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A little more action research
A little more action research
This publication is intended as a resource for EFL teachers interested in evidence-based teaching and current research on language learning. It’s also a place for them to share their own invaluable insights from the world of teaching.
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Corpus data (Part 2 — How to use corpus data)

By Scott Donald

In the last article, I introduced corpus data and gave some insight into why it can be useful for English teachers. In this article, I’m going to give you a step-by-step guide to using corpus data, as well as

Corpus data (Part 1 — What is it, and what can we learn from it?)

By Scott Donald

Corpus data may sound like something from a CSI series, but it’s not. It’s actually a collection of written or spoken language, which can be used for a variety of reasons…

The Spirited Approach— can drinking alcohol improve your foreign language skills?

By Scott Donald.

There are a variety of methods to legally (and illegally) enhance performance: in fact, those two words have probably got you thinking of some fun…