How To Not Get Tired Of Writing Online (5 Simple Solutions)

Some real tips 😎

Suman Rajpurohit
4 min readApr 28, 2024
Photo by Trent Erwin on Unsplash

Writing is the most important skill in this digital era.

From building a personal brand to upscaling your business, writing helps you spread your work to millions of people.

Whether you are an aspiring content writer or a pro copywriter, “What to write next” is the tingling question that never leaves

But in this era of short-span attention, no one remembers your content like you do.


  • What you want to say is already said
  • What you want to share is there already

There’s no such thing as a new idea.

As the saying goes — It’s just ‘Old wine in a new bottle

So stop worrying and start doing, What?

(Don’t just see; follow what I say)

Here 👇

# Schedule

Got a brilliant insight, transform it into engaging short-form content

  • Write the draft
  • Outline it to fill out
  • Add inspiring quotes

Once you are done writing drafts for a week, save them, and schedule them to avoid creative burnout.

Scheduling content helps LinkedIn creators to create without having to worry about writing every day.

For Medium, you can save drafts so that once you edit, it is ready to publish.


As the LinkedIn OG Justin Welsh says, “Repurpose your content often. No one remembers your content like you do.”

In Justin’s exact words 👇

If you’re publishing content daily, remember:

  • 75% of your followers didn’t see it
  • 80% of your followers won’t remember
  • 100% of your new followers never saw it

Repurpose often.

I followed his advice and got the results

Repurpose to reuse your content.👇🏼

Repurpose way 1: How I turn comments into short-form content
Repurpose way 2: Used the article written on Medium to create a post on LinkedIn (Got more views on LinkedIn)

#Brain dump

Ideas are not scarce it’s your approach, that’s making it seem so.

  • Keep track of your ideas
  • Use Pen/paper
  • Evernote
  • Notes

Note your ideas whenever they strike you

It helps you with plenty of ideas existing to get turned into an article

Make it easier by —

  • Writing headline
  • Creating outline
  • Mapping ideas
  • Adding quotes

Better to stare at a planned idea than a blank screen

Use your brain dump to beat the fear of a blank screen

#Draft bad ideas

Got provocative thoughts, new ideas, and different beliefs, draft these in a folder of bad ideas.

Use them to —

  • Challenge preconceived notion
  • Grab the reader’s attention with parenthesis
  • Support your idea by sharing your experience

Write different opinions to get more eyeballs.

# Create headline templates

From —

To many more…

There are many headline templates that definitely work when implemented with proper input

Use these templates to have idea for creating content.

From a person struggling to keep up the writing streak to the person who looks to write up first thing in the morning

👆 This brilliant transition I went through is due to these five factors.


  1. Schedule
  2. Repurpose
  3. Brain dump
  4. Draft bad ideas
  5. Create headline templates

These never let me get tired of writing.

If you want to become a digital creator who shows up daily, use these five factors and you won’t complain about “what to write next”.

Apply this because it’s already been tried and tested by me.

Try once, and you won’t stop ever

Connect to me on LinkedIn here

I hope this helps you.

If it did,

  • Be sure to clap me a thousand times (joking, a few tens would do).
  • Leave me a comment (it will encourage me a lot).
  • Share this with someone (sharing is caring).

Thank you for reading!

Till then take care.

Follow Suman Rajpurohit for more such optimistic & personal improvement content. Your introverted ‘writer’ friend.




Suman Rajpurohit

Digital Creator |Quick & easy writing tips| Notion templates | Sanskrit Wisdom | Optimistic views for happy life. Visit: