Israel isn’t Bad. Jews aren’t Evil. Killing Innocent People is, Though.

The World's "Happiest" Medium
4 min readApr 4, 2024


The sheer amount of anti-Semitism in the world on any given day is absolutely mind blowing. Since the beginning of the Israel-Hamas Conflict, that has only gotten worse. While opinions are divided on the conflict, hating on someone for their religion is never okay.

Neither the Jews nor Israel are inherently bad. The problem is that it’s really hard to argue that point when thousands upon thousands of Palestinian kids have been killed. Still, let’s not make things worse by getting a whole “hatin’ all the Jews” thing going.

The Big Fight

After World War II, a good portion of the planet was feeling really guilty about what had happened to the Jews. Fair enough. Calling the Holocaust a “rough time” is like calling Donald Trump a bad president. That just doesn’t give the horrors of the situation the severity it all deserves.

Regardless, that guilt led to Israel coming into existence in the late 1940s. Doing so definitely caused a few issues. Establishing a so-called Jewish state on this land required displacing the Muslim people already living there. The main logic for choosing this area was that Jews had lived there many, many centuries earlier.

Shockingly, the Muslim people living there at the time did not appreciate being ejected from their homes and being put into sub-par living situations. At best, these communities are refugee camps. In reality and at their worst, they are essentially open-air prisons.

This has led to decades of conflict between Palestine and Israel, something that has only gotten so much worse in the past few months after Hamas’ reprehensible actions on October 7, 2023. Now, Israel is stacking bodies as they try to root out Hamas and essentially annex Palestine.

Bad Vibes

There’s no questioning that Hamas are terrorists. These are bad people who do bad things that they claim is in the name of liberating Palestine. That’s a fat load. What Hamas does they do because they hate Jews. They do not care about the Palestinian people at all. Those civilians just make good cover for the real intentions of Hamas, both literally and figuratively.

As such, it’s not hard to understand why the Israelis want to defend themselves from Hamas. To be completely honest, it would be kind of weird if they didn’t. The problem isn’t that Israel wants to protect itself. The problem is how they’re going about it.

The IDF is responsible for tens of thousands Palestinian deaths at this point, many of whom were and are children. We’re not talking combatants and/or terrorists. We’re talking mostly civilians. Why? Because Israel is basically burning Gaza to the ground and killing anyone in their way.

Naturally, this has also caused a massive worldwide spike in anti-Semitism. Jews who aren’t involved in the conflict at all, have never set foot in Israel, and do not support what Israel is doing are catching a ton of flack. That’s not helping the situation at all.

Direct Your Anger Correctly

Despite what Israel’s cadre of apologists and media patsies have been saying, what the IDF is doing in Palestine is wrong. Killing huge numbers of civilians will not end Hamas. It will only embolden them as well as Israel’s numerous enemies in the region.

Keeping that in mind, that doesn’t make it okay to attempt to hold every Jewish person around the world accountable for the actions of the Israeli government and military. There are more than 15 million Jews in the world. They are not all personally responsible for what’s happening in the Middle East right now.

Being angry about what’s happening in Israel makes sense. Going full anti-Semite over it does not. If anything, it’s just going to make things worse for everyone involved. Hate like that never solves any problems. It will just cause our Jewish brothers and sisters who feel cornered to dig in deeper.

Never forget that Israel a country, not a religion. It does not represent the opinions, ideas, and best interests of every Jew on Earth. Direct your anger towards the Right Wing leaders of Israel who are using Judaism to justify and rationalize attacking the Palestinians. Those actions are certainly not the fault of Jews living half-way around the world from Israel.

