Where to find the best Forex Fundamental Analysis 2024

Tyler Durden
9 min readAug 2, 2023


You are looking for some good fundamental traders to follow but you don’t know where to find the best Forex fundamental analysis, right?

Great, right here I will list the absolute best sources of fundamental insights for Forex trading.

Ranging from all kinds of stuff, from the very classic websites that I’m sure you are already well aware of, to super insightful sources like specific Telegram channels and Twitter profiles.

And on top of that, there’s a bonus.

Yes, because I’m going to show you the right way to organize all the insights properly so that you don’t drive yourself crazy with too much information.


Does that sound good?

I know it does, so let’s get into it.

Where to find the right Forex fundamental analysis:

Ok, hear me out…

Here is where you need to think outside the box.

What do I mean?

I mean that to effectively trade fundamental analysis you have to be aware that you MUST follow traders that do most of the in depth analysis and research for you.

That’s what is referred to as…

Work smart, not hard.


Yes, so the first and very best recommendation for fundamental insights is this…

Forex fundamentals on Telegram:

You can find some Telegram channels that trade with fundamental analysis, and the best channel for that is BeSomebodyFX.

Website for fundamental analysis
BeSomebodyFX website

Listen, I’m a big believer in the idea that you have to work SMART to trade consistently.

But let me explain to you EXACTLY what I mean…

Basically, the point to understand is that when you try to do everything by yourself you end up burning yourself out.

It’s a fact, and you know that.

So to avoid that it’s important to follow traders or platforms that provide you with trade ideas and fundamental insights already well packaged for you to read and take action on.

Again, that’s what is referred to as…

Work smart, not hard.

You let other professional traders do the work for you.

Now, that’s already interesting but here’s where it gets even more interesting…

On the BeSomebodyFX Telegram channel for instance you can get some proper trading recommendations and insights to trade.

Like this:

Trade signal with Forex fundamental analysis on Telegram
Fundamental analysis trade on Telegram

So you can see that all the heavy lifting in finding the right fundamental trade has already been done for you with that analysis.

At that point, you just have to evaluate the idea and decide if you like it or not.

That’s a big advantage for any trader and you should follow that.

And on Telegram you can find Forex signals to follow to get trade ideas and recommendations.

With that said…

What are some other good sources for fundamental analysis in Forex?

Where else to find good Fundamental analysis:

Twitter or now X after Elon Musk changed its name, is a spectacular tool for fundamentals, you can find super valuable insights there.

But there is a caveat.

The noise.

Twitter, or X depending on how you want to call it, is way too distracting and confusing so let me tell you something much more practical, something much more organized and efficient.

What’s that?

A TweetDeck.


Here’s what it looks like:

Example of a Tweetdeck

As you can see it’s essentially Twitter, but with the difference that you can filter it to ONLY the topics that really interest you.

So you can have a column for basic macro updates, you can have insightful fundamental articles, and I can go on and on with examples.

I just showed you three basic columns above but on Twitter, there are countless profiles and insightful traders to follow.

And this is where it gets powerful because you can customize this to what YOU want, to what YOU think is valuable, this way you filter out all the noise of the regular Twitter feed.

You can follow Forex signals with fundamental analysis. You can follow analysts that share useful insights for your trading, and so on and so forth.

Now here’s a little advice tho…

With the Tweetdeck use the filters section to narrow down certain columns to what you want.

For instance, for the Bloomberg column, it’s a good idea to filter it down to this:

Filters on Tweetdeck

This way you get ONLY articles that are relevant to those keywords that are related to fundamentals.


Now, what’s the next one?

Forex fundamentals on Bloomberg:

Ok, now a classic of classics…

The good old Bloomberg.

Bloomberg for trading insights
Bloomberg for fundamental analysis

It was already hinted in the Tweetdeck above and it’s a great recommendation.

Simply, the articles that Bloomberg makes are superb.

You can find fantastic fundamental insights from various industry experts there.

Really, the articles are great in quality and insightfulness.

Let me show you an example:

Snippet from a Bloomberg article about the FOMC
Snippet from a Bloomberg article about an FOMC rate decision

That’s good stuff.

So keep in mind Bloomberg as one of your go to resources for insightful and high quality articles for Forex trading.

But wait.

There’s something worth mentioning.

What’s that?

Well, keep VERY well in mind that you are reading other people’s opinions and recommendations. So, ALWAYS use your head to judge whether you agree or not with what’s being said.

I mean, don’t blindly follow what someone says just because he is the head of such and such hedge fund or whatever.

In other words…

Use other traders’ opinions and insights as ideas to then evaluate and use as guidance for your trades.

With that said, let’s get a bit more practical…

Now that you have in mind where to find some good fundamental analysis, let me show you how to properly organize it.

How to organize fundamental analysis effectively:

It’s important that you organize all the fundamental information properly to keep your trading efficient.

