Response To “Asian Guy On YouTube” Reviewing Wacoinda with Negatives

al king
4 min readAug 30, 2018

To be totally honest and upfront with you, the article I’m about to write is in Response to an Asian Guy on YouTube, who decided to give a Negative Review of Wacoinda. The review he made, was trash — wait — let me qualify that statement. He literally knows nothing about anything we have going on, but ‘heard’ something, and made a video about it.

If that doesn’t sum up where we are as a Nation, and Society right now, I’m not sure what does. The uninformed, are leading the uninformed. Anyone can make a video. Likewise, anyone can ‘write’ on medium, or facebook, or twitter — and so we ‘all’ need to keep that in mind when Reviewing “Opinions” of others. This is especially true when it comes to the “negative opinions of others” …

Be Skeptical of those who speak negative of others; I mean what is their Agenda? I’m calling this guy’s review Trash; so what is MY Agenda??

I’m a member of Wacoinda, and I just want to set the record straight. So to go along with this “response” — are several other Responses that YOU will want to take the ‘time’ to read through; so that you can be, Informed.

That’s where it all begins — The video review by the Asian Guy on YouTube who’s name I do not know, and care not to dignify with a mention…. was So Unnecessary.

This response, and All of the responses you’ll be reading — are SO Necessary.

Let’s Get You started With MUST READ Response Articles to Understand Wacoinda And Our ‘Actual’ Mission.

Why Wacoinda Matters — By Israel A. Burns — #MustRead

Why is there a Wacoinda vs Marvel Discussion At All?

Wacoinda Member Althea Cooper On Wacoinda Vs. Marvel (Including interviews with Founders, Lamar Wilson & Lafe Taylor)

Nalmah Jones Shares WHY Wacoinda (While Addressing Marvel)

Those of you looking for Reviews on Wacoinda, should really start there. Rather than listen to ‘some Asian guy on YouTube’…. I’ll get into why I keep referring to him in that manner in just a bit.

More and more personal testimonials from people who are part of the group — which began on Facebook — are starting to pour in. What you’ll begin to see, clearly, is that there ‘should be nothing’ to discuss, at all. The name, came up from general conversation, and ‘actually’ fits with the Mission of the group. That mission, is to Educate black people on all things Economics, Including but NOT limited to — Cryptocurrency.

The Asian Guy on YouTube was calling into question Why A Group would Focus On Teaching Black People Economics -

There are Entire Schools that Cater to Asian Kids only, and no one says a word about that.

Above is a ‘clip’ from Saturday School. I grew up going to school with people of all ethnicities and this is something ‘we’ don’t discuss much as a nation. But we all know about it, right? Asian communities raise their own differently from the rest, including special schools set up to help them maintain their culture. Read this, from a lady who wants White Parents to ‘stop’ impeding on THEIR culture, by enrolling their kids in these Saturday Schools.

The author, Anna Gracia, is passionate about her culture. She knows what her people need, and doesn’t want people Outside that culture, messing things up!

That’s how I view this Asian Guy on YouTube. Why is he even speaking on what black people need?

Also, why the ‘need’ to speak in the negative, with so much ignorance as well? He and others, have been making uninformed, negative Reviews of Wacoinda, where they talk about us having a Wacoinda …. Coin.

That may be the most hilarious part….

The is no, Wacoinda … coin. The coins we do have, are called Garvey’s and CJ’s… inspired by Marcus Garvey and Madame C.J. Walker. The purpose of our group, “What A Coin Does Actually” …. aka Wacoinda … is to educate our people about Cryptocurrency, Stocks, Real Estate, and Business Ownership.

The focus is black people because, black people NEED to see black people who look like them, talk like them, come from similar economic backgrounds, making MOVES in the business space. Black folks need to SEE black people who own Blockchain companies, who have Mining Rigs, are on Exchanges, Holding several Bags of Crypto … but ‘also’ … need to SEE black people who RUN regular businesses, large to small.

That’s what Wacoinda is all about, and all races are welcome inside. They’re just going to be outnumbered, and will find out quickly that we’re not tolerating white Oppressor Mentality. That’s the mentality that seeks to Oppress black and brown people of the world. We’re not interested in allowing anyone to take Advantage of any of us, or take anything Away from us.

That’s why we are responding ….

Because see, this ‘name’ we came up with, has nothing to do with Disney, or any of their Marvel Characters. No parts of our Cryptocurrency that we exchange with one another or our conversations have anything to do, with Disney Films. We just liked the name Wacoinda ….

Meanwhile, if you DO take time to READ (the articles provided above) and INFORM Yourself (about Wacoinda), you’ll find there is NO issue at this moment in time. All Marvel did was file an extension, to give themselves more time, to look into things. When they do, they’ll see all the things ‘we’ are telling you now. There will be no issue with our name. We have no connections, and have made no connections.

However, there may be people who have an issue with black people seeking to educate, and economically empower one another. Hey, that’s always been the situation though. Welcome to the game …



al king

A true businessman - with 19 years of experience in Network & Internet Marketing. I Design Websites. I'm here to Help! -