5 Best Forex Signals providers to follow right now 2024

Tyler Durden
14 min readOct 4, 2023


Ok, this right here will be the most comprehensive guide about signal providers that you will find out there.

I mean…

All those other results on Google listing the best ones?

Search results on Google about signals providers
Google search results about signal providers for Forex trading

I’m sure they are great and well researched.

But with this article, I want to go above and beyond what’s usually discussed.

And you know why?

Because often I come across these kinds of trade recommendations:

Example of trade signal to not follow because unprofessional
Example of a Forex signal to NOT follow

And every time I see that kind of stuff I think about the traders falling for that unprofessional fluff.

What do I mean?

I mean that those are NOT the kind of trade ideas that you should follow.

Absolutely NOT.

You should want something MORE professional, MORE reliable, and MORE insightful.

In simple…

You should want better for your trading.


Did I spark your curiosity already?


So in this article let me show you EXACTLY these three things:

  1. Some of the best signal providers to follow on multiple platforms like Telegram, Twitter, and Youtube.
  2. How to choose the best ones for your particular trading style. Like, intraday or swing trading, and technical or fundamental trading.
  3. How to actually follow Forex signals the right way, and I mean the RIGHT way.


Just these three things?

Yes, but we go VERY much into the details that matter.


The most comprehensive guide that you will find on the subject.

Sounds like a good idea?

It does.


Who are the best Forex signal providers?

We going straight to the point already?

I like it.

Because let’s be straightforward

This is the juice of the matter, right?

I mean… who are the traders to follow for reliable and professional trade recommendations?

That’s what matters, and that’s what you want to know.

I got you.

So let me show you.


BeSomebodyFX website
BeSomebodyFX website

BeSomebodyFX is the best signal provider to follow on Telegram.

That’s where you get beautiful trades to follow like this:

Fundamental trade recommendation on Telegram from BeSomebodyFX
Fundamental trade recommendation from BeSomebodyFX

Beautiful, right?

Yes, and as you can see there is a bit of of both technical and fundamental analysis in the trade idea.

Fundamental analysis?

Yes, you know…

Monetary policy, interest rate decisions from central banks, economic data.

All that sort of stuff.

That’s used to generate the bias for a position.

Then it’s all matched with regular technical analysis to confirm and take action.

I find that a FANTASTIC combo that produces awesome trades like this one below:

Trade analysis and insight from BeSomebodyFX
Trade analysis on Telegram from BeSomebodyFX

Do you like that approach?

I absolutely do.


Miad Kasravi:

Miad Kasravi on Twitter
Miad Kasravi

A great trader in my opinion.

Bit of macro analysis here too but overall mostly technical.

The content that he shares is super insightful and actionable.

Like this example below:

Trade signal from Miad Kasravy
Trade analysis from Miad Kasravi

You can learn and benefit a lot from that.

Also, ever heard of yield spreads in Forex trading?

Maybe, maybe not…

Are you curious to know what’s that about?

Here it is:

Yield spread analysis
Yield spread analysis from Miad Kasravi

It’s like the analysis of currency yields from different countries to understand and project where the respective currency pairs should move.

Makes sense?

Probably not.

It’s not really a straightforward concept.

But if that interests you it’s well worth studying that further.

Iliya Sivkov:

Iliya Sivkov on Youtube
Iliya Sivkov

He is NOT exactly a signal provider.

But he provides great value and very useful weekly market analyses that you can use in your trading.

He is mostly focused on technical analysis with price action and market structure:

And he is pretty regular with his stuff:

Videos from Iliya Sivkov about Forex trading
Iliya Sivkov on Youtube for trade analyses

Also he shares great educational videos to learn more about his trading approach:

Educational video on market structure for Forex trading
Video on market structure from Iliya Sivkov

Good stuff.

Next one…


Efxdata website
Efxdata website

Not specifically a signal provider but there are trade ideas shared on Efxdata too.

You just have to know where to look.

Here’s an example:

Example of trade signal from Efxdata
Forex signals example from Efxdata

Yes, literally there you can find ideas from highly reputable institutions.


It is.

