A Promised Land

A stairway to Heaven
118 min readAug 22, 2018

The Valley and Promise of a Christmas StarPart 3 of 5 (spoken from 1984 to 1985 by the spiritual messengers of God, Aka)

Pine trees in the upper Pinal Mountains, located within the Tonto National Forest. Recreational facilities are maintained by the USDA’s United States Forest Service. Photo by Zakhari Volk — Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=48413209

“For behold − the day is soon at hand! For the gateway of the Lord is being lowered before you.”

In 1979, a valley beneath the Dripping Springs Mountains was chosen as a place for Ray’s flock (or people of God from many faiths) to come from near and far. Ray’s vision of a peaceful valley in heaven had become a dream that was being answered for many searching for a safe place. The vision had become real.

Here is part of our precious history you may not know––we were guided by the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, to a promised land.

The angels led us on a route called Christmas Star to a promised land, that lay below the former mining town of Christmas. It was named for the mine that was staked on Christmas day in 1902. From throughout the world, many would send cards and presents to be postmarked from Christmas. When the Christmas mine and Christmas post office closed in the 1980s, the rural route was renamed, Dripping Springs Road, for the mountains under which it lies. But many have been guided in spirit and in truth by angels, to follow the Christmas Star––in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. It is a way on which the spiritual messengers of God still guide those who wish to follow.

In 1970, God has given Ray Elkins a gift. Soon those who came to listen to the spiritual messengers of God were also receiving gifts––answers, guidance, healing, and many blessings, as the angels saw their needs. The seeds that had been planted within individual hearts were becoming a garden.

As the new year began, greater life from God was even then coming into the world. On January 6, 1984, the spiritual messengers of God spoke: And we shall say unto thee these words into this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever. And we shall say unto thee this parable, in this manner, and in this way. [Listen to a “Parable of the Gift of the World” or read it below.]

For we say unto thee, if thy ask the Lord, thy God, for the world, how should thy know when thy receive it if thy have not the faith in the Lord to know that that of thy needs are taken care of? How will you know, when you receive the world?

For the world is like the word of God, for it is the word of God. It is the word of God of a promise for the home of all mankind upon the Earth, mankind as you know it upon this world, for it is His word. And it is His light that He has brought unto you and shineth upon you for all the days of thy life. And it is His rain that drops upon you and gives you crops and an abundance of all things.

Who is it should challenge the Lord? Is it not written that, “Thou shall not tempt the Lord, thy God?” For what is temptation done to the Lord?

It is said, “As the Lord says, ‘I SHALL PROTECT THEE,’” that is enough. For the Lord is of all things, and beeth of all people, and dwells in the house, or the hearts, of all man.

If the Lord should come unto thee and say, “DWELL WITH ME IN MY HOUSE; COME UNTO MY MANSIONS; BE WITH ME BOTH DAY AND NIGHT UPON YOUR EARTH; LET ME WALK WITH YOU IN ALL WAYS THAT WE BIND AND BECOME ONE, THAT THE SPIRIT OF GOD DOES ENTER YOU, AND THEREFORE, LOVE, HOPE, AND FAITH BECOMES THAT OF A NATURAL THING,” all these things we have spoke of is the tools that is needed in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

For if it is not built in the hearts of man, how can it be when that day arrives, when that hour, when that moment when he walks up to you and says, “Good morning!” how do you know then that it he that is speaking to you?

The Lord has spoken to you, each of you, many times.

How often in your lives have you said unto the Lord, “Oh Lord, give this unto me, and I shall be Thy servant forever and ever?” The Lord has overlooked thy imperti­nence, thy ill manners, and given unto thee that which you wish. He has even overlooked your promise, for as soon as you receive that which you wish, you go on until the next time, and then thy ask again, “Oh Lord, give this unto me and I shall be Thy servant forever and ever.”

The Lord knows the intent of thy heart and knows where it dwells, both day and night, for there is nothing hidden from the Lord, and nothing to be uncovered in front of Him, for the world is seen in one glimpse, and the [land] and the world turneth as the Lord intended [it]. And all of the other planets in the heavens do turneth as He intended [it]. And the star, or the sun, does give off unto thee the life-giving warmth to bring life unto the earth that it may ferment and bring forth life unto itself.

We say unto thee, for what would we have said unto you is a true thing. If you would see within it that which lies within thy heart and soul, and be of it unto all things, let it be as a beacon in thy heart. Let it be as a beacon to guide thee, to keep thee from the rocky edges of life, and lead thee into smooth water.

Let it be that thy see it in such a way that into all religions of all mankind, unto all races and colors and creeds, that thy cannot harm thy brothern, for thy know that this is thy brothern, even if his speech is different and look is different − and even if he builds his churches different than you. For the greatest thing that you can see is the love of the Lord.

Walk unto the forest and look about thee and see the balance of all things. Quickly you will learn that the checks and balances have kept thy Earth as it is.

If thy think thy Lord, thy God’s, task is an easy one, then say unto the Lord, “I shall be the Lord.” If the Lord sees fit and grants unto thee this, you shall soon find that all these things that we take idly as everyday things are true blessings of the Lord, are true miracles of the Lord, from life everlasting to birth and death, and life again − to know that there is no death, to know there is the Word, and the Word was God, and it was good. And it was like the sweetest of all wines. It was like the tasting of the most beautiful, and wonderful fruit of the lands.

If you went upon each land and they gave you the best of all things, and [for] on receiving all of these you returned home, and you began to count them, would you count the material item, or would you count also the blessing, the warmth that went with the giving? And would you also count the blessings of the Lord that you might travel and be there and come this day the gifts are bestowed upon you?

We say unto you, in the time of all troubled times, look unto the light of the aura, and know that there is no trickery, that there are no lies, there is no jealousy, there is no spitefulness or spiteful things to be said, for there is nothing to be gained from such things as that. Know that in your heart you wish to give the love of the Lord unto others, and return the love that He gives unto you. Feel the warmth flow from the heart, and know that it goes unto the Lord. He does not cast aside, for any time that you wish to love the Lord, love Him, and He shall feel the warmth and know that you wish Him, and He shall come unto thee and be with thee.

If you truly wish to know the Lord is with thee, go to an altar and pray. It makes no difference of what kind, as long as it suits you, it will suit the Lord. Go to the well and drink, and if the water is good, know it comes from the Lord, and it’s a gift of the Lord, for it is life in itself.

Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God, forever and ever.

You have questions, ask….

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [12–424–2…Payson]. ‘Please give me direction and enlight­enment. How can I become reunited with my loved ones?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner, for we see within you the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

You feel that we have deserted you, yet we have not. You have employment to provide your family with. This is as it should be. It is a sad thing that you live and work so far apart; yet on the other hand, it is good thing, for when you are with your family it is like being born all over again. It is the same with the love of your wife. It is like a new love, a cherished one.

You wish to develop, yet you have developed in more ways than you know. Within time, that which you desire shall be made whole and complete. But let it be what you really wish.

We see thy need, and we see thy need for fulfillment, but your cup runneth over, for there is food on your table and warmth in your heart and in your house.

Look among you, unto your brothern, and you will see this is not true for all. It is a sad thing, but a true thing, in this day and this time, for this is a time of times. People are without work; they are without food and shelter. Your economy shall make many false starts. But that day is over with. It must find a new balance, or a new level. Many times upon the earth, water has risen and water has fell, only to find its own balance, its own level.

If you will accept that which we are about to give, and take it, I think that you will find great happiness. You have never asked about a Teacher’s Course to fulfill your time, and you have never asked how you would serve mankind better.

Prepare yourself for the times at hand, for the time will be at hand when your family and you shall be reunited. But we say unto you, soul Ray has spoken unto you of shelters, of food storage, of these things. It is time now to prepare. If you prepare not for yourself, if you prepare not for coming of the Messiah, if you only prepare a house for your family − when we speak of that we do not say just a wooden structure, we say, prepare a place that they may go to when the time comes when they must live from the land.

We have spoken unto you of the year, 1999. It is but a short time. You have less than 16 years. That is but the twinkling of an eye.

The earth shall shift and turn; war shall come and go. But beware, for the great Sword is at hand. It shall cut the earth beneath the ground.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, is an eruption eminent in the Flagstaff area in the San Francisco Peaks?”


Yes, yes.

We will tell you when the time is to remove those of your loved ones. But there shall be slight eruptions and many tremors, as there are now, only it shall increase tenfold.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [12–428–1] asks, ‘Relatively little has been said in these readings regarding preparation to survive nuclear warfare in contrast to a wealth of information concerning earth changes. Should it be inferred that nuclear war is less probable and should be of less concern to us than earth changes?’”

We shall answer your question in this − if the shell you live in is destroyed by nuclear fusion, or destroyed by natural elements, it’s still gone. There are others weapons at this time that far surpass that of the nuclear. Your laser ultrasound is now developed and working weapon.

We would say unto you that nuclear destruction is but a stone’s throw away. We have spoken many times to prepare in such a manner that those that you love might survive such catastrophe.

The folly of man is many, and you are no better than those who shall pull the trigger. Do not put yourself on a pedestal and say, “I am wrong and you are right.” That is not why we have come. We have come for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. In doing so, it our intent to save as many lives as possible.

Land has been provided. Those who wish it will pick it up. A way has been provided for storage. Those who wish it shall pick it up.

Those who do not will deny it and walk on. That is their privilege, for we cannot take away from you that which God has given you, freedom of choice….

An aerial view of the chuch to God and Ray’s ranch (the triangle in the upper left) shows some of the places that were provided. Ray bladed roads and made pads for houses or mobile homes on the hills south of the ranch (on right). A shadow where the healing springs lies is just west of the reddish homesite pad to the east. Some homes and land were for sale across Dripping Springs Road; another was by the church, and others were just out of view from the lower edge of the photo. Numerous 20-acre sites were available to be claimed for mining exploration on public land on the neaby Dripping Springs Mountains. Even a storage container had been placed at the church. And Ray had done much more to provide for the needs of the people.

What has been many times shall be again. But shall we wait until that of the Earth is not a fit place to dwell when we come together? Soul Ray looks into his heart and soul and sees where he may use you the best to serve mankind. Listen unto him; listen unto his counsel.

Now we say unto all of you, our words are sometimes lengthy, and sometimes seem unmeaning. Yet the Lord, we say unto you, knows of all things −

and knowing of all things, knows of love.

January 13, 1984: We asked you this question, for we have come to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. If the Lord asked you tomorrow to pick up everything you had, or leave it behind and go forth and serve a baby, would you do so? Would you have the faith in your heart to do this − to leave your family, to leave your friends, to leave the country into which you knew so well, to journey into a foreign land, to serve a Messiah that you had never seen?

It may sound strange that we have brought this question to you, but we say unto you, each of you, look deeply in your hearts and in your soul, and see if in truth you could do this. Ask yourself the questions we have brought forth tonight.

You have questions, ask….

We shall answer in the mind of one, and you ask, “How may I best serve the Lord, thy God?” And we say unto you, pick up the cup we have laid before you. Pick up the cup soul Ray has laid before you, and drink from it. And you shall find the chalice to be the one and only true chalice.

And now we shall leave a message for the one known as [13–452–1]. Into your keeping shall be placed new animals. Pasture lands vaster shall be made ready. It is in, and shall become into completeness, that a special animal shall be brought from another land to herd these animals. Before these things are done, go to the place of the miracle of the cow and build a shrine. Make it of stone, and make it that the glory of God shall be known unto you. We did not bring you here to this place for but no reason. You are here for a purpose.

The miracle of the cow became well known. Ray told of how he and this man to whom Aka was speaking were hiking one day on the Dripping Springs Mountains. They heard a cow bellowing. She was in trouble. When they found her, they discovered her leg had become lodged between two boulders. They tried and tried to free her. They pushed; they pulled. But no matter what they did, they could not pry her loose. Each time the cow struggled, her leg only became more stuck in the crevasse. The two men spent much time trying to free the cow. Ray was not willing to leave her there to die. So Ray called upon God to save her life. Instantly, the cow’s leg became free! While they watched her run off, uninjured, both men knew they’d just witnessed a miracle from God!

Now we say unto soul Paul [2–30–1], [let] the one church to God, that a sign shall be made of stone. And upon it shall say,

“This is a church for all people. Leave your denominations on the outside and your belief of God to be taken inside with you.”

You shall understand fully of what we have spoken this night.

A sign in front was made, which says, “church to God. Sunday service 11 a.m. — all faiths welcome. Association of Universal Philosophy.”

There are many who say unto us, “What is enough?” Ask yourself, if God quit serving you, what would you have?

In the name of the Lord, Almighty.

January 20, 1984: And we say unto you, unto these words, this parable.

For once there was a group that was formed from the philosophy that had come from one of the people among them. And the one who the philosophy had come from, not desiring to be great or to be idolized as some type of god, asked that an association be brought together, that the philosophy might be studied and shared with others. And so it was done.

The one giving the philosophy fully knew the weakness of the flesh of man. And fully knowing these things, knew that there would be those who would think that he might use these things to bring riches unto himself. And so, he tried, in the best way he knew how, to preserve the knowledge that came forth through him as a journal to all those that might come after him.

From time to time, there were those who thought if they possessed this gift that they would be great in the eyes of man. And being great in the eyes of man, they would be great in the eyes of God. But they had forgotten that God had chose them for another task.

And some had decided that if they could break away in such a manner, and become close to this one, it in turn would give them power over others.

It came unto pass that the day came where a structural organization came together, and it sprang forth from chaos, a way to learn that others might learn.

Ray soared into the universes to stand with God, and saw naby things upon the earth and in the hearts of people.

A [heart], eagle cannot be chained nor put in a cage because it is different from the other species of birds. It can only live if it is given its freedom to scoar [soar] in the heavens. And so it is with man. For only in the free spirit of man can he truly be civilized. It is only through the greatest gift given by God may these things come forth. It is by the freedom of choice that a person chooses to live in a civilized society and live by their neighbor in peace.

But in doing so, there are always those who would turn one against another. It must be done, therefore, with tolerance and understanding and forgiveness, for without forgiveness, the hope and faith that we speak of would never be possible, for they walk hand in hand, one with the other.

We say unto you, for those who have ears to hear, let them hear; for those who have eyes to see, let them see. If the water that we bring you is good, it will last. If the water, meaning the spirit, or the substance we give you, is not good, it will not last, [for] sure it shall only make your thirsty. But for the philosophy to be good, it must always make you thirsty for more and more. For it is in the learning and the seeking shall you find that that you truly desire and the true satisfaction of the soul in itself….

See the philosophy collected into the BOOK with Wings series. Although Ray passed on in 2000, it would mean so much to him if you would join the Association of Universal Philosophy. It was the most important thing of his life, that this work go on of the prepartion for the coming of the Messiah and that the gift be given to the world. See how you can join in this Association at https://aup589.wixsite.com/joinaup.
The parables are also presented separately in the illustrated series, Angel Messages: Parables of Wisdom for the Thirsting Soul.

Yet we say unto you who fear, fear not, for now is yet not the time. For there shall be those who shall rattle the chains of war, and there shall be those who shall wave the peace and olive branches. But yet, as they wave this olive branch, do they truly seek peace in their hearts? It is not yet the time for the half-times to be truly over. But we say it to you, if a pot is boiling, think unto you, shall you sit there and let it boil over upon you? Or shall you move away from it unto safe ground? We shall lay a hand upon this troubled land, and peace shall return back into it, but for a short while.

But we may not interfere with that time that the Lord has chosen. So think now of the time which shall come when you must seek your own haven, if that is what you wish.

January 27, 1984: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner and in this way, glory be the name of the Lord thy God, glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we say unto thee this parable.

For the Lord, God, came unto the young man and spoke unto him, and said, “GO, THEREFORE, UNTO THE MOUNTAINS.”

And the young man waited, for he thought it was not his time.

