TraDove B2B Blockchain Payment Network Alpha Version Update and Demonstration Video

4 min readJan 19, 2019


As we announced on August 17, 2018, TraDove has been developing its own proprietary B2B Blockchain Payment Network since last summer. This mobile-based blockchain is among the first of its kind and is being jointly built by TraDove’s offices in Ukraine and China. The alpha version of TraDove’s blockchain was successfully demonstrated at the Blockchain Expo in Santa Clara, California on Nov. 28.

We’ve prepared this video demonstration to give the TraDove community their first look at the B2B Blockchain Payment Network:

Blockchain Expo Demonstration

At the demonstration given on Nov. 28 at the Blockchain Expo, a number of functions of the blockchain’s alpha version were displayed for those in attendance. In step-by-step detail, these were:

1. User 1 logs in to the system
2. User 2 logs in to the system
3. User 1 goes to the wallet balance page and deposits tokens
4. User 1 clicks “+” icon to create a transaction
5. User 1 fills in all the necessary fields for the new transaction
6. User 1 completes transaction creation
7. User 1 goes to “Unconfirmed” tab and checks outgoing transactions
8. User 2 receives a notification about a new transaction
9. User 1 goes to wallet page and shows the amount of tokens in transactions
10. User 2 goes to “Unconfirmed” tab and checks incoming transactions
11. User 2 goes to the transaction details and confirms transaction
12. Transactions disappear from “Unconfirmed” tab and appear on the Home
13. Both users go to the Wallet balance page and show how their wallet balance changed
14. Both users go to the statistics screen and show the changes to statistics
15. User 2 goes to the Home screen and clicks “+” icon to create a transaction
16. User 2 fills in all the necessary fields for the new transaction
17. User 2 completes transaction creation
18. User 2 goes to “Unconfirmed” tab and checks outgoing transactions
19. User 1 receives a notification about a new transaction
20. User 1 goes to “Unconfirmed” tab and checks incoming transactions
21. User 1 goes to the transaction details and cancels transaction
22. Transactions disappear from “Unconfirmed” tab and appear on the Home screen
23. Both users go to the Wallet balance page and show how their wallet balance changed
24. Both users go to the statistics screen and show the changes to statistics
25. One of the users show filtration on the Home screen
26. User 2 goes to the Balance page
27. User 2 creates and order to withdraw 2,000 tokens
28. User 2 checks balance and statistics pages to show changes
29. Admin panel is shown. Admin goes to the “Bought and Sold Tokens” statistics page and reviews it
30. System overview statistics

Current Status of the Blockchain Project

The alpha version of the Blockchain Payment Network has already gone through three revisions. Each version adds more options and functionality while working to remove any bugs found in the previous versions.

When consulting with TraDove’s VP of Operations and Business Development EMEA, who works closely with the blockchain development teams, they have provided us this information on the most current third revision to the alpha version:

· Development is complete on a stable alpha version for scalability testing
· 2 and 3-stage smart contracts have been implemented
· A highly secure 7 level security protocol was built into the application
· The design and implementation of a backend web admin panel for all KYC management and token distribution is complete
· A blockchain 2.0 mobile app built to specifically accommodate the needs of B2B users
· The alpha version of the Android app has been rolled out
· The alpha version of the Apple IOS app is being finalized
· This alpha version is now being shown to select pilot clients and investors

Since the successful demonstration at the Blockchain Expo, development into the full version of the B2B Blockchain Payment Network has commenced, with the next stage of MVP being tentatively scheduled for early Q2 2019.

We encourage the TraDove community to stay tuned for further updates coming in 2019 on both our B2B Blockchain Payment Network and the forthcoming re-launch of Business Social Network!

TraDove is the only business social networking platform that matches and connects relevant buyers and sellers worldwide, offering blockchain payment to secure international trading.

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*Originally published at




TraDove is the only business social networking platform that matches and connects relevant buyers and sellers worldwide.