How to Make a Scorpio Man Fall in Love and Obsessed With You?

Michael Wilson
7 min readJul 23, 2020


how to make a Scorpio man fall in love image

Wondering how to make a Scorpio man fall in love and obsessed with you? Scorpions are often misunderstood because of their closed and intense nature. But if you can prove your trustworthiness to a scorpion, you will find a lifelong and loyal friend or lover. Scorpions are often deeply serious about their relationships, are infallibly loyal to those they love, and you can hardly find a more bitter protector.

How to tap into his deep secretive nature and naturally make him feel like you’re “The One” for him and NOT a “girl I’d have sex with”. Inside you’ll see how you can make him bend down on one knee and lay everything open for you…READ MORE

How to Make a Scorpio Man Fall in Love and Obsessed With You?

how to make a scorpio man obsessed with you image

Recognize the typical characteristics of a scorpion

  1. Be loyal. Treat them with love, respect, and selflessness and they will be devoted to you. Scorpions are good friends. Give them 100 percent and they’ll pay you back with interest! Scorpions often have only a few, but very intense friendships, because they have to feel connected with friends on the deepest and most intimate level. Flimsy and short-lived friendships don’t interest a scorpion. Once you’re part of his life, a scorpion will never forget you.
  2. Never make a scorpion angry. If you wrong a scorpion, it may be forgiven you at some point — after long suffering — but it will never be forgotten. Fraud is answered with an unmatched thirst for retaliation. There is a reason why the symbol of this zodiac sign is the scorpion. The chances of winning a fight against a scorpion are very low.
  3. Accept the competitive nature of the scorpion. Most scorpions (not all) love to measure themselves — and even more so, to win. Scorpions love sports or games in which they can win against an opponent. If the scorpion has a goal in mind, it will do anything to achieve it. They never give up and mostly succeed in everything they do.

Talking to a scorpion

  1. Find out more about their interests. Find out a little about their favorite topics so that you can engage in a satisfying conversation with them. Realize that scorpions are driven by a hunger for hidden truths and mysteries. This often means that they are interested in paranormal, occult, conspiracy theories, or unresolved secrets.
  2. Always pay full attention to a scorpion. When a scorpion watches you and looks you deep in the eye, it pays full attention to you. Nothing else exists in this world for him at this moment and he listens to you with everything he has. If you spend time with him, he expects the same level of attention, so don’t spend too much time on your smartphone.
  3. Be honest. Scorpions appreciate everyone who is not afraid to be himself. Scorpions have an intense and mysterious look. They appear calm on the outside but hide a deep sensitivity. They observe and analyze from a distance and collect information that underpins their powerful intuition. You may be able to deceive a scorpion for a short time, but most scorpions track everything down. If a scorpion finds out about your dishonesty, you might as well have died for it.
  4. Tell him your stories. Scorpions would rather listen than talk about themselves. Tell a scorpion something about yourself and it will most likely remember it later. In conversation, most scorpions are fascinated by deep emotional truths, things that touch you at the deepest level. Scorpions love secrets. They loathe small talk and empty talk.
  5. Avoid telling a scorpion all about you at once, otherwise, it will lose interest in you. Scorpions are detectives by nature. His curious streak longs for secrets than he can fathom. Create a mysterious aura around you by keeping some details about your life or past to yourself.
  6. Refrain from personal questions. Scorpions can be complicated and closed. If you ask them too many questions, they will worry about your motives. Scorpions only show their hidden self to the people they really trust and often hold back even then.
  7. Be aware that scorpions are often calm and self-contained. That doesn’t mean they aren’t interested in you. Scorpions rely on their intuition and observation skills rather than the unreliable statements of others. If a scorpion spends time with you voluntarily, trust that he appreciates your company, even if he doesn’t say it.
  8. Share things with the scorpion that you have in common. Scorpions, like many other people, love to discuss common interests. If you have the same taste in music or you like the same TV show, then you should definitely raise this topic in a conversation.
  9. Do things that show the scorpion that you care about. Scorpions recognize the smallest gestures and will appreciate them, even if they don’t show it. For example, suppose a scorpion is with a mutual friend of yours. Then you can squeeze the other person briefly, but when you hug the scorpion, press him tightly and warmly to you.
  • Give him honest compliments to express your respect and affection. A scorpion will recognize whether your words come from the heart.
  • When you give him a gift, it doesn’t have to be expensive, but it has to be something special and meaningful.

Dating a scorpion

  1. Wear dark colors, such as black, red, blue, and violet, to attract a scorpion’s attention. Scorpions are drawn to dark and strong colors. Choose one of these colors that emphasizes your eyes to catch the eye of the scorpion.
  2. Court a scorpion until you really win his trust. A scorpion yearns for a meaningful and loving relationship. He craves a connection on a deeply emotional, spiritual, and physical level. But that also means that it can take a long time for a scorpion to really fall in love. Scorpions are the most loyal people you will ever meet if they feel that you are worthy of their loyalty and love.

Our expert agrees: Scorpions can be more mistrustful than other zodiac signs. Gain your Scorpion’s trust by getting to the appointment on time every time. Once his trust has won, you have his loyalty and a friend for life.

3. Pay attention to the light in his eyes. You can find out a lot about a scorpion if you just look it in the eye. He doesn’t have to say anything. If a scorpion loves you, it shines like a light in his eyes.

4. Always be honest and don’t play with his feelings if you really want to win his heart. Scorpions have a need for control that does not allow them to tolerate games. You can drive them out if they feel that the situation is no longer under their control. Likewise, if you violate a scorpion’s trust, you will find it very difficult to win it back.

5. Be prepared for a lot. A relationship with a scorpion can be very complex and difficult to understand, just like the person himself. Scorpion demands and gives everything. He can be extremely jealous. The manipulative and controlling side of a scorpion can also lead to many arguments and disputes.

6. Respect his privacy. Don’t gossip about your relationship with your friends. Scorpions are very closed and can see this as a breach of trust. It is best to keep all the personal information that your scorpion reveals about yourself. You should also refrain from posting anything about your scorpion on social media unless they are aware of it and have given you their consent.

7. Prepare for possible discussions about sex. Adult scorpions are very much in tune with their sexuality, but mostly make meaningful relationships over frequent conquests. They are not afraid to talk about sex, and you can talk to them about anything without shocking them.

8. Look forward to hot nights. Scorpions not only like to discuss sex, but they also enjoy performing their master discipline. The intensity of the scorpion is very clearly reflected there and makes him the best and most passionate lover of the zodiac signs. Your scorpion will only be satisfied when you are exhausted and have been able to live out all your fantasies.


  • Show self-confidence. Scorpions respect strong, confident personalities.
  • The scorpion is the zodiac sign of extremes and intensity.
  • Scorpions are very deep, precise, intense people and there is always more to them than can be seen with the naked eye. They present themselves cool, indifferent, and without emotions, but underneath is a tremendous, extreme strength, intense passion, a strong will, and a persistent drive.
  • Scorpions are very curious; so don’t be surprised if they ask a lot of questions. They try to dig deeper, understand things, and assess the situation.
  • A scorpion is hard to forgive if you hurt or cheated on it, and it can take a while. Allow him freedom and time and he will be forgiven at some point.


  • Scorpions can forgive, but will never forget!
  • Never start a fight with a scorpion for no reason! They are merciless with their enemies. Annoying or provoking him for fun will cost you dearly.

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How to Make a Scorpio Man Fall in Love and Obsessed With You? by Michael Wilson



Michael Wilson

The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart. Life without love is like a tree without blossom