Panorama of the Pinal Mountains in Arizona. Globe, where Ammie Ray Elkins moved in the 1960s, is the city at the base of the mountains. Could this parable be about his inner calling when he was a young man? Photo by Zakhari Volk — CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=51069618

And the Lord spoke again and said unto him, “GO, THEREFORE, UNTO THE MOUNTAINS.”

And the young man thought upon it and thought unto himself that, “This is where my live­lihood is; this is where all the things unto which I wish are, for I can bring the abundance of things unto my family.”

The Lord did not speak again for many years.

And at long last, through many trials and tribulations, the man spoke unto the Lord and said, “Oh Lord, give unto me death, for I have suffered enough upon Your Earth.”

And the Lord looked upon him and then gave unto him death. Yet, He gave unto him death as He gave unto him visions.

The young man awoken but to see himself lying there dead. He looked upon his loved ones and he knew that they would weep. He turned, and knowing it was time for him to go, for he had asked for this, it was time to seek new adventure, a new time. He had walked, therefore, into the valley of the Lord.

And there in the valley, where the eternal stream of life did flow, he laid beneath the great Tree of Life, and that place where life upon the Earth and life in the hereafter lies divided, and he slept.

And as he slept, a great vision came unto him. And it said, “GO UNTO THE MOUNTAINS AND HEAL MY CHILDREN.”

When he awoke, he was no longer in the valley. He was no longer by the stream of life. He was no longer by the Tree of Life. He was of all things, and they dwelled within him. And he walked back upon the Earth and he went unto the mountains, and there he prepared a place for the people. And he waited.

And he waited longer, and the Lord did not speak unto him. And he said unto himself, “If the Lord does not speak unto me, it does not mean that I have not done as the Lord has asked. It has not done and completed my vision, so, therefore, what I have prepared for the people, I shall prepare for the animals of the Lord.”

And he began to plant these places he had prepared unto the people. And he brought forth, and became a shepherd. And then, the people begun to come forth and see that which he had prepared. And he did know that that that the Lord had asked him to do was soon to come about.

Now in his idle time he had visions of a house of the Lord, and he did bring it into the dimensions of the Lord.

A church Ray dedicated to God

Then he went unto the streams that dwelled upon the land, and he set forth therein to prepare them as a healing springs.

South of Ray’s ranch house, across the Dripping Springs wash, is a trail leading into a small canyon with springs that drip from the rock above. (You can see it n the upper right of this photo, where the cliff casts a shadow.)

And he brought forth unto the land of the finest animals he could find.

A well-bred filly was born that Ray named, Trouble.

And he prayed unto the Lord, “Oh Lord, let Thy will be done.”

And so it has been.

Now the parable we have told you has no beginning and no ending. For the man in the parable knew the beginning of time, and he knows not the ending of time, but the space with the stream between it.

And this is what we wish to say unto you.

This space inbetween times that you walk in, it is of the heavens and the earth; it is a place that you prepare that the Lord, God, may lay His head.

It is the most important time of all, this moment, this twinkling of a star in the heavens. We are here but for one purpose, and that is to bring forth the heaven[s] unto the earth and prepare, therefore, the coming of the Messiah.

As we have said before, your thirteenth years has passed, and now we look unto the few next. When those times have passed away, then the half-times in truth shall be over. There shall be no more half wars, nor wars at all. But until that time comes, the covenant of the Lord shall be fulfilled.

There are many who shall say once again we have spoke in riddles. But we say unto you,

for the wise to hear, let them hear; for the wise to see, let them see.

And if they look deep enough, and listen sharp enough, they shall hear and see that which we have brought forth to be seen and heard.

You have questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from R___ E______; she asks, ‘Dear Aka, please help me to overcome the emotional turmoil I am in and to understand it.’ She also asks, ‘Can you give us guidance on the sheep, that is, suggestions as to how to see that they’re properly cared for and so forth, or any suggestions which you have in that regard?’”

First, we should say unto you, for the last shall come first, and therefore, so it shall be in the answering, of the sheep. Give it unto seven days and an answer shall come and be before you. And it will be the answer that shall be of your own and the Lord’s, and a way shall be made, and you shall know of it, both of you.

You say unto yourself, you have jealousies. We say unto you, for there to be jealousies there must be suspicions and doubt. But these are the things that jealousy is built upon. This is the food that the monster of jealousy grows from. It is the seed; it is [of much]; it is the soul. We say unto you, “If thy right eye offend thee cast it aside,” and if this jealousy should offend you and offend your husband cast it out of you, for it is not needed. From where you go you go into light; and light begets light. And more light shall come. And more.

Love, true love, is to give and expect nothing in return. But love in itself is a gift, and it is giving and it is receiving. For if you truly love and you open your heart then your cup shall runneth over − as surely as the stars are many in the heavens, and as surely as the planets shall have moons. But peace of mind is like the sun and the rays of the sun to stand in and allow the warmth of the Lord, God, to enter unto you, and the warmth of the love of your husband to enter unto you, and to fill you, and to know that it is true.

When you choose the way of the Lord, it is not always the easiest; yet it is the one that shall fulfill you the most. For there shall be those who come and seek of your husband the way of the Lord, for that is why he was brought forth upon the Earth, that was why the messengers of the Lord came unto his mother and placed in her womb. Yet there was all the things inbetween he must face to bring him unto this time.

For now, in the next 13 years, shall be the greatest of times. We can say no more, for there is no more to say.

Take what we have given to you and know that the grandchild that you receive is also a gift of the Lord. When you see it you shall know of that which we speak, for it too was placed upon the Earth by the Lord. As it shall be born, another shall be born almost at the same time. And the two paths shall build for an [immaculate] reason. And that reason we may not give unto you at this time. We may only tell you that that we are allowed.

You have other questions, ask….

“Yes, Aka. He also asks, ‘What is the cause of my skin disease, and how long will it take to cure it?’”

The cause of your skin disease is the substance which you readily call, Agent Orange, which you were exposed to. It is a chemical, or we shall say many chemicals, that was placed together by men who thought they would do the earth a service. Instead, they have done God and man a great unjustice.

You have come unto soul Ray for healing; listen to him. That which he is offering you shall bring forth healing. When he tells you to go, therefore, to the valley of the healing waters, do so….

Small stream in the Pinal Mountains by Zakhari Volk — Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=48413203 The U.S. Forest Service had sprayed Agent Orange on Pinal Mountain around 1970. in an attempt to create more water runoff by klling off underbrush, the Agent Orange contaminated water sources, such as streams, ponds and wells. Many who lived downstream in Globe were made very sick with mysterious illnesses and even cancer; animals were born deformed, some died. The valley of the healing waters of which Aka speaks is where the healing springs drip from the Dripping Springs mountains, on the other side of Pinal Peak on Dripping Springs Road, which Ray later blessed.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you very much, Aka. I have a question from [16–479–5], who is here tonight, ‘Please answer the questions — how is my business going to succeed? Also, should I remain in El Paso or should we move?’”

We see thy need, and we shall answer your question in this manner. You are among brothers here. They may not be of the same nationality, but where you stand now there is no nationalities, nor colors, nor creeds. For we came here not to serve any nationality or country, we came here to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. One of the apostles was a Greek − have you forgotten? Would you run away now that you have come so close?

Your business effort shall survive. You have survived this long. It shall continue to survive. Have faith, both in yourself, in your wife, in your children, and in your God.

Now we say unto all of you, glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever. We speak unto you with love.

Then, February 17, 1984, the spiritual messengers of God warned of the possibility of war. Many prophetic words are told so that our most likely paths can be changed through righteous free will and prayer, as was given in the prophet, Jonah’s, time, or as hoped for by Abraham who pleaded with God to let him find just 10 rightous men and spare the city. Destruction can be “averted, or pushed forth.” Aka began: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of Lord, thy God; glory be the children of God, and glory be the name of the children of God. [You can listen to these recorded words.]

And we should say unto thee, unto this day and unto this time. For the times and half times are coming to past. The half wars, the rattling of the chains of wars, shall soon have made a whole war, one that mankind can ill afford, but yet, it shall come.

And we say unto those who think they may escape it by being in a different country, or a differ­ent place upon the globe, woe be it [them], for there is no place upon this continent, no place upon this and other continents, that shall not be affected, for the continental shelf, in itself, shall be affected. And a great shifting of the plates shall take forth and come forth. In the upper atmosphere, electric magnetic forces shall take force, and there­fore, you will have what is called a total blackout of electrical energy, and that that is produced by electrical energy at that point and in that period of time − that a total blackness shall shift and float as huge clouds that form in the upper, high atmosphere shall smother the sun from striking the earth. And night and day shall not be known, one apart from the other.

And as the Earth shifts and circles, those days shall come upon man in total madness, for there shall be other instruments of war that shall be used, which shall be known as ultrasound, that of light and sound which shall drive men mad, and they shall destroy one another in their madness. And they shall reach for their hearts to pull it out, for it shall beat so fast and so rapidly, and so great a pain shall be within them that neither if they were stung by giant scorpions would it be any better. Yet, they shall not be allowed to die all at once. For the madness that shall come upon them shall be as a madness that shall strike their children’s children in the womb of their wives and their mothers. [See The Revelation 9:1–12.]

For all things that have been written shall come, and become true − not that you shall know that this is the way of the Lord, but that you shall know that it is caused by man and the Anti-Christ.

And the Lord, thy God, shall send forth His son into this great abundance and abominate upon the Earth. And as he comes unto the Earth, all planetary substance shall know of it, for his reflection and his face shall be seen not only upon this Earth, but upon all earths, and they shall learn from it.

For there shall be earths in the newest of development, and there shall be earths that are older than yours, but each and every one shall learn from this.

For that of the Messiah shall rise and walk upon the Earth.

And as he comes forth, he shall call forth all those who have perished. And they shall rise from the earth and appear unto their brethrens as though they were not dead. And there shall be a big tribunal that, therefore, shall judge unto one another, and judgment shall be rendered upon the earth and the heavens. And, therefore, as the last shifting of plates that takes forth, so shall rise both the heavens, and it shall be the heavens of the earth, and no one who should wear the mark of the Beast shall be allowed to enter into this.

And we should say unto thee, woe be these who shall see beneath and into the greater bowels of the Anti-Christ. For at that time, all those who have suffered so long shall rise and ask for justice from the Lord. And the Lord, thy God, shall render justice unto them. [See The Revelation, 6:12–17, chapters 7 through 11, and chapters 19 through 22.]

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Why is this necessary?”

It is not necessary. None of it was necessary. It is still not necessary, for it is but the Sixth Seal that is opened. But when the Seventh Seal is opened, then it will be necessary.

Why is it necessary? Why cannot man repent? Why cannot man change his ways? Why should he go on killing his brothren, plotting to gain, as you would call it, the upper hand? Why is it that he cannot look [in] the Lord, his God, and love Him with all his heart?

(Sigh) Is it not written that should man not change his path, he shall die in his own pollutant, in that which he creates?

The atomic bomb is but a small part. You have created germ warfare, which is more horrifying than all of your atomic bombs put together. For they shall shift with the currents of the air; they shall fall with the rain that you wait for. They shall come on the gentle breezes.

Trails of unknown toxic substances are dispersed in the air by jets on a clear day, serving many purposes from weather manipulation, shielding solar radiation, to covert military operations

In what you call your World War I, you knew then that the use of gases was too horrible to turn loose on mankind; there was no controlling it. And yet, you took the same theories and cultivated what is now known as germ warfare. Look at your own people now; they are dying from it! Do you not see it? You call it a flu epidemic − of man-made disease.

God gave unto your keeping a land with no diseases. And He put into your keeping all the elements that you might alter and change things for the better. This could still be done. Why do you think you hear us crying in the wilderness? [See Luke 3:1–17 and John 3–36.]

Yes, there is still time. But someone must hear. Someone must not react to the pebble dropped into the brook….

You have other questions, ask.

“I have a question from [16–480–2…Phoenix]. ‘I would like advice as to what type of career direction would be best for me at this time in order to further my own spiritual growth and also to be of service to others.’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. In the way of the Lord, thy God, be as a mirror, that you reflect that of the word of the God, thy Lord. If you shall truly seek to serve God, then stop what we have spoken of in the beginning. Be as a Jonah; make it, and make the people believe so that the great catastrophes shall never happen, that they may be stopped.

Jonah 3:1–2: “Now the word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time, saying, ‘Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and preach to it the message that I tell you.’”

March 16, 1984: And now, we shall say unto thee this parable in this manner and this way. As we have said before, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And it came one day that the Lord, God, in the heavens had decided that the people of a nation and of a world needed to know of Him, and feel of Him, and so He brought a soul before Him, a very gentle soul, and yet, a very wise soul. Now this soul had passed on, and changed from the life plane into the spiritual plane at a very young age.


According to believers, the Virgin Mary appeared to Marie-Bernadette Soubirous on a total of eighteen occasions at Lourdes, France. She first came on February 11, 1858, The Lady also told Bernadette to dig in the ground at a certain spot and to drink from the small spring of water that began to bubble up. Almost immediately cures were reported from drinking the water. And yet the water has been shown through repeated testing not to have any special curative properties. Today thousands of gallons of water gush from the source of the spring, and pilgrims are able to bathe in it. Countless purported miracle cures have been documented there. Lourdes has become a major place of Roman Catholic pilgrimage and of miraculous healings. CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=179210. Were we given another healing springs that dripped over the rocks into a small rock basin, where the water was blessed and Spirit awakened in it to become a healing springs? See the photos later.

The child, with all the wisdom of all the ages, agreed.

And so the birth came in a small village. She was born happy and strong. Her name was Bernadine; the place was Lourdes. And she went, therefore, and dug into the dirt because the lady had told her so. The lady was the mother of the one known as Jesus Christ.

And so, man has built monuments to this place. But in the building, sometimes forgetting takes place, and the true miracle of this spring and this blessing was not shown unto man into its fullness.

And so, in another land another child was told to plant a rose by the Lady of Guadalupe.

Two places, in two continents, yet the purpose was the same.

On November 5, 1971, Aka was asked this question: "Soul Ruth has asked if you can tell her who the Virgin of Guadalupe is –is she – how she relates to the Christian faith?” Aka answered, “We should say unto this manner, that the Virgin of Guadalupe is a gift from God unto the Mexican people — but not as thy would know it. For what was taken from these people in the name of Christianity was given back in this manner. For as we shall say again, for the last shall be first and the first shall be last. But she comes from her own people. For she was sent with love — that love, that small word that you use so often, but so few of you know the true meaning of the same. Give unto our Father one-tenth of the love He should give unto His children; give unto your fellow man in the same manner, and this, thy Father should bring His many children back unto His mansions. We shall say unto you these words. We have placed in thy hands the Book with wings. And as we have said before, we have placed in thy hands, and in thy mind, a new thing unto man. Give it also with love.” Wikipedia on-line encyclopedia tells us more about Our Lady of Guadalupe. The Virgin Mary appeared four times to Juan Diego and once more to Juan Diego’s uncle, 300 years before she appeared in Lourdes, France. The first apparition occurred on the morning of December 9, 1531, when a native Mexican peasant named Juan Diego saw a vision of a maiden at a place called the Hill of Tepeyac, which would become part of Villa de Guadalupe, a suburb of Mexico City. Speaking to Juan Diego in his native Nahuatl language (the language of the Aztec empire), the maiden identified herself as the Virgin Mary, “mother of the very true deity” and asked for a church to be built at that site in her honor. Is this, in part, why we were given both a church and a healing springs dedicated by Ray Elkins and the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, to God? They stand on Christmas Star Route beneath the Dripping Springs mountains. Do they honor what came centuries before when the Virgin Mary appeared? In 1972, she again appeared to give a miracle at Ray’s house in Globe, Arizona, when she healed an elderly blind man. His first sight was of what his family described as “a lady in white” after he made the sign of the cross and exclaimed, “Madre de Dios!” Spanish for the Virgin Mary. Since then, many people have received healings. Ray left the springs to us where people could come and still receive healing after he had departed.

