How to use AR in Fashion

Vedika Bhasin
3 min readApr 6, 2024


— Augmented Reality in Fashion

Different areas within the fashion industry such as fashion education, marketing and displays can use AR creatively to bring traction and reach their goals faster. Using a combination of Virtual Try-ons, Digital products and Smart Mirrors as AR Solutions, you can generate data driven revenues, faster workflows and unlock an immersive, fun and personalized shopping journey.

Areas within the fashion industry — how to use AR:

Fashion Education: AR can transform dry textbooks into engaging experiences where 3D models of historical clothing can bring fashion history to life. AR tools also allow virtual collaboration on design projects, sketching and manipulating designs in a shared virtual space, regardless of location.

Pattern or Design Iterations: Designers can create and iterate on patterns in AR by visualizing them on 3D models before physical samples are produced. This reduces waste and streamlines the design process. An AR feedback loop also enables designers to share prototypes with colleagues or clients remotely, allowing for real-time feedback and virtual adjustments on the fly. This encourages efficient and rapid design iterations.

Production and Manufacturing: AR overlays can guide workers on complex assembly tasks, improving accuracy and efficiency in production lines. AR tools can also be used to scan and inspect finished garments for defects, streamlining quality control processes.

AR Marketing Campaigns: Interactive AR filters on social media platforms can create viral marketing campaigns, guiding users to try new collections and share their experiences.

AR Fashion Shows: Imagine attending a fashion show where the models walk a virtual runway in your living room. AR can create immersive experiences where users can interact with the clothing as if it’s actually worn, view detailed product information, and even purchase virtual items straight off the runway. This approach can broaden a brand’s reach and create a more engaging experience compared to traditional fashion shows.

Virtual Changing rooms: Physical fitting rooms are brought into your chosen space with an artificial environment transformation, bridging the gap between physical and virtual retail shopping, and enabling brands to meet the needs of modern-day consumers.

Virtual Try ons in Digital Fashion

People within the fashion industry — how to use AR:

Fashionistas: Effortlessly Experiment as you virtually try on clothes before you buy, ensuring a perfect fit and eliminating shopping headaches. AR tailors the experience to you and you see how clothes drape on your body and adjust for size or style preferences to find your ideal look. Become a part of the Digital revolution and step beyond physical limits as you embrace digital clothing to express yourself with unique and ever-evolving virtual styles.

Fashion Brands: AR try-on data reveals what resonates with your audience. Use these insights to inform product development, collaborations, and marketing campaigns, keeping your brand at the forefront of trends. AR also streamlines production by reducing unnecessary physical samples. Plus, it creates engaging promotional content that drives sales and fosters brand loyalty and a community of enthusiastic fans.

Fashion Manufacturers: Eliminate the risk of overproducing unwanted items by gauging consumer interest through virtual try-ons before full-scale production, minimizing waste and maximizing efficiency. Showcase designs with captivating AR experiences also help highlight key features and functionalities, attracting potential buyers and streamlining the sales process.

For Fashion Creators: AR empowers aspiring designers. You can create and share virtual collections, build an audience, attract investors and turn your vision into a thriving brand, only going into production when demand is proven. Share your designs with the world, connect with a global audience and establish yourself as a trendsetter.

With each of these, tracking relevant data points will lead to return on investments. For example in education, faculty could measure student engagement and knowledge retention or during manufacturing, management can monitor efficiency gains and cost reductions.

Metrics help assess the impact of AR and refine strategies for maximum benefit. By embracing AR, all corners that make the fashion industry can cultivate a new era of innovation, personalization, and success.

Read more about How to use AR in Fashion and What is AR in Fashion here.



Vedika Bhasin

Industry thinking and filtered knowledge about AR, VR, XR and Creative Technology