At Least

Sangam Napit
2 min readDec 29, 2017


Possibility Mindset — Day 41

I woke up early this morning, probably because of the steroids I am taking for my puffy red face.

I decided to go for a walk. The air was bone-chilling. I could care less what the temperature was since my burning face lusted the cold.

I walked by an woman, who I know gets senior discounts, and she waved as our paths crossed. She smiled and said, “At least it’s warm enough to walk.”

After embarking on the possibility journey, I find myself using the phrase at least less and less.

At least is an interesting phrase, because it means at minimum or if nothing else. Which, makes it the perfect alibi within the possibility framework. If nothing else, I was able to get by. Or, at minimum we covered our costs.

If we dig a little deeper, we realize that the phrase at least is better suited for a scarcity mindset.

The phrase works well if we believe resources are limited. We rationalize our view by defending the possibility of a worser outcome.

We use this phrase when something does not go our way, and we justify our acceptance of what we believe we cannot change.

At least implies there is nothing else that could have been done; therefore, we are doing the bare minimum.

So, instead of saying at least we should say the most.

When it’s -5 degrees Fahrenheit outside, what’s the most I can do (besides a walk).

Most things in nature are neither good nor bad. They embrace the values we assign to them.

Instead of doing the least, we should be thinking about doing the most.

That reminds me, it’s time to go for a run. The temperature reads 0 degrees.

To possibilities!



Sangam Napit

Sharing daily thoughts on adopting an abundance mindset.