Come, help angels watch over a little church to God

A stairway to Heaven
9 min readJul 7, 2024
If you’d like to volunteer or work-camp please read: “Stay under the starry heavens and help angels watch over a little church.”

Follow His star.

A church to God stands beneath the Dripping Spring mountains on a route that was called Christmas Star before the early 80s. The church was built by Ray Elkins of Globe, Arizona, and dedicated simply to God on December 5, 1982. It was the first day of the season of the Advent or the season of preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

All faiths are welcome.

Read this beautiful, true account of how “Angels led us to follow a Christmas Star” to where the church was built. And see A Vision of a Valley.

About a year later, on January 13, 1984, the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, asked a man named Bob to make a sign for the church. They guided him: “[Let] the one church to God, that a sign shall be made of stone. And upon it shall say, ‘This is a church for all people. Leave your denominations on the outside and your belief of God to be taken inside with you.’

“You shall understand fully of what we have spoken this night.”

He made this sign.

The sign says, Church to God, Association of Universal Philosophy. All faiths welcome. Sunday service 11 a.m.

What is the Association of Universal Philosophy?

Ray told those listening in 1984 about the Association of Universal Philosophy, “This organization is designed not as a religion, each of you have your own and that is as it should be.”

“This is a philosophy.”

The temple of God lies within each person’s own heart.

Read about the valley, “The Valley and Promise of a Christmas Star: As told by angels.”

Nestled beneath the Dripping Springs Mountains is a little church that Ray Elkins built and dedicated to God on December 5, 1982. Although we may not have realized it, it was the first Sunday of the Advent season, a time when people await the coming of the Messiah or are preparing for him.

The church was given as a place for the people of God to gather. It is a place for all to come who wish to prepare a way within our hearts and minds first.

Here is part of our precious history you may not know. We were guided by the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, to a land that they promised in answer to some people’s prayers for a place that would be safe, should there be a disaster. The angels led us on a route called Christmas Star that lay below the former mining town of Christmas. The mine was called Christmas because it was staked on Christmas Day, 1902. For many years, people from around the world sent cards and presents there to be postmarked from Christmas.

After Christmas mine closed in the 1980s, the post office says the rural route was renamed Dripping Springs, for the range of mountains under which it lies. But in 1979, we were guided in spirit and in truth by angels to follow the Christmas Star.

They say they come to prepare a way in people’s hearts and minds for the Messiah’s coming.

You can still follow his Christmas Star. It is a path on which the spiritual messengers of God guide those who wish to come.

The church lies on 1.1 acres in rural Arizona desert mountains. It was chosen as a place for the flock that was gathering then, and for new people from many faiths yet to come who love God and love one another, to come from near and far. The sign out front says simply, “All faiths welcome.”

Come “Stay under the starry heavens and help angels watch over a little church.”

“Oh, come, all ye faithful….”

One might wonder, is it coincidence that the Christmas Star route in the desert mountains beneath Christmas, Arizona, that angels (who have come to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah) led Ray to follow is at 32 degrees 59’ N. latitude, close to 31.705382 N. latitude where the little town of Bethlehem lies? And its at the same altitude. The latitude is even closer to where John the Baptist and Jesus walked.

Read the account of how the angels came when the brightest light in the heavens that decade passed over the Earth on March 26, 1970. See “A Stairway to Heaven”.

Comet Bennett became the brightest light in the heavens from late March throughout April in 1970

According to U.S. Naval Observatory calculations, April 3 is the most likely day when Jesus spoke his farewell words at his last Passover supper. He said, “I will not leave you bereft, I am coming back to you.”

Jesus said (in John chapters 13–17) that he will ask the Father to send a “Helper, the Spirit of truth, who will be with you forever. The world neither sees nor hears him, but you will know him, because he dwells with you and in you.” He will make known what Jesus taught and will tell of things that are coming.

The spiritual messengers, who say they “were sent for the one who asked our Father” have come to prepare a way within our hearts for the coming of the Messiah. They first spoke on April 3, 1970.

We recorded their words from 1970 to 1989.

You can read their books or their transcribed messages. See Aka’s author page.

Some of their messages are gathered into topics for you: “The Great Sword is here,” “Now you ask, ‘What is the Great Sword that cuts two ways?’”, and “Prepare for the time of the great famine”.

And all the archives of their transcribed words can be read in the Book with Wings series, or in “The WORDS of Aka, spiritual messengers of God, to you”. They are also available in “The WORDS”, where you can even search for terms.

“New words shall be written upon the sky, but they must be written in men’s hearts first.”