But keep in mind…

It does NOT mean that they are always right with their trades.

Omar Agag:

Omar Agag on Twitter
Omar Agag

This guy is a good trader.

And I mean a VERY good one.

He doesn’t send out many precise recommendations but his video updates like this:

Video analysis from Omar Agag with a Forex trade to follow
Trade signals and analysis from Omar Agag

Are quite useful and actionable.

He is mostly technical based with his trading which is focused mostly on market structure.

If you are into that, it’s a must follow.

Also, pay attention to his educational posts too:

Educational post to learn about trading from Omar Agag
Educational posts from Omar Agag

Good stuff there which gives you a bit more perspective into his trading style.

With that said…

What makes these the best:

In my opinion, this is by far the best list on the subject that you will find anywhere.

For real.

And there’s a reason why it is so.

Because I know, now you might be thinking…

What actually makes these the best?

Saying they are the best and showing why they are the best are two different things.


What makes a good signal provider? What are the characteristics to pay attention to? And how can you recognize the professional ones?

Well, very VERY good questions.

So, here’s what you MUST know…

What makes a good signal provider for Forex trading:

Alright, remember the example I showed you at the very beginning of this article?

Yes, this one:

The type of Forex signals that should NOT be followed
Example of the type of signal provider to NOT follow

Now, I don’t want to be teaching you what type of trades you should follow or not.

That’s NOT the point.

You can follow what you prefer.


The point is that you need to be able to recognize what makes a professional trader and what doesn’t.


Because by understanding that you can avoid the random kids sending random trades with NO trading experience whatsoever.

Think about that for a second…

Would it make a difference if you follow ONLY high quality traders?

And I mean, professional skillful ones?

Of course, it would.

It would make a huge difference because you would get only high quality professional ideas to follow.

That would be…



Yes, and well…

You can follow only professional traders.

That way you get high quality recommendations like this one:

Trade recommendation from Omar Agag
Trade recommendation from Omar Agag on Twitter

Sounds logical so far?


That’s the basics.

The basics?


The basics of what makes a good signal provider to follow.

In simpler words…

The quality of the trades translates to the quality of the results too.


But again…

That’s just the basics and there’s way more to it.

For instance?

Well, to make it simple…

Let me show you what REALLY makes a trader worth a follow:

This way you can learn to recognize the right ones from the unprofessional ones.


So there are three main elements that matter:

  1. Professionalism.
  2. Transparency.
  3. Consistency.

Sounds a little boring, I know.

But bear with me a second because it gets SUPER interesting.

Let’s get into it…

Why professionalism matters in a signal provider:

It’s straightforward.

The more professional a trader is, the better the trades you get from him.

Let’s see for instance this one from Miad Kasravi:

Professional trade analysis from Miad Kasravi
Professional insight from Miad Kasravi

Notice the terms used, notice the language used.

You know you are NOT dealing with an inexperienced kid.

Makes sense?


But wait.

How do you recognize professionalism?

That’s the right question.

And the answer?

Well, above all…


What transparency from a signal provider means:

Professionalism and transparency are well related to each other.

If someone is professional he is also transparent.

If someone is transparent he is also professional.



The point is…

Is the trader you are following honest and transparent about the losing trades?

VERY important question to ask.

For instance…

  1. Are the losing positions well updated? They should.
  2. What about the winning ones? Sure, they are very well updated but does the trader flex about every single small win? If he does, that’s a red flag.
  3. The risk management. Is that professional and well managed?

These are some of the questions and topics to monitor to understand if you are dealing with a reliable one to follow or not.

So if you see something like bad risk reward, or the positions that hit stop loss not updated, and so on and so forth, well…

Then you know you are dealing with someone unprofessional.

And you DON’T want that.

Instead, what you want is full transparency.

Because some losing trades are PERFECTLY normal for real traders.

Here’s an example:

Example of a trade that hit stop loss
Stop losses in trading are part of the process

Full transparency.

No need to hide a losing trade.

If a stop loss is hit, it’s ok.

Not all positions can hit full take profit.

And that’s exactly where the next point comes into play…

What consistency really means:

It’s a matter of fact.

