Best websites for Forex Fundamental Analysis 2024

Tyler Durden
9 min readSep 6, 2023


So, what really are the best websites for fundamental analysis for Forex trading?

And I don’t mean the classic boring ones that you have heard multiple times already.


I mean something different from the average.

Something REALLY useful.

Real actionable fundamental analysis that you can truly benefit from.

So not just some random market commentary or analysis that is more theory than anything else.

Because that’s NOT useful, at all.

Do you agree?

I’m sure you do.

So what are the best sites to get the real USEFUL fundamentals?

Well, let me show you 5 websites and platforms that provide you with high quality insights for your trading that are different from the average.

You can then follow the ones that you like most.

Sounds interesting?


The best websites for Forex fundamental analysis:

Here’s a quick list first…

  1. BeSomebodyFX
  2. Bloomberg
  3. ForexLive
  4. Efxdata
  5. Twitter


I know.

There are some really common names there like Bloomberg and Twitter.

Like… weren’t we supposed to talk about something more original than that?


Just bear with me because I’m going to show you some ways of using those two platforms that you’ve never seen before.

But before going into that.

Let’s start with the first recommendation.

1. BeSomebodyFX:

BeSomebodyFX for Forex fundamental analysis
BeSomebodyFX website

BeSomebodyFX is an authority in Forex fundamental analysis.

And you can find the best insights and trades on the BeSomebodyFX Telegram channel.

Here’s an example:

Telegram channel with fundamental analysis for Forex
Fundamental trade recommendation from Telegram channel

That’s the most useful type of fundamental analysis that you can find out there.


Because it’s actionable, it’s professional, and it’s well organized.

But we will get into these details later in the article.

Before doing that let me show you the next one.

2. Bloomberg:

And there it is.

The classic Bloomberg.

So what’s the way to use it that’s different from usual?

Well, ever heard of Bloomberg’s live shows?


Cool, let me show you what it is:

Bloomberg market surveillance for fundamental updates
Bloomberg market surveillance website

Every day they are live talking markets and sharing useful information.

And I’m telling you, they know what they are talking about:

Thumbnail of Bloomberg market surveillance
Bloomberg market surveillance thumbnail

So Bloomberg overall for fundamentals yes.

And Bloomberg market surveillance specifically for super insightful long form video content about markets.

And with that said, the next one?

3. ForexLive:

Another classic, of course.

So how to use this effectively?

Well, the caveat with ForexLive is that in between the useful posts there’s a bit of stuff that is not really actionable.

But even with that in mind, it’s by far one of the best places to stay updated on the macro developments across the board.

They do useful updates like this:

Fundamental headline from Forexlive website
Market update from ForexLive about data from Europe

And they have useful market insights like this:

Fundamental post about the BoC interest rate decision on ForexLive
ForexLive update about interest rate decision from the BoC

You then click on it and expand on the subject that interests you.

Got it.

Now let me show you the next one.

4. Efxdata:

Efxdata website for fundamental analysis for Forex trading
Efxdata website

This is one of the lesser known but they have a great deal of useful fundamental insights.

Ranging from technical notes like the one above.

To more advanced insights from important institutions:

Fundamental trade recommendation on efxdata from a large institution
Trade recommendation from a large institution


Yes, absolutely.

And that’s why it’s one of the best sites.

Ok, what’s next?

5. Twitter:

And there it is.

This isn’t really an original recommendation, isn’t it?

Yes, I agree.

But Twitter is a must on the list because the potential with it is immense.

The reason is that you literally can follow all kinds of traders and analysts that you can think of.

For real.

You can organize it with the best fundamental sources that you want.

For instance, content from Bloomberg:

Bloomberg markets on Twitter updating on central banks and monetary policy
Bloomberg on Twitter talking about central banks and monetary policy

Content from market analysts, or even better, directly from traders.

And so and so forth.

You can get creative with Twitter.

You just have to choose your favorites and stick to them.

Now, with all this said…

Which one is the best of these?

So, these are 5 spectacular websites to keep an eye on for fundamentals.

But, which one actually is THE best of the five?

Like, there must be one that is more useful than the others. And why?

Well, that’s a SUPER interesting question and I will let you decide that yourself by showing you the most important aspects to evaluate.


That’s a fantastic idea.

Let’s get into it.

The best website for Forex fundamentals:

So if we have to cherry pick the one that is more useful and insightful we have to keep in mind three things…

  1. How actionable are the trade ideas and insights.
  2. The professionalism of the insights.
  3. How everything is organized and delivered.

Three interesting points to evaluate, right?

Yes, let’s get into the details.

How actionable are the fundamental trade ideas:

As we mentioned at the beginning, a random market analysis is different from an actionable trading signal for instance.

Let me show you what I mean…

Here’s some market analysis from ForexLive:

Market update from ForexLive
Market analysis from ForexLive

It’s great, but it‘s not as actionable as it could be for a trader, right?


And now here’s instead an actionable trade idea from the BeSomebodyFX Telegram channel:

Actionable and insightful Forex trade with fundamental analysis

There’s a bit of a difference, right?

One is mostly just random market commentary and the other is a clear well defined trading plan for a trade.

So I’m sure you can already see how one is more useful than the other, right?


So between the five who’s the best at sharing actionable trade ideas?

Well, all of them.

That’s why they are the best.

You just have to decide which style you like most.

