7 Pinterest Mistakes That You Should Avoid Right Now to Cross 77 Million Impressions, Just Like Me!

Sweta Sharma
8 min readJun 17, 2024

(I learned these after creating 10k pins as a solo creator.)

“Everyone makes mistakes. The important thing is to not make the same mistake twice. “ — Stephanie Perkins

Do you agree with this quote?

I agree and that’s why I’ve chosen it to begin this post😊.

Mistakes are part and parcel of our lives.

As human beings we commit different types of mistakes — both personal & professional.

What matters is — how do you treat these mistakes.

Do you treat them as failures or as life lessons?

As per my personal experience, if you treat them as life lessons you’ll grow in & out, which ultimately benefits you as an individual.

I began my journey as a Pinterest creator, with zero knowledge about the platform.

So, I initially made those mistakes that many new pinners often make.

However, over time and with a steady learning and improvement curve, I identified where I went wrong.

I pointed out those mistakes.

And, then I rectified them one by one.

Believe me — As soon as I stopped making these mistakes I saw a huge rise in my pins performance.

Here are the results!

Author’s Pinterest Analytics

In this blog post, I’ll share the top 7 Pinterest mistakes that you need to avoid to save your time and effort and get massive results organically!

Let’s begin!

1. Ignoring SEO aka Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization means optimizing your Pinterest profile in such a manner that search engines like Google, got to know about it.

Photo by Franck on Unsplash

On Pinterest, you have three main elements that deal with SEO :

First, ensure you’re using high-quality images and bold typography fonts for designing your pins.

When you’re done with designing and all set to post your pins on Pinterest, use clear, keyword-rich titles and descriptions.

Think about what words people might use to search for that content.

For example, if your pin is about ‘healthy breakfast recipes,’ make sure to include those exact words in your pin title and description.

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

This helps Pinterest understand what your pin is about and show it to people looking for healthy breakfast ideas.

If you ignore these keywords you might miss out on potential viewers.

  • Boards: Boards on Pinterest are collections of pins organized around a specific theme or topic.

Sometimes, people add irrelevant pins to their boards.

For example, you might create a pin about ‘Crafting’ and save it to a board titled ‘Top AI Tools for Content Creators’.

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Both these categories don’t align with each other.

So, when you add irrelevant pins to your boards, you’re not just confusing the Pinterest algorithm; you’re also confusing and targeting the wrong audience.

Instead, apply the same optimization method I discussed earlier for pins.

Be as clear and as specific as possible. Also, give people a reason to follow your board.

Here’s one of my boards on Pinterest.

You can also check this post to learn more about profile optimization on Pinterest⬇️

2. Not Claiming Your Website

Claiming your website on Pinterest means verifying ownership of your website domain within your Pinterest account settings.

Photo by KOBU Agency on Unsplash

Often people don’t claim their website, and due to this reason, they’re not directing their potential audience to the destination URL, meaning they’re completely missing out on the organic traffic.

When you claim your website, Pinterest recognizes it as a trusted source.

This association adds credibility to your profile and the content you share.

It also allows Pinterest to display your profile picture on any pins that originate from your website.

Moreover, claiming your website enables Pinterest analytics to provide insights into how your website content is performing on the platform.

You can see metrics such as how many people are saving pins from your site, which pins are driving the most engagement, and how much traffic Pinterest is directing to your website.

Check this post to learn how to claim your website!

3. Lack of Consistent Pinning

When we start something new, we are often eager to give it our all.

However, when things don’t go as planned, we become reluctant to continue with the same enthusiasm.

Photo by arash payam on Unsplash

This is also a common issue with pinning on Pinterest.

People create a Pinterest business account, optimize their profile, make their boards, and start posting content.

Now, when their content doesn't get the traction they thought it would get, they stop putting in any effort.

They become inconsistent.

What do you think?

Is it the right thing to do?

Should you leave it too quickly OR rather work hard with patience to see where it goes?

In my opinion, you should go with the second option.

Consistency is the only way to move forward, on Pinterest also.

When you keep posting content consistently, the Pinterest algorithm will notice your efforts to reach your target audience and help push your content.

Just keep upgrading your quality with each post!

4. Using Spam Links

Spam links refer to links that are irrelevant, misleading, or harmful, and they can quickly turn users away from your content.

Including spam links in your pins can lead to your account being flagged or even banned by Pinterest.

It not only frustrates your users but also damages your reputation.

Remember you don’t have to mislead your audience.

So, always use relevant and trustworthy links in your pins.

5. Avoiding Collaborating in Group Boards

A group board on Pinterest is a collaborative board where multiple users can pin content.

Group Boards on Pinterest

These boards are centered around a specific theme or topic and allow invited members to contribute their pins.

If you don’t participate in these boards, you miss out on the opportunity to share your content with a broader and more diverse audience.

To avoid this mistake, join and actively participate in relevant group boards.

Look for group boards with a good number of followers and active engagement within your niche.

When you contribute high-quality, relevant pins to these boards, you increase the chances of your content being seen and repinned by a wider audience.

I’ve written a detailed post explaining this whole concept⬇️

Check this Ultimate Pinterest Group Board List to know about the top boards on Pinterest!

6. Becoming a CopyCat

“It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.” – Herman Melville

Becoming a copycat on Pinterest, or imitating the content and strategies of others, can harm your authenticity and reputation.

Copying others’ pins, ideas, or styles might seem like a quick way to gain traction, but it doesn’t set you apart.

Users are quick to notice when content lacks originality, and this can lead to a loss of trust and engagement.

And, you don’t want that to happen!


What you can do is — Include originality in your content style.

Showcase what sets you apart from your fellow creators.

It can be your content style, brand colors, theme, or anything!

7. The Hashtags Blunder

Hashtags help you a lot on social media platforms.

Photo by Katie Harp on Unsplash

They categorize your content and show it to the people who are searching for or interested in those specific topics.

Misusing hashtags on Pinterest, however, is a very common mistake that can hinder the visibility and effectiveness of your pins.

I’ve explained everything about using hashtags on Pinterest in this post. Make sure to give it a read⬇️

Final Thoughts🎯

Avoid these 7 mistakes, stay consistent, focus on delivering value consistently, and you’ll see success on Pinterest for sure! 😊

See you in the next value-packed article.

Till then, keep learning, and keep growing!

Hey, pals! 👋 I’m Sweta — An Editor Turned Digital Content Creator.

If you’re on the lookout for content related to Passive Income, Digital Marketing, AI, etc. tap that ‘Follow’ button and be a part of my amazing community.

It feels great to have awesome people on the team❤️

PS: I’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions!

Feel free to drop a comment or message. Your input makes this journey even more special. 🌟

Let’s connect, learn, and grow together! Follow me for fun updates and useful insights. Catch you online!”🚀



Sweta Sharma

Hey, I'm Sweta! I help you build your personal brand by writing, AI & creating content. Join more creatives like you ➡️https://thebreakoutinsights.substack.com/