3 Reasons Why Dating is so Hard Today

We’re all tired of hearing relationships need work and marriage is difficult.

Shaynerose Magabi 🌟
4 min readFeb 25, 2023
Photo by Claudia Wolff on Unsplash

Let’s face it, relationships are overwhelming.

The process of finding a partner that ticks all your boxes sounds impossible, let alone trying to keep them. We are familiar with the phrase, relationships take work but no one expected it to be as laborious as changing a tire. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but choosing the wrong partner makes things way more painful.

Emotional intimacy, vulnerability, communication, and compromise are key components of achieving a healthy relationship. Lack of trust, respect, emotional intelligence, and honest conversations prevent couples from forming long-lasting and deep connections.

3 Reasons Why Relationships are Hard

1. Opposites attract.

We’ve all heard someone say that they would love to date their opposite self. The idea of meeting someone who does things differently is usually fun at first. These are individuals who sweep you off your feet and suddenly you feel so grateful for their presence.

Everyone wants a fairytale love story. Normal is boring, therefore, when the tide is different, it breeds excitement. However, meaningful relationships require consistency and this gush of happiness soon wears off.

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

2. Tired of Walking on Eggshells

If you’ve ever been in a relationship, you pretty much know what triggers you about your partner and vice versa. Knowing someone for a longer period makes us learn and identify their flaws. Roses have thorns. Certain traits or behaviors may make you lash out at your partner rather than lovingly explain your frustration about a situation.

There are times when you decide to rip off the Band-Aid and address the elephant in the room. Holding difficult conversations may make or break a relationship. Many times, conflicting values in finance, marriage, and religion cause more harm than any other drawback.

For example. If your partner recklessly spends money, you may find it challenging to address the issue at the beginning of a relationship. However, pent-up anger and disappointment may make you confront them in a rather hostile way.

3. The flame is out

Relying on your significant other to fulfill all your emotional, physical, and spiritual needs is a move that leaves most relationships in the trenches. Some partners misunderstand the vows, for better or worse. A companion should be your crutch during difficult times.

Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash

However, using a crutch with no limp is as good as walking without one. Burnout and frustration are a result of a clingy partner. Being an open book may put a huge dent in your relationship. Partners may spend years trying to revive the intense chemistry and passion they once shared. The ‘spark’ dies when there is no more mystery surrounding your partner. This leaves room for one to chase someone new just to satisfy his needs. Familiarity breeds boredom.

Why is Having a Relationship So Hard In This Modern Day?

The rise of social media makes it hard since there is too much comparison. Everyone suddenly feels like they have options, therefore, they put very little effort into making a relationship work. Everyone holds themselves to very high standards that blind them and set them apart from reality as a result.

Signs Your Relationship Is Too Hard

If you find yourself sacrificing your needs to make things work, you need to leave that relationship. Downplaying your needs, interests, and desires just to make your partner feel comfortable indicates that you’re not happy.

Healthy relationships push people to be the most ideal versions of themselves. Exit that relationship if you are hoping that one day your partner will change and appreciate you for your undying loyalty and all the sacrifices you have made.

Photo by whoislimos on Unsplash

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Shaynerose Magabi 🌟

Poet| Relationship & Life Coach| Shaynerose has a passion for helping people connect with their emotions and explore thought provoking ideas through words