I AM a NEW CREATION HUMAN! I’m Here to Demonstrate the New Divine Human Potential for a New Creation World

5 min readMar 5, 2024


New Creation Butterfly Digital Art by Gregory McKinney — Fine Art America

As a new creation humanity coach, I enjoy helping others evolve into their new divine human potential formats. My works I Am a Human Butterfly and Divine Human Butterflies have help to transition transformational and evolutionary leaders into their new human experience that allows them to live out their greater divine purpose and potential.

A few of my works that can help others even if they aren’t in leadership roles.

One of my roles in awakening a new empathic world is helping both empaths and non-empaths become highly sensitive to SOURCE and unlock their unique divine encoding that will bring forth their new human template so that they can be influential demonstrators of this new way.

Explore my resource…The Beautiful & Brutal Journey of the New Human Metamorphosis Experience for Empathic Influencers Mini Info Seminar

A Little Bit of My Journey…

During my divine human metamorphosis journey, I awakened my new creation Christ codes which are considered to be the Greater Works Templates that Christ spoke about in John 14:12 (KJV)12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. I share more about this journey on my Greater WOW! Works Institute platform and how my empathic journey was a SOURCE-PATHIC/CHRIST-PATHIC experience. You can learn a little about my SOURCE-PATHIC journey in this article, My Journey to Becoming the Ultimate SUPER SOURCE-PATHIC & New Definition Empathic Authority.

Enjoy this excerpt from the article above…I am a SUPER-SOURCE-PATHIC divine expression with the Evolutionary Truth BIBLE anatomy template, Crimson Bride Codes, and other truth paradigms evolution codes within my ascended anatomy which is part of the greater works that Christ spoke about to bring about the SECOND COMING of a new humanity and new earth.

No Eyes Have Seen, No Ears Have Heard of the greater works that we shall do. I AM the facilitator of the NEW NOW TESTAMENT of LIFE & PURPOSE as one cohesive CROSS-FUNCTIONAL existence to demonstrate our new divine human potential. Learn more here…I Became; Therefore, I AM: My Own Medium Wikipedia-Style Articles About My Evolution as THE MULTI-HYPHENATE MAGNATE Serving in Cross-Functional Authority Roles & Pioneer Works for Different Industries and The Ultimate Branding & Business BIBLE Experience (Non-Religious) Demonstration in the Online Marketplace.

During this journey, I had to activate my SOURCE Anatomy and began to assist others on their journey. I share more about it in my resource, The God Anatomy Knowledge Activation: Awakening the Source Body Intelligence Wholeness Connection Mini Retreat.

My New Divine Human Potential Codes…

My new human potential codes would bring forth one who could become all-things-to-all with a multiplicity multi-mission great commission. You can learn more here…MAJESTY-ALL-MIGHTY AliNICOLE WOW! THE ULTIMATE ALL-THENTIC MAGNATE WOW! FACTOR BRAND & EMPIRE EXPRESSION

If you would like to learn more about my evolutionary metamorphosis journey and how I help this new era of Monarch leaders, my resource, OPTIMIZED TO RISE & SOAR: THE UNCOMMON METAMORPHOSIS JOURNEY OF AN ILLUMINATE EVOLUTIONARY MONARCH LEADER SEMINAR is a great way to understand the new human evolutionary process for today’s new creation leader.

In a little over an 1hr in 30 minutes, you will learn and explore…

  • Understanding your monarch leadership journey of transition from transformational to evolutionary
  • Understanding the breakdown of the metamorphosis of your leadership mission
  • The three core phases of a New Creation Monarch Leader
  • How to launch new missions and movements from your evolution
  • How to embody a new narrative as a leader in order to serve in a multi-mission format as an Evolutionary Monarch Leader in the new era
  • The Illumination to Optimization SOAR Factor
  • And more…

Listen to one of my guest podcast features where I share about my soul’s evolution refinement journey through spiritual metamorphosis and the present journey that humanity is now undergoing.

Click the Title to Enjoy Refining Your Soul’s Evolution through Spiritual Metamorphosis

You will learn and explore…

  • The necessity of refinement for your soul’s evolution through a spiritual metamorphosis process
  • Living from your true encoding
  • Why a new creation narrative for your life is required
  • And more…

The New Creation World & New Human Experience

The new creation world and new human experience is unlocked through a divine encoded template that will be both a collective and individual experience that will bring forth a totally different way of existing and thriving. I will be sharing more about this during my upcoming blog tours on these two platforms that will be launching mid-Spring, New Divine Human Nature and New Human, New World. I hope to have you join me for this unique experience.

Meanwhile, start your new Human Development and metamorphosis experience with these recommended products…

I hope the content of this article, informed and inspired you about the new human potential for a divine new world.

If you would like to learn more about upcoming mastermind cohort events, VIP Consulting Intensives, or products on this topic or to book me for virtual speaking engagements, email wowshedoesitallmedia@gmail.com

Follow on Gumroad at MAJESTY AliNICOLE WOW! and https://linktr.ee/majestyalinicolewow.




THE MULTIHYPHENATE MAGNATE EMPIRE AUTHORITY, CEO of MAJESTY ALL-MIGHTY WOW! SHE DOES IT ALL, 500+ Digital Products at https://majestyalinicolewow.gumroad.com