TRADOVE AMA from Korean BBC Holders — January 2019

8 min readJan 22, 2019


Hello everyone! As a part of our ongoing effort to keep you informed on our project and update everyone for 2019, we are happy to share with you a new AMA with questions taken from our Korean BBC community. Enjoy!

1–1. Is TraDove a security token or utility token
1–2. Please elaborate on BBC’s status as either a security or utility token.

BBC is a utility token.

1) TraDove has been and continues to be in full compliance with SEC regulations and registered with the SEC during the course of the ICO. (

2) Since the beginning phases of the ICO, TraDove has consulted with a top law firm.

3) TraDove has performed the Howey Test, a precedent set by the U.S. Supreme Court that determines if transactions qualify as “investment contracts”. Additionally, one of the most experienced crypto attorneys in the US has issued a legal opinion stating that TraDove B2BCoin is not a security regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission under current US securities law.

2–1. BBC holders will receive dividends, doesn’t that mean BBC is a security token?

BBC holders will not be receiving dividends, but will instead receive a portion of pre-mined stablecoins meant for use on our B2B Blockchain Payment Network. This is intended to compensate BBC holders for not using BBC in the B2B Blockchain Payment Network.

2–2. Is there a chance for BBC to change to security token in the future?

This is not likely.

3–1. The new coin being released on TraDove’s Blockchain Payment Network will be a stablecoin. Will these be available for holders to trade on exchanges? If so, what exchanges?

3–2. If no exchanges to trade are available, what are other options?

It is too early to comment on exchanges for the stablecoin token at this time. We expect there will be a period after the release of the stablecoin for it to become fully developed and widely adopted.

4–1. We know that the mainnet currently under development will utilize a payment coin and have been told that this payment coin can be mined in advance. Please explain the details about this.

The info we released on Medium summarized our plans for the process. There are not many more details that can be released at this moment, but stay tuned to our Medium channel and social accounts for continued updates and more information.

4–2. Does this mean that the TraDove team will buy the pre-mined tokens and airdrop them?

No, we will not buy or airdrop the stablecoins for this endeavor. Proper announcements will be made further down the line when more of the project is in place.

5. Stablecoins are by their nature stable in their price. Does this present any legal issue in regards to airdropping them?

We will not be airdropping the stablecoins.

6. Can you tell us the TraDove team’s opinion about the drop in BBC token’s price? (Many holders are upset about the drop in price.)

We are doing our best and have spent a considerable amount of time, money, and resources for market cap management. But, we cannot comment on the market. All we can do is to focus on good project developments that support the long-term value of our tokens.

7. When specifically are the first dividend payments expected to start?

We must again emphasize that these stablecoin allotments are not dividends. Please wait for our future announcements.

8. I wonder if our investment money remains safe, due to the recent and significant decline in Bitcoin and Ethereum values.

It is safe. We are using Coinbase and they are highly secure.

9. Can you share with us a clear picture of the current state of project development?

Business Social Network: Total revamping and re-launch will be done in early Q2, 2019.
B2B Blockchain Payment Network: Prototype is complete and the MVP will be ready in early Q2 2019.

10–1. When does your team expect TraDove’s platform redesign will become active?

10–2. Is there currently any plan in place to advertise the TraDove platform’s re-launch?

The fully-revamped is expected to go live early in Q2 2019. To coincide with this, our new VP of Marketing is preparing a comprehensive advertising campaign. With her expertise, we have confidently developed a strong plan encompassing the re-launch of the new version of

11. What are the TraDove team’s opinions about the bear market circumstances?

We cannot comment on the market conditions. However, we at TraDove remain well funded and are employing an experienced team to carry on our projects. TraDove is fully focused on developing the projects, and the stablecoin Blockchain Payment Network, in order to meet the milestones set out initially in our white paper. Once those products are ready, intensive marketing campaigns will begin.

12. When will TraDove list on major exchanges?

Currently, we are actively working toward an OKEx listing with the help of their partner exchange, CoinAll. To encourage quicker adoption by OKEx, we’d like to invite any and all BBC holders to trade on CoinAll.

13. If TraDove plans on additional listings, can you please elaborate within the boundaries of the NDA?

Please wait for our announcements.

14. Is there a target price that TraDove is waiting for to initiate more buybacks?

We cannot comment.

