
All my posts in one place.

Vasco Brazão
2 min readApr 4, 2018

Medium’s structure—the design of the homepage, the pages of publications, the pages of individual writers—is geared towards finding the latest, most popular posts. This can make it hard to find truly high-quality, timeless content. That’s what I like to read and write, though, so I often scroll through writers’ past posts, digging for gold. It’s why I started publishing the Medium Psychology Highlights, trying to give a voice and recognition to good writers that have not been too lucky with the algorithm, and helping those who care about good, well-researched content find something awesome to read. And it’s why I’m crating this Archive.

If you’re here, I assume you like what I write, at least a little (yay!), and wish you had a neat place to access all of my posts without having to scroll through my claps and responses. Well, now you do. Welcome to the Archive. Below are two lists, which I vow to keep updating: first all of my posts (mostly about psychology, but you knew that); then all of the Highlights issues. Enjoy!

Main Posts¹

01/08/18: 3 Ways Medium Could Improve Right Now (unlocked)

31/07/18: Up-Goer Five Challenge: Psychology (Describing psychology terms using only the ten hundred most common words in English)

13/05/18: Small Talk Monologue [Words unsaid]

11/05/18: Psychology Is Changing—And I’m Behind (Five resources I’m using to catch up with psychology and become a better researcher)

12/10/17: Positive Thinking Done Right (Why visualising your future doesn’t work, and what does)

01/09/17: Seeing Through “Writer Envy” (A little reflection on How to Deal With “Writer Envy” by Amy Torres)

26/08/17: How to Motivate a Human — The Definitive Guide (Part II) (How to be need supportive)

11/08/17: How to Motivate a Human—The Definitive Guide (Part I) (Humans and avocados, or what self-determination theory can teach us about motivation)

^¹Most of my posts are, experimentally, members-only. However, Medium allows free users to read more than their three monthly members-only articles by using “friend links”. If there is a post of mine you’d like to read but can’t don’t hesitante to Tweet at me and I’ll happily send you a friend link to satisfy your curiosity.²

^² If you’re wondering how I made these awesome linked footnotes, check out Chen Ye’s great workaround.

Medium Psychology Highlights

10/07/18: Issue 7—On memory, colours, even video game tournaments

19/05/18: Issue 6—A smörgåsbord for the psychologically curious

11/05/18: Issue 5—Teamwork, UX design, philosophy, and more

30/03/18: Issue 4—Education and procrastination, meta-psychology, death, and more

18/03/18: Issue 3—Mea culpa, psychology myths, decisions, and more

02/03/18: Issue 2—On luck, technology, high sensitivity, and mental health

22/02/18: Issue 1—On the Why and How of the series, child and adult development (kind of), and behavioural economics

P.S.: Dates are in the logical DD/MM/YY format. Deal with it.

