Best swing trading Forex signals on Telegram 2024

Tyler Durden
12 min readJul 26, 2023


There’s a big difference between Forex swing trading signals on Telegram and the intraday ones.


Yes, I mean… the intraday signals often are soo quick that there’s just no way of following those properly.

On the contrary, swing trades are much easier to follow, and much more practical for all kinds of traders.

Like, the biggest advantage of swing trading is that it’s much easier to follow.

But I know you know that already, don’t you?

Yes, so let’s get to the point already…

Is there any good signal provider on Telegram that sends swing trading signals for Forex?

Yes, there is, that is the BeSomebodyFX Telegram channel.

Here’s an example of what I’m talking about:

Swing trading Forex signal on Telegram
Swing trade example

That specific example above has three important aspects that make it a very good trade:

  1. It’s easy to follow because the trade idea is medium to longer term.
  2. It’s professional.
  3. It’s reliable.

Now, to give you a bit more context, think about this…

When you look out there for signal providers you quickly see that the majority are just random kids with little experience. Right?


Well, those are NOT reliable.

The reason?

Simply because there is no professionalism in what they do.

They might have a couple of winning trades here and there but then what?

Trading is NOT just about a couple of winning trades here and there.

No, it’s about consistency.

So following the right signal providers can give you the consistency you need.

And I highlight…

The RIGHT providers.

Not the random ones.

Big difference.

So here’s the point…

How to find the best swing trading signal providers on Telegram:

Simply, there’s one way to recognize and find the best Forex signals on Telegram.

Let me explain what I mean…

So, think about what you consider professional.

Accuracy? Profitability? Consistency?

Sure, those are part of it.

But let me give you something more specific:

  1. Reliability.
  2. Insightfulness.
  3. Consistency.

That’s a little better.

So the best Forex signal providers for swing trading have all these three qualities.

They are reliable, insightful, and transparent…

Here’s an example:

Insightful swing trading Forex signal
Trade example from Telegram channel

The trade is professional so it’s reliable, it’s well explained so it’s insightful, and it’s well detailed and updated so it’s transparent.

If you see what I’m talking about you have an edge in your favor, why?

Because you have the ability to recognize what is professional and what isn’t.

And that skill in itself makes you a consistent trader because what happens when you follow other professional traders and listen to their insights and advice?

You trade professionally and consistently yourself too.

And this brings us to the next VERY important point…

How to follow swing trading signals on Telegram correctly:

Yes, there’s a correct way and a not so correct way of following swing trades.


Yes, does that get you curious?

Great, because this is an important topic to discuss.

So let me get straight to the matter…

Here are the three main points that make the difference:

  1. Combine the Forex signal with your own swing trading strategy and analysis.
  2. Ask questions if something isn’t clear.
  3. Value the learning and the experience that you build following other traders.

Ok I know, that sounds a little too basic but wait a second because it gets MORE interesting.

So let me tell you more…

Combine swing trading signals with your own strategy:

This one is not that complicated to understand, isn’t it?

Basically, when you see a trade recommendation from a Telegram channel that you follow you have two options…

You blindly follow the trade or you do your own analysis to confirm the idea.

Which one do you think is the most professional way to go about it?

I know you know.

Wait, what?

I mean… I know that you know the correct answer to that.

Because you do… right?

You do.

So use your own judgment to evaluate whether you think a trade is a good one to follow or not.

But wait, because that’s not all.

The next point is even MORE important.

So what’s the next point?

Ask questions if something isn’t clear:

If you follow a good signal provider for swing trading you should be able to reach out and ask questions.

But why should you do so?

Think about it.

This is EXACTLY how you advance your trading in the right direction.

You ask what you don’t understand, and with the answer, you learn something new.

What’s that called?



So you level up and grow your experience every single time that you learn about something that you didn’t understand before.

Now, what if you can’t reach out to the signal provider?

Well, in such case you shouldn’t be following it in the first place, but anyhow…

You have the good old Google and you have Youtube.

For instance, you see a trade signal that mentions a bullish engulfing candle and you kinda know about it but maybe you don’t really remember exactly what it is.

So, what do you do?

You ask…

Definition of bullish engulfing price action in trading
Definition of bullish engulfing price action

And there you go.

Now you know what’s a bullish engulfing.

Experience leveled up one step further.


And this brings us perfectly to the next point…

Value the learning and the experience that you build following other swing traders:

I know it sounds a little cringy and whatnot.

