The Yellow Brick Road that Leads You to the New Tracks of Life

3 min readAug 30, 2022


Photo by Mike C. Valdivia on Unsplash

Imagine that Moment…

Just when you thought you knew where you were going as you started to metaphorically head out on your wonderful journey to Oz, you discover that your yellow brick road adventure led you to take a detour and explore an alternative path.

This is not to say that you don’t still visit Oz and get benefits from the experience; however, you just might become aware that Oz is not the true destination of your fulfilled desire.

If you haven’t read my articles Where Does Your Yellow Brick Road Lead? and Having Courage to Explore the Other Side of the Track, I encourage you to pause and read those articles and then return to this one. Though this is not considered to be a series with an order to read them in, I just feel that you would greatly benefit more from reading and/or listening to these first.

So, Let’s Continue…

Imagine for a moment that you are at a train station; you’ve purchased your ticket and are now headed to your planned destination. You get on the train to take the ride but when you arrive, you’re at a totally different destination than expected.

Once you step off the train, you realize that this destination actually makes more sense and has led you too the evolution of your expanded desire. It’s much like witnessing your chief aim and primary goal become 10x-to-20x-to-30x or more that’s already in full manifestation right before your eyes even though you feel like you’re starting a new journey with this venture.

The full manifestation isn’t necessarily an experience of everything being complete, it’s more like having the awareness of completion by seeing the bigger picture and knowing that it won’t take much for this to come to fruition once you start this leg of the journey.

You will also know exactly why this destination was of greater importance before you experience Oz or your return to Oz. You’ll be even more excited to visit Oz with this new profound awareness. For some, this might look like just getting off the train to see what’s in store and then jumping back on to go to Oz. For others, it could be staying over for a few days, weeks or months to start the new adventure with a basic set up and then heading over to Oz.

The Excitement Builds…

The new tracks of life often turn out to be more than you could have ever imagined. You’ll be so happy that the Yellow Brick Road led you to what you most wanted and didn’t drop you off at the limited expectation that you had for going straight to Oz where you thought your bigger dreams were.

Isn’t it exciting to come to the realization that you were shifted from operating out of limitations and now allowing the newer and truer expression of your highest desires expand into REAL TIME MANIFESTATIONS of all kinds?

Photo by ActionVance on Unsplash

Again, if you haven’t read my articles Where Does Your Yellow Brick Road Lead? and Having Courage to Explore the Other Side of the Track please do so in order to have better clarity about your journey up to this phase and complete the exercise below.


Where did your Yellow Brick Road lead you to?

What new tracks of life were revealed?


Make a list of all of the insights, aha moments and/or wisdom that you gained from this new discovery.

What do you feel is/are your next step(s)?

Call to Action…

Take time out to further explore your new track(s) of life and make your dreams come true on levels that are unimaginable.

Did this article empower you?

I would love to hear how this writing inspired and/or served you.

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Here’s to your continual exploration & Yellow Brick Road Adventures!!!!!!!!!

