log 6- The Design of Gulliver’s clothes.

Zeckoth Hollow
2 min readOct 19, 2023


or the nuances of scale and form of design.

“Then they measured my right thumb, and desired no more; for by a mathematical computation, that twice round the thumb is once round the wrist, and so on to the neck and the waist, and by the help of my old shirt, which I displayed on the ground before them for a pattern, they fitted me exactly.”

— Gulliver, Gulliver’s Travels.

Design is a multifarious discipline that encompasses various scales and forms, each with its own unique nuances and uses. At the highest macro scales, we have architectural and urban design. This involves shaping the physical surroundings, from individual buildings to entire cities, to create functional, aesthetic, and productive spaces that meet the needs of those within. It’s a highly collaborative field, involving a confluence of architects, engineers, urban planners, and landscape designers among many others.

Moving a step down, product design comes into play. This involves creating objects, the scale of which varies from furniture, to smartphones, and then on to more specialized tools and equipment. Product designers must balance form and function, considering aesthetics, usability, and manufacturability.

Going smaller we go to our screens, where graphic design comes into play. Graphic designers use subtle nuance and an effective understanding of human consciousness to effectively deliver messages and communicate ideas and concepts with an intriguing visual language.

hand in hand with this goes UI and UX design, which manages the passive interactions of software and user. Their goal is to generate an intuitive and comfortable, yet intriguing experience for the users.

Below that level we have the design of jewelry, and beyond that fine tools, which can be things like nanomachines, fine tools, biomedical equipment, microelectronics, materials, among other more streamlined and focused fields. this form of design permeates every aspect of our lives in unknown ways, often unacknowledged.

Every aspect of design occupies a certain “niche” in terms of scale. beyond that it can vary in terms of size, in terms of distribution, in terms of complexity, and in terms of how physical(eg. product/industrial) or abstract(eg. experience/service/organization) it is.

In summary, design operates across various scales, from the macro scale of urban planning to the micro scale of precision machining. Each scale demands a unique set of skills, considerations, and can vary greatly, but at its core, design is about finding solutions, being creative, and enhancing the human experience. Whether it’s a building, a product, or an experience, design plays a crucial role in shaping our world.

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