5 Reasons to Join a Mastermind Group

Jaime Jay
5 min readNov 22, 2017

The idea of a mastermind group started way back in the 1900s with the release of Napoleon Hill’s Think And Grow Rich.

Napoleon began his writing career since his early teenage years. His unique style led him to write about the success stories of successful individuals who came in the likes of Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, and Thomas A. Edison. He also became the presidential adviser of Franklin D. Roosevelt.

“The Mastermind principle: Two or more people actively engaged in the pursuit of a definite purpose with a positive mental attitude, constitute an unbearable force.” — Napoleon Hill

Now, throughout the world, people are using the same principle to succeed in both business and life. Their mastermind groups have thus far helped them achieve specific goals and milestones.

Here are 5 reasons to join a mastermind group:

1. Accountability

Sometimes we set goals only to find ourselves missing them in the end. With a mastermind group, you can have accountability buddies who can be there to check on you from time to time.

They could call, text, or email you to see how far you have gone in your journey. Or, in your meetups, you could tell them about the things that you are planning to do. There are so much you can do together to help you make sure that you are not falling behind.

But whatever is shared in the group can stay in the group. Confidentiality is part of the agreement.

2. New ideas

The hot seat can be yours. In a mastermind group, each member gets to talk about any thing that’s bothering them. In return, the other members help brainstorm for ideas and provide feedback.

“Deliberately seek the company of people who influence you to think and act on building the life you desire.” — Napoleon Hill

Be it about business or life, you have the chance to share:

  • Your current situation
  • Any pressing issues
  • Things that you would like to do
  • Things that scare you
  • Anything

But in the process of sharing your thoughts to them, be prepared. Listen attentively and also take note when you can. You can learn a lot of things from your fellow members, who could come from different industries depending on the exclusivity of your group.

Most of the time, you will leave with more ideas than the number of things you have shared.

3. Camaraderie

Develop trust and lasting friendships with some of the unique individuals in your niche. This is perhaps one of the most rewarding things you can have from a mastermind group.

When you think you’re falling behind, you have a group of people to turn to.

Unlike what many might be thinking, it does not necessarily have to be a formal gathering. It does not also have to be a series of virtual meetings all the time. Together, you can plan events and get together in person.

4. Opportunities

What we like about having a mastermind group is it leaves room for growth in different aspects. The more time you spend with your peers or fellow members, the more lessons you learn from their experiences and insights.

Sharing is open to anyone. Aside from ideas, someone in the group can share an opportunity that you can grab for yourself or for your company. You can be invited to events, have exclusive treats, or enjoy a subscription.

Opportunities for growth is just around the corner.

5. Confidence

The bond that you have and the lessons you have learned in your time together can give you that renewed sense of self. When you go out, you become more equipped to tackle any problem you encounter.

With increased knowledge and a widened perspective, you become more confident in your present situation. And in the future, you can look back to see the things you have achieved together and remember the lessons time and again.

Ready to join a mastermind group?

According to Lynda McDermott in her book The Power of Peer Coaching, there are two types of mastermind groups. The first one focuses on individual success, while the second focuses on the success of everyone.

Regardless of which, the people in a group have similar interests in mind. They join forces together to succeed.

Before registration, there are things that you might want to consider first. Among them are:

  • The type of of work you do — What do you do for a living; do you want to bond with others in the same industry? Or, more importantly, why do you wish to join a mastermind group?
  • People in your circle — Try to ask around the people you know. They might be able to recommend a group that is perfect for you and your business.
  • Budget — How much can you afford? There can be paid and free options you can turn to. On social media, for example, you can participate in a group for free where you simply get together to talk about specific issues and agenda. Premium memberships, however, could have more exciting perks and a focused discussion.

When you have found the right group for you, there is the need for commitment. Be committed enough to show up in regular meetups and to follow through any strategies or rules that you may have been advised to follow.

Here’s one nugget of wisdom from the legendary Napoleon Hill…

“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

Register for the Lifebrand Collective Mastermind

Don’t have a mastermind group yet? This November, say hello to Lifebrand Collective!

Entrepreneur Jaime Jay and Brand Architect Jared Angaza have partnered to create a place where you can get in touch with other creatives, business owners, and entrepreneurs. A gathering that is set to help you expand your perspective and hone your imagination.

Visit the website at LifebrandCollective.com for more information. Applications are currently open and will end on December 15, 2017. See you there!

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Jaime Jay

Jaime Jay proudly subscribes to the Ripple Effect of entrepreneurship. His goal is to help fellow business leaders discover their why through education.