Living on Crypto, feedback from our family #2

Venezuelan Cryptofamily
4 min readFeb 11, 2019


(Dear reader, this story is linked to the main story, please see HERE)

Dear beloved community,

today we have something nice to share with you.

Some weeks ago this project were able to support another family.
(See here the article for announcement)

Carla and her newborn son Simón became part of the project as our second supported family. Especially we are very proud to support one of the youngest crypto user on earth — newborn Simón.
This was a big step for us and brought us some new experiences which will strengthens this project for times coming.

But first things first:

Carla wrote a nice text for our supporter and donator to say thank you for the help and the received funds.

“At the beginning of 2019 my little Simón and I had the joy of being part of a wonderful social aid project.
When a baby is exclusively breastfed, as is the case with Simón, the mother must have a very healthy diet to provide her child with all the nutrients she needs without compromising her own health.
In Venezuela, where the basic diet is currently composed of large amounts of carbohydrates and low protein, women who breastfeed and do not have a high income to buy meat or chicken, do not consume the nutrients necessary to have energy to enable them to work and take care of the home optimally.
Adopt a Family Project allowed us to pay for part of our food and some of the essential items for the baby throughout the month of January.
It was a good experience, which brought us closer to the digital economy as a form of monetary exchange. And although the lack of internet in some areas of Venezuela, represents a strong obstacle to change the digital currencies to Bolivars, receiving help in crypto currencies that maintain their commercial value, assured us food during this month and investment in a personal enterprise to maintain us despite inflation in our country.

Thank you so much for adopting our little family! Greetings from Venezuela”

Please see some pictures of the food Carla bought below, from some of the received funds from the project.

Food bought with NANO

We, the Project “Adopt a Family”, Simón and I (Fabian) are happy to had Carla for one month as a part of this project and we are glad, she was able to spend the given funds for a good use.

As mentioned above, we all made some new experiences

Carla clearly struggled with the big hurdles of the technological side, having access to the wallet with her device and with her internet connection.

We experienced how important it is, to support our families with the possible easiest way at the moment to give our families access to the used technology of cryptocurrencies (especially NANO and Banano) and education to use this.
We discovered that we have to work on this, and we strife to improve ourselves to do better next time! :-)

As the project strives to help families for at least one month and Carla is fine with that and is set to challenge her life out of own force, we have to say good bye to our family #2. We will stay in contact with her and in case she needs any help or a financial breather, we hopefully can support her for another month.

For now, we currently assemble our financial power to have the chance of supporting two new families (as announced here). Families #3 support started some weeks ago, #4 is still pending due to device and educational reasons.

You, our community, donator and follower

made some donations in the last weeks, and we thank you very much for all of them ❤
Especially we wanna thank our biggest donator so far. On February 10th we received 50000 Bananos (About $40) on one of our donation wallets.
You can imagine we are pretty stunned and amazed by your big-hearted donation — thank you very much!



Venezuelan Cryptofamily

A cryptocurrency based aid project for families in Venezuela