Unveiling the Power of Macros in Swift

5 min readFeb 24, 2024


Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

Macros are like magical assistants for your Swift code, tirelessly working behind the scenes to save you from repetitive tasks and streamline your development process. They transform your source code during compilation, helping you avoid writing tedious code by hand. But how exactly do they work, and how can you harness their power effectively? Let’s dive in and explore the world of Swift macros.

Macro Expansion: Adding Without Subtracting

When you compile your Swift code, macros swing into action, expanding any macros they encounter before proceeding with the usual compilation process. This expansion is always additive; macros add new code but never delete or modify existing code. This ensures that your code remains intact while macros enhance its functionality.

Ensuring Code Integrity

Macros maintain the integrity of your code by checking both the input to a macro and the output of its expansion. This ensures that the code you provide to macros and the code they generate are syntactically valid Swift. Additionally, macros validate the types of values passed to them and emitted by them, preventing errors and enhancing code reliability.

Macro Roles

Macros in Swift are categorized based on their roles, which dictate how they are applied and what kind of code they generate. By understanding and specifying the roles of macros, we ensure that their expansions are added predictably and without disrupting the existing code structure.

Introducing Freestanding and Attached Macros

In Swift, macros come in two flavors: freestanding and attached.

Freestanding Macros

Freestanding macros in Swift are macros that stand alone in your code, separate from any specific declaration. They are denoted by a pound sign (#) preceding their name.

1. Expression Macro

Expression macros are tools in Swift that allow you to create custom expressions by transforming code. They help you extend Swift’s capabilities without modifying the language itself. This means you can build more powerful libraries and reduce unnecessary code clutter.

Expression macros, identified by the pound sign (#) prefix, are a type of macro in Swift that function as expressions within source code.

Please refer to this article for more details about Expression macros.

2. Declaration Macro

Freestanding Declaration Macros are designed to expand into new declarations without relying on any specific context within the Swift codebase. Unlike other macros that might require certain conditions or contexts to be met, Freestanding Declaration Macros operate independently, allowing developers to create custom declarations with arbitrary logic.

Declaration macros, similar to expression macros, are prefixed with a pound sign (#) and operate on declarations within your code.

Please refer to this article for more details about Declaration macros.

Attached Macros

Attached Macros in Swift are special constructs that are prefixed with an at sign (@) and are used to modify the declaration they are attached to. These macros enable developers to add additional code to a declaration, such as defining new methods or adding conformance to a protocol, thereby enhancing code readability and maintainability.

Attached macros can be further classified into five categories based on the macro role specified in it.

  1. Peer Macros

Peer Macros in Swift are a special kind of tool that, when used with a declaration, can create new declarations right alongside it. Unlike other macros that change the declaration they’re attached to, Peer Macros add new related declarations nearby. This is great for keeping code neat and organized, as it lets developers add methods, properties, or other related bits without needing extra extensions or making big changes from the outside.

Please refer to this article for more details about Peer macros.

2. Member Macros

Member Macros in Swift are a special type of macros aimed at creating new declarations that seamlessly integrate as members of a type or extension. Identified by the “member” attribute, these macros are implemented by types conforming to the MemberMacro protocol. With Member Macros, developers can effortlessly add methods, properties, or declarations directly into a type or extension’s scope, boosting its functionality without requiring additional extensions or external changes.

Please refer to this article for more details about Member macros.

3. Member Attribute Macros

Member Attribute Macros in Swift are specialized macros that add attributes to individual members of types or extensions. These macros, marked with the “memberAttribute” attribute, are implemented by types conforming to the MemberAttributeMacro protocol. With Member Attribute Macros, developers can dynamically add attributes to specific members within a type or extension. This grants precise control over their behavior or metadata, enhancing code flexibility and customization.

Please refer to this article for more details about Member Attribute macros.

4. Accessor Macros

Accessor Macros are a type of macros in Swift made to enhance stored properties by adding custom accessors. They’re labeled with the “accessor” attribute and are created using types that follow the AccessorMacro protocol. With Accessor Macros, developers can give stored properties custom behavior, allowing better control over how properties are accessed and manipulated in Swift code.

Please refer to this article for more details about Accessor macros.

5. Extension Macros

Extension Macros are a special kind of macros in Swift designed to extend the features of existing types by adding protocol conformances, where clauses, and new declarations. They are marked with the “extension” attribute and are implemented by types conforming to the ExtensionMacro protocol. With Extension Macros, developers can effortlessly enhance the abilities of types without having to manually edit their original declarations.

Please refer to this article for more details about Extension macros.

Implementing Macros: Bringing Ideas to Life

Implementing macros in Swift involves two key components: the macro declaration and its implementation. The declaration defines the macro’s name, parameters, roles, and where it can be used, while the implementation generates Swift code based on these specifications. Whether you’re creating a freestanding or attached macro, the process remains consistent, providing a structured approach to macro development.

Macro Expansion in Action

When the compiler encounters a macro call, it constructs an abstract syntax tree (AST) representing the code’s structure and passes it to the macro’s implementation. The implementation then expands the macro, generating additional code based on the input AST. The expanded code seamlessly integrates into your program, maintaining syntactical correctness and type safety.

Developing and Debugging with Macros

Macros are ideal for test-driven development, as they transform ASTs without relying on external state. You can write tests to ensure that your macros behave as expected, verifying their output against predetermined results. With Swift’s testing capabilities, debugging macros becomes a straightforward process, enabling you to refine and perfect your macro implementations.

In conclusion, Swift macros are powerful tools that enhance your productivity and code quality. By understanding their principles and leveraging them effectively, you can simplify complex tasks, eliminate redundancy, and unlock new possibilities in your Swift projects. So, embrace the magic of macros and let them revolutionize your Swift development journey!




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