The Secret Weapon for Doubling Your Instagram & TikTok Views

Social Media Butterfly
4 min readMay 10, 2024


the winning content strategy. makeupshayla, jackie aina, monet mcmicheals

The hack I’m about to share with you is going to change the way you make content forever. In fact, this hack is so good that creators like Jackie Aina, MakeupShayla & Monet McMichael use it in their content strategy too!

But first, let's walk through the way you’re making content now and why it might not be getting you the views you want.

Your Current Content Cycle

a typical content cycle. one content idea, post once. rinse and repeat
Your typical content cycle

We all have that ONE idea we just know will be a banger post. Whether that's a Reel, Carousel, or TikTok we run to bring our idea to life. And if you’re anything like me you put your all into it. You hit ‘post’ once, and then… you move on to the next thing.

Sometimes that so-called ‘banger idea’ flops other times it goes viral. But should it end there? Absolutely NOT!

Whether you’re post sees success or not there’s still massive potential to double and even triple the exposure on your content. And guess what? I’m about to share the secret recipe top creators use to make it happen!

Make sure you follow my Instagram @socialmediabutterflyy for more content & social media tips!

The Formula Unveiled

the winning content strategy
The winning content strategy!

This is how successful content creators are maximizing the f**k out of their content ideas and you can too!

Step 1: This content cycle starts the same way the initial one did. Come up with ONE amazing idea

Step 2: Create 1–2 sub-ideas under this! These sub-ideas can be a vary in the content type i.e reels vs carousels on the same topic etc (examples coming below).

Step 3: Create, post, rinse, and repeat

Now that we’ve gotten the content cycle down, let me show you proof that this hack ACTUALLY WORKS.

See the results for yourself

monet mcmichael’s content strategy
Monet Michael’s Content Strategy

Monet McMichael recently used this technique by breaking down one content idea — her getting ready for Tyla’s listening party — into three distinct videos.

Simply by repackaging the same ‘GRWM’ concept in various forms, she multiplied her views and engagement! 11.9 million views from one content idea!

Not enough proof it works? Here’s another example.

My Client’s Success Story
This content strategy doesn’t just work for big influencers. It worked for my client too! We posted the original video months ago but I felt the content idea could be expanded on. So I took a b roll clip from the OG video and worked my magic on it. The results? An insane 4,000x increase in views simply by remixing the same video.

How You Can Use This Technique
So, how exactly do you implement this game-changing strategy? It’s all about versatility. Here are some examples on how you can maximize on your content idea:

So, how exactly do you implement this game-changing strategy? It’s all about versatility. Here are some strategies you can use to maximize your content ideas:

  1. Content Flip: Take your original idea and give it a whole new look! A workspace transformation Reel could become a before-and-after carousel post. See? Instant content gold!
  2. Level Up Your Idea: Think outside the box! How can you stretch that concept further? Lets say you’re doing a recipe video, your next video could be a blind taste test with your best friend of that same recipe. And just like that you have two content ideas now and not one.
  3. Find the hidden gems: There’s probably tons of hidden gems in your content you haven’t noticed yet. Take a snippet of your existing work, spice it up with a new edit, or grab a favorite clip and breathe new life into it for another project.

In conclusion, doubling your views isn’t just a pipe dream — it’s a tangible goal achievable through strategic content strategy. The key is to keep your audience engaged by offering fresh perspectives and experiences!

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Social Media Butterfly

I’m a Social Media Manager passionate about helping you grow your online community. I share social media & content creation tips!