We have brought these things to your attention as a point of reference to life and, as you would call it, death. But we say unto you, our Father, your God and ours, is not the God of the dead, but the living. He is a living God, and you are His living children, for there is no death, only life everlasting.

If you will take our words as we have meant to give them to you, if you can feel the love that we offer them with, and take them into your hearts, you will know that we speak not to you in any manner to reprimand you, but only to praise you.

Again, in another lifetime, a woman short in stature who held within her soul the heart of Bernadette, did as Aka told us to do – that two statues be placed beside the blessed healing springs that drip from the Dripping Springs mountains, after the lady in white was promised to appear there. One statue was in honor of the Virgin Mary who appeared at Lourdes, the other honored her appearance as the Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico. In the photo on the left, the Virgin Mary stands beneath the grotto by the healing springs. To the left of her and higher up beside the kiva, she is the Lady of Guadalupe, barely seen behind the cactus. The photo on the right shows the Lady of Guadalupe again, closer up for you. Are the healing springs in the Dripping Spring valley another sacred place of healing God gave upon Earth where the “lady in white” appeared, as the Lady of Lourdes did in Lourdes, France, or the Lady of Guadalupe did in Mexico before? The Lady of Guadalupe requested a church be built; and the “lady in white” stands above the valley where the church to God was dedicated to God.

There are those here tonight who deep in their hearts have looked for their own special miracles. We have given you the bread and the wine. We have even given you a pool, a spring of clear, pure water. [Note: The healing springs drip from the Dripping Springs mountains, above the church Ray built and dedicated to God.]

Go forth with it. Make into it a special place that others beyond you shall know as they pass, that you too have passed this way.

Our reading is short tonight because of soul Ray’s health. That healing may come to his body we say unto you, “Vaya con Dios.” [Note: In Spanish these words mean, “Go with God.”]

March 30, 1984: You have other questions, ask.

“She asks, ‘Will it be possible, and when I can I move to the Globe area for health reasons? Thank you.’”

It is possible now, at any time you wish.

May 11, 1984: And we say unto you unto these words, glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we say unto thee, unto this parable.

For as a man walks, and as a man speaks, so is he known, whether he be a liar, or a man of truth. By his action he is known, by that unto which he does. And so it is with a woman. But the Lord does not make a liar, nor a thief, nor a murderer. man himself makes these things. The Lord does not make you truthful or law abiding. Man himself makes these things.

And so we say unto thee, that upon the mountain top three men met, as had been prearranged. Each brought the great knowledge of the Earth from whence they lived. Much had the knowledge of the other.

And as they met, an uninvited guest arrived. He looked quite innocent, and he looked as though he was not of a great scholar. But the three thought they would make sport of him, and began to ask him questions.

Unto each of the questions they asked, he answered truthfully and forthright.

Soon, they began to realize that his knowledge was way beyond anything that they possessed.

And so, they began to plot to kill him. All three of these men were great scientists, great of knowledge, great of philosophy, yet here they were − jealousy has overridden their thoughts; greed had taken forth their brain; and the monster of monsters had possessed them. And they did slay this stranger.

And as he lay dead before them, suddenly each began to blame the other for his death, for they were frightened. From where did he come with such great knowledge? Before they had come upon the mountain each had thought about God, but none had really believed. Now they began to remember all the stories of a stranger sent among them to bring them knowledge; was he he? Was he the great chosen one they had slain?

Each began to realize that if their people learned of their deed, they themselves might be slain or cast into the wilderness, for all the people had waited for the coming. They made a pact to bury him, and they would return unto the three corners of the Earth to tell their people of the great knowledge they possessed. And so they buried him beneath stone, and they went forth.

When each arrived into their own lands, into their part of the Earth, the great scientists gathered around them. And a young man came walking through the door. He looked exactly like the other man. The man became greatly frightened and confessed what he had done.

And the young man looked upon him, and each of them, for he had appeared in three places. And he said unto them, “For I come from the Father who has sent His first son unto you and you have killed him. But I have come to collect the debt that you owe.”

And they said, “What debt is this?”

And he said unto them, “A life − a life from each of you.”

For the great countries and great dictators of countries thought, “We cannot give forth a life unto this one. Why should we be afraid?”

Yet the whisperings from the people had already begun. Instead of three countries and three parts of the Earth that were divided into thirds, suddenly the people were becoming one, with once voice − to pay, to pay with their own lives.

They were greatly frightened.

And then the young man said, “I will give you your lives, but first, we shall debate. And if you are smarter than I, you have greater knowledge than I. You have killed my brother, and he had a greater knowledge than you. If I have a greater knowledge, then you must crucify yourselves.”

They began to debate. And upon each subject the young man excelled greatly. And the mob and the people called for the lives of the men.

And the young man spoke and said, “No, they shall live, but they shall not live great among you as they have — nor shall not be great among God, nor in the eyes of God, for they have committed murder.”

As you wait, and as this time grows near, the story we have told you becomes more truthful, for there are different parts of the same man that may be killed many times. He may be betrayed by his friends, and that may kill one part of him. He may be lied to by his friends, and that may kill another part of him. But the final death shall be between him and his God, for not the smallest thing shall fall upon the earth without the Father knowing, and caring.

Now we have told you of the times that are ahead.

Some would say, “They have told us these stories to frighten us. But look into your own books, and is it not written that none who wears the Mark of the Beast shall be allowed to enter? It does not say that these who wear the Mark of the Beast shall not continue to exist, only that they may not enter. [See The Revelation of John, chapters 7, 14, 15, 16, and 20:4–6.]

And we say unto you, “Enter where? What do they speak of? What do they mean?”[See The Revelation of John, chapters 21 and 22.]

Are we to ignore the visions of John, or Isaiah, or all the prophets? Are we to ignore them, to change them to suit our own desires, or are we to accept them, as they are, as they were, and as they shall be? For as the men on the mountain top, killing the thought, the message that was sent, was not enough.

For as the Lord, Jesus, said, “Destroy this temple, and I shall rebuild it in three days.”[See John 2:12–22.]

And we say unto you, is it not written that there would be two prophets, and they would die and lay in the square of the town, and in three days they would rise again?

And what is the true word of resurrection? To rise from the dead. [See The Revelation 11:1–13.]

Did not Jesus tell you the story of the son who forsaked all things and left his father, and went into many lands, and the son who stayed and worked the land.

He took his inheritance with him, and when all else failed, he thought, “Even the servants on my father’s land live better than I.” And so he returned. And his father clad him in the greatest gowns and garments.

And the older son came and saw this, and said, “Father, why do you do this?”

And the father said, “For he was dead, and he has returned. Would you deny me this?” [See Luke 15:11–32.]

The Return of the Prodigal Son (Leonello Spada, Louvre, Paris)

Many years ago when we came to you, and were asked, “Why do you come?” And we said we did not come unto others, but we had come that the fulfillment of soul Ray should lead his flock.

You prepare yourselves for your Annual Meeting. As shepherds of flocks, ask yourselves what you have accomplished.

Have you tended the flock?

Are you truly a part of the whole?

What have you done to bring strength to the group?

Have you brought truth?

Have you brought yourselves?

Did the house of the Lord go wanting?

We have told you a parable, a parable of truth. The degree of truth will be for your deciding.

A group returns to the Annual Meeting service to hear guidance Aka gives to Ray to say in serving their needs.

June 1, 1984: Yes we see thy need. And we shall answer this question in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we say unto thee, and unto this parable.

For a woodsman had built his home in the woods, and as the years passed by, the people came forth and made it a recreation area.

The woodsman had children. Suddenly, he was told which trees he might cut. The woodsman went along with it, but he did not always agree with it, the people who were telling him what trees to cut, for he had studied this forest a long time. And he knew, by cutting certain trees that it allowed other trees to come forth in new growth. But due to the fact that he had his children to raise, his family to feed, he decided that the easiest thing to do was to go along with those who told him to cut this tree and cut that tree.

One day, as he had finished his work, he had started home, and there was his daughter, sobbing, crying. And he reached down with his loving arms and picked the child up and said to her, “Why do you cry?”

And she said, “Oh, Father, look, look at my beautiful flowers. Someone has come and tromped them down.”

The woodsman looked at this. The flowers had grown, year in and year out, for as long as he could remember, in the same place. And suddenly, those of the flat land who had come as a tourist were tromping down the flowers. The woodsman became angry. What they did to him was one thing, but what they did to his daughter was another.

And so he went forth unto the head ranger, and he said unto him, “How dare you to allow this to happen? You call yourself a man who preserves the forest, yet you destroy it. You bring people here who know nothing of preserving a forest, only how to use it and take from it. You bring tourists here, and where flowers have grown, they tromp them down. How dare you do such an evil deed, for you have not only insulted me, you have insulted my daughter, and greater yet, you have insulted the Designer of this beautiful forest.

The ranger became angry and said, “What designer do you speak of?”

And the woodsman said, “God, Almighty.”

The ranger dropped his head in shame.

View from Pinal Mountains, while on Sixshooter canyon trail

A short time later, after many letters were written, a man from the Department of the Interior came forth and told the woodsman, “We are going to declare this area a primitive area, and no one will be able to come in here with their cars, nor take from the forest ever again.”

The woodsman just looked at him and said, “Yes, you too have come to tell me how to run this forest. I have been here long. I have reaped the forest and taken harvests from it. I have never damaged it. I have treated it as a child. And then, it has treated me as a child, for it has wrapped its arms around me and fed my family, built my home. What have you done for the forest?”

So the man from the Department of the Interior disappeared.

And one day, an old ranger came forth to take over. And he went unto the woodsman and he said, “You have great knowledge. Why do you not become a ranger?”

And the ranger and the woodsman sat together, and the woodsman said unto the ranger, “I am a woodsman. I harvest the forest. I do so with a delicate hand. You are a ranger. You should preserve the forest to see that not only men like myself preserve the forest and keep it, but so that all, of all the generations of time, shall share it.”

And the ranger said unto him, “For that reason, and that reason only, from what you have said is all the more reason you should come and help us teach the young men.”

The woodsman went home to his family that night. They sat to talk. And all of them decided that he must go. He would keep his home, but he would go. And he would talk and he would show what he knew.

At first, when he got to the training camps he felt much out of place. All of the people were smartly dressed, all with great educations.

And as he stood before the classes he said unto them, “I do not have your education. I know how old a tree is by counting the rings.

Ponderosa pines along Sixshooter trail in the Pinal Mountains, Arizona. Photo by Zakhari Volk — Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=50913825

I know how the seasons have been to the trees, whether it has been a wet year or dry year. I know which trees to harvest so that the new trees can come forth and take their place. And that is why I am here, because you are the youth. You should come, for I am not a ranger, I − am a woodsman. And you should know the way of the forest.”

Now he spent many days, and he came home to his family. And on the way home he found his child once again in tears. And he said, “My child, why are you crying?”

She said, “Look, Father, the new rangers have stepped on my flowers.”

And he stared, and he said, “My child, I have taught these new rangers of the forest, I did not teach them not to step on the flowers; therefore, it is my fault.”

And so he went hack to the school. And from that day forth he not only told them all the wisdom of the forest, but he told them of the wisdom of preserving the flowers that others might see them as they pass that way….

Mexican Gold Poppies are common in the valley beneath Pinal Peak and the Dripping Springs mountains.

Now we say unto all of you, soon comes the time of your Annual Meeting.

Some of you have misinterpreted the words that we have spoken unto you. This is not unusual, for many times you have misinterpreted our words, or did not understand from which we spoke. You must understand that it is hard to make ourselves completely clear, when we come not from your language — and even speaking, when we do not speak, we transfer our thoughts from thought and mind to mind. We have come on your plane, at your bidding, to speak to you in your manner, of your kind. Therefore, we wish you shall understand and bear with us, and be patient with us. If you do not understand, just say you do not, and then, we shall have the opportunity to place it, the words, into a fashion that you shall understand.

Now we shall say unto you unto one other part, that you may understand this. As we have said before, in the beginning we did not come unto anyone except unto soul Ray, that he might lead his flock into the better light of God. For some of you that is hard to understand.

In the beginning there were five like him. And now, we have but one instrument to work through.

Understand our words. If you do not understand them, ask and you shall receive.

Blessed be the name of the Lord, thy God; blessed be the name of His children, forever and ever.

June 8, 1984, the evening before the 13th Annual Meeting of the Association of Universal Philosophy, Aka spoke to those who came, and to others who are yet to come: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way, glory be the name of the Lord thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee this parable, in this manner and in this way.

In the valley near the ocean there was a man who had beautiful vineyards. And he sold each year the yield of his crop to a very fine winemaker. And the winemaker sold his wine to a very rich merchant.

After doing business many years, the merchant said to the winemaker, “I would like to do honor to the farmer who grows such beautiful grapes for us.”

And so they ventured forth into this valley. And there, they found the farmer. And so the rich merchant said unto him, “You have given unto me great pleasure year after year with such a fine crop. In some way I would like to repay you.”

The farmer said unto him, “You have paid for my goods, and that is enough. But as I am getting on in years, I need an apprentice, one who could learn from me how to grow fine grapes.”

The merchant searched the country far and wide, and he brought forth into twenty of the finest young men of all the nation. And he said unto them, “Farmer, choose from these, choose all or choose one, whichever you wish.”

The farmer took each separately into his vineyard. And as they walked, he asked them but one question,

“What do we grow in this vineyard and where does it come from?”

Many answered, “Grapes is what you grow in your vineyards. It comes from the sun and the rain.”

Two among the twenty answered, “You have grown love and tenderness in your vineyard, and it comes from God.”

These two he asked to be his apprentices. The others, their feelings were hurt, for they were fine workmen. Why should he choose just the two when he could have had all?

And the merchant was interested, and so was the winemaker. And he said, “Why, out of all of these, why did you choose just these two?”

And he said to them, “I asked these questions — what we grew in the vineyard. The others said, ‘grapes.’ But these two did not. When I asked them where they came from, the others said, ‘from the sun and the rain.’ These two did not.”

And so, as the years did pass, and as the farmer went into semi-retirement, the vineyards thrived and became better. The grapes became better than even the farmer could grow. And once again the merchant and his sons came forth and said unto the winemaker and his sons, “How has this farmer done this? How has he brought forth even better than before, and the yield is larger?”

So they ventured forth, and there they found the two young men and their families, and there were three vineyards. The farmer’s, and his two apprentices, each had vineyards of their own. And they took grapes from each, and each was as sweet as the other, each as yielding. It seemed like each grape, reached forth with one thought, and that was to please the taste buds of the taster.

The merchant said, “How could this be possible? How can you even achieve through your apprentice[s] more than you were capable of doing?”

And he said, “First, I shall say unto you, all things are possible before God and of God. And when you know who the giver is, then you know that it can only be the best. And when more than I ask, then it surely shall be better. And what greater compliment could I have than my two apprentices to improve upon my vineyards and their own?”

The merchant stopped and said, “But why do they have vineyards; they were sent here to learn from you? These vineyards should all belong to you.”

The farmer said, “Nay, no, from the first, the vineyards belong to God, but second, should a man work and know the sweat of his labor belongs to himself, he shall put more into it. Knowing these things, I did give them each a vineyard to work from. And because they loved me and loved their God, and knew their God was watching them as they went about their tasks and their work, and knowing that God would see the results, they have created even better vineyards.”

The merchant and his sons left. The winemaker and his sons left. And they thought, the merchant was selling more wine than he had ever sold before; more people were making comments on such fine wine he had, the finest in all the land. The winemaker was making better wine than he had ever made before because he was sharing all this, and each was sharing with their sons. And they realized that they themselves had been doing the same thing that the farmer had been doing.

There is many ways that you can look at this parable, and many solutions that you may contemplate. If the parable fits the taste buds of your mind, accept it, and let it grow and manifest within you, for this is the reason we have given you all the parables. Know these things.

We shall answer as many of your questions this night as we may, for soul Ray is tired. Ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Since this is our Annual Meeting, and many people have gathered, is there any message you would like to give anyone?”

