3 Tips You Need To Know To Grow On Linkedin

Follow these to fuel your growth 🌱

Suman Rajpurohit
3 min readMay 30, 2024
Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

LinkedIn is more than just a professional platform.

It is a great platform to —

  • Make connections
  • Build networks
  • Tell stories

Besides job hunting, it is a great platform to create a personal brand, sell your services, and become a creative entrepreneur.

Here’s how the big account with a high following grew on LinkedIn

#1. Share your knowledge

You don’t need to be an expert to write on the Internet.

And this is 100% true.

Then what is it that you need?

  • Valuable content
  • Solution for key problem
  • Content that connects audience

And here’s what you don’t need?

If you are able to put your experience into compelling content, that talks to the reader, then you are sitting on ideas that will change your life.

Some examples —

  • If you lost weight to be in shape, share your journey ( It’ll be helpful for those trying to lose weight)
  • If you conquered the fear of public speaking share it ( It’ll guide those who are facing the same fear)
  • If you become a prolific writer from irregular writer (Share your journey, showing how you wrote consistently)

{The 3rd one is my experience, you probably know this too}

The bottom line is you can share anything as long as it provides value and brings positive change in your audience’s life.

Start by —

  • Writing
  • Showing up
  • Providing unique insights

Once you identify yourself with a specific idea, stick to it to get results.

As Kieran Drew says —

One story

One person

One solution

This rule of one is enough to get going on LinkedIn.

#2. Showcase your skills

No matter how well you write, you need to prove yourself to get the right traction.

After all, LinkedIn is a professional platform that is full of CEOs, business owners, entrepreneurs, influencers, and startups.

You don’t know when your content might get noticed.

So, as you write more and show up, your surface area of luck increases.

This results in more opportunities.

Because you kept going without worrying about outcomes.

Whether you’re a —

  • Copywriter
  • Ghostwriter
  • B2B content creator

You need to create content that showcases your skill.

Create content that is —

  • Helpful
  • Actionable
  • Authoritative

Once you provide social proof, testimonials, and words of your clients/leads, you become trustworthy.

Create value-packed content to convert your reader into a true fan.

Because once you have the authority, your audience comes to you looking for more.

#3. Share your experience

Humans love humans experience

Because in this AI-written content times, the content that is —

  • Raw
  • Real
  • Relatable

Strike a chord with readers and they feel heard.

And stories are a great way to attract more eyeballs.

As they make —

  • Readers feel they’re not alone
  • Readers are one of them
  • Readers are not bots

Write to —

  • Evoke curiosity
  • Invoke emotions
  • Talk to the reader’s pain

Once you seem more alike and your experience sounds similar, the audience forms a chemistry with your ideas.

There’s no written strategy, but there is a strategy, to build connections, and network rightfully, that will eventually help you.

Write to build your personal brand.

LinkedIn is not hard to master once you have the right direction, the right sources, and the right guidance.

Learn from those who have been there, why reinvent the wheel when you can learn from those ahead of you?

Start today

Lets build together

Connect to me on LinkedIn here

I hope this helps you.

If it did,

  • Be sure to clap me a thousand times (joking, a few tens would do).
  • Leave me a comment (it will encourage me a lot).
  • Share this with someone (sharing is caring).

Thank you for reading!

Till then take care.

Follow Suman Rajpurohit for more such optimistic & personal improvement content. Your introverted ‘writer’ friend.




Suman Rajpurohit

Digital Creator |Quick & easy writing tips| Notion templates | Sanskrit Wisdom | Optimistic views for happy life. Visit: https://sumanrajpurohit11.gumroad.com