If a signal provider is not consistent with his trades… what’s the point of following him?

I get it.

But again.

Consistency does NOT mean winning all trades.

Not at all.

Consistency means…



  1. Is the trader consistent over the long run?
  2. Is the risk reward good?
  3. Is the risk management effective?

Obvious stuff.

But that’s the stuff that matters.

And that’s what makes the difference when you choose a trader to follow.

But let’s get into more details…

How to choose the right signal provider for your trading style:

There are so many options out there, and not all of them are reliable or suitable for you.

So let’s get into the specifics so that you can find the best one for your needs.



So, overall the choice of the right one to follow for you mostly depends on your specific style.

With things like:

  1. The trade length, as in intraday or swing trading.
  2. The overall style of analysis, as in technicals or fundamentals.
  3. The platform used to share the recommendations.


What’s your preferred trading style?

Are you a short term intraday trader?

Swing trader?

What’s the difference?

Investopedia defines it like this:

Definition of the difference between swing trading and intraday trading
Definition between swing trading and intraday trading

So do you prefer signals for swing trading or something else?


Do you prefer technical analysis, fundamental analysis, or a combination of both?

For instance, looks like the most popular style among retail traders is:

List of some of the most popular trading strategies
Swing trading is one of the most popular styles

Swing trading.

I like that.


Lots of styles, lots of preferences and there are traders for all of those.

But let’s be specific…

The best signal provider for trading with technical analysis:

Definitely if you are looking for short term technical ideas one of the best for that is Omar Agag:

Short term analysis about a Forex pair from Omar Agag
Short term technical trade signal from Omar Agag

He also shares his technical strategies as well.

So you know exactly what he is doing.

Here’s one of his strategies for instance:

Trading strategy explained from Omar Agag
Forex trading strategy from Omar Agag

Good stuff if you are into that.

Then, what about fundamentals?

I got you.

The best signal provider for trading with fundamental analysis:

This one is easy.

For fundamental analysis, BeSomebodyFX is the best.

You get reliable macro trades with detailed insights like this:

Forex trade based on fundamental analysis from BeSomebodyFX
Fundamental trade analysis on Telegram from BeSomebodyfX

And useful macro insights too.


It’s the best if you like Forex signals with fundamental analysis, period.

The platform that you prefer to get the trade recommendations:

Do you prefer to get ideas and insights on Twitter?

No problem…

Short term trade analysis on Twitter
Quick trade insights on Twitter

Do you prefer long form content on Youtube?

Also no problem…

Iliya Sivkov on Youtube
Long from content on Youtube for more articulated insights

Or do you prefer the straightforwardness of Telegram channels?

There you go…

Forex signal on Telegram
Forex trade recommendation on Telegram

Once you know what you want, you know who to follow.

And of course.

You can follow all these recommendations if all of them suit you.

But now let’s get a bit more specifics about the platforms to use…

Best platforms where to find signal providers:

Nowadays traders are everywhere, you can follow people on all kinds of socials.

Literally, everywhere.

Even on Bloomberg’s website with their content:

Bloomberg’s market surveillance
Bloomberg’s market surveillance

So the question becomes…

Which ones are the best platforms to keep an eye on?

Because you can’t follow everything everywhere, right?

I know.

So here are a few that stand out from the rest.

And I mean the ones where you can properly follow other traders in an effective and practical way.

So, which are these?

Let me show you…

Forex signal providers on Telegram:

Telegram is by far the most straightforward and also one of the most popular platforms for traders to get ideas.

But again…

Remember what we discussed above?

You have to make sure you follow the RIGHT ones.

And which one is the right one?

As already mentioned:

The best Forex signal provider on Telegram to follow
High quality trade idea

BeSomebodyFX is one of the best Telegram channels for Forex signals.

Clean, precise, and professional.

That’s what you want.

Signal providers on Twitter:

Twitter, or so now called X, is a bit trickier, why?

Because you can get distracted by lots and lots of useless content.