We have given unto you all a special message, if you shall take it into your hearts and know from which it comes; it comes with love.

We have said unto you, “Let 300 come,” and you may divert that great catastrophe, which so many shall dread. You are reaching and touching. Your numbers are growing.

Let us all pray before the Seventh Seal is opened that the number of 300 shall be reached. [See The Revelation, chapters 8 through 11.]

The spiritual messengers of God radiate great love, touching hearts and minds, as they speak through Ray Elkins at a church to God. The candles of the Ministers and Teachers who renewed their vows to God shine with His light. It is annointed anew within each one at the Annual Meeting service — for the light is the seven spirits of God who are the eyes and ears of the Messiah.

But we say into you, the Lord, thy God, has loved thee unto the utmost, for He has trusted you with the most precious gifts He owns. And He is willing to give you all of the knowledge He has, for “nothing shall be covered that light shall not shine upon.” And no words shall be spoken that you shall not hear, if you wish to listen.

You have come from many places. You have brought yourselves with you. You are the vineyards; you are the fine wine, and you are the merchants.

Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God.

July 20, 1984: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

We give unto you this parable in this manner and in this way.

For a woman who carries a child should be beautiful in the eyes of all mankind. But she should be exceptionally beautiful in the eyes of her husband. For only she knows that life dwells within her; only she may feel that life. And from the wonder and the miracle from within shall shine from without her, and therefore, she shall be beautiful among all women.

But we say unto you, when the woman bears the child, and gives it unto the man, and the man brings the child into his heart, as he has his wife, then, in truth, there is love, the love that the child may feel from the day it is born.

And should the mother say unto the grandmother, “Here, I give unto you a gift of love,” and the grandmother receive this love, then the love has become bountiful.

And should the mother say unto the grandfather, “Here is my gift of love,” then in truth, a mountain of love has begun to build.

And should the father say unto his mother, “Mother, here is a gift of love that my wife and I have given unto you,” and she accepts this love, and he says unto his father, “Here is a gift of love,” and should they accept this love without jealousies, then a love beyond love, beyond all love, is born.

In one small infant it is manifested in its finest form.

Take that of the finest that you have of love, and bring it into your heart. Look at the smile that the child gives unto you, for that child asks nothing from you but love. And it gives you love in return. Yes, the child may make messes, but they are messes of love, for the child knows no hate of any kind.

So, glory be into the gift of love, the miracle of birth, that the Lord, God, has given unto mankind. And what the Lord, God, has given, let no man put asunder.

July 27, 1984: Yes we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of Your children forever and ever.

And we say unto you this parable, and in this way.

For far away, in a distant land, there were rumors and half-rumors that came forth from this land. It was said by many that it was a land of plenty, that all you had to do was to live there, to become one of the people, and all things would come unto you − riches − that if you had a flock, and it, each of it, would bear three young, it would multiply in such boundaries [bounties], in such fulfillment. All these things were said of this place. And everyone talked about going there.

There was a young lad, and he met a young woman, and he did marry unto her with the promise that they would leave the land in which they dwelled and go into the promised land.

And so they left the land in which they dwelled, and they endured many hardships. And he did not take days, but unto the seventh year they did arrive.

And on the seventh year, of the seventh day, they arrived upon the holy land.

There they made camp. And since they had used most of their provisions, they made ready to observe the Sabbath. And they made a small altar of stone. And they had baked their breads and what food they had.

And before the Sabbath came visitors came, and they made camp beside them, and they had no food. So the young couple bid them enter, and they shared their Sabbath food with them.

And they said unto the visitors, “We have come to the land of plenty that we may share and become one of the people. Who do we see; who do we go to?”

And the visitors said unto them, “We are coming from the land of plenty, and we have nothing, for we have found nothing.”

The young couple, at first, were very disappointed, but they went on. And the young couples had broughten seeds with them. And they had broughten young trees, of fruit. And they had broughten fig trees, and date trees, and trees of many kinds. And they had some small amount of money.

But many of the people which lived in this land had not known or seen such wondrous trees. And they came unto then to barter with them.

A fig tree in the Dripping Springs valley

And the first came and he said, “I have land. I will trade you for so many trees.”

And another came and he said, “I have sheep, and I shall trade you for so many trees.”

Another came and said, “I have cattle.”

And so it was; they did barter.

Now upon the seventh year they prospered, mighty. And they decided, since they had done so well, that they would take a part that they had made and take it back to where they had come, so that their parents may share that with them.

But the day they got ready to leave, the priest of the land came forth and said, “Where are you going with all these goods?”

And they said, “We shall take these goods to our parents, that we may show them our respect.”

And the priest said, “If you have extra give unto the church.”

And the young man looked at him and said, “We have given unto the church. We have given one-tenth of all things we have brought forth. Now, we shall fulfill another of the commandments; we shall honor our mothers and fathers.”

And the young couple, in the seventh years, had had three children. And his wife was heavy with child, and as they journeyed, once again they stopped at the edge of the land and made camp on the Sabbath day. And his wife did come forth with another child.

And people came forth and said, “We are on our way to the promised land. Is it true that all things come of milk and honey; is the land so plentiful?”

The young man, no longer as young, and much wiser said, “You shall receive from it what you put in to it.”

They went forth to visit their mother and father. They took all those things of cloth, of fine dishware, and many things, and great amounts of food. And they did give unto the parents of cattle and sheep.

And the parents gave unto them many trees.

And they left, and they went back into the valley into the land of the plenty, the land of blessed, the holy land.

And once again, many people came forth to barter for their trees. But this time, instead of selling their trees, they planted them. And in the seventh year, the trees had began to multiply, and they began to sell the trees, that part of their crop.

Now at this time there was known to be the time of the Christmas, and the tree to be honoring it was a greatly prized, in this land.

And none knew how well they would flourish in this land. But they did flourish, for they had been brought from the highlands.

And so they brought forth and sold these.

But the priest came unto them again, and said, “Give unto me one of these trees, for it shall be given unto the church.”

The couple gladly gave unto him one of the trees, one of the biggest, finest trees that they had.

And on Christmas Eve they went forth, but there was no tree at the church.

They found the tree had gone to one of the larger landowners. And so the young man was quite angry. And he went to the priest and he said unto him, “How dare you take our tree and sell it, the tree we have given to the church!”

The priest hung his head and said unto them, “You have been fortunate in this land they call “of the plenty,” but there are many of the non-fortunates. Yes, I have sold the tree. But seven years ago you taught me a lesson, to honor your father and your mother. I found that there were many mothers and fathers that were not being honored, and therefore, I sold the tree, and have taken the money and spent it so, to provide for them.”

The young man and woman could find no fault in this. And so, they said, “Priest, come back with us.” And so they gave him another fine tree.

But as he was beginning to leave they gave him a second. And they said to him, “Go take one and honor other mothers and fathers, but take one so that the children of the land may celebrate their Christmas with their tree.”

Now the parable we have said unto you seems to have little meaning. Yet we say unto you, the depth of the meaning of the parable shall come from the depth of thy soul. If you should take the last reading, the last parable, and bring it forth into this parable, you shall see the true meaning of this parable.

August 10, 1984: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the children.

And we say unto thee, for we shall say to you this parable in this manner. It is the parable of the thief.

For as children, there were four children, one girl and three boys, that grew up together. One boy was always stealing from the others. But since they were friends they forgave him. Only he continued to steal. Gradually he stole more and more. And not just from his friends, but from all others.

And as he became a man, he went out into the world, there to become a thief. He became a very good thief. He stole from not only the rich, but the poor, and those in between. He stole not what he needed, but for want. He lived very lavishly.

Now the other two decided it was time to look him up, and to see if they could change his ways. They went to the rich place where he lived. The young lady was dressed in the best clothes she had, and so was the other two gentlemen.

As they knocked on the door, and a servant came forth to answer the door, the servant looked upon them and said, “Why are you here?”

And they said unto him, “We are friends.”

The thief saw them, and he came forth and bid them enter. And when they had entered they sat about drinking refreshments. The young girl said unto him, “You are our friend. Now one day, if you continue, they will pick you up and put you in jail.”

And the young man said, “Come with us; come and work with us. We do not make a great amount of money, but we are not afraid of the police, or anyone.”

The thief looked at him and he said unto him, “If I go to jail I will go to jail for stealing one thing, not for stealing the hundreds of things I have stolen, but for stealing one thing. You, if you stole one thing, be it small or large, you would go to jail for the same amount of time.” He said unto them, “Look at my clothes; are they not the finest? Look at my house; is it not the finest? Are my servants not the finest? Why should I change that which I am? I am a thief. I do not deny that I am a thief.”

The three left the place, and as they turned homeward, their hearts heavy, and they said, one unto the other − first the girl − she said, “In truth, our friend has been a thief all of his life. Who are we to go and tell him he must change his ways? He’s right. He lives better than us. He eats better than us. He wears fine clothes. He lives in a fine house and he has servants. We have none of these things. Who are we to tell him to change his ways?”

The other said, “Maybe you are right. We are not God. We should not tell him to change his ways, to turn around.”

But the last looked at them and said, “It is not written that if you have one sheep that was lost would you cannot go forth and search it out and bring it back into the flock.”

They pondered this through the night.

The next day they went back to the thief’s house, and again to talk unto him − when suddenly the door knocked again. The thief cringed, for he was expecting no one. He made signs to the servant and said, “Tell them I am not in.” He made ready his escape from his own house.

They looked at him and saw the fear in his eyes.

The servant went to the door and came back and said, “Master, there is but a poor man here who wishes to speak to you.”

The thief treaded out and said, “Bid him enter.”

The poor man came unto him and said, “I have given unto you my cloak. I have given unto you my trousers. Yet you have continued to steal from me. You have defied and defiled my Father’s Commandments. You have continued to steal and take what is not rightfully yours. You know all these things, and it is not from ignorance that you steal, it is from want. Then, let it be so.”

And so, he arose. And as he left all the riches of the household left with him.

The thief came running after him and said, “Give back my riches; you have stole! You are a thief!”

The man said unto him, “I have taken nothing that has not been stolen before. How could I be a thief?”

And he said, “All those things I worked very hard to steal, and you have taken it from me in one night. How can this be so?”

The stranger said unto him, “Now you know what it feels like to be stolen from, to be the victim. You like it not. You holler the loudest, you who have stolen the most.”

The other two followed after, and then the girl came. And they saw the truth in this. And they said unto him, “You have broke the commandments of the Lord, Almighty, when He did say unto you,‘BE NOT A THIEF. DO NOT STEAL FROM THY NEIGHBOR IN ANY FORM, BE HE FRIEND OR FOE.’”

You will say once again that the message we have brought you this day is strange and confusing, for you see no beginning and no ending within it, yet there is both. Look upon it and see the truth within it. Add it to your other two readings, and it will have its proper place. And soon you shall know the fullness of what we give.

August 24, 1984: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee this parable.

For, many years ago, in the times before time, the Lord, thy God, did reign upon heaven and earth, and all earths. And the spirits of God did reign with Him.

And one of the spirits was one most beloved, known as Lucifer.

Now Lucifer was very jealous of his Father, for in all the tasks that his Father had cast forth to be done, Lucifer was first in everything, but last in the most important of things. He loved, yet he loved with a jealous love. He had hope with a jealous hope. And his faith was a jealous faith. He brought not into his Father’s house the love for his fellow.

He brought into his Father’s house division and despair.

And for a long time the Lord, thy God, did overlook this, and in each time that Lucifer did more, until one day the Lord, thy God, cast Lucifer from Himself.

And as the Sons of God were brought unto the Earth, and they did find the maidens of the Earth fair and did enter, and become earthbound, they did know within them that they shall love thy God with all thy heart, and all thy soul, and all thy spirit. And He shall love them in the same manner. And there shall be one God, and one God only, and that worship and love shall be given unto thy God.

This seems the simplest of parables, yet add it to the others. “LOVE THY GOD BEFORE ALL OTHER GODS,” and “YOU SHALL HAVE AND HOLD THE SABBATH HOLY.” Thus sayeth the Lord, thy God.

You should prepare for the Sabbath in such a manner that both thy body, thy soul, thy spirit, and thy mind may find rest in the hands of God, that He may comfort you, that He may give you His love, and you may find in Him the love that you seek, the compassion you seek.

For there are many who says unto themselves, “I must take this day and do many things.”

The Lord, God, can understand, if an animal in your keeping, [field it] lay before you, a crippled animal, that you would take this animal and give it healing, that you would minister unto the sick and the needy. But we say unto you, divide these things − what is the sick, and what is the needy? If you do not hold the Sabbath day as a day of rest, a day of worship, soon your own bodies shall waste away.

We come unto you who have ears to hear and eyes to see, look around and about you. The Lord, thy God, has promised you many things, and He will keep His promise. But if He gave you food and water before you went into the desert, whose fault would it be that you did not take it? The same with the Sabbath − He has laid aside the Sabbath to be holy, to be a day of rest, a day of worship − to be a day when you come together in fellowship, united in your love for God, that you may make your God first among all things, and therefore, by keeping the Sabbath holy, whether it is an ass or a man, whether it is a machine or a horse, all need rest.

For those who do not rest, who do not hold this day in the holy customs, then the temple of God, the greatest gift that God has given unto you, life, shall be damaged, and in truth, you have not held Him before all other gods.

A long time ago we said unto you, “Come unto us. Hear our words. For those who shall seek and find, we shall see to their needs, and not always to their wants.” But we say unto you, think upon our words; take each of the parables that we have brought unto you and you shall find that each fits, one unto another.

You have questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [16–488–1…Chaparral, New Mexico] asks, ‘I had my 12-year-old son late in life. Will I live to see him finish his education and get married?’”

We have brought you forth into a time of all times, time that you have asked for. You will see your son married, but you will see a greater thing. You will see your son walk with the Messiah.

And you yourself shall see this man.

September 14, 1984: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner − glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we say unto you this parable.

For once upon the lands, men began to build a mighty temple − their thoughts, in the beginning, that they would build a place of worship, a place that they might come and meet together, and this place would be their altar and would be the place where they would give themselves to God.

Now many things did come to pass, for as they had built the temple, the land began to prosper, and multitudes of good things dropped upon their place in the earth. And their children’s children did prosper.

But as time passed, the children began to expect all things to be given to them. And as the ground and the land ceased to yield, ceased to give, they cried out unto the Lord, thy God, and said, “We shall not worship You in the temple any longer. We shall worship Lucifer in the temple.” And therefore, they did go unto the temple, and they did defile the temple, and alter the temple to where it was no longer a place where people came to praise the Lord.

There were the old ones who were cast aside and told to go elsewhere when they objected. There were some of the young ones, who when they objected, were raped and beaten. And the land was raped.

The olive trees and cyprus have grown tall in front of the church in 2017. Yet the roses beside the entrance way are gone and the grass lawn died from lack of care. Then a new entrance of pavers from the door to the fountain was built in 2018.

Yet as each day passed, the earth began to rumble deep within. And earthquakes came upon the earth, and volcanoes came upon the earth, and the earth did gusher up and come forth. And the temple did come down.

Now the people left the valley; they spread into many places. And gradually, their descendants returned to the valley, for time had passed. Years had passed.

Many years had passed, and the valley grew lush and full, and bountiful once again. And when they came unto the valley they began by digging a well, that water may be closer at hand.

In the process of digging the well, they found the relics of the stones that were laid for the temple and the altars. And an argument became between the people of the land. Some who dug said that those only who worshiped of Lucifer lived in the land, and others argued that those who lived in the land were the ones of the worship of the God of One. And soon the land was split apart once again by the two facets. And they built a great wall between themselves. And they dammed the water until they could dam no higher leste they run out of land on their side of the valley, and the water came over and served both sides.

And they began to call each other names of many types. And one day there came upon the dam which divided the valley a Stranger. He carried a staff, and with his staff he began to tear down the dam. He did so in a manner that the water harmed no one.

