What I learned from a resolution list in 9 months: a progress update

Zhenshuo Fang
A side project called life
4 min readMay 31, 2017

It’s been 9 months since I published a list of things I want to do before I turn 30. I’m surprised and pleased by how much I accomplished or simply started because of this list. I’m most pleased though, is how much I learned about myself throughout the process. To quote Aristotle:

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” — Aristotle

So let me share with you the list items I accomplished(or made progress on), and what I’ve learnt from the process:

#1. Visit 30 countries.

In progress: Visited Japan, Costa Rica, India, Nepal and Portugal after publishing the list. Added up to 24 countries in total(6 more to go!).

I’m always passionate about traveling, but it’s not always easy to plan a trip. I realized that for me, I just have to stop worrying about the logistics and make a decision to go. Then everything will come together. I would not have gone to Costa Rica or Portugal by myself if it’s not for the motivation of this list. I simply decided last minute to go and had a great time traveling!

#5. Eat at 3 three-Michelin star restaurants in 3 different countries.

Done! Alain Ducasse in London. Kikunoi in Kyoto. Eleven Madison Park in New York.

Along this process, I learned that you don’t have to spend a lot of money to eat at Michelin-star restaurants(see this list or this). But more importantly, not all fancy restaurants have good food. More often, cheaper restaurants have better, more authentic, and less pretentious food. Food is the only thing that matters, not the fame or the stars.

** But, I’ll have to say that Kikunoi in Kyoto is THE best eating experience I’ve ever had in my life. Don’t miss it if you ever go to Kyoto.

#6. Publish 30 articles on Medium or other blog.

In progress: this is my 5th article on Medium, still a long way to go.

#11. Learn and surf at least 3 times.

Done! I went to Costa Rica last December and spent 4 days in a surfing camp. More in this post.

#12. Learn Japanese & pass Japanese Test(JLPT) N4 level.

In progress: Passed N5 test in Dec 2016.

All learnings need success metrics. Mine for learning Japanese is passing N4 level of JPLT. I singed up for N5(one level lower) before I went to Japan, didn’t spend too much time studying, and almost didn’t go to the test worrying about failure. But I ended up going and passed the test! Lesson learned: Don’t quit before you even start!

#13. Learn Ukulele. Play and sing 3 songs.

Done! I bought a Ukulele as a New Year’s gift for myself. I wouldn’t say I learned it but I took a class, practiced, and now I can play 4 simple songs!

#18. Speak to an audience of more than 100 people.

Done! September 2016. See more in this post.

#21. Buy a property.

Done! May 2017.

This is something I’ll probably end up doing even if it’s not on the list. But still, I’m glad it is. Because every time I want to quit the process, there’s an extra motivation to push me through. We signed the closing documents on May 1st 2017 and moved in a couple of weeks ago into our new neighborhood!

#23. 30 hours of volunteering work.

In progress: 6 hrs in total. 4 hrs with Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen. 1 hours with YAI. 1 hours with MSF ‘Missing Maps’ with Doctors Without Borders.

#24. Donate blood.

Tried and can’t. See more in this post.

I learned that even if I can’t do something on the list, it’s still valuable because I tried and learned something new about myself.

#25. Skydiving or Bungee jumping.

Done! I did paragliding while in Nepal and that counts as high altitude extreme sport!

Takeaway after month 9

Other than crossing things off the list and making progress on 1/3 of the list items, I learned something about things I didn’t touch as well. I realized all the things I didn’t write about on the list are things that are too big to track or start tackling. For example, “Read 300 books”. I definitely read books during this time but it’s hard for me to keep counting. Instead, I should have set the goal so it focuses more on frequency, like “Read 1 book every week”.

If you are interested to learn more or submit your own story, follow the publication A side project called life where I keep track of my progress.



Zhenshuo Fang
A side project called life

NYC ➡️ Beijing | Design Director at Tencent | ex-Googler | ex-Mozillian | CMU MHCI Alum | Sketchnoter, PeopleWatcher, Flute Player & Food Lover