So how do you do that?

One of those methods as I already showed above is a Tweetdeck, but what else is there?

Is there an even better way to track Forex fundamentals correctly?

Yes, there is.

Because what actually makes the difference is NOT a Tweetdeck itself.


What REALLY makes the difference is the quality of the traders that you get your insights from.

The quality of the fundamental traders that you follow:

Basically, the way you keep your fundamental analysis well organized is by following traders and signal providers that are well organized.

And I know, I know… it’s a bit of an obvious one.

But not really.

Let me show you what I mean…

Example of a Tweetdeck
Well organized Tweetdeck

Again it’s the same Tweetdeck screenshot from above but now notice how it has ONLY sources that are well organized and that DON’T spam you with random useless stuff.

Did you get the point?

Value the quality of the insights.

And use the filters as already explained above.

The Bloomberg column in that screenshot for instance filters to the major central banks, that way it’s way cleaner.

Follow professional traders:

When you follow well organized traders, your trading will be well organized too.

If you follow traders that shout random stuff that is just confusing and distracting then guess what happens?

You will be overwhelmed with information that will make you take the wrong trades, and that’s NOT what you want.


Yes, so keep that well in mind.

If you want high quality trading insights you have to follow high quality Forex traders.

Simple as that.

Awesome, now… what’s next?

We have talked about who to follow for professional fundamental insights, and we have briefly discussed how to keep everything well organized. Now, what about how to put everything into practice?

How to Apply Fundamental Analysis in Forex Trading:

Don’t get me wrong, if we really wanted to get into the details of how to trade fundamentals this article would get way too long.

Obviously we can’t do that right here but I do want to give you an interesting piece of advice to set you in the right direction.



  1. Be informed.
  2. Know what professional traders are doing.
  3. Be selective and strategic.

Wait I know, it doesn’t sound exciting but there’s a lot more to it.

Here’s what I mean…

Be informed:

Not all economic indicators are equally important or relevant for Forex trading.

There are periods where some indicators have a higher influence on the market than others.

For instance, inflation has been in the spotlight for a while now:

Headline from Bloomberg article about inflation in the US
Bloomberg headline about inflation

So inflation numbers such as the CPI have much more weight than other indicators because it affects the central bank’s monetary policy.

So what’s the point?

The point is that you have to be informed on what actually matters in the market at any moment in time because that can vary from time to time.

So how do you do that correctly?

  1. Pay attention to what professional traders are talking about.
  2. See what’s trending on Bloomberg.
  3. Ask questions to the other informed traders.

I’m simplifying but you get the point.

Know what professional traders are doing:

This is by far the best thing you can do for your trading.

Yes, because this is the essence of working smart and not hard.

So this is where you look at what other highly experience traders are doing and you just follow their recommendations.

Like this from the BeSomebodyFX Telegram channel again:

Trade example with fundamentals on Telegram
Fundamental trade example on Telegram

See? That’s a clean, high quality, super insightful trade analysis that you can turn into a trade right away.

And that’s why you should follow other traders.

But again, professional traders.

NOT random kids with no trading experience.

Big difference.

So you can follow professional swing trading Forex signals on Telegram and so on and so forth.

Be selective and strategic:

This part is where you filter out the stuff that is NOT tradable or that is NOT high conviction.

What do I mean?

I mean that you DON’T have to trade everything that’s moving.

I know you would want to, but you don’t have to.

So be selective with your trades, be strategic with your positions.

Go only for very high quality trading opportunities and have a clear trade plan with it.

So simply…

  1. Know your entry, your stop loss level, and your target.
  2. Know your risk reward.
  3. Follow the plan.

And this is how you apply fundamental analysis in your trading.


  1. Be informed about what fundamentals matter in the market.
  2. Know what other professional traders are doing so that you can follow their trades.
  3. Be selective with your trade ideas, and be strategic with your trading plan.

That’s how you do it.

And this is where to find the best Forex fundamentals:

And there you have it.

The best sources for Forex fundamental analysis, how to organize it effectively, and how to apply it in your trading.

I know, it’s all easier said than done.

But listen…

Make sure you get around professional traders, and follow the right sources of information.

That is what you MUST focus on.

If we can sum it up in just two words those would be…

Seek professionalism.

So to conclude the article here’s something to understand:

What I want you to take away from this article is yes all the valuable recommendations mentioned above.

But mostly, I want you to understand and learn about the importance of following high quality traders that provide you value.

Because nowadays there are a lot of useless signal providers and platforms out there that just distract you from what actually works and matters in Forex fundamental analysis.

So again, follow professional traders.

This is the way and this is how to trade consistently with fundamentals.



Tyler Durden

Writing about Forex trading. But more specifically, I write about the best sources of insights, trade ideas, and analysis that traders should follow.