Chagpt vs. Gemini: Which AI is the better copywriter?

Social Media Butterfly
4 min readJul 3, 2024


The world of copywriting has a new player: AI assistants! But with so many options, which one actually writes like it has a brain?

I was having this debate with my friend. I happen to think Gemini writes better copy but he thinks ChatGPT’s copy is better.

So, what better way to settle this than a good old-fashioned AI showdown? Let's find out who the better AI copywriter is once and for all. (I hope you’re reading Tosin! lol)

The Rules

  • Both AIs get the same prompts across 3 rounds
  • I’ll compare their responses and award points based on creativity and how well they followed the prompt.
  • Free versions of both AIs are used.
  • The AI with the most points after three rounds would be crowned champion. Ready? Let the AI battle commence!

Round 1: Instagram Caption

Prompt: I want you to help me write a caption for an Instagram post announcing our new lotion ‘butter beer. We’re an organic beauty brand. Women of color are our target audience. Use a friendly upbeat tone

ChatGPT’S Response

Gemini’s Response


Chatgpt — This response was good. It highlighted the key points but the overall writing is very generic and quite frankly lacks style. 1 point

Gemini — Gemini gave me three whole pages of options! And this was only the first page. Both captions followed the prompt and hands down beat Chatgpt’s answer in terms of creativity. 2 points

Gemini wins this round! (Current Score: Gemini 2. Chatgpt 1)

Round 2: Course Title

Prompt: Can you help me create a title for my course that's about helping teenagers and young adults learn how to ‘adult’. Make it funny

ChatGPT’s Response

Gemini’s Response


ChatGPT — error: humor not found (jk, jk). ChatGPT’s response literally could not be more robotic. I’m not sure I can even say it followed the prompt. Where is the humor? 0 points

Gemini — Once again, Gemini’s answers are better than ChatGPT’s. Not only did it follow the prompt it also has genuinely funny answers! “Ugh, Adults to Uh, Adult” is my personal fave. 2 points

Gemini wins this round! (Current Score: Gemini 4. Chatgpt 1)

Round 3: Instagram Story

Prompt: Write a funny caption for my Instagram story. It's a video of me complaining about the prices in Lagos lately

ChatGPT’S Response

Gemini’s Response


ChatGPT — Okay, this was actually kind of funny. 2 points

Gemini — Hold on! Did Gemini just reference Agege bread and Boli? That level of cultural awareness is impressive. It's the kind of specificity that a human would use in copy. This, my friends, is AI with next-level wit! 2 points

Gemini wins AGAIN! (Current Score: Gemini 6. Chatgpt 3)

The Champion 🏆

Well, well, well…I hope we all can see (I’m talking to you Tosin) that Gemini and ChatGPT are not on the same level.

ChatGPT has this robotic/generic way of copywriting that feels souless. On the flip side, Gemini sounds so human-like and relatable. I’ve gotten tons of my friends to convert for this reason.

What do you think? Am I being biased or is ChatGPT better? Sound off in the comments.

Make sure you follow my Instagram @socialmediabutterflyy for more experiments!



Social Media Butterfly

I’m a Social Media Manager passionate about helping you grow your online community. I share social media & content creation tips!