But listen…

If you want to trade professionally you HAVE to give yourself time to accumulate the right knowledge and build the right experience in the markets.


Of course.

So don’t ignore that aspect.

Because when you follow the trades and insights of other professional swing traders you get the benefit from the fact that you can follow the trades, but you also get to LEARN and DEVELOP your experience from it.

So again…

What’s the right way to follow swing trading signals?


  1. Do your own analysis with the trades you follow. So for instance, do your technical analysis to see if it matches up with the trade idea.
  2. Then if something in the trade recommendation isn’t clear to you ask about it or do your own research.
  3. And on top of that value all that learning process. Yes, all the new things you learn, all the little bits of advice and insights about the markets that you pick up along the way. All that builds up the skills of a professional trader.

This is the way to properly follow swing trade recommendations and any kind of trade too.

And with that said…

We have talked about the importance of experience in trading, right?

Yes, we did.

Well, we can’t mention that without mentioning this next point…

How to choose a reputable swing trading signal provider on Telegram:

Alright, alright. Did you see the word REPUTABLE on the headline above?

Yes, that’s a big important one.

Let me explain…

You probably figured this out already but there are a lot of random signal providers out there.

That’s a fact.

And I mean…

Some of them are simply inconsistent, some of them are just incompetent, and some of them are just plain gamblers.

So, the question becomes…

How do you choose a reputable one?

Well, I’ve already recommended you a solid signal provider for swing trading on Telegram but let’s say that you want to find something else on top of it.

So what should you keep in mind to know if you are dealing with someone legit or not?

Well, couple of things:

  1. Get to know the trader for some time.
  2. Check if his trades have proper risk management.
  3. Make sure the signals are transparent and honest.

But let’s go into the details.

Get to know the signal provider:

This is as simple as it sounds.

Don’t jump into a random signal provider after you have followed just one or two of their trades.


You can and should be a little smarter than that.

Take your time to study the trader, understand his trading style, and get to know him better overall.

For instance.

Some signal providers might have a Youtube channel that you can follow for more content:

Youtube for more trading content
Use Youtube to follow more content from a trade

Some might have a Twitter profile where they share more insights and valuable stuff.

The point is just to get a more comprehensive view of the signal provider overall.

Don’t follow just the Telegram channel, see if there’s more than that to follow for more content.

That way you can get to know the trader better.

Makes sense?


Make sure the trades have proper risk management:

You will encounter plenty of gamblers that just throw signals with no stop loss or with small take profits and large stops.

I mean, come on, really?

I’m sure you have seen many of those.

Risk reward is at the VERY basics.

Definition of risk reward in Forex trading
Risk reward in trading

So don’t get fooled by some signal providers that might small take profits and wide stop losses.

They may look always accurate in the short term but that’s NOT reliable and consistent over the long run.

I’m sure you know how it works.

Because you do, right?


And this ties well with the next point…

Make sure the signals are transparent and honest:

How many signal providers have you found that just ignore their losses and just boast about the wins?

Many, I know.

So you have to make sure that the trader you follow is honest and transparent about the losing trades.

Like this:

Trade signal hitting the stop loss
Some trades hit the stop loss

There’s NO way a trader can win all trades and some stop losses are perfectly natural.

So make sure that the provider you follow updates the losing trades properly instead of just ignoring them.

That itself is a decent indicator that you are following someone legit.

Small but important detail.

And by the way…

Speaking about legit traders.

Do you know what else you can do for your trading with a legit experienced trader?

Learn from him…

How and where to learn about swing trading for Forex:

The same way you learn anything else, by watching the experts and learning from them.

Basic and almost too obvious, but that’s the point.

Simplicity works well.

Here’s how:

  1. You watch other traders.
  2. You study their moves.
  3. You take notes and ask questions.

At that point…

You put everything into practice in the markets to build your experience up.

Now, the question then becomes…

Where can you find good educational content for swing trading?

And that’s a great question because it ties very well with the topic of this article, and there are a couple of ways of doing so.

First, the most obvious one which is right there, in plain sight:

Youtube logo
Forex trading channels on Youtube

I know, I know…

You know about it already.

But listen, Youtube is a superb resource to find all you need about swing trading in Forex.

But don’t get me wrong…

It’s a great resource of good but also bad information.

So beware, most of what you will learn on Youtube is just the basics of trading.

Once you have that figured out you have to evolve and level up to a more complete and comprehensive approach.

How to do that?

Good point.

And that’s exactly why you should follow professional traders on Telegram, Twitter, or wherever else you prefer.

