You Are Meant to Live a Life of Wonder, Miracles and Spiritual Mastery.

Purusha Radha
6 min readSep 27, 2023


Every being on the planet is meant to live a life of wonder, miracles and spiritual mastery. If you’re not, it’s only because you haven’t allowed yourself. You’ve chosen distraction over focus. And you may be a little stuck in third dimensional limiting programming.

But you can turn it all around. All it will take is a shift in attitude. And the shift in attitude will take care of almost everything else.

You must allow and accept your expansion.

You have to want to live this kind of life. Let your desire open you up to allow the gifts the Divine has been sending you. You’ve only not received them because you’ve walled them off. Your closed mindedness and disbelief will not allow them in.

Open your mind to possibilities. Open your heart to receive. Simply intend your mind and heart are open and notice a greater ease that starts flowing in your life.

What does a life of wonder, miracles and spiritual mastery mean to you?

Have you held spiritual mastery in the back of your mind for a long time? Have you only dabbled in it?

Have you started and stopped and started and stopped yourself from truly pursuing spiritual mastery for years?

Do you know that when you hold the ideal of mastery in consciousness, you then begin to realize your grandest life?

Do you understand that you still get to live a life and that you don’t have to sacrifice anything other than the monkey aspect of your mind?

I often hear people answer the question of what living an expanded mystical life would mean to them this way:

“It means everything to me.”

What is everything? That phrase, “It means everything to me” is a pat surface answer. Tons of people use it but they never really stop to clarify what that ‘everything’ really means.

I wanted spiritual mastery already very many years ago. I wanted to have the supernatural powers I’d read about and which truly do exist.

But I was waiting for them to just happen to me.

It’s true that miraculousness comes to us as a result of high vibratory frequency. But that high frequency results from having live in a way that creates and amplies it.

In truth, nothing is a given. Everything is earned.

But it’s also true that you must place yourself in a position, a state and an environment so it can develop in you and your life.

Your spiritual path is a journey, this is true. It’s a series of ups and downs, twists and curves. And you only arrive at certain platforms when you’re ready—only when your journey has prepared you well.

Hold steady your tenacious desire. It will not only keep you on that path, it will help you expand into your grandest life.

‘Bad things’ do still happen from time to time in the mystical life.

But you won’t be as bothered by them as you once would’ve been.

With your sharper mind and by living your ideals, you’ll respond to life’s challenges much differently. You won’t see them as bad but as your creations. And you’ll often be amused at what you created for the learning.

You’ll see ‘bad things’ as clouds lined with bright silver white Light. For you, every dark cloud will have tucked inside it something great and wonderful. And you’ll be excited to find out what it is.

You’ll love change and welcome challenges knowing you’re getting something better than you had before.

And you won’t have to go through life anymore fearing what might come next. You’ll be in your power, confident and triumphant.

There are things though you must do to have that life of wonder, miracles and spiritual mastery.

Flood your consciousness with the spiritual mastery you desire. By that I don’t mean try too hard. Just let your high minded ideal flow through your mind much of the time.

Hold your steady focus. Stay on the path of fully becoming. The days of starting and stopping are over. It’s important to periodically take breaks and to rest, yes indeed. You’ll never absorb at your very best if you never give yourself pause to fully ground what you’re receiving.

Study the miraculous Masters. Don’t just surface read their words, study them. You want to be a Master so study them. I highly recommend you read Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East by Baird T. Spaulding. There you will get a clear picture of spiritual mastery and what you have written to do.

Create your Sacred Road Map of creative affirmations. This is true and potent prayer. There is a way and there are times to vocalize your decrees to manifest the life of your desires. Read my article all about this here.

Meditate. Daily. Even if it’s only for 15 or 20 minutes, meditate. Not only will you develop the ability to receive Divine guidance, you’ll create neural pathways in the brain that make your mind sharper. Spiritual Masters have extremely sharp minds.

Meta-meditate. You are a time traveler. Learn to project yourself through time, space and dimensions. (I’ve written a how-to book and you will find it here.)

If you ever wanted to receive Divine guidance, time travel self-projection is it to the power of ten. I call this meta-meditation because here you go beyond and higher than meditation. Self-projection through time and space takes developing a sharp mind to a whole other level.

But be warned. This practice is only for the very serious. You will have to apply yourself in the beginning, but you’ll receive spectacular rewards.

Now ask for the highest possible Divine assistance and guidance.

You’re focused and you’re developing a much sharper mind and brain through meditation and maybe even time travel. Life is beginning to unfold in so many ways you charted in your Sacred Road Map.

Now ask for Divine assistance to propel you further.

You have to ask for it. This kind of assistance isn’t just lavished upon you without your inviting it in. And it won’t necessarily come from human beings.

Be open to the signposts you are given. They could be in the form of books, messages from your Oversoul or other galactic guides, and dreams. You may even encounter entities from the Unseen higher realms.

You have to be ready for Divine assistance so only ask if you truly want it.

When you receive the guidance, deeply appreciate it which is easy to do and follow through which is harder. But do put into practice what comes to you. It’s what you’ve been wanting. And it will lead you to the full life of spiritual mastery and miraculousness you seek.

The practices listed above put you in a state to be open to receive Divine wisdom and teachings.

If you’re awakened at 3 a.m., remain still and quiet, open to receive Divine knowledge. You may have been awakened for this very purpose.

Practice what you receive and do not waver. Remember, there’s no more starting then stopping. It’s full steam ahead now.

Quietly appreciate your manifestations and embrace the knowledge you receive in meditations, self-projection time travels and early morning teachings.

Then with a slight smile on your face, watch your more elevated life expand. With a slight nod of the head, acknowledge how things are different now — easier, flowing, and magical.

Your more miraculous life now becomes the way of things — the way it was always meant to be.

And you have so much more to give the planet because you’ve allowed yourself to become more. You’ve finally begun to allow yourself to be all that you always were but didn’t truly see before.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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