Edge Delivery Services Local Environment Setup

Imran Khan
3 min readApr 9, 2024


In this blog post, we are going to guide you through the process of setting up a local development environment for Edge Delivery Services. This serves as a crucial step in the development process, providing a secure and controlled environment to build and test your application.

The first step in this process involves cloning the repository to your local environment. Cloning, in essence, creates a local copy of the remote repository on your machine, enabling you to work on the code without affecting the original project.

Once the repository is successfully cloned, our focus shifts to loading content from Google Docs. This highlights one of the unique strengths of a local development environment — the ability to load and test content locally. Here, we’ll be working with content from Google Docs and serving it on localhost at the default port 3000.

This step-by-step guide is designed to simplify the process of setting up a local development environment, making it accessible even for those new to the development world. Stay tuned as we walk you through each step, ensuring you have a fully functional local development setup by the end of this post.

Follow below steps to setup for having development in local:

  1. Install Command Line Interface (CLI) to start with local development.

2. Clone GitHub repo in local using below highlighted URL git@github.com:tokhanimran/edge.git

3. Clone GitHub repo in local using command
git clone git@github.com:tokhanimran/edge.git

4. Below is the code got checked out in local.

5. Go to the project project folder and run command aem up to start the server as shown below.

6. Hit ‘http://localhost:3000/’ URL in browser will open site in local

Edge Delivery Services Overview
Personalized Google Drive
Sidekick Chrome Extension
Page Hierarchy
Local environment Setup
Page HTML Structure
Section Metadata
Response Headers
Access excel data in JSON format
Services Sitemap and robots.txt
Code Structure
Card Block Example

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