From both sides they were very angry. “How dare you interfere in this! How dare you stop our war!”

The Stranger said nothing.

The two leaders approached him, yet they were afraid of him, and said, “How dare you do of these things! How dare you cast down and stop us from these things we believe.”

The Stranger said unto them, “I have come not to change your beliefs, but to show you the full fulfillment of them. For look and behold, and you shall see the land of before.”

And they looked, and they saw the land as it was in the beginning, and as the first people began to settle in the valley, and as they began to build the temple, and as the generations changed and turned.

People gather at the entrance to the church to God in the 1980s after the Annual Meeting service at lunch, before an afternoon of workshops and teachings by Ray.

And they said, “Who are these people?”

And the Stranger said, “The people are you. You did not learn your lesson then, and you are not learning it now. I say no more. Your dam is down; the division between you no longer stands, only in your hearts. The land will give you plenty if you allow it, if you build no more dams. But if you build one more dam, the dam will give way and destroy the whole valley.”

He walked out.

There were religious leaders from both sides who brought forth their Bibles and said, “Behold, he is a false prophet. Behold, he is of evil.”

And so all the people went back to build the dam. They built the dam higher and higher, for all was building now, higher and higher and higher, until there was no room on the side of the dam where the water lay. So the people came over onto the other side, and still they built the dam higher, for now they were afraid; they were afraid of what the water would do to them.

People began to leave the valley. And soon, the dam gave way, and once again the valley was laid waste.

They went out into the world around them. And some of them had learned their lesson, but most had not. They said the Stranger had caused it.

Years passed once again, many years. And therefore, they did come back into the land, their descendants came back into the land to populate it. This time the land was much flatter. It was very bountiful. And so they began to grow an abundance of many things. And each farmer in turn made a little diversion dam to water his crops.

And one day they suggested that they build a temple. And so once again a temple rose upon the ashes of the others. For this temple was bigger and finer than all of the other temples that had stood there before it. And each person in the valley was very proud of the temple, for each one had brought a stone, and carved one from the earth that it might be built, that their stone might be placed in the temple.

They talked of many things. They made laws to live by. But mostly, they made laws to think by. They drew up a council, a ruling council. And the day that they drew up the council the Stranger appeared unto them.

They looked upon him and they said, “You look familiar, sir. Come in, come into our temple, and hear our words.”

And he listened to them, each, of the knowledge that had passed down. The knowledge that had become down, some was good, some was bad. But most of the knowledge that had really stayed was good, for time, and time in itself, had altered the souls of men.

He looked upon them and he said, “You are building no bridge nor dam to divide you, but bridges that lead you into the hearts of one another. Your philosophy is good enough if it suits you.”

He went on. No one cast stones upon him, nor bad thoughts upon him.

He went on to other valleys and other lands.

Now we say unto you, the meaning of the parable is quite simple, “THY SHALL PLACE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE THE LORD, THY GOD.”

You have questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [16–489–1] asks, ‘We need to find a fertile retirement-house site. We desire the location to be secure, to bring us peace and happiness. We wish to remain in close proximity with the A.U.P. We deeply appreciate your guidance in this manner.’”

We would say unto you, look into the Young Valley, for it is not only to prosper, but it would be suiting to the climate which you desire. But since your husband desires a business upon retirement, I would say, the Globe area will alter greatly its form from what it has been and shall offer many opportunities, should you wish to look at them….

You have one other question, and we will say unto this −

behold, for we came unto all. And as we have come our purpose has not changed. We came to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, a very real person who shall live and does live upon your earth at this time. He will come in the flesh and in the spirit, and in the soul, for he should come as a whole.

We come to prepare the way for this.

As we came before, many shall say we are howling in the wilderness. [See Luke 3:2–9.]

September 28, 1984: “Thank you, Aka. [16–490–4…Globe, Arizona] says, ‘Why do I feel drawn towards members of the Association?’”

Members of the Association of Universal Philosophy attend another Annual Meeting service in the late 1990s. Ray sits at the altar, preparing to speak, and enjoying the company of the members.

We say this unto you, for they are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah.

Once before a way was prepared for the one known as Jesus of Nazara. He came, as a man, to walk among you. We prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, as was done before. In your far memory, you know this.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [16–490–5], and the question is, ‘Medical doctors have told my husband he has muscle disease. Will this get better?’”


Once again we shall say this unto you, our time is short.

For those who would wonder of the chemical that was brought forth into this land − the chemical that destroyed babies, and brought mutates into birth, and killed adults − you say unto us, “When you said it was gone from the land, and the land would be safe, during the long rains, is this true now?” And we say unto you, this is true now, but remember, nothing is ever gone. You may live on all lands with caution, for that that was in the land went into the seed and into the root, and into the seed of seeds, and so it is in human and plant and animal. When those who were exposed to it realize this, to the full measure, for the land that they live on, and take the necessary precautions, they will be safe. [Note: In the late 1960’s, the U.S. Forest Service had sprayed “Agent Orange” on the Pinal mountains near Globe, Arizona, as a defoliant to lessen undergrowth and cause more water runoff. But with the water that ran down the mountains into the Globe area also came Agent Orange, poisoning and contaminating the water and the life using it.]

Now is the time of the Cherub. And we say unto you, there is great indecision in your world. And you must make it right.

Soon a great earthquake shall not only shock the shores of California, but it shall shock you also. From the Hawaiian Islands, reaching back to that that you call, Mt. St. Helena, down, through Mount Hood, toward the peak of San Francisco in the land you call Flagstaff, to Dallas.

In the valley we said was safe, you now know of the great fault that lays beside it. Be aware of it for travel, but do not be aware of it when you must pass into the land to plant and to grow. If there are builders, let them build. If there are planters, let them plant. [Note: One technical reference, “Geology of the Christmas Quadrangle, Gila and Pinal Counties, Arizona,” pages 40–50, reports on thrust faults in the area. Another gives “Results of mapping project near Ray, Pinal County, Arizona.”]

October 5, 1984: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we shall tell you the story of the stream that could have been.

An eagle’s view of the healing springs. Although this enlarged satellite photo from Google Earth is very grainy, it shows the healing springs, looking directly down upon it from miles above, as only Aka sees. Two small stream beds appear as darker areas on the land above the springs. They are the sources for the water that drips onto the rocks below. One is the darkened, south-facing crevasse (in the lower left corner). The other water source comes from the east to drip onto the cliff above the blurred white figure, as we look down upon the top of the head and body of the statue of Mary standing beneath it. The little canyon where the dam was built to make a pool is in the shade. The shade’s high contrast with the sunny rocks above doesn’t let us see the details. You might want to compare this top view with the front-facing photo of the healing spring and statue of the Virgin Mary below. Technology miles above the healing spring provides an imperfect view. But God can see every detail clearly from beyond “many galaxies, universes, and worlds beyond worlds” where He stands.

For once, in a valley, the Lord moved past the land, that a spring did flow into the land. And the Lord did look upon this place in the land and say, “FOR HERE I SHALL PUT A KIVA OF THE SPRING. AND THE SPRING SHALL BECOME HOLY, AND THE WATER SHALL BECOME PURE.”

Now, in the beginning, when the first person came to the spring and began to find the healing qualities of the spring, they went forth to tell their people. And their people told other people, and they made long pilgrimages to give thanks unto the Lord, and to receive a small amount of the water.

The blessed water drips from the crevasse into three little pools at the healing springs. From there it flows onward into the valley. This photo was taken at 3:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 25, 2018. So the sun was not shining overhead, but at a different angle halfway toward the horizon. Yet several rays in a shaft of light shine from directly above, on high, into the water. Is this the energy of the kiva of the spring?

Now, with those who came, who were non-believers, yet the water was there, and it was to be used. And in the use of it they soon found that it had healing qualities. And so they too began to believe. And the spring, hearing the belief, and the kiva of the spring, hearing the praise, became happy and joyful, and did give praise unto the Lord for such a fine spring.

And then times changed, and the lands about it became barren and hard. And soon people no longer journeyed there. Time passed, and the kiva of the spring grew sad, yet continued with its day-to-day chore, but it was no longer a hard chore to maintain the flow of the water, to maintain the energy of the spring because there was no one there to take from it. It became more and more so, until the kiva of the spring was nothing more than lazy energy that dwelt in the water.

After Ray passed on in 2000, the land gradually became dry. By 2018, there had been an 18-year drought, that is worsening. Only a small amount of water drips from the spring down the face of the rock. See “Arizona weather: Drought intensifies after another dry month.”

And people came back and they found it. And they put their faith and hope in it. And some days the kiva began to waken, began to laze its laziness, began to produce the energy necessary to produce this beautiful spring. But not quite. For the kiva had no longer opened itself unto God, and allowed the energy to flow in, for it was lazy and had forgotten how.

But there were those who believed, and their belief was so strong, that they showed the kiva the way.

And the Lord, God, looked upon it and said, “WHAT WAS IN THE BEGINNING SHALL SO IT BE NOW.” And so, the full healing was restored.

Now we say to you, if the Lord, God, in His making of the Earth, brought forth, in the keeping of things, a goddess − and this goddess transformed herself into woman − and in doing so, received the Lord, her God, and from them came forth the one you know as Jesus − if these things are so and can be so, has the day of miracles ceased? Has the day of wonderment ceased? Have we only to look for death and dissolution in the days ahead? We say to you, no. Believe and your belief shall be returned….

The Lady of Guadalupe stands in the kiva, far to the left of the statue of the Virgin Mary where the healing springs drip from Dripping Springs mountains. She had appeared in Mexico centuries before the Virgin Mary appeared at Lourdes, and the “Lady in White” appeared in Globe, and then in the valley to give healings.

But we say − for those who have ears to listen, let them listen; for those who have eyes to see, let them see − that the land is changing, and so are the people. Do not forget the flowers at your feet.

October 19, 1984: You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [16–492–3…New Mexico], ‘How does God want me to help others? And will I ever find the sincerity in this life that I am seeking?’”

It is said, “Seek and you shall find.” Look and you shall see. Listen and you shall hear.

The sincerity which you wish is but about you. Listen and you shall hear that which is wisdom. Look and you shall see the truth within the wisdom, and the sincerity of the same, for it is about you.

Can you not see that that day is here? Do you not look at the seasons and know it is winter, or autumn, or spring, or summer? [See Matthew 24:30–33.]

Look now at the season.

Do you not know that this is the season of the Messiah? Do you not know that about you is the greatest time of all times?

Your opportunity to express your free will is abundance. For behold − the day is soon at hand! For the gateway of the Lord is being lowered before you.

Countless angels descend from the ends of the heavens into the valley as Ray Elkins rings the bell over the door for the Annual Meeting at a church to God. Ray often told us to learn the lesson of the fig tree and recognize the season. As we see the signs of the coming of the Messiah, we should be prepared. Is he at the very door?

Matthew 24:30–33:

“Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.

“Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door.”

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [12–428–1] and [16–492–4] ask − they wish to know if they will be harmed by living at Blue Tank. Are there any precautions that they should take?”

Yes, we see thy needs. And we shall answer your question in this manner. You shall not be harmed. We have made the land clean, and so it is clean. You may burn the wood. You may drink the water. You may breathe the air. You may dig in the soil. And you may have the blessings of the Lord upon you. Take from it in happiness. Take from it together.

If it is for you, and this is your will to take from this cup, do so. But do so in a manner that, you both, brings happiness and gladness to your hearts. That is the most important. Do you think that we would’ve allowed you to come to find a place to live that would harm you? Have we not said, for those who reach their needs shall be fulfilled? Did you not find the work that you both needed? Your cup has been filled. If you wish the cup in another spot, do so, but do so with the love that you brought with you.

If you seek to take this blessing and place it in another place, we shall put the blessing with you. If you seek to keep it in the same place, we shall do that also.

You have been brought here, not by chance. You have been placed beside our instrument, the prophet, not by chance, for there is great work ahead. You asked to be brought to a place of safety. All these things have come about. But we shall not interfere with your free will….

Remember, now is the time of the Cherubim. The time of the moving of the earth is at hand. Whether you can believe our words or not, believe this − take precautions to protect your animals, for if you do not, they will pay with their lives.

This Satellite photo shows Blue Tsnk south of Roosevelt Lake near the Salt River which supplies Apache Lake and the greater Phoenix metropolitan area. In the lower right, the Gila River fills the Cooledge dam, creating the San Carlos lake on the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation. From there the Gila River flow south to Winkelman, Phoenix and on to Yuma, Arizona. A small tributary turns south from Winkelman toward Tucson, proviing irrigation along its path. In the center between the lakes and rivers is the Dripping Springs valley below the Pinal Mountains and Dripping Springs Mountains.

October 26, 1984: Yes, we see thy need, and shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee this parable.

For upon a great mountain, the mountain had many valleys, and in the valleys lay very fertile land. And streams flowed from the mountains. And the streams became rivers.

And in the fertile land, man came forth and settled. The first to come chose the land farther up where it widened out, the valley widened out. He laid out his land and began to farm it. He built diversion dams that the water might irrigate the land. As time went on he took more and more from the streams and the rivers.

Soon, he had neighbors who had set up farms below him. This went on [till] down into the great valleys.

Now the day came when the people in the valleys had built huge cities. And since those who lived in the cities were in greater population, they said, “Let us pass laws that those at the head of the river cannot take the water from the river, that it shall be divided equally among the people.”

But those who were the first users of the water said, “No, we were here first; the water is ours.”

View of the Gila Box Riparian National Conservation Area — in southeastern Arizona. Sonoran Desert “xeric” riparian habitat, located along the eastern Gila River.

First, laws tried to be passed. That did not work because there was the laws of the land. Soon great arguments occurred.

One day, a young man came by as the farmers and the city people were arguing, and he listened to both sides carefully. And he asked, “May I ask a question?”

At first, him being a stranger, they weren’t inclined to answer him. But they decided out of respect that they must.

And he said unto them, “You who are at the head of the river, what do you do with your crops, your cattle, all the different types of crops that you grow?”

And he said, “I take them to the city to be sold.”

He said, the young man said, “Then the bounty of the crop and the water that you use reaches the city.”

The city dwellers were very quick to try to deny this, when each farmer, each rancher, in turn, said the same. They looked about them and realized that what they said was true, that one needed the other, and there­fore, they would find ways that the man at the head of the stream would retain his water rights,and so on, down, to the cities. And they would find new ways of bringing new water into the land that the land might grow and be bountiful.

Map of the Gile River watershed-drainage basin — located in New Mexico and Arizona, by Kmusser — Self-made, based on USGS data., CC BY-SA 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2742619 This parable may refer to a November 2, 1984, letter that was received from the State of Arizona, Department of Water Resources, in Phoenix, challenging the water rights of those in the Upper Gila River Drainage.

When they all worked together, and they built dams upon the river, soon they found that there was a bountiful amount for all.

We say unto you, the parable we have told is like the love that comes from God. There is a bountiful amount to feed each soul, and each soul shall take from it, in their own way, their needs.

The soul is like a cup; if you fill it to the brim it is full. If it is that which it needs, it needs no more, for there is room for other cups to be filled. Allow each person, in their own way, to believe in their God as they wish. If this is done, then in truth, the light and the love, and the rivers that carry the same, shall flow forever.

You have questions, ask….

We say to you in these words. If we could give you the world and all that is in it, if we could give you a bounty of gold and silver and diamonds, then, would they be, and would you be, any richer than you are right now at this moment, when your soul cup has runneth over?

November 2, 1984: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer your question in this manner and in − we should say unto thee, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

We should say unto thee unto these words. The greatest thing that we have to fear at this very moment is what those with greed in their hearts seek to do.

We say unto you that if you should lust for that that belongs to someone else, if you should lust that your neighbor has a plow and you do not, then go out and earn your plow. If you ask the Lord for the plow, the Lord shall find a way.

But we say unto you, for there are some things that men cannot see until its fulfillment. Men are like a tree who cannot see themselves growing, nor can they see the wisdom of the Lord.

