The Benefits of Creating a $3, $5 & $7 Digital Product Tier to Lead into Your High-End Offerings Using Gumroad

4 min readMar 17, 2024


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In my article, The Benefits of Creating a Three Digital Product Tier with Gumroad to Lead into Your High-End Offers, I share how creating a three digital product offering tier can set you up for high-end success whether it’s from the products themselves or leveraging them as lead-ins to your higher-ticket offerings.

I have found that creating digital products with the three price points of $3, $5 and $7 is an awesome impact and income tier to lead into your more signature works. In my article, The Benefits of Learning How to Lucratively Leverage an Online Vending Machine Business Model for High-End Success, I share that if you’re trying to achieve high-end success in your online business with lower hanging fruit offers, uncommon innovation will be required. One method that I’ve enjoyed leveraging is the vending machine model.

I also share how I have over 300 publications on Amazon and over 500 digital products. Amongst those offerings I have several lower hanging fruit options that I like to feature in blog posts, articles and platforms a few products that range anywhere from $1 to $5. There are tremendous benefits to leveraging this type of model. When you leverage the 3,5,7 price points, with this method it’s even more lucrative for consistent high-end success lead-ins.

For this initiative, I highly recommend Gumroad. I encourage my students and clients to use Gumroad and start creating mini courses and other low to medium content digital products to jump-start their success. You can read more in my article, I Have Over 500 Digital Products on Gumroad & I Leverage Medium as a Business to Deliver Value & Lead Others to My Gumroad Offerings.

Leveraging the 3,5,7 price point model can create the win-win for you and your customer. In an online world where so much is given away for free, it’s important to set up the divine right value exchange for yourself as an entrepreneur. Inviting others to invest in themselves at a lower-hanging fruit level is honoring your experience as well as providing value in an economical way for others to get a taste of what could level them up for a more expansive opportunity to work with you or secure your higher ticket product.

Now let me just restate, that your 3,5,7 tier doesn’t have to lead into a more signature offer, you can simply learn to scale your products for high-end success. If you plan to do that, I encourage you to create this as a cohesive experience with the vending machine format on a platform. When I create platforms or publish blog posts or articles that streamline these offerings, it creates what I call lucrative landslide success and positions the platform for consistent high-end success.

As mentioned previously, consider creating simple products in the formats of micro trainings, masterclasses, and mini courses to upload to Gumroad and leverage as part of your digital product tier with the 3,5,7 price points that could potentially segway into your high-end opportunity.

Explore a few of my Gumroad products below to help you get started…

I hope you enjoyed the content of this article. I would love to hear what resonated with you and what inspired action you will take.

I invite you to follow me on Gumroad at MAJESTY AliNICOLE WOW!

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