Empowering Swift Development with Freestanding Expression Macros: A Case Study of the URL Macro

4 min readFeb 24, 2024


Photo by Clément Hélardot on Unsplash

Macros are like magical assistants for your Swift code, tirelessly working behind the scenes to save you from repetitive tasks and streamline your development process. They transform your source code during compilation, helping you avoid writing tedious code by hand. But how exactly do they work, and how can you harness their power effectively? Let’s dive in and explore the world of Swift macros.

Introduction to Macros

Before delving into the specifics of expression macros, let’s briefly define what macros are. Macros are special constructs in Swift that allow developers to define reusable code patterns that are expanded during compilation. They serve as powerful tools for abstracting repetitive tasks and enforcing compile-time checks, ultimately enhancing code readability and maintainability.

Understanding Freestanding Expression Macros

Expression macros are tools in Swift that allow you to create custom expressions by transforming code. They help you extend Swift’s capabilities without modifying the language itself. This means you can build more powerful libraries and reduce unnecessary code clutter.

Expression macros, identified by the pound sign (#) prefix, are a type of macro in Swift that function as expressions within source code.

Example: The URL Macro

Let’s explore the implementation of an expression macro named `URL`, which aims to simplify the creation of non-optional URL instances from static string literals while ensuring their validity during compile-time.

Macro Definition:

/// Check if provided string literal is a valid URL and produce a non-optional
/// URL value. Emit error otherwise.
@freestanding(expression) // 1
public macro URL(_ stringLiteral: String) -> URL = #externalMacro(module: "MacroExamplesImplementation", type: "URLMacro")

1. @freestanding(expression): This attribute indicates that the macro is freestanding and acts as an expression, allowing it to be used anywhere expressions are allowed within Swift source code.
2. public macro URL(_ stringLiteral: String) -> URL: This line defines the macro named URL. It specifies that the macro takes a single parameter stringLiteral of type String and returns a value of type URL.
3. = #externalMacro(module: “MacroExamplesImplementation”, type: “URLMacro”): This part assigns the macro implementation to an external macro defined in a separate module, promoting better organization and modularity in codebases.

Macro Implementation:

import Foundation
import SwiftSyntax
import SwiftSyntaxMacros
public enum URLMacro: ExpressionMacro {
public static func expansion(
of node: some FreestandingMacroExpansionSyntax,
in context: some MacroExpansionContext
) throws -> ExprSyntax {
guard let argument = node.arguments.first?.expression,
let segments = argument.as(StringLiteralExprSyntax.self)?.segments,
segments.count == 1,
case .stringSegment(let literalSegment)? = segments.first
else {
throw CustomError.message("#URL requires a static string literal")
guard let _ = URL(string: literalSegment.content.text) else {
throw CustomError.message("malformed url: \(argument)")
return "URL(string: \(argument))!"

1. Import Statements: These import statements bring in the necessary modules and libraries required for the macro implementation.
2. Macro Implementation Declaration: Here, we define a Swift enum named URLMacro, indicating that it’s an expression macro intended to handle URLs constructed from static string literals.
3. Expansion Function: This function, named `expansion`, is responsible for expanding the macro. It takes two parameters: `node` and `context`, representing the AST node associated with the macro expansion and contextual information about the expansion process, respectively.
4. Guard Statements: These guard statements ensure that the macro is applied to a static string literal and that the URL created from the string literal is valid. If any conditions fail, an appropriate error message is thrown.
5. URL Validation: Here, we attempt to create a URL instance from the extracted string literal. If the URL creation fails (indicating a malformed URL), an error is thrown.

#### Example Usage:

print(#URL("https://swift.org/")) // Output: URL(string: "https://swift.org/")!
//let domain = "domain.com"
print(#URL("https://\(domain)/api/path")) // Error: #URL requires a static string literal
//print(#URL("https://not a url.com")) // Error: Malformed url

In this example, the URL expression macro simplifies the creation of URL instances from string literals while ensuring their validity during compile-time. By abstracting away the complexity of URL construction and validation, developers can write cleaner and more robust code.


Expression macros in Swift offer developers a powerful tool for enhancing code readability, maintainability, and efficiency.




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