It’s 2018 And All I’m Doing Is Standing Around [Part 2 of 3]

Scott Ostrander
2 min readJan 11, 2018

Note: This content is part two of a three-part collection. Read part one here.

The Strategy Behind My Habit

My decision to stand more is in part because I’ve sat too much. But this new habit isn’t only about standing. It’s about a healthier balance between sitting, standing, and movement. At first I focused on standing more. Yet as I’ve practiced it, the habit has evolved.

This week, I upgraded from using only a standing desk, to moving between it and a sitting desk. It’s working out so far. I’ll move in various ways while I stand. And at both desks I practice awareness of my posture.

Another part of my strategy is the use of a timer. I’ve been a fan of the Pomodoro technique and working in timed amounts. So I applied this to my new habit. I’m not set on using the same time for each standing or sitting session. But I know that it’s in my nature to experiment and optimize as I go.

As I began this habit, I made a point to set the best height for my standing desk. I realized early on that the wrong angle in my wrist or arms causes pain. Not fun. Especially with as many hours as I work with a keyboard and mouse. So I went the free route and used books and other materials to place my computer and mouse at the ideal height. It makes a difference!

Movement And Exercise

As I mentioned, movement is a core part of my habit. Simple things like shifting my weight or stretching. And sometimes short walks around the house. It’s clear that sitting involves less movement. But standing around like a statute can as well.

A complement to my habit is regular exercise. Nearing the end of 2017, I exercised less and less. Partly because of the cold, and partly because I’ve focused on work. But I decided to prioritize exercise. At the moment, I use resistance bands and bodyweight only exercises.

Stay tuned for part three of this three-part collection.

Did you enjoy reading this? I’ve also written about success habits here on Medium. And at my website you can read about web design. Thank you for reading my words!

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