Because of their wants and their needs, they ask for something, and when they receive it they know it not. For the asking is not enough, and the receiving is not enough. Once it is there it must be cared for in the most careful way that it should last. This is true of the love that a son should have for his father. This is true for the love a daughter must have for her mother. This is true for all love. For love is like a delicate plant. If it does not share in receiving love, it shall fall away and become not that in itself.

We say to you, there are those who would take this or that from you. In this day and time we suddenly find more wanters than needers. They take, not because they need what they are taking, but they take only to take more and more. Once a taker begins this, you should stop them in the beginning, for if you do not, it shall become a way of life with them.

Now we say unto you, we have come not to change the Laws of Moses, nor the prophecies of Isaiah. We have come not to you to change the words spoken by Jesus of Nazara, nor the teachings of Buddha, or any other land. But we say to you, for in the land of India a great unrest begins, an unrest that could wrap itself around the Earth, could cause many to go into battle on both sides. [Note: The assassination of Indira Ghandi.]

We say unto you, pray that those in power have the wisdom and the knowledge to know the true meaning of peace, the true meaning of love.

We should say to you, glory be the name of the Lord.

November 9, 1984: Yes, we see thy need. We shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we say unto thee, unto this parable.

Throughout the many lands the rumors were heard. These rumors were stories that were told of one who had come. And it was said that he performed many miracles upon the land.

In 1972, people began to come from many places to ask Ray for healing.

And from land to land men and women, both, began their pilgrimage. They began to travel to see this, this wonderful sight, for behold, this must be the Messiah! They said unto themselves, “For if we can just reach this one, for surely it shall be a god.” They traveled by many means. And though their journeys were hard and harsh, they gave up not hope. And at last they reached the place where this one dwelt.

The first thing they noticed about this one was the quick laughter and an easy smile. As he went about his tasks, he healed those who were brought to him, and there was many stories to be told, and heard. And he spoke of wisdom, and they listened.

But yet they went apart unto themselves, and they said unto themselves, “We must form a group of elders, that they may test this one to make sure that he is the Messiah.”

And so they did of this. And they formed the questions, each group, one unto another. And they approached him. And they said, “Yea, Master, if you be the Lord, thy God, would you tell us?”

And he said unto them, “I be not the Lord, thy God, but I be of the God.”

They looked at him in confusion. And they said, “We do not understand.”

And he said unto them, “You come seeking the Messiah, and I am not he. I am of the Lord, thy God, for I have come to prepare the way for he who should come after me. And he who should come after me, you shall truly know. Yes, I may answer all your questions. But go now, let us sleep. Think upon what we have talked about.”

And so they went away, both in awe, and in doubt. For if he was not the Lord, the God, and if he was not the Messiah, who was this who said he was of the God, of the Lord, thy God? How could this be?

And so, upon the second day they came unto him. And they said unto him, “We wish to ask you questions.”

And he said unto them, “Come, then, tonight when my work is done, I shall answer your questions.” And he went about his task of healing the sick. He went about his task of being compassionate from man to man. And where he found no hope, he brought hope. And where he found despair, he brought faith. And where he found no love, he brought eternity. For unto these he had placed the light of God, and they took of it, and they shined.

And that night he went unto those who had asked him questions, and they said once again, “Are you God?”

And he said, “Nay, I be not God, but of God. I be not the Messiah, but of the Messiah. For I have come to prepare a way. Cannot you see this? I have come to heal the wounds of the Earth. I come not to slay the Beast, but to remove the mark of the Beast − for I am of God.” [See The Revelation, chapters 11 through 13.]

Ray relaxes for a moment, laughing with his freind, Tom. Behind Ray, his poodle, Shadow, sits on Judy’s lap.

And he said unto them, “Go then, and come back.”

And on the third day they did not approach him until evening time. At evening time he worked with the hand tools making toys. And they said unto him, “If you have no children, why do you make toys?”

And he said to them, “I make the toys for the children of God, that I might hear the laughter of God.”

And they said unto him, “Then let us come with you; we wish to hear the laughter of God.” And the next day as he made his rounds they followed him. He handed toys to this child and that, and went on his way. When the day was done, they said unto him, “We heard not the laughter of God.”

And he said unto them, “Are you deaf?”

They said unto him, “Nay, we are not deaf.”

And he said, “It was all around you, the light and the sound of God. For he who has ears to listen, let him listen. For he who has eyes to hear [see], let him hear [see]. But from a greater sense of all senses let him feel in his soul the righteous path that he himself must take. Be not of a hypocrite. Do not denounce another man because he does something that you yourself might want to do. Go and live in a manner that you would be proud of that that you are, and you too shall hear and see all these things.”

Within time, as he went on about his tasks, these left; others came in their place to ask the same questions.

And so it went, day after day.

Ray enjoys the sweet smell of a rose on one of the rosebushes planted at the entrance of the church he built and dedicated to God.

And those who lived close around him understood him less − for the few who can see the roses that are planted at their feet, for few can see what is close at hand, and what tree can see itself grow? For we say unto you, a prophet is known less in the town that he dwells.

November 16, 1984: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we say unto you unto this parable.

For in a sacred land, a man and a woman came forth. And they had conceived a child before. And they came unto the sacred land, and they bore the child.

And they said, “Look, we have brought a Messiah into the Earth.”

For those who wish to believe this, this is so unto them. But we say unto you, the child is a special child, as many children are special at this time. The Messiah that we have spoke of is not the same child.

We say unto you, if four strangers met in the middle of a desert, and they found a small child, and each of them were healers in their own right, and they had come from four different religions, and each came forth, and upon finding the child said unto them, the other three, “Behold, this is the Messiah of our faith;” and the next came forth and said, “Behold, this is the Messiah of our faith;” and the third came forth and said, “Behold, this is the Messiah of our faith,” and so it was into the fourth − we say unto you, the Lord, God, may speak for Himself. For any person to misinterpret that which the Lord brings forth unto the world − for every child is special unto the Lord, and every raindrop is special unto a desert.

There shall be many people who shall argue the points of who the Messiah is. When that time comes, you shall have no problem knowing of him.

For it is written, “He shall come as the morning star, and he shall arise where the mountains roar.”

We have said to you before, in fullness, these things that are so. If you interpret them in different manner, we cannot stop you from doing this. But believe in belief and the hope shall be in the God of one.

You have many questions, ask….

“Thank you, Aka. Soul John [4–125–2] asks, ‘How may I serve the Lord with my life? Will you provide for my financial needs, and prepare the way, that I may do so?’”

We have said before, if you were to go upon the desert, and the Lord, thy God, had given you food and water, and you left it behind, and you went upon a desert and there you perished, who shall you blame, yourself or the Lord? We have told you before, for those who wish, with all their heart and soul, to work for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah, the needs shall be provided as raindrops upon a desert, but not the wants. Think of our words; this is not the first time we have spoke of them….

We say unto you, do not misinterpret our words, for the Lord, God, looks upon you and says, “VAYA CON DIOS”− go with God. And in saying so He says, “YOU ARE WITH ME, AND I SHALL PROVIDE A WAY.” So open your heart and that that is before you shall open and become a reality.

Now our time is short. And we shall say, the parable of the rose and the child, we say unto soul [13–431–1], read it and see the love, therefore, within it, and there shall be no doubts in your mind. [See the Parable of the Raindrop and the Rose on page 15.]

Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children.

And so that there shall be no misinterpretation, the child born in the valley is not the Messiah. Yet he may walk with the Messiah, and a lot shall depend upon that that he is served from his mother and father. This is true from all children.

The beginning of the new year, January 4, 1985, brought a message that was frightening, yet there was hope that man would choose nother path: Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto thee, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

Before we venture forth into other areas and questions, we shall answer the question utmost in all of your minds. We have told you before that the year of 1985 was the year that war could come unto your land.

Nothing is preordained. All man need do to change his destiny is but turn around, to be transformed.

This is true for one man, or all mankind. These things are possible, but normally not probable. Should the present course of events continue, you shall find yourself in warfare before the end of the new year.

If you yourselves could think of the reality of nuclear arms − you have nuclear shells for cannon; you have nuclear-guided rockets for tanks; you have anti-nuclear personnel artillery − there is not one area where if you could fire one bullet, there is not a nuclear bullet to take its place. You have graduated yourself into laser and ultrasound, which at the present time outdates and puts behind you nuclear war. Yet, there are those who would use it. There are those who would use germ warfare without declaring war. All of these many probabilities are before you, and choices.

Now, you say unto us, “Now that the time is at hand, what should we do? Shall we take and bare ourselves and wait until each step is taken and happens?” And we say unto you, nay. Do not do this. When the time grows near in this day, and the days are at hand, we shall tell you.

For those who wish survival during these periods of time, we would suggest now is the time to build; now is the time to store. In storing we mean not food alone, for books are as important as food. There are many ways that you may prepare yourselves.

Yet there is another way. You may prepare yourself to leave this world, to pass through. The choice is but yours.

But above all things, do not run like frightened children. Do not stop living your lives and hiding in caves. The time will prove itself, when the man shall crawl out of his caves once again. A new Atlantis shall rise again.

We shall also say unto you, because of the temperate weather, things shall be more harsher.

But remember, there is a good side to every bad; there is an opposite. And there is good that can come from bad if you only look at it in that manner. So we say to you, go on with your daily lives. Prepare yourselves to live. And part of that living is not crawling in a hole. It is living each day unto the fullest, and planning for a future.

If enough of you plan for a future, if enough of you reach outward and inward, all that we have said will pass by and never happen.

January 11, 1985: Yes, I see thy need, and we should say in this manner and this way, glory be the name of the Lord, of [thy] God; glory be the name of the children forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee this parable in this manner and this way. For once there came unto the land a man. And the man had four sons. And the four sons grew up many miles apart.

The day would come that they would come together. Each brought the most precious thing that he possessed, and that was himself, that that he had become. And he brought it and presented it to his father.

His father took each precious gift and thanked the sons. And the father said unto the sons, “Here, I give you fields. Take the fields, each of you. Divide them equally, and be brothers. Go forth and multiply and be fertile into the land.”

There the brothers divided first unto twos. And each one took that that he was best at. Instead of dividing the land, they kept it as a whole, and each took that that he was best at, his craft. And soon the land began to prosper.

But as the land began to prosper, soon jealousy was born between them. And each would say, “That that I do is most important, and that is why we have prospered.”

They thought upon this.

And one day the father came forth unto them to visit. And he went over the land with them. And he did give praise unto each part, one unto another. But he gave the praise in equal shares, as he had given the land. And still there was jealousy.

And one day, the brothers decided that they would talk and find where their difficulty was. And they invited their father there.

He listened. And he said unto them, “You have but one difficulty; you are jealous of one another. ‘If thy right eye offend thee, cast it aside,’ sayeth the Lord. And what offends thee the most is your jealousies. Remove it; cast it aside. And that that you shall have shall become the finest in all the land.”

At first, the brothers could not see that that the father had spoken of. But, one by one, they saw this.

Now, the brothers, one day, each had children of their own. And as time had passed, more land was acquired. And they said unto their children, “You must work together.” And once again, they were faced with the task of jealousy.

Now you would think that once something was conquered and laid aside, it would not have to be confronted again. But you will find that from the beginning to end of mankind, nothing changes; it only changes its form. The play goes on; the actors only play different parts.

If in truth you have learned a lesson to take from one lifetime unto another, you will learn it in such a way that when someone sees you, they will know that that lesson has been learned, and from you the light will shine and come through and be part of the same….

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [17–498–1…Globe, Arizona] asks, ‘Will the year, 1985, be a fresh and new beginning for me, filled with creative activity? Thank you, [R____].’”

We say unto you, the year that lies ahead can be many things to many people. Yes, you shall have a new beginning. But we say unto you, changes are about to take place. Be as a willow. Bend with the tree − bend with the wind. Let the tree not break. Be, most important, the type person that you can live with.

February 1, 1985: We say unto you, each scene, each part, comes in its own time. Yet there is a time for all things. And now has come the time to look beyond and say, “We are whole; we are complete. We may have weaknesses, we may have flaws, yet we like what we see; we like what we are.” Throw no, no more stones, and go on with it.

March 1, 1985: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be His children forever and ever.

And we say unto thee unto these words, for we say to you this parable, and yet, it is not a parable. We told you a story of the man from Yucatan, and we shall try to explain the meaning. The man is of those of the Indian culture who long lived under the domination of those from Mexico City. They are ready to throw the shackles aside and become a nation.

There are those who would help them at this time.

At the same time, there are those who would play upon the political sea. And the winds of March are as armies, small armies, who shall each single out their targets. Some shall assassinate to take lives. Others shall assassinate to destroy the image of the leader, of the person. This shall happen in many places upon the Earth, and in your own country. There shall come a movement upon the land in strength that it shall not be safe for a two-week period of time for the leaving of the homes. You have such a group in this city. I think you know their target.

Yet, there is the storm which shall ravish the land − and not only this land, but across the lands and countries.

Yet there is time and hope.

Bring your minds together, as we have told you before. If a man should burn your crop, if you would place your minds together, you may make the winds blow in the opposite direction.

Now we say unto you, we have explained these things that you did not understand.

Now we should go on further to explain to you that we do not single out one person, at any time, to reprimand. When you are traveling upon a road, and you see your friend who would perish if you do not warn them, which would you do, warn them, or let them perish? If you saw your wife or your daughter who would fall from a great height unless you warned them, would you not warn them? For really, that is all we can do, is warn you; we are not allowed to alter or change the future. Only you yourselves may do this.

And we say unto you, now is the time of the Cherubim. Prepare. But as you prepare, know that those who say they cannot afford their two weeks’ provisions, they are lying to themselves. And that is a greater sin than lying to another.

March 15, 1985: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer your questions in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee this parable.

For in a desert land, where a river ran through the desert, a culture, a people, came north and wandered down and were driven from their homes in the highland. And they wandered down until they found fertile land in the desert. And they did grow mighty crops. And soon, they established trade routes with friendlier people, clear into the South American continent.

Gradually, their crops became more and more abundant.

And then, there came a great sickness upon the land. And the people moved in many directions, fleeing for their lives, leaving behind their cultures, leaving behind their possessions. That that they did not leave behind was their religions.

And so they spread forth. And gradually as time passed, they intermingled with other people, then came forth upon the land again to irrigate and populate the same lands. And they spoke of the “old ones” as those who had been.

And they did bring forth crops in abundance.

And upon the land came those from across the sea. And they came, because they were starving, unto these people. And the people fed them. And they did make war upon the people. And the people rose up to drive them out, and yet, they were beaten.

And then once again, another people came forth unto the land. And once again they fed the people. And they did go to war and fight beside the people, those of the light skins. And they did make a place for them. But soon, those looked down upon these people, and said, “How could we know such people as these?”

And so the people began to change, and say, “To survive we must learn all the White man’s ways. We must speak only the White man’s tongue. We must be as the White man; we must dress as him, walk as him, talk as him, think as him. And only then can we survive, for he comes forth like wheat, in great multitudes. We must take his religion, and accept all things.”

And so it came about, and it came to pass.

But soon, as generations passed, the people did not know even themselves, for they had lost the true identity of themselves. They had lost their cultures. They had lost their true meaning for being.

I’itoi or Man in the Maze, a mischievous creator god in the tradition of the O’odham people. The O’odham peoples, including the Tohono O’odham, the Pima or Akimel O’odham, and the Hia C-ed O’odham, are an indigenous Uto-Aztecan peoples of the Sonoran desert in southern and central Arizona and northern Sonora, united by a common heritage language, the O’odham language. The Tohono O’odham are a Native American people of the Sonoran Desert, residing primarily in the U.S. state of Arizona and the Mexican state of Sonora. Tohono O’odham means “Desert People.”

Now, we say unto you, this that has happened before was like a great karma that was working through and completing its time. But now, as war and rumors of war begin to rattle the hemisphere, as your great leaders gather to talk of peace, they plan of war; they plan of assassination. Already in the land you call Russia, the land of the Bear, it has sprung a new head, and now, it looks out hungrily at all the land and all the people.

