic expectations and disappointment when obstacles arise.
  • Realism Without Hope: Can lead to inaction and a failure to recognize possibilities for positive change.
  • Wise Hope: It recognizes tough times but refuses to give up. Instead, it looks for answers and holds onto the belief that we can create a brighter tomorrow, together or on our own.

Boosting Your Hope for a Wiser Life

Hope isn’t something that just happens to you; it’s a skill you can strengthen. Think of it as building muscle for your inner optimist. Here’s how to get started:

  • Focus on What You Can Control: When faced with big challenges or setbacks, focus on what you can control, no matter how small. By taking action on those things, you build confidence in your ability to make a difference, and that’s where hope begins.
  • Celebrate Small Wins: Did you finally tackle that difficult conversation or stick to a new healthy habit? Acknowledge these victories! This trains your brain to notice progress, combating the negativity that erodes hope.
  • Seek Out Uplifting Stories: Find inspiration from real-life stories of people who’ve overcome tough times. Whether it’s reading biographies, watching documentaries, or talking to others, their experiences show us that even in the toughest situations, positive change is achievable.
  • Gratitude Practice: Regularly taking time to appreciate the good in your life — big or small — shifts your focus away from lack and towards possibility, which nurtures hope.
  • Surround Yourself with Hopeful People: Optimism can be contagious! Seek out friends, mentors, or communities who believe in creating a better future. Their hopefulness will buoy your own.

Remeber Hope doesn’t mean ignoring the bad. It means believing in your capacity to respond to it, grow from it, and keep working towards what you believe in. This is the kind of hope that wisdom thrives on.


Each of us holds the power to bring hope to others and ourselves. When you nurture your own hope, you gain access to valuable wisdom. Let your decisions be guided by the belief that even small acts, driven by hope, can make a difference in shaping a brighter tomorrow for everyone.



Sam Mokhtari

Technology thought leader with 15+ years in cloud, data analytics, and AI @ AWS | PhD | Author & Speaker | Life Mentor & Coach