Edge Delivery Services Page Hierarchy

Imran Khan
2 min readApr 9, 2024


In this blog post, we will construct a sample page hierarchy and explore how Google Docs content is actually delivered to the end user.

First, let’s unravel the process of setting up a content page or URL hierarchy.

Consider the “Contact Us” page. As part of this section, we aim to define and add pages or content hierarchy. The screenshot below illustrates the index and contact us page. Out-of-the-box, the index page is loaded upon accessing the website domain. The contact us page, on the other hand, can be reached at the following URL: ‘https://main--edge--tokhanimran.hlx.page/contactus'.

Moving on to the “News Page”. URLs ending with a slash, such as ‘https://main--edge--tokhanimran.hlx.page/news/', will always direct to the index page within the Google Drive folder. In our case, this URL points to the index Google Doc in the Google Drive folder named starter-content/news/index.

However, do note that hitting the URL ‘https://main--edge--tokhanimran.hlx.page/news' without the trailing slash will lead to a 404 page, as it refers to a folder.

Lastly, let’s discuss the “News Detail Page”. The page named ‘news-one’ can be accessed at ‘https://main--edge--tokhanimran.hlx.page/news/news-one'.

In summary, understanding and properly setting up the page hierarchy is crucial for efficient navigation and user experience. Hence, it’s essential to pay attention to these details during the website development process.

Beow is the hierarchy we are going to refer as part of current blog:

Edge Delivery Services Overview
Personalized Google Drive
Sidekick Chrome Extension
Page Hierarchy
Local environment Setup
Page HTML Structure
Section Metadata
Response Headers
Access excel data in JSON format
Services Sitemap and robots.txt
Code Structure
Card Block Example

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