You have already lost Nicaragua and El Salvador. Those are gone. If the present course is continued to take place, soon Mexico will be gone, your greatest neighbor.

When this happens, you say unto us, “We will go to war to prevent this.” Yes, this could be done. But as we have told you before, the winds of March are upon you. Great change shall take place in the political sea across the land and faces of the earth. Decisions shall come forth, and false treaties shall be made.

We say unto you, now is one of the Earth’s greatest times. It is a time when it may walk at peace, or go to war. It is like the fickled whims of a politician. Be careful that you are all not caught in this trap.

Be not as those who would hide their head and say, “This is not happening. These things cannot happen to me.” For one day it is your brothren that they shall attack, and the next day it shall be you. There is but one way that you may survive all these things, and that is if you bind together, become as one.

Know the honor of one. Know the needs of one. Know the duties of one. And be as one.

And then, let your whole land prepare itself. For warfare is like a step away from you. It is as though we look upon the Earth and we see sabers everywhere….

Know this, that you came at a time, and have come at a time, when it is highly possible that a civil war shall occur in this country. You have come at a time when chaos is but one step beyond. We say to you, stand up, be tall; be counted, so that of the worldly goods can become as one.

May 3, 1985: Yes, we see thy need. We should answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we say into thee unto this parable.

For upon the land, the Lord, God, sent forth a messenger. And the messenger went forth upon the land to tell those who would listen the message from the Lord, God.

And as he went from city to city, in some cities he was received well. In some cities he was stoned.

Ray Elkins, 1974, stands outside of a Phoenix bookstore after he gave a lecture or a trance reading. His afternoon was filled with appointments for him to heal the sick in body, soul and spirit. He was becoming known far and wide as a very gifted healer by those whom he had helped or healed.

Yet, in the city in which he received the message, no one would listen. He became very discouraged, and then he said, “Oh Lord, if it be Thy will that I speak these words that You have given me unto the people, then open their hearts and let them hear. Open their minds and let them see.”


And so, he went back into the city. And he went to where the ministers gathered. And he spoke unto them and said unto them the words the Lord had given him to deliver.

And they laughed at him.

He did not get angry; he just got up and walked away. Some of them quit laughing. Suddenly there was fear in their hearts. What if the words he had spoken were true?

As he left the city, the city began to crumble. The crops began to wilt. The air became heavy and harsh to breathe. The water dried up in the pipes.

And all the people left the cities, and followed him.

And as he began to go from one city to the other to speak his words, some of the cities, knowing he was coming, put up barricades that he might not enter, because they did not want all these people who followed. And he turned and went around their barricades and around their towns. But as he passed their towns, the same things happened to their towns.

Yet, the cities he was asked to enter blossomed. Their food and their crops, their flocks became abundant. All things that they did could not be done better.

Gradually, the more he traveled, the better he was accepted.

One day he sat down, and he went back to the city in which he had started. And he said, “Lord, I ask You to restore this city, to rise it from the dead, not that the people will think that I am great, but for the greatness and glory of the Lord.”

And the Lord heard these words. And as [has] Lazarus rose, so did the city rise.

The people entered.

The man walked away. He had delivered his message, and now all he wanted was a peaceful existence, a place where no one knew him where he might go about his trade.

Yet, as he traveled, those who would see him would seek him out, until one day, he entered a little, small town. And the people who walked up to him just walked up and said, “How be ye, friend?”

And so, as a friend he stayed.

The small town prospered well. He sold his craft, and he lived and had children, and family.

The story we have told you has happened many times on your Earth.

Many times the Lord has sent messengers to your Earth. Why is it that the Lord cannot be believed? Why is it that [where] our cities or our towns must be taken from us, that the things we love the most must wilt away before we reach for the Lord in desperation? Why can not we get up on a fine morning and say, “Oh Lord, look what I have; what a beautiful day! Thank You for the abundance of all things. Thank You for the air I breathe. Thank You for the sky I see. Thank You for the earth I walk on, and the food I eat,” and truly mean the words you speak? For then you will be reaching for the Lord in truth.

Each day is like a new world being born upon your Earth. It has all the opportuni­ties that it did not have the day before; yet it is full of the opportunities you missed the day before. Each day is unique and different, but wonderful. It becomes wonderful when you make it so.

It is said, “Ask and you shall receive.” “Look and you shall find.” Seek and you shall discover.

But the greatest thing you shall discover is that the Lord is with you, 24 hours a day, every day. And the Lord has the capacity to love. Share your love, one unto another.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. ‘Dear Aka,’ [7–316–1] asks, ‘for protection against the earthquake, when or by what date should I leave here? How far east would be ok?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer your question in this manner. If you run, to hide, you shall still bring the fear that you have within your heart. Prepare a way that you may be where your heart’s desire leads you.

From this point forward, new earthquakes shall begin to occur. By the year of 1977 [1997] they will have intensified to become a common thing. Yet, there is more to come, greater and greater. But, if you live in fear, fear is all you shall know. This is the worst thing you can do. Live for today; plan for tomorrow, and know that we shall not allow the fields you plant to go astray. We have warned you before these things would happen and we shall again.

May 17, 1985: You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [13–431–1…Globe, Arizona] asks, ‘Please, Aka, I would like to know more about purpose and destiny.’”

(Chuckle.) Yes, we see thy need. Yet purpose and destiny may be the same. If you come into a lifetime with destiny you surely shall have purpose. If you look upon the Earth and see a need, whether that need is take the weight of the yoke or burden off of a man’s shoulders and ease it for something better, then that is both purpose and destiny. If the need that you see is to bring spiritual comfort to others, that is both purpose and destiny.

But there are those who would seek the purpose and destiny of another. There are those who would want this, but be sent as a helper.

We shall explain to you in this manner. Jesus of Nazara came forth as the first begotten son of the Lord, thy God. He came from Adam to Jesus.

Artist depiction of Saint Paul Writing His Epistles, 16th century (Blaffer Foundation Collection, Houston, Texas). Most scholars think Paul actually dictated his letters to a secretary.

Paul, or Saul, came forth both in purpose and destiny, that the word would pass into the Gentile and into the land. But it was not his message, it was that of Peter, who would have the dream and see the curtains rise on the four corners, and the sails that rose on the ships that sailed to the four corners of the Earth, and know the meaning. It is why you have your testament that is called the Pauline Doctrine of today. That was not the purpose, nor the destiny − yet it was not the intended destiny, it was his freedom of choice − he altered and changed the written words. That is where you get the expression, “Robbing Peter to pay Paul.” At the time that he took on the task, he thought it was the only way. And knowing the condition of the financial status of the churches, he was sure.

We say unto you, we have come forth for both one of two purposes − not to change the prophesies, and not to change the laws of Moses, but to show you the fulfillment, and to bring to you the coveth [covenant] in its original form. We are come not to rob, nor steal, nor to place words in the mouth of the one known as Jesus, nay. We have come to show you this. But we have also come to prepare the way for the coming, that he might come unto you once again, and a completeness be brought to the Earth.

We hope we have not talked in riddles. We hope that we have truly answered your question in such a way that you fully understand from which we speak.

Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

May 24, 1985: And so we shall answer unto the mind of he who asks.

And no, the time is not over. It is but the beginning of times.

The time and preparation of the Messiah has just begun. Soon it shall swell and the membership shall grow as the pebbles upon the ocean, for we have promised to fulfill your needs.

There will [not] be those who drop away, and this is their desire and this is their need. But have they truly dropped away? For their time that they have spent will have been accounted for into their soul, and shall be taken to account into the days thereafter before the Lord.

But we say unto you, what the Lord giveth, no man may taketh. And we say unto you, the light and the beacon shall intensify until the radiance shall be as a blinding light before man.

The time is just begun. It is not over.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

May 31, 1985: Yes, we see thy need. And we say to you, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

Now we say unto you this parable in this manner and this way.

For a young man, who grew up in a small village, he had seen rivers and springs, but yet, he had never seen the ocean.

And when he was a little boy, they said unto him, “What will you be?”

And he said to them, “I shall be a fisherman. I shall go to the ocean, and there I shall build the greatest of nets. And I shall catch more fish than anyone has ever caught before.”

As the days and the weeks went by, still he said the same thing over and over. On his 16th birthday his father said unto him, “Stay here with me. Farm this land. And one day it shall be yours.”

And he said unto his father, “Nay, Father, it is not my way, for I long for the sea. And that is where I must go.”

His father went into their back room and he came back, and he gave him a small amount of gold, and said to him, “Go, son, go to the sea.”

The mother did not agree, because they had very little, and to give of him their savings meant that they would do without. The son knew this also. And he said, “No, Father, I can go and I shall go by myself.”

The father said, “Nay, this I give you as seed, the same as I would plant in my fields. One day you shall come back from the sea, and it shall be bountiful.”

The lad left. And once again, days passed, weeks passed, months passed, and then years. And the mother began to weep and say, “My son is lost. He is dead.”

And the father said, “Nay, he shall return.”

And one day, a messenger came unto them, and he brought a large amount of money and gave unto them and said, “This is from your son, the great merchant of the sea. And he soon comes.”

As he came, he brought from many lands gifts of many kinds. He showered his mother and father with all these gifts.

And the mother began to cry, and said, “My son, you shouldn’t do this!”

And he said, “But, Mother, this is but from the seed that father gave me.”

Now we say unto you, unto each of you, there is a time for planting; there is a time for harvesting. But do not place it in the ground and expect it to rise in the same day. There is wisdom in he who plants the seed, but there is also wisdom in he who knows how to wait.

We say unto you, take this parable and you’ll soon see that it shall fit this day and this time.

In a time when all is quiet, we say to you, soon a new earthquake, and much more tremendous earthquake than Mt. St. Helena, shall erupt.

As your temperature has altered and changed, so it shall alter further. Use this time of harvest, an early harvest, to store, to store the fruits of the land, the grains of the land, and the hay of the land, for by winter, the price shall be multiplied. [See “Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine.”]

June 7, 1985: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we say unto you this parable on the eve before your gathering. [Editor’s note: It was the night before the 14th Annual Meeting of the Association of Universal Philosophy.]

For once upon your Earth, the earth in many places began to shake. Great volcanoes erupted from the earth. It shook and twisted, and it eased from its orbit in the sky and began to move, not closer to the sun, but farther from the sun. [See “Your Earth Is Shifting on Its Axis.”]

Now those of the great scientific minds upon the Earth gathered to see what could be done. Many, many things were suggested, from the explodings of great bombs to force the Earth back into its orbit, but no one knew for sure.

And then there were those of the wise men, men known from the four corners of the Earth for their wisdom. They met. And each had no answer.

“What shall we do? If God is angry with the Earth and it shall end, then we can accept this. But if this is not true, then God has left us a way.”

They each bowed their heads and prayed. And suddenly, four angels appeared before them. In each hand of the angels was a great saber, or sword. And each handed the sword to each of the wise men and said, “Go back to your homes, and you shall find an energy center where you live. Sink this sword into the earth to its very hilt.”

And then, they gave them another small, very small, tuning fork. And they said, “Strike this tuning fork, not once, but twice for each of you. And then strike it again. And then, you must strike it between you, for the risk is great, which shall strike it the last time. If you do this in the proper sequence, the Earth shall stabilize itself and return to its orbit.”

They began to discuss this. “Who should strike the last blow?” Each was afraid. Each wanted the other to be responsible. And then it was decided, “Why cannot we not we all come to one place after we have struck this, and all of us shall place our hands together, and strike the last blow?”

And so they ventured forth, the land, and went into their own land. Each sunk the saber or sword to the hilt into earth. Each struck the saber three times with their tuning fork. And upon doing so, ventured to the last of the four. And all, they stood there with all their hands upon the tuning fork. And as they struck the last blow upon the sword, the tuning fork shattered, and the sabers shattered also, and the earth became still.

And they became afraid that they had done the wrong thing.


Each went home, each with their story, and each with the story of the swords and the tuning fork. And none seemed to believe them, even though they rejoiced that the Earth was stable.

And so they left their homes, and they went unto their meeting place and there they built a temple. And they prayed in the temple. And each said, “If it is sacrifice the Lord wants, we shall sacrifice ourselves.”


They went back unto their people, and they spoke, and they spoke again.

And then, when no one believed them, they returned, and they built a larger temple. And they prayed unto the Lord.

And the Lord did answer them, and said, “WE HAVE HEARD YOUR PRAYER, BUT GO BACK UNTO THE PEOPLE.”

The men were weary and tired. The money that they had was gone. But yet they returned back unto their people and they spoke again. And no one believed them.

And they returned back unto the temple. And this time, from stone, from rock, from all the places they could find, they constructed a temple with thirteen sides. And they did bring prayer unto the Lord.


And so they went, each into the other’s land, and they spoke. And as they spoke, the temples arose in front of the people, and the people believed and began to change their ways.

From village to village and town to town, so it went.

And they completed their circle, and came back unto the temple they had built. And there they did give thanks unto the Lord.


Once again you shall think we have spoke to you in riddles, when in truth, we have spoke a truth, a complete truth.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Last week [15–461–1]….”

We shall answer one question for this one who fears that he shall move. And we shall say unto him, soul Ray has given you counsel, and it has been good and true. And it has brought you unto land you wish to be in. Why would he remove you from it, or should we? Listen to us. Hear our words. There is great work to be done. Pick up the torch and begin….

We shall say unto you these words, and heed the wisdom of the words, we have placed a healing well upon the land. Yet no roses grow. And no trees grow.

A rose is is one of many blooming so beautifully at a church to God on Easter Sunday, 2017.

We say unto you, go, therefore, tomorrow, each of you, and before your madonnas, light, therefore, a candle unto each of you. And as you light the candle, tell God what your intentions are, what you would give to God. And then you shall learn what God shall give to you.

July 12, 1985: Yes, we see thy need; we shall answer your question in this manner and in this way.

For once upon a land the Lord, God, looked upon it, and said, “IN WHAT WAY SHALL I SERVE MY CHILDREN BEST?”

And there were many replies.

But the Lord looked upon the sick and the hungry, those who were in need of food, those who were in need of healing of the body, and those who were in need of healing of the mind. And He said, therefore, unto them, “I SHALL SEND THIS TO THEM.”

And so He placed it in the form of man. And He sent, therefore, unto the land one person. And as days grew by, the child grew up. He grew up with the knowledge that was in himself; he was there for a special purpose, yet he knew not what.

And the days did pass. He strove through the day-to-day pattern of mankind, through the sickness, through the heartache, and through the pain of the spirit. Yet, inside of him he knew that he had come from the Lord, and there was a mission.

As time grew on, he came into adulthood. And he went forth upon the land, and he did see and experience many things. He went unto the land where the famine was the worst, and he saw this. And he saw those who hurt the most emotionally. And he saw those who had lost their way spiritually.

And he went, therefore, unto a private place, and he prayed unto the Lord and he said unto Him, “Oh, Lord, I am but a grain of sand upon the Earth. I cannot move Your mountain. Why have You called upon me, for I am weak in spirit myself, and I am weak of body. And there are times, oh Lord, when I doubt my own sanity. Why have You called on me?”

