It’s 2018 And All I’m Doing Is Standing Around [Part 3 of 3]

Scott Ostrander
2 min readJan 12, 2018

Note: This content is part three of a three-part collection. Read part one here. Read part two here.

Beyond Standing In 2018

In this three part series, I’ve shared a glimpse into my world around a new habit.

And habits are important. They are powerful.

But the larger purpose behind standing more is a healthier body and mind. Isn’t this what so many of us on Medium and elsewhere desire? I think so. And I’m excited about the possibilities to be healthier that came from a simple thought to stand more.

Pressing On

So I press on and engage in my habit, becoming more familiar with its rhythm as each day passes. I start at the standing desk. Moving gently so as not to become a statue.

Then after a time, I move to the sitting desk. And during these moments I’m aware of my posture. But I struggle to maintain it. A work in progress to be sure. I’m not in this to be perfect at it. And that is ok.

Once in a while, I’ll be up and walking. I’ll do something to break up my work.

Making coffee with my steel pour over coffee dripper.

Checking the laundry.

Tidying up my spaces.

These tasks are movement. A key to my well being. And so I press on to healthier body and mind. In simple ways. Everyday. But missing a few here and there.

It’s 2018 and all I’m doing is standing around.

Thanks for reading!

If you are standing around in 2018, or working on some other habit, I’d enjoy hearing your response.

And claps and shares are always appreciated. :)

