Introduction to Museums and Other Sights

Peter Neville-Hadley
A Better Guide to Beijing
2 min readDec 25, 2016

Part of A Better Guide to Běijīng’s coverage of Běijīng Suburbs and Beyond

This ‘everything else’ category contains much worth serious consideration. Even those sights catering for specialist tastes, such as the China Aviation Museum, have some bizarre quality likely to appeal to visitors who have come not just to discover endless Walls and temples but the reality of China’s turbulent modern history and of a nation that is still trying to find its place in the world. They include caves in which to hide, the great white elephants of the 2008 Olympics, secret underground tunnel systems, museums both high-tech and very low-tech, and a wildlife park where the meaning of animal conservation is properly understood.

China Railway Museum 中国铁道博物馆
China Film Museum 中国电影博物馆
Guānfù Classic Art Museum 觀復博物館
Central Academy of Fine Arts Gallery 中央美术学院美术馆
Marco Polo Bridge 卢沟桥
Was Polo Here?
Wǎnpíng Chéng 宛平城, The Museum of the Chinese People’s Anti-Japanese War 中国人民抗日战争纪念馆
Sōng Shān Ancient Cave Dwellings 古崖居
China Aviation Museum 中国航空博物馆
Mílù Yuàn 麋鹿苑
Museum of Imperial Examination Tablets 北京励志堂科举匾额博物馆
China Red Sandalwood Museum 中国紫檀博物馆
Jiāozhuānghù Tunnel Warfare Site 焦庄户地道战遗址纪念馆
Tank Museum 坦克博物馆
Grand Epoch City 天下第一城
Olympic Green 奥林匹克公园, National Stadium 国家体育场, National Aquatics Centre 国家游泳中心
Yuán Dynasty Capital City Wall Site Park 元大都城垣遗址公园
Běijīng Auto Museum 北京汽车博物馆

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Peter Neville-Hadley
A Better Guide to Beijing

Author, co-author, editor, consultant on 18 China guides and reference works. Published in The Sunday Times, WSJ, Time, SCMP, National Post, etc.