Ukrainian in America: immigration, stereotypes and Ukrainians image in the world

Stay in UA
6 min readMay 23, 2019



23 years old. Real Estate Agent in Manhattan

Lives in the city for 4 years

«I always say that I am Ukrainian and usually I try to correct people who says that I’m from Russia. Yes, I speak Russian, but originally I am from Ukraine. I like to tell and explain the history of our country, when and where it takes place, because many people still think that historically and
geographically Russia is everywhere even in our region».


I finished my third course in Dnipro National University and went to
America as a student of «Work and Travel» program.I was not going to
stay, I was excited about to see the country, to earn some money and
come back. But then it was like a flipped switch for me. I’ve realized that
I became really tired of having that quality of life which I used to have in
Ukraine. The main reason why I made the decision to stay is that nothing
was motivating myself in Ukraine. I didn’t understand how to live my life
and be satisfied, how to not go with the tide. In America I forced and put
myself into the extreme situation where started to grow and understand
myself as a person. I’ve chosen my own path so to say.

Legal Status

It was my luck and my surrounding helped me to find the State where I
made my ID card legally, before my visa got expired. It is a requirement
in almost all public places to show your ID, so it is a very important
document to have.

American Health Care

Also, I have a health insurance. It is a very big plus of life in America. It
is available for everyone and it is always a high quality medicine and
service. Even if your salary is small you still can get help from the
government. It is a very convenient service to get your medecine. Your doctor sends the drug-prescription to the pharmacy and after that you can
go to the pharmacy and get your medicine there in the same day, just say
your name and date of birth! I remember like in Ukraine you always need
to carry a big heavy chart of your health history all the times you visit
your doctor. There is no rules like that in America. There are special
people who take care of your charts and patients database. You don’t
need to bring anything, just your insurance card.

What is Brighton Beach? Can I buy buckwheat over there?

Yes, you can. There is a stereotype and actually a fact that Brighton
Beach is the only neighborhood where Russians live. How this area was
made? After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 90s, big part of Slavs
population has been migrated to US. They’ve chosen the “cherry on the
cake” — the Brighton Beach is a neighborhood in thу southern portion of
Brooklyn, along the boardwalk and the Coney Island amusement park.
But there is two big issues: the noise made by ground subway and people.
On my subjective opinion there live very rude and insolent people. I
never feel safe and comfortable being there.

Slavs through the eyes of Americans

All Americans take us a little more cautiously than others, they respect
our mentality. We don’t smile a lot, and when I get questioned why so I
say: «How can I be smiling if generations of mine have been living in fear
of repression?».

I started to hear more often that Americans and foreigners began to feel the difference between the Ukrainian and the Russians. They say that we are not so «cold», but rather very friendly.

Olesia’s stage classification of immigrant adaptation:

1. Euphoria
2. Realization, «no more pink glasses»
3. After that goes denial, shock, opposition. You don’t understand
mentality, language, why people around are such. You learn not only the
language but reactions, emotions, behavior. When I came to America I’ve
realized that I don’t know English at all. Our English education is very far
from the reality.
4. Depression. It affects people in the different way, for me it was long and
5. Then the person appears on the crossroad and make a decision to change
something or not. Usually the decision should be chosen for the better.

About American smiles

I used to take it differently on the different stages of my life here. On a
denial-stage it was anger. Now I realized that it’s an integral part of life in
America. People show as such a way that they are friendly and ready to
communicate. And our people usually smile only when they have a
personal sympathy towards someone, we are not really generous with the
smiles like Americans.

What is heard about Ukraine in US?

I will tell particularly about New York. I know that our people watch the
news and stay updated. I see it in social media. Speaking of Americans,
when I just came to America I used to hear: «What is Ukraine?». If I
could give them an index stick and ask to find the country on the map
they would try to find it somewhere in Africa. And now it is an
achievement, they know about our existence. Ukraine even was on the
cover of New York Times. The world started turning its face to us.

Olesia, comment if that is a myth. Is that a truth that people like to
sue each other?

The government in America takes a good care of your rights, whether you
a businessman or a regular person. They give you an ability to be
protected. There are so many people in New York and we need to get
along somehow, it is a good thing that there is a Law which can regulate
your rights. But of course there are people who more interested to earn
money from it. It is a common case where owners of the restaurants get
sued because somebody slipped and fell right in front of his place.

What is your thoughts about the future of Ukraine?

I very support a new president and think that there is a big changes are coming.
V. Zelensky has enough skills and «tools» to establish order in the country and
in general, create a new format of the government.
We, Ukrainians who live abroad, feel pride and believe that the whole world
will know our country, and it will be known by only good achievements.

