It’s 2018 And All I’m Doing Is Standing Around [Part 1 of 3]

Scott Ostrander
3 min readJan 10, 2018

Note: This content is part one of a three-part collection. Read part two here. Read part three here. But it’ll make the most sense to start here. :)

With the new year in full swing, all I’m doing is standing around. Well, it’s not all I’m doing. But I am doing more of it while working at my DIY standing desk. I’ve committed to standing more (and sitting less) as a habit to support better health in 2018.

In 2017, I mostly sat while working and it’s not been the best thing for me. I realized I was doing this for hours each day. Way to many hours! And I’ve known for a few years that it’s bad for my well being. So I decided to make a change with a new habit.

And it’s a good thing that it didn’t take an Armageddon to get me to make this change. After all, the risks of sitting too much were unsettling. And enough to get me standing and moving more so that I improve my health.

As a community of writers here on Medium, we can justify sitting while we write. In the right amounts and with correct posture, sitting is great! But all to often many of us are better off with less of it.

What do you think about sitting and your health? Do you feel you sit too much?

Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

Not A Resolution, A Habit

Like many of you, I’ve made decisions to improve my health in 2018. But I don’t like to think in terms of resolutions or goals. I’m not saying I don’t have them — I do — but I benefit more by framing it differently. So my decision to stand more while working is a habit.

It includes a combination of standing, sitting, and movement throughout my workday. I work from home as a freelancer, so I’m able to tweak how I work anytime. And I’m a fan of experiments in personal growth.

In recent years, I’m influenced by the writings of The Minimalists and James Clear. Both discuss similar views on working in systems and habits over goals. And because I agree with some of their perspective, my decision to stand more is a habit, not a resolution or goal.

Continue to part two.

Did you enjoy reading this? I’ve also written about success habits here on Medium. And at my website you can read about web design. Thank you for reading my words! Clap, respond or share if you like.

