How to Stay Consistent on Instagram

Social Media Butterfly
4 min readAug 19, 2022


How to Stay Consistent on Instagram
Photo by Souvik Banerjee on Unsplash

Struggling to post consistently on Instagram? This post is for you. One thing you’ve probably heard ‘social media gurus’ say over and over again is that the key to being successful online is consistency — it's actually true!

But how do you do it? Well, after spending months struggling to constantly show up on Instagram, I started implementing these 4 tips and they’ve really helped me improve my consistency even while juggling client work.

Here are 4 tips to help you stay consistent on Instagram.

  1. Set achievable goals
  2. Create a social media routine
  3. Use Scheduling Apps
  4. Let go of fear and JUST SHOW UP

Set Achievable Goals

target practice
Photo by Norbert Braun on Unsplash

If you’re trying to post consistently on Instagram but you haven’t set social media goals, you’re going about it all wrong. A social media goal could be to increase brand awareness or grow by xyz amount of followers.

The benefit of setting a goal is that it gives you direction with your social media strategy. From your social media goal, you can determine how frequently you need to post or whether you should post more video content than photos to help you achieve your target.

It is very important to be as realistic as possible when you’re setting social media goals. For instance, if your goal is to grow your following ask yourself ‘what is a realistic amount of content I can push out every week to support this goal?’

That might be 2 posts a week or 7. Whatever it is figure out what’s achievable for you and stick to it.

Create a Social Media Routine

social media routine monday — friday

If you’re someone who struggles with burnout having a social media routine is going to save you a lot of stress. Above is an example of the routine I use to space out the tasks I have to do for content creation.

Stop scrambling to find something to post the morning of, instead get into a routine. This will help simplify the sometimes overwhelming social media to-do list and will almost ensure that you’re able to post consistently.

Use Scheduling Apps


Maybe you’re the kind of person who has lots of content lying around but can never remember to post. If that sounds like you then I HIGHLY recommend you try scheduling apps. Apps like Later, Planoly, Preview and Hootesuite take the stress out of remembering to post consistently cause they do it for you!

All you’d have to do is create the content and then write a caption and once you hit schedule you can forget about it. I personally love using Facebook Creator Studio because it's free and does exactly what all the other apps do.

Let go of fear and JUST SHOW UP:

woman on her phone
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

The biggest reason I’ve seen people struggle to post consistently is FEAR. Here’s the truth if you’re just starting out on your social media journey your content is not going to be the best. Your lighting might suck or your video quality might not be as good as the top influencers, you might even be made fun of by friends or family but all of that is part of the process.

Everyone you’re seeing right now who’s killing it on Instagram definitely had their fair amount of awkward posts — that they’ve probably deleted by now! This might be hard to do but you have to let go of perfection and just show up as you are. This is the most important thing you can do to stay consistent.

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Social Media Butterfly

I’m a Social Media Manager passionate about helping you grow your online community. I share social media & content creation tips!