log 8- Failing to adapt.

Zeckoth Hollow
2 min readNov 7, 2023


Guess who’s in the hospital?

Delhi sucks.

1/10 would not visit in winter.

The air’s bad enough that I ended up in the hospital. Twice. It’s cold enough to rival even the harshest winters back at home, and apparently, it hasn’t even properly started yet?

I knew it was bad, but this is ridiculous.

…And yes, this is why the blogs are backlogged. (I’m working on it, trust me.)

I had to haul over a bulky air purifier to my room, wheezing on every stair I had to climb for four floors straight.

Needless to say, it was not a fun time.

I’m feeling better now, better enough to recognize the mounting(ha-*coughs so hard they almost die*) mountain of assignments and classes I have to catch up to.

Putting that bit of unpleasantness aside.

IIT delhi has a bit of a unique culture. Whether it’s due to being situated in the capital, or for some other reason. They have a lot of fun, but oftentimes I feel like it falls a bit short of the hype.

Might just be me though.

So, as we approach the end of my first semester at IIT Delhi, I’m gonna quickly summarize what all has happened.

We had a total of — if my memory serves me right — 7 courses this semester: Understanding Design History, Fundamentals of Design, Elements of Design, Visualization Techniques, Applied Ergonomics, Model Making and Design Processes.

Man, what a journey.

3 months of grueling workloads, tight deadlines, mutual suffering, and lot of mishaps later, here we are. It feels like forever has passed, and we all feel like we’ve been physically aged several years, but yet we wonder, where did all that time go?

But the results speak for themselves. We have been improving. I can see it. And it is a wonderful sight. A transformation, nay, a metamorphosis for the ages, and we’re only an eighth of the way through.

The possibilities are endlessly exciting.

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