6 Signs of Scorpio Man in Love With You — How to Tell if He Really Loves You?

Michael Wilson
6 min readJul 23, 2020


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Looking for signs of Scorpio man in love with you? how to tell if a Scorpio man really loves you? Here you will find all 6 clear signs that a scorpion man is in love. How does a scorpion man show feelings?

How can I correctly recognize the signals and interpret them clearly? Even if this zodiac sign is sometimes hesitant and apparently difficult to see through.

There are clear signs and behaviors when he’s in love.

Here you can find out how to recognize it.

  • Is the scorpion man in love?
  • He is hesitant, what does that mean?
  • How does a scorpion man show his feelings?
  • Everything about the behavior of the scorpion man.

Furthermore, we will show you a little trick, which secret part of his body language you have to pay attention to and how you correctly interpret it.

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Signs of Scorpio Man in Love With You

1. He shows no clear signs of what he feels for me. It’s opaque, isn’t it? Is the scorpion man in love or is he just playing?

On the surface, it is very difficult to see through and assess this zodiac sign. Mysterious action and a very attractive aura surround this man.

They also do not want to be quickly determined and “captured”. But there are clear signs in which you can see real interest in him.

First of all, you should know that this zodiac sign is very vulnerable. This trait makes them hard to admit (and in front of themselves) that they like or love someone.

So it takes some time for most of them to show this love. But when the time comes, nothing and nobody can stop them from winning you.

So please do not confuse “not being able or wanting to show feelings” with “having no feelings and interest”.

But there are more signs to discover.

2. Idiocy and humor: laughing together is a sure sign. But is he really serious?

If a scorpion man likes you and is interested, he shows it in a very charming and particularly funny.

He will flirt with you, have fun and provoke you lovingly. A real sign of more interest in you! His eyes will also sparkle and shine when he looks at you closely.

3. Does he really love me? Yes, he actually said “I love you”, is that a clear signal that the Scorpio man is in love?

Sure, that’s a sure sign that he loves you. Because scorpions usually only say what is really in their heart.

So when this man says to you: I like you, I like you! … then that is a sure sign of honesty and deep interest. This is very clear!

4. The classic protector through and through. Is he really serious about me?

A Scorpio man will always show you affection, love, and interest clearly through action. These people have a very intense personalities, really exciting.

They take nothing lightly and always want to do it completely or not at all. If he invites you to the best restaurant and defends you against others, then these are very strong love signals.

5. No signals from the Scorpio man! He is hesitant, does not answer, and withdraws. He’s not calling? How can I arouse his interest in me? What does this behavior mean?

Not every scorpion ticks the same way.

Find out everything about the very individual corners and edges of your dream man.

Do not worry. Most men and women of this zodiac sign are not so fond of long words. They’d rather show you that they’re interested. Is he serious?

Don’t be sad if you don’t hear clear words of love from him. He thinks anyway: why should I say that anyway, I will show it very clearly that I like and love you anyway.

This can even lead to him being offended if you ask “do you like me?”. What a question, because his actions should have given you clear signs of it long ago.

The same applies to his reporting behavior. Perhaps you think that he should report regularly, talk to you on the phone and always reply to your messages immediately.

He probably won’t always do that. Because he thinks: I love her, I think of her. She knows that. Why should I keep proving this to her?

So don’t worry about it. He shows his feelings in his own way.

6. Is the scorpion in love with me? You should never do this love test. These signs ruin everything.

Jealousy is a very big attribute of this zodiac sign.

Now you might consider testing this man’s love and interest by making him jealous.

Attention! Don’t think about it. If the thing blows up, you’ve lost everything.

This person’s feelings of revenge could be limitless and put you in a really difficult position. So never deliberately make him jealous just to test love!

On the other hand, you will have to pass some tests before the scorpion is really sure of your affection. He’ll go his way to see if you give him room.

He will provoke conflict to see if your love is real. He will send you a seducer (maybe one of his friends?) To test your loyalty.

He will send you a spy who will engage in conversations just to unlock secrets. One test becomes more difficult and more intensive than the other before. But it’s worth the effort for you.

Once you’ve conquered the heart of a Scorpio man, it’s forever.

How to Tell if a Scorpio Man Really Loves You?

how to tell if a scorpio man really loves you image

Absolutely. When a scorpion says “I love you!” It is a clear announcement. The scorpions are sincere and speak freely from the heart. So you can count on words like this.

Announcements such as “I like you” are clear words in which the scorpion means what he says.

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Signs of Scorpio Man in Love With You — How to Tell if He Really Loves You? by Michael Wilson



Michael Wilson

The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart. Life without love is like a tree without blossom