Scripture says, “Seek and you shall find.” Ray Elkins stands in front of the church he built and dedicated to God, perhaps when these words were spoken. He wears a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and long-sleeved jacket to protect himself from the sun due to side effects from the medication he was taking for his lupus. Most of the people who helped him or who joined the Association of Universal Philosophy came because they needed healing. Ray reached beyond all measures, all endurace and human understanding, to find healing for each who came to him in need. Ray was a fighter. As he had pulled himself up from severe brain damage from which he was not expected to survive, he fought very hard for others. He understood what it was like to suffer and be beyond medical help. Ray never gave up on healing for anyone. He would continue to seek answers in his mind and in his prayers until he found a way. Perhaps no one ever tried any harder, or gave as much of himself, as Ray did. Ray reached beyond all limits – all the way to God — to find healing for others. It was his compassion, and his passion for healing, that allowed him to accomplish what few others have. Ray wasn’t perfect. No one is. He was a man – the same man to whom the “one with more love in his eyes than anyone” Ray had ever seen, had given a gift. When Ray died that first time, he was told nothing would be changed. He would still have pain; all would be the same. But if Ray chose to return to back to life he was asked to give the gift in the same manner of love it was given to him. How many people would be willing to return from heaven, where he’d just prayed to go to be out of hia pain? So for all his human failings, Ray also shared this gift, by teaching, healing, counlseing, asking God to do what some call miracles, as he saw the needs of those who came to him for help. For the next 30 years of life, he showed many the way to God he knew. Ray never wanted to be put on a pedestal. Yet, thousands of lives are better for having been healed by Ray. And there’s more. The gift God gave Ray — the spiritual messengers of God, Aka — also chose to enter and dwell within his body, as God had asked them to do. They also freely chose to feel his heartbeat, to suffer his pain, to feel his joy, his tears, his anguish – and even ours. Ray and Aka quetly cried deep.y felt tears, as they experienced the needs of all who came to Ray for help. The angels had also choosen to live on Earth in his body to help and heal others, and lead Ray’s “flock” back to God. Some judged Ray for the unhealed parts in himself, physically and emotionally. But who who among us would be willing to give as much as this wounded man gave to serve God and to heal others?


Then we say unto you, we have called on you for this reason, to come upon the land and come into the worst of times, not the best − to walk upon the ground, not when it is still, but when it is shaking; not when there is peace, but war and famine, because we know that you know these things. And of the mental state you speak of, we say unto you, who is to say which is the dream or the dreamer? Who is to say whether we exist? Only you − and you of your kind, for that in the beginning was the creation.”

This one stopped and thought long upon this that the Lord had given unto him. And he said unto the Lord, “Lord, I am still but a grain of sand. Give me those who would help me, Lord. Give me strong, able lads, and lasses, who might walk into the land, and be known by the sight of them.”


We say unto you, our parable may be strange, and it may be not as complete in understanding as there are some who wish it to be. It may not be as clearly spoken. But it rings truth.

You have many questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka.

“‘Dear Aka, please give us specific guidance about the Association and the church, how the Association can serve its members, and how the members can serve the Association?’”

We would say unto you, unto these words. First, your decisions must be made.

It has been said by your members, “Who brought forth the rituals of marriage and burial? Who brought forth the prayers, and robes − and all these things?” We did. We brought them forth and gave them. We gave them as a gift, as a father would give to a child.

Ray lights his candelabra as he renews his vows to God in an Annual Meeting service at a church to God. When he had done so, he then called each teacher and minister, one by one, to the altar to also renew their vows.

Yet, there are times when the greatest gift shall be thrown aside by the child, for they know it not.

We say unto you, we will give you that which you ask. If you wish it to prosper and grow, and become holy and complete, we say to you, there is a time when tithing is necessary. Did not Abraham and Levi give ten percent of all their goods unto the Prince of Salem? Did not all the tribes of Israel, the Twelve Tribes, gladly give of their ten percent?

We say unto you unto these words, if you are to exist, exist in the manner in which we came. For look into the heavens and know these things that we say to be true. We came with a great comet. And know that the comet, or a part of the same, shall soon return − and we shall go.

Comet Bennet, shone brightly overhead in April 1970 after the spiritual messengers of God had come in answer to the Father, for one who asked, in prepration for the coming of the Messiah. At that time, Ray also was given a gift and a choice to retun to life and give it in the same manner of love it had been given to him. Is this not ministering to the needs of others and serving God? See “A Stairway to Heaven.”

We have placed into your hands the tools that are necessary. Yet you see them not. You know them not. If what we have given is good, it shall rise. But let it flow freely as a brook should flow to the great rivers, and from the great rivers should flow unto the mighty oceans − and there to flow to the many shores.

The greatness of mankind, and those things we told you in the beginning, are but at hand. These days are soon about you. If you run and hide, do not do this. We have told you to prepare where you are, and how to prepare for these times. [See “Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine.”]

We have placed in the mind of soul Ray many truths.

We say to you, his mind and his heart has grown tired. And so has his physical body. With our coming, we did not promise to restore him, but to keep him but for a purpose, as long as he freely wished to do so. There are many doorways. We have told you the same thing in many ways, so that you may choose from some of them. We have told you that the spirits of God are like the universe, the galaxies, for they are all part of God. The beginning and the ending is all part of the Lord. In His time, all of the prophecies that you have shall come about.

We shall tell you that a shifting of the power of the Eagle [U. S. A.] is about at hand. Within the shifting of this power, pray that those of Israel shall [be as] continue to be, and shall always be a part of this great land, one nation under God.

Some of you do not know that of which we speak. You shall.

You shall.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [12–423–1…Globe, Arizona] asks, “Please tell me what is happening to the birds and the chickens at the ranch, and if it is poison, where can I find it?’”

We would answer your question in two ways. First, the testing of a new weaponry system has been going and been about in this area. It is called, select killing, or extermination.

A view of the Pinal Mountains, seen from atop Round Mountain just north of Globe, Arizona. The phoeo was made facing south, in the direction where the ranch in the Dripping Springs valley lies, on the other side of Pinal Peak. The mountains are located within the Tonto National Forest, and their recreational facilities are maintained by the USDA’s United States Forest Service. In the late 1960s, the U.S. Forest Service contaminated the drinking water from municipal and private wells, streams and ponds with Agent Orange, which had been used in the Vietman War to defoliate forests. The experimental reduction of shrub and brush to create more water runoff from the Pinal mountains left residents and their animals sick with serious illnesses and cancer from contaminated water. Animals were born deformed, and some died. Could there have been another experiment conducted 15 years later? Photo by Zakhari Volk — Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=46263767

The second part is being used by trappers.

The third part comes from within a quarter mile of the ranch it­self in the valley; a deranged mind is placing the poison, which causes the blood in the animal or the person to bleed to death and yet leave no signs of blood within the body. In all of these, it would take a deranged mind. It is not affecting, at the present time, the other animals.

It shall mean that such steps shall be needed to be taken, to take forth on the flight and the wing that is needed, to thin out part of your predatory species; otherwise, a great imbalance shall occur….

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [17–509–1…Grants, New Mexico] asks, ‘Help me with some problems that have been heavy on my mind. Thank you.’”

Yes, we understand your need. And we shall say unto you unto these − you look and yet you find not that which is needed for your financial welfare and your spiritual needs. And we say to you, there is a garden already planted. Reach back and harvest it.

Now we say unto you, seek and you shall find.

Blessed are they who have the faith to know when they have found peace of mind and body.

Blessed are they who shall give comfort into others.

Blessed are they who bring tranquility into the house of others.

Blessed are they who give from the heart and expect not in return.

A rose blooms on Easter Sunday, 2018, at a church to God.

October 9, 1985: Yes we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God, forever and ever; glory be the name of His children.

And we should say unto thee this parable in this manner and in this way.

For as each man should pray unto his Lord he should pray for different things. The farmer should pray for rain when he has seed in the ground, yet he should pray for no rain when he is trying to harvest. He should pray for frost at the right time of the year. Yet, the businessman who sells his real estate, he prays for no rain, only bright sunny days. And the fisherman, he prays for no rain, only bright sunny days. Each man prays for his own needs.

How does God know which prayer to answer? Is it not written that the sun and the rain shall fall on all?

If you pray for rain, and you wish it to be so, pray for the place that you wish it to be. Pray in such a manner that it means something to you, and it shall mean something to the Lord. If you ask in the name of the Lord for a car, make certain that you also ask Him for the means to pay for it, and a place to put it, and a way to pay the taxes upon it, and maintain it, and put fuel in it, because the car alone will do you little good.

If you are in a desert and had no water, and you said, “Lord, I am thirsty; give me rain,” and the Lord brought forth a rain, but the rain rained above you and around you, and the arroyos where you stood water came in abundance, you have just provided the means to drown yourself because you did not ask in a specific manner.

A flash flood inundates a small ditch, flooding barns and ripping out newly installed drain pipes, as it can come suddenly in many places in the desert.

Meaning exactly what you say, at all times, is probably one of the most important lessons that man can learn.

Man, because he was given a mouth to speak with, thinks sometimes that that’s all he must do, is make noises, instead of giving intelligent thought to that which he shall speak. You have man as a whole gives 10 percent to thought and 90 percent to unthought.

When you have a neighbor and you cannot, within your heart, speak goodly of him, speak not of him at all.

But never bear false witness. Never declare the guilt of another person unless you know it to be so, for you have condemned this person to death or worse, only upon your words. But you have also created a thought. And the thought form is like the mustard seed; it gathers and grows as a mountain. The false accusation of a person could bring about a very belligerent act toward yourself or someone else.

Give in truth where you find it.

There once was a man who took stones and built himself a very simple altar. Those who saw him build it went around the valleys and said, “Look, this man builds a stone to worship to false gods.” And soon, across the whole country people were talking and saying, “This man worships the Devil. This man worships false gods.” The man went on building.

One day the people came as he was in prayer. They did not look to see what was in his hands or in his mind; they stoned him. In stoning him, they created their own karma, for in his hands he held the very sacred scroll that he intended to share with all.

You have many questions. Ask.

“Yes, Aka, [17–510–1…Grants, New Mexico] and she asks, ’What does the Lord have planned for me to do now and in the future?’”

We shall answer your manner [question] in this way. The Lord has said, “LET THY WILL BE DONE” − not His but your own. The Lord provides you with everything you wish to do, all the tools that are necessary to complete your act. But He does not say, “Go and do this, go and do that.” You must make your own decision. But we will tell you, indecision is the worst enemy of man. If you wish to serve the Lord, then say, “Lord, I wish to serve You,” and an answer shall come to you. But the Lord, God, gave you free will to exercise yourself. If you wish to ask us what shall happen in the future, then be specific in what you ask.

You have other questions….

November 29, 1985: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner, in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God, forever and ever; glory be the name of His children, in the righteous name of mankind.

And we say unto thee unto this parable — of a land’s that once sent forth to invite a prophet unto their land. And as they sent forth the invitation, the prophet accepted. And he ventured forth unto the land, and therefore, he found many good people.

In some places where he would speak he spoke to many. In others he spoke to but a few.

He went about his tasks in his day-to-day work in a righteous manner before man and God.

And there was many who would say, “Here or there goes this prophet, a man of God, who shall give unto us health and wealth and all those things of good and of bountiful things.” When they hailed the prophet they said, “We have come, oh, prophet, to receive all these gifts that you have to offer.”

And the prophet said unto them, “I have but one gift, the greatest gift of all − yourselves. This I give unto you, for you have not found it for yourself.

“The second gift I have unto you is the greatest gift man may own, and that is his soul, his spirit, and his immortal body.

“Yet the third gift I give unto you is even greater yet − for it is the gift of God.

“For [your God] believes in you. And because He believes in you, so through eternity He has allowed you to make many mistakes. And by making these mistakes, He has allowed you the privilege of getting up by yourself.”

“And you say unto us, ‘How many times must I get up? How many times must I rise myself − only to fall again?’

“The sin is not in the falling, and not in the giving forth the energy necessary to rise again. It is the manner with which you rise. Rise thee then unto the eyes of the Lord, thy God, and allow this miracle to come forth this day.

“And you say unto I, ‘What miracle could this be?’

“And I say unto thee, the miracle of the kingdom of God — for you, and in your temple, possess the kingdom of God.”

They wondered what he had said and how he had said it. Some pondered long upon his words, even after he had left.

There’s many who said, “Why did he speak so long to the few, and not to the many?”

“What is it that he said; what did he leave with us? What great gift did he bestow upon us? Was it riches or jewels or emeralds so fine?”

Nay. Nor was it wine, or any of these substances. For within reality, it was, as you know, the substance of the soul….

Ask other questions that we might answer.

“Ok. [18511–3…Grants, New Mexico] asks, ‘Why can I not accept the spirits when they come to give me information on others or myself?’”

It is said that, “there shall be those who shall dream dreams and those who should interpret the dreams; there shall be those who should speak in tongues and those who should interpret the tongues.” We say unto you, allow these things to enter. But know that which enters. If it is good, much like wine, then drink of it. If it is not, then cast it aside.


In these two years from 1984 to 1985, the spiritual messengers of God led people to a valley beneath the Dripping Springs Mountains in Arizona where a church was built in 1982 and dedicated to God, and a healing springs was soon to be blessed. Had it become a real valley––the vision Ray saw when he rested to gather strength each time he came back into his body from where he had gone to stand with God? A vast and powerful spirit soared, as an eagle in the wind, over the valley where the church, ranch and healing springs lie. Those who came felt this presence. The valley is a place where hearts and minds were preparing for the coming of the Messiah. Yet, the preparation begins in the quiet place within each mind, where God dwells.

Words spoken through Ray took on even greater meaning, as God’s spiritual messengers led us into the future into a new world––a new heaven and a new earth upon the Earth.

Many chose to take this step.

Continue to “A Step into the New World

From the valley of the Lord — to a vision of a valley — to a promised land — to step into the new world, the spiritual messengers of God guide their flock of people.

Part 1, “The Valley and the Lord’s People,” begins with a vision of a valley, where Ray Elkins rested while he was returning down the ladder from God. Ray gathered strength in this beautiful place before he entered back into his body. Was it a glimpse of heaven, a dream, or a vision? The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, spoke many parables through Ray’s unconscious body from 1970 to 1989 when he had walked up a ladder to stand with God. Soon, a valley also came to be known as a hidden place in the quiet of the mind where God dwells, to which each of us can go.

In part 2, “A Vision of a Valley,” the spiritual messengers of God led those who sought a safe place to a valley. And the vision became real. A place was being prepared in hearts, and upon the land, for the coming of the Messiah. A church was built within the soul, and in the valley, and was dedicated to God.

In The Valley and Promise of a Christmas Star, part 3, “A Promised Land,” is given. Amazing blessings unfold. A sacred healing springs awakens to life. The words Ray heard when he was returning from his journey to God into a valley take on even greater meaning. They become a promise of the future — the gift of a new heaven and a new earth upon the Earth.

In part 4, some who come to the valley take “A Step into the New World.” The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, bring into being a sacred Corn Ceremony that had not been performed for 3,000 years. A pathway is opened into the new world. Those who enter become the People, in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. The Messiah’s consciousness is felt throughout the world.

In part 5, Aka says “The Land of the ‘7’ Was Laid Aside to Be a Sacred Place.” In the final three of the four sacred Corn Ceremonies, spiritual messengers of God, through Ray, initiated those who entered the new world into the ancient Nakuna priesthood to become one of the People. On March 16–18, 1988, August 26–28, 1988, and Easter weekend, March 24, 1989, those who came stepped into this new world — into a new heaven and earth upon Earth.

The spiritual messengers of God tell legends of an ancient time in the world preceding this one — before earth changes brought a migration to this land. Soon it will be time for another migration. Yet, the new heaven and new earth on Earth can begin within each soul at any time.

Continue to Part 5 or read any parts that you missed.

You can read all the chapters combined in one paperback or e-book in The Valley and Promise of a Christmas Star. Or read each chapter you see above on Medium.com as a series in separate paperbacks or e-books. Give them as gifts.

Join in association with the spiritual messengers who God sends to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. The Association of Universal Philosophy is what they asked us to form.

The spiritual messengers of God and Ray began speaking in 1970 from a town appropriately named Globe. We are asked to give their words wings and let them go unto the world. Please share their words too.

See “What Is the Association of Universal Philosophy?” Please “Join us.”

You can contact the Association of Universal Philosophy at AUP@earthlink.net or AUniversalPhilosophy@gmail.com. Or send us a message on our Facebook page, Association of Universal Philosophy


The words of the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, are copyrighted by Ray Elkns through whom they were spoken.



A stairway to Heaven

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are here...to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.