Project: Adoptafamily’s food distribution in childcare center

Venezuelan Cryptofamily
8 min readJul 18, 2019


(Dear reader, this story is linked to the main story, please see HERE)

Dear beloved community,

time flies and meanwhile we’re doing such a food distribution for the 6th time!!
Unbelievable — you, our amazing community made us do this ❤

If you are new to this project please see our latest two distributions here and here. This project strives to provide three things — regular help for families in Venezuela ($50 USD per month per family), recurring food distribution events (usually once per month) and education about cryptocurrencies.

If you’re curious, please see our main page here on Medium or see our homepage for further information. We love to welcome you in our community. At the end of this story you’ll find information about our Telegram or Instagram — please feel welcome to join our community.


Last time we visited our elderly people, our grandmas and grandpas and this was a hot distribution :-) (see here)
For the sake of safeness during shaky times in Venezuela/Caracas we once again helped in a childcare center, a nice and sheltered place for the youngest in our community.

“Hogares Bambi” is place were kids in every age find support and a place to grow up in safety. When people talk about Venezuela or media talk about the crisis, it’s mostly about the hyper inflation and about financial losses. About how people struggle to buy stuff and feed their family members.
Sadly this crisis has a lot of more facets. It’s “not only” a financial crisis which will hurt the country for decades, it’s even the biggest humanitarian crisis South America suffered since a very long time. The average age of the population of Venezuela is, compare to Europe or North America, much younger. Sadly the younger people are, the less they are able to take care of themselves, which results in a very high amount of children and young adults who have to life in the streets, repudiate by their families for whatever reason.

In “Hogares Bambi” there are kids from a some weeks old newborn to kids in school age. It’s sad to see that these children can’t life with their families…

But, let’s focus on the positive facts! “Hogares Bambi” is a very nice place for children. We found this place in our researches and Lilo and Sebas visited it before the food distribution to ensure themselves, this is a good place we want to support.

We called you, our big hearted community to support us with love, peace, harmony and .. cash. Of course cash in digital form — so called crypotcurrencies. And you did not disappoint us, you delivered with BANANOs, NANOs, IOTAs and Bitcoin. Great! Thank you very very much!

So lets done some math! Summing up all ingredients and the corresponding (daily) prices for this in Caracas. The withdrawal of the “cryptos” results in this much “FIAT”-money. You may remember pics out of school in history about Germany? People paying millions, literally heavy bags full of paper bills, for the sake of buying one leaf of bread or some eggs? If not, please google “German Inflation 1914 to 1923” and see the pictures. Exactly this happens right now in Venezuela — fortunately now exist something like cryptocurrency, which could be a tool to flee in a kind of financial safe haven, avoiding hyper inflation and preserve the purchase strength of your own money.

Preparing the food — because this is the reason we are here — see munching kids. A lot of munching kids :-)
And what meal could match the gourmet needs of young adults? Right! Noodles with tomato sauce! (and of course vegetables and high valuable proteins — just for the sake of providing a valuable meal with good ingredients for our growing up future).

What do we need more?

Of course a dinning room for our honored guests.
Please note, for every size and demand is a very comfy chair prepared and nice and shiny in place in front of a dinner table.

So what more do we need?

Correct, well-prepared meals for the rascals :-)
So, check! What else?

Yes, of course waiter who serve the smallest with this finest dinner.
But wait… something is missing?!

The ladies and gents! :-)
“They see us munchin’ ...“

Later on its playtime with Lilo and Sebas. See all this happy little “I recently got some noodles” faces of the little ones (and of Lilo and Sebas too..)

Lilo and Sebas, both supported families themselves who become a mayor part of this project, had a great time at “Hogares Bambi” with the awesome little kids.
Lilo was very busy feeding babies — two babies at the same time!! :-) Sebas as picture superstar were used as a toy for the kids and of course as a photo-model for keeping this day in mind.

I personally want to say thank you very much to Lilo and Sebas making this a reality. Caring for organization, doing the groceries and preparing the food. Prior visiting the place and doing the distribution. Simón and I are so fortunate to have you guys as a part of this project ❤

And of course the whole project team (Lilo, Sebas, Simón and I (Fabian) want to say “thank you” to you — our community. Your money went to 100% into food, hope, some education and weekly financial support to the supported families in this project. Without your money, all this were just not possible — so thank you very very much!

Of course, we all want to say our thanks to “the aunts” of “Hogares Bambi” who taking care of the kids, keeping the place in a tidy and clean home for the children and let us doing the distribution.

This time you may note this article is a bit more detailed and contains some background info. The project is fun, supports people and have a very funny and creative community — which is great and one of our mayor forces for success — but we should not forget it’s a tough reality for people in Venezuela right now.
For this kids, eying a future which is may not so bright…
This said, I, we are feeling even more dedicated to help people. To spread some hope and maybe spark some ignitions about education for the great tool of cryptocurrencies and how to deploy them for your own good. To help yourself in dark times and hedge your funds against hyperinflation.

We are blessed with an awesome and strong community!
Banano, Nano or any other project you are with, we love you and everybody is welcome ❤
2019 is still young, please follow us on this journey and be part of this project and upcoming events.

Lilo, Lilo’s mom, Sebas, Simón and I.



Venezuelan Cryptofamily

A cryptocurrency based aid project for families in Venezuela