So that you can learn directly from traders in action.

And that brings us to the other method…

To learn you follow and watch other traders in action, so whether that’s on Twitter like this:

Or on Telegram like this:

Trade based on swing trading from Telegram channel
Forex swing trade from Telegram channel

Makes sense?

And I know, if you are a very beginner you need to go through more basics first before you can actually understand and properly follow what professional traders do.

But again, for that you have wonderful resources like Youtube:

Swing trading search results on Youtube
Youtube search results for Forex swing trading

Or even websites like Investopedia with their extensive educational material:

Investopedia on Google search
Investopedia on Google for educational content

Really, for the basics there are a lot of resources to choose from so go with the method you prefer, if you prefer educational videos you have Youtube, if you prefer the written form you have many others.

But wait a second…

On what type of education and signals should you focus first?

I mean…

Are swing trading Forex signals better than intraday?

Well, it’s up to you and your personality type.

None is better than the other.

So follow the style of signals that you prefer.

There are traders who just can’t stay in a trade longer than a couple of hours and traders who are the total opposite.

There is no one precise way to trade. Not at all, it’s all up to your preferences.

But let me tell you something.

Because, objectively speaking, swing trading does have plenty of advantages.

Swing trading is a very practical approach for most traders for many reasons:

  1. It requires less time and energy than intraday trading. I mean, you don’t have to watch the charts all day long, and that’s a big advantage for a lot of traders.
  2. It helps avoid some short term random volatility spikes that often in intraday trading can be quite annoying.
  3. It’s more straightforward to learn for beginner traders and easier to stay disciplined for more experienced traders. Simply, intraday trading can be more prone to overtrading mistakes, especially for beginners.

Now, speaking about beginners and experienced traders…

Is swing trading for beginner or advanced traders?


I mean, we are talking about trading styles, not strategies which means it’s not just for one or the other.

You can be a very beginner or a super experienced trader and you can still trade the same style, whether that’s short term trading or the opposite.

So instead, the interesting question to ask is what actually makes the difference between the two traders?

They both use the same approach but one uses it profitably and the other doesn’t.

That’s a super interesting debate, isn’t it?

Yes, and the answer is actually very simple…


That’s what makes the difference.

The experienced trader can apply all his expertise in his swing trades while the beginner is more prone to making the classic mistakes that beginner traders make.

You don’t need a list of those, right?

I know, I know.

But now, let me tell you something even more specific to set you in the right direction…

How to build trading experience to take better swing trades:

To do that, you have to get around other successful traders and absorb all their knowledge.

I mean, the way you build experience for swing trading is by simply… trading.

Obvious but not so straightforward because that’s NOT the whole picture.

I mean, there’s an important nuance that makes a difference in the learning process.

What’s that?

Well, you don’t have to just trade at random to build experience.


You have to trade with other smart and successful traders around you.

That exact detail makes a BIG difference in your learning.

Literally, you can learn the wrong things from the wrong traders, or you can learn the right things from the right traders.

See why it makes that much of a difference?

I know, it’s quite an important detail.

Because it’s really easy to pick up the bad habits of unprofessional traders when you follow them.

Makes sense?

Yes, so always be careful of who you follow.

And this article gives you a few good recommendations of who you should actually follow for reliable and consistent swing Forex signals.

So again.

What are the best Forex swing trading signals to follow on Telegram?

Simply BeSomebodyFX is a perfect recommendation for that.

These are the professional ones, the ones that you can follow for trades, and learn from.

In other words…

The best Telegram channels for swing trading.

Now to conclude the article let me give you a great piece of advice:

Basically, you will very often find that professional traders when they trade often take into consideration many elements.

Such as?

Such as fundamental analysis, positionings, market sentiment, retail traders’ sentiment, seasonality, and so on so forth.

I mean that the more professional and reliable Forex signal providers for swing trading are COMPLETELY different from the average stuff you often see around.

And that’s exactly the point, isn’t it?


And I understand that if you are a beginner trader just starting out with trading you can often find the highly experienced traders a bit too complex for you.

But that’s the point, I mean…

That’s your opportunity:


Because if some of the terms used, or some of the technicalities used by the traders you follow don’t make sense to you, that is an opportunity for you to learn and advance your knowledge in the right direction.

Keep that well in mind when you look for the right Forex signals for swing trading.



Tyler Durden

Writing about Forex trading. But more specifically, I write about the best sources of insights, trade ideas, and analysis that traders should follow.