How to import your paper wallet to your CLI Wallet.

1 min readNov 15, 2017


Some of you may have created a paper wallet instead of the cli wallet, and that’s perfectly fine and understandable.

But now if you want to transfer your paper wallet hard earned electroneum, you need to have a cli wallet !

So here’s how it goes :

  • You will need to have your Public Wallet Address, your Private Send Key and your Private View Key. Also your “electroneumd” needs be on.
  • Download the latest version of the cli wallet here :
  • Open CMD or any other terminal and go to the directory where you downloaded the executables. (Example : cd C:\users/Zeus/Downloads/Wallet-Cli)
  • From here, just type “electroneum-wallet-cli.exe --generate-from-keys NEWWALLET.etn” NEWWALLET being the desired name of your wallet (Example : electroneum-wallet-cli.exe — generate-from-keys mywallet.etn)
  • The cli launches and ask you for the different keys and addresses of your paper wallet.
  • Here you go ! You’re all set and done. You can now see your balance, transfer and more via the cli wallet. If you want to know more on how to use the cli just click here.

Hope this tutorial has helped you !

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