Here’s a style of the trades from BeSomebodyFX:

Example of a Forex trade with fundamental analaysis from BeSomebodyFX
Forex trade with fundamental analysis

Beautiful, clean, precise.

I like that.

Then on ForexLive between a bit of noise, you get these kinds of actionable trade ideas:

Trade recommendation on ForexLive

Quite useful when you then look into it…

More details from the trade recommendation above

And then also from Bloomberg you get experts who share their own trade ideas on the show:

Strategist talking about BoE rate hike expectations live on Bloomberg
Analyst on Bloomberg talking about the BoE and rate hikes

On top of that, similarly on efxdata between all the posts you get useful insights like this:

Full market analysis from Efxdata
Market analysis from Efxdata

All of these are SUPER useful.

And if there’s one that’s instead a bit less useful well… that’s Twitter.

But that’s normal. I mean, that’s the nature of Twitter.

It depends on who you follow.

You can be following traders who share actionable stuff or traders who don’t.

So with that in mind, let’s get to the next point…

The professionalism of the fundamental insights:

Professionalism is a word that I repeat VERY often in these articles.

It’s really at the core of the matter when it comes to Forex signals, fundamental trade ideas, and all that’s related to trading.

And I mean that the professionalism of the analysis that you follow equals the reliability of it.

Think about that for a second.

It’s a big deal.

The more professional a market analysis is the more reliable it is. And the more reliable it is the more it tends to be accurate and consistent.

Again, big deal.

Now, let me show you what IS professional:

Example of high quality professional fundamental analysis
Example of professional fundamental analysis

See that?

It’s quite evident.

That’s professional fundamental analysis.


The head of such and such large hedge fund sharing their insights on currencies and markets?

Analyst on Bloomberg talking about currencies
Market analyst on Bloomberg talking about China

That’s something professional as well.

And then again…

A big institution sharing its thoughts on the market?

You get it.

That’s professionalism too.

So once again, all the ones mentioned on this list are highly professional sources for fundamental analysis.

That’s as good as it gets.

But is that enough?


There’s more…

How everything is organized and delivered:

This is the more subjective point. Why?

Because it’s a personal preference.

Maybe you prefer the structure on ForexLive for instance.

Or maybe you prefer the relaxed long form video content on Bloomberg:

Bloomberg long form video content on Youtube for market updates
Bloomberg surveillance long from video content on Youtube

You know…

Bloomberg can get pretty long with their show.

So you might instead prefer the straightforwardness of the trade ideas and insights on Telegram from BeSomebodyFX:

Forex trade idea
Forex trade idea to follow

Again, it’s subjective to your preferences.

And by the way…

You don’t have to choose one or the other.

You can use all the platforms to your advantage.

Actually, you should do that.

Let me explain that better…

How to choose the best website for Forex fundamentals for your needs:

So, first of all.

Yes, you can and you should follow multiple ones to get your fundamentals.

I mean, the benefits of having multiple sources are many, just to name a few…

  1. You get more trade ideas to take action on.
  2. You get more perspective and more details on the whole macro context.
  3. You can confirm trade ideas and opinions between multiple sources to get extra confirmation and confidence.

So there are plenty of advantages to getting multiple opinions.

But now the question becomes…

Which ones are more appropriate for you?

Because you can’t follow all of them, can you?

Well, technically you could. But that can become tricky and distracting.

Because you need to be able to filter through a lot of contradicting opinions and ideas sometimes.

So I know, that can be a bit confusing.

For instance…

ForexLive might have an insight to go long such and such currency, while on Bloomberg at the same time they might be pointing to the complete opposite.

Those kinds of opposite views can happen.

That’s how the market works.

Traders and analysts sometimes have the opposite opinions on the same thing.

It’s not uncommon.

So back to the matter…

What you need to ask yourself to choose the best platform for you:

Think about this…

  1. What kind of trader are you? Are you a short term trader or you prefer swing trading? Do you prefer only fundamental analysis or do you like a bit of technicals with it?
  2. What kind of information are you looking for? Do you want trade ideas or just market commentary? Do you want technical notes or institutional insights? Do you want basic or more advanced analysis?
  3. How do you like to consume information? Do you prefer reading or watching? Do you like long form or short form content?

These are all questions that define the best platform for you to follow to get your fundamentals.

Do you like long form video content?

Again, Bloomberg is perfect for that with their live content:

Bloomberg for live fundamental insights and updates
Bloomberg live market insights

But maybe you don’t have time for that and you prefer something more straightforward.

Or maybe you prefer to scroll through Twitter to find interesting ideas?

It’s up to you really.

Choose the method that suits you best, and stick to it.

But now with that in mind.

There’s something else that needs to be talked about.

What’s that?

Here it is…

How these sites improve your fundamental analysis for Forex trading:

I always repeat.

Follow the best and you trade like the best.

Cool, right?

Yes, I like that a lot.

So in this case when you follow the best sites to get your fundamentals you get the best information that you can get, and as a result, you trade at your best.

Simple as that.

But wait…

How exactly can these 5 websites improve your trading?

It’s simple…

  1. You get timely and accurate fundamental updates.
  2. You get insightful and relevant analysis and commentary.
  3. And you get actionable and professional trade ideas and signals.

Really, this is all that you need for your trading.

Be smart, be wise, and follow the best websites mentioned in this article to get the best fundamental analysis for your trading, that’s the way.



Tyler Durden

Writing about Forex trading. But more specifically, I write about the best sources of insights, trade ideas, and analysis that traders should follow.