15–1. How many companies are using the TraDove platform for commerce and trade?
15–2. How do you plan to increase the number of trading companies?

We have about 10–15K active corporate users. After the re-launch, we will be initiating intensive marketing and partnership deals to increase the members and active users on

16. We’ve seen a lot of participation in conferences. Can you tell us about the companies you’ve actually formed partnership through these conferences?

A large number of potential partnerships have arisen from contacts made at these conferences. We are following up with conversations on all leads, including potential clients, partners and investors. One very beneficial partnership has already been finalized and several others are still in discussion. Our partner will make an announcement when both parties are ready.

17–1. Do you have any plans to release a white paper for the newly-issued coin (B2B Payment Network stablecoin)?
17–2. If unable to disclose at this time, what is the reason?

TraDove is filing patents for our technology in order to ensure our intellectual property and products remain safe and secure. TraDove will release more information about our stablecoin and its associated blockchain when we are ready.

18. TraDove has raised a lot of money. If the teams are confident in their technology, why not list on more exchanges?

There are always costs involved when listing on exchanges. This not only involves the initial listing cost, but upkeep, oversight and manual maintenance as well. While we have already provided a number of exchange options for international investors, we also must occasionally make the decision of whether funds are better spent on listing on a new exchange, market cap management, or project development, etc.

19–1. ICO investors are having a very hard time. Can you raise the value of the TraDove BBC above the price of the ICO?
19–2. What is the mindset of the TraDove team during this down period?

We cannot control or comment on the market, but we are focusing on developing projects which will support the token value for the long term. We are well funded with a very experienced and motivated team.

20–1. How is your current partnership with the Swiss investment company going?
20–2. Please elaborate on the details of this partnership.

DG Investment Fund is a very low-key group. They are our partner in the development and future corporate adoption of our blockchain-based B2B payment network.

21. When can we hear about additional partnerships?

More announcements regarding partnerships will be made at the beginning of Q2 2019.

22. The market situation is difficult. A big worry is whether the team is willing to improve the value of the BBC when the market shifts upward. Where does TraDove stand on this?

During this period, we are strongly focused on developing our products. Once our products are ready, we will be initiating a comprehensive marketing campaign. The increase in awareness and users on the platform will support the long-term value of the token.

23–1. Please explain in detail the alpha version of TraDove’s platform demonstrated at the last conference.
23–2. Please explain the product in detail in a video or document.

A full product update and video demonstration can be seen HERE

It is a blockchain payment network built between two transacting smartphones. This blockchain operates without being burdened by the sophisticated infrastructure that traditional blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum utilize. This makes it super light and super fast, while retaining the security people expect in blockchains.

24. Why doesn’t TraDove appear at GitHub?

We are not currently displaying any code at GitHub or other open source platforms. The main reason for this is concern for the security of our development and intellectual property. However, we have had a third-party audit of our code and have passed an examination from Knownsec, the agency that has been trusted by Huobi, KuCoin, Bit-Z, etc.

25. What is the number of key development staff and total employees at TraDove?

There are currently 26 people in our key development staff and 50 employees in total.

26. Is there any way to communicate with developers? Create a place to communicate about product development.

Our developers have very intense schedules. Their time is dedicated to their main task and user communication would significantly detract from time that could be otherwise spent on their normal duties.

Suggestions for the TraDove team

1. Please hire more developers to shorten the roadmap.

2. Please release a detailed review of the alpha version of the blockchain.

3. Attending conferences doesn’t help marketing. Please promote in a different manner.

4. We want to communicate with the CEO Kent. Please communicate on YouTube.

5. We are asking for an aggressive listing to increase the token’s price.

6. In a similar manner to the Nexo project, we encourage TraDove to take advantage of the security token position by changing BBC into a security token.

7. We would like to see more buyback programs.

8. Please attach photos of products and other materials to the information that is released on Medium.

9. Please expedite the time when the Coinbit exchange’s wallet will be open. We hope that TraDove can push them harder on this issue.

TraDove is the only business social networking platform that matches and connects relevant buyers and sellers worldwide, offering blockchain payment to secure international trading.

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BitcoinTalk Forum:

*Originally published at




TraDove is the only business social networking platform that matches and connects relevant buyers and sellers worldwide.