So follow the best on Twitter, which as already recommended is…

Short term trade analysis on Twitter
Omar Agag to follow on Twitter


Miad Kasravi sharing trades on Twitter
Miad Kasravi to follow on Twitter

And of course, you can get creative.

You don’t have to follow just one single profile on Twitter.

Of course not.

There are lots of traders to follow.

But be wise.

ALWAYS look for professionalism.

I can’t stress that enough.

Signal providers on Youtube:

You already know how to use Youtube, don’t you?

You do, so this doesn’t need much introduction.

Follow the best ones on there like:

Iliya Sivkov on Youtube for video content about Forex trading
Iliya Sivkov is the best to follow on Youtube

And stick to their updates regularly.

So these are the best platforms for Forex signals:

In simple, these that we mentioned above are the three most well organized and effective ones to follow traders and their recommendations.

But there are also many others, like for instance Substack

Traders to follow on Substack
BeSomebodyFX on Substack

And that’s just an example.

You can find many different places.

So just stick to the ones you feel more comfortable with.

It’s that simple.

Now, what else is there to mention?

Well, I know this article is getting a little lengthy already but there is something VERY important to mention.

Something that is usually NOT talked about.

Something different.

Something always overlooked but nonetheless extremely important.

What’s that?

Here it is…

How to follow signals providers correctly:

Wait a second.

Is there a right way and a wrong way of following trade recommendations?

Kinda, yes.

But to phrase it more correctly…

There is a “better way” or “more correct” way to get the most benefits.

For real?


There are a lot of benefits about Forex signals that get very often overlooked.

Like what?

Well, for instance…

What about the benefit of learning to trade and grow your experience from the recommendations?

Ever thought about that part?

Most don’t.

They just think about the positions and their accuracy, without thinking about the educational aspect.

But let me tell you…

Trading with signal providers is a MUCH more efficient way of learning, rather than just watching some old recorded content that just throws impractical theories at you.

Yes, I’m talking about all those “how to trade” videos that you find on Youtube…

Search results for how to trade Forex on Youtube
Videos on Youtube about how to trade Forex

Great for the basics.

And great to learn the theory.

But that’s NOT how you learn.

You have to watch the theory but then apply the practice.

Makes sense?

So trade recommendations are something way more practical that can REALLY teach you how you approach the markets correctly.


Well, here are a few tips:

  1. Follow the analysis and the commentaries of the signal providers, NOT just the trades.
  2. Engage with the trader and ask questions.
  3. Study the analysis sent by researching more details.


Think about it.

Why do you follow a trader?

To get the best positions to follow?


To learn about trading?

Maybe, maybe not.

But you should.

That’s the best way to properly learn how to trade yourself.

You watch the trader in action, you take notes, and you apply that yourself.

I know…

Easier said than done.

But it can be done, and that’s much better than many other methods out there.

See, the best way that people learn to do something is by experience.

By doing that thing with the right guide.

Not sure about that?

Research on how to learn effectively
Studies on how to learn better and faster

And one of those points is:

Applying knowledge is one of the best methods to learn something effectively
Applying knowledge as the most effective learning mechanism

But come on…

You know that already.

That’s how learning in general works.

So start to think about signal providers not only as a way to get profitable trades, but also as a way to learn and improve your trading skills.

That’s smart.

And that’s how you improve your trading.

And that’s all that you need to know about Forex signal providers:

That was a long article, wasn’t it?

Yes, but so much valuable information.


Let me quickly recap what you should have learned here about Forex signals:

  1. How to choose the best ones to follow for your trading style, based on their professionalism, transparency, consistency, approach, and platform.
  2. The best ones to follow on Telegram, Twitter, and Youtube, and why they are the best.
  3. How to follow other traders correctly, not just by copying their positions, but by following their analysis, engaging with them, and applying their strategies yourself.

That’s a lot of valuable insights, right?

Now you can follow some of the ones recommended here but also you find your own with the rules and details mentioned.

Useful, I know.


Follow the best signal providers in Forex, watch how they trade, follow their trades, learn from them, and improve your own trading skills.



Tyler Durden

Writing about Forex trading. But more specifically, I write about the best sources of insights, trade ideas, and analysis that traders should follow.