A rose without thorns is said to be a symbol of the birth or the preparation for the coming fo the Messiah. God and His spiritual messengers blessed us on Easter Sunday in 2017 with a miracle of roses, more abundant that ever before or after. Were they a sign of God’s great love in His gift of a glorious resurrection of life?

Want to hear the angels speak?

You can listen to some of the recordings of the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, from 1970 to 1989 as they spoke through Ray Elkins at our Association of Universal Philosophy page on YouTube. They came after Ray left his body and walked up a stairway to stand with God, so that they could enter and speak to us in words we can hear.

On June 1, 1974, before he leaned back in his chair and walked up a ladder to God, Ray Elkins told those who’d come to listen how it was when God’s spiritual messengers first came in early April 1970:

Ray Elkins, 1974

“She [Ray’s wife] asked, why did they come? And the answer came back that they had not come to that person, they had come that — “my flock.” I looked up when I woke up and there were two people in it. And I don’t think anybody laughed any louder than I did. I thought, what? You know.

“Well, this organization is designed, not as a religion; each of you here belong to you own religions, and this is as it should be. This is a philosophy. If you can take any part of it and add it to that that you already have, then you’ve grown from it

“And it’s not up to one person to say, “This is the way, the full meaning of each reading.” I think that it’s up to each individual in their own individual way, upon hearing the reading, they interpret it themselves to fit their own needs. And they take the philosophy into their own lives and put it to use. And this is way I wanted it to be. I think maybe this is the way God wanted it to be.

“And, I can’t express my gratitude — not because, the one thing I never wanted to do is become widely known for anything — but my gratitude, I’d like to express it in this way, that the philosophy that is good will last. And my gratitude is to the people who have made it last, to the people who have taken the work, or the readings, and shared it with so many others.

“As all of you know, we don’t advertise. We don’t solicit. Everything has gone by word of mouth, one into another. And it’s grown, sometimes I think beyond anything I ever thought it would. But the main place that I’ve seen the growth is in the people who’ve done the work — their growth, and the growth I’ve seen in other people who, who just shared in their work.

“You know, work is a word we consider as a hard thing. There are many types of work. But a labor of love has no price. It’s something that cannot be bought nor sold.

“That’s all I have to say.”

After he spoke, Ray leaned back in his recliner with his head to the east and went into trance, climbing up a stairway to stand with God.

You can study the first readings to learn how this work of the preparation for the coming of the Messiah began. See the guided self-study at the Association of Universal Philosophy Group on Facebook,
or simply see our daily posts of Aka’s quotes on our Association of Universal Philosophy Facebook page.

Read more about how it began in “A Stairway to Heaven.”

Please join us

Join in association with the spiritual messengers of God in the Association they asked us to form.

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Here is a loving promise from God that His spiritual messengers tell us, much as the angels in the time of Abraham: “Give us but one soul in each of what thy know [as] thy towns, and we shall spare of this in our Father’s day.”

Here is another promise:

Let 300 Come and you may divert that great catastrophe, which so many shall dread”.

Would you like to do this?

Join with the spiritual messengers of God in the association they asked us to form –– the Association of Universal Philosophy.

And God will bless the people and the land, as spirit He sends will flow as healing, living water into our souls, and from the healing springs into the valley, to bring life back to a thirsty land.

For more information, see When you join on line, please also email your name, address or email, and let us know how you’d like to receive the newsletter (by email or mail in the U.S.).

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Welcome! May God bless you!

“Give our words wings and let them go unto the world.”

Now is the time of the Cherub.” (The cherub are the throne-bearers of God.) Two cherub with outstretched wings sit atop the Ark of the Covenant that God told Moses to build. It is through their wings that God speaks to man.

God loves us so.

He sends His spiritual messengers to Earth now to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.

Please join in this association with the angels. Help this work for which the Father sent His spiritual messengers continue — in preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

“New words shall be written upon the sky, but they must be written in men’s hearts first.” (Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, December 1, 1972)

Ask and you shall receive.

Request our free weekly email with a message from spiritual messengers of God. Follow the Association of Universal Philosophy on Facebook, Twitter (X), or Gab.

There’s so much more for you.

Here’s a a short description of the church to read.

And see photos of the church, the valley, the healing springs, the Annual Meetings, and the sacred Corn Ceremonies in 1987–88 at “A church that is dedicated simply to God.” Learn about the miracle of the fire and the flood in the summer of 2021 when the church was spared, and the sign that this may be from our loving Father as a warning to all of us now.



A stairway to Heaven

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.