
Woodshed Coffee & Tea
2 min readJan 3, 2016


synonyms: energize, incite, rouse, motivate, stir, affect, spark.

matcha latte, courtesy of the baristas at La Barba Coffee in Salt Lake City — photo by Sam DuRegger

Inspiration. We aspire to curate quality experiences that will inspire you in your everyday. From product, to people, to environment; this core value will drive our growth and our curation of experiences, whether it be the coffee or tea in your cup, or the environment you frequent.

Owners. Internally, this means we will seek inspiration ourselves — as employees and owners — through education and exploration. Because, if we are motivated to bring the best to our customers, our customers will be inspired to bring the best to their everyday.

Hiring. In hiring, we will look for employees that have the capacity to inspire. Life-long learners who get excited about the details and lost in the stories of our products’ journey from ground to cup.

Space. Our physical environments will be a reflection of this value, as we believe a working space can stir people to do great work both at our offices and our cafe’. We want our spaces to be a muse for the remote worker and student who choose to frequent our establishment for refreshment and creative spark.

Product. Our products will be curated for the enjoyment and inspiration of our customers. We won’t carry hundreds of variants, rather we will curate a handful of options to compliment the season and the base product lineup. Our goal is not to overwhelm you with options but to woo you with the flavor profiles we love, and in turn hope to expand your expectation of what coffee and tea can be.

I’ll close this out with one of my favorite quotes from my wife — a great metaphor for what we believe inspiration to be — a love affair, not just something you like.

If you don’t love the pants, don’t buy the pants.

— Candace DuRegger

Written by Sam DuRegger
Founder, Woodshed Coffee & Tea

As we explore our Core Values, please be sure to check out our beginnings, and the rest of the values we aspire to evoke in our everyday.

A Cord of Values

  1. Inspiration
  2. Sincerity
  3. Stewardship
  4. Responsibility
  5. Design (an all encompassing aesthetic)

