A Vision of a Valley–

A stairway to Heaven
236 min readAug 17, 2018

The Valley and Promise of a Christmas StarPart 2 of 5 (spoken by the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, from 1979 to 1983)

“Yet, that valley began ten years ago in the minds and hearts of those who would allow us to come into their hearts.” (Aka, 1980)

Not far from Pinal Peak on the Pinal Mountains, Arizona, is a place called the “Top of the World.” From near there one can see the valley in which Globe lies. As the eagle flies and angels soar to enter upon the Earth, Globe is near the “Top of the World.” Also near the “Top of the World,” on the other side of Pinal Peak, lies another valley. It is a place that the spiritual messengers of God provide for the people of God to come, where all faiths are welcome.

The Association of Universal Philosophy has a rich and blessed history. The valley came into being, first, as a beautiful place where Ray would rest and gather strength as he returned down the ladder from God, before he entered back into his body and this life. Then the valley also became a quiet place within our minds where God dwells, where we each can go.

On July 12, 1970, the spiritual messenger of God, Aka, who spoke through him said this: Now, soul Peter…remember — as thy build, for remember once before, once before Christ said, “Upon this rock I shall build my church,” he did not mean a great building, he meant the kingdom of God in man.

Now, soon you will find it necessary that a larger meeting place shall be needed. These raindrops we have seen and we shall provide thee with the necessary tools. But as has been said before, have faith and thy may walk on the water with us.

In 1979, the vision became a dream, as people asked God and His spiritual messengers, Aka, to guide us to a safe place. The valley was given in answer to our prayers. The spiritual messengers of God guided Ray Elkins to a fertile valley with abundant water, nestled safely below the Dripping Springs Mountains.

Here is part of our precious history you may not know, when we were guided by the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, to a promised land. Angels led us on a route called Christmas Star that lay below the former mining town of Christmas. The mine was named this because it was staked on Christmas Day, 1902. Read about Christmas, Arizona. For many years, people from throughout the world sent cards and presents to be postmarked from Christmas.

After Christmas mine closed in the 1980s, the post office says the rural route was renamed, Dripping Springs Road, for the mountains under which it lies. But we were guided in 1979 in spirit and in truth by angels to follow Christmas Star in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

It is a path on which the spiritual messengers of God still guide those who wish to come. It was chosen as a place for Ray’s flock (or people of God from many faiths) to come from near and far.

How did Ray’s vision of a peaceful valley in heaven become a dream of many searching for a safe place––and the vision become real?

Seek and you shall find,” Jesus said.

It began in 1970, when God gave a man a gift, and the choice to return back to his life. Ray Elkins was asked to give it to others in the same manner of love it had been given to him, if he chose to return. He didn’t know what the gift was.

At the same time, the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived when the brightest light in the heavens shone over the small town called Globe, Arizona, where Ray lived. They said they had been sent for the one who asked our Father to “send those who know You best,” that His words not be misinterpreted. They came to prepare a place in our hearts for the coming of the Messiah upon Earth.

January 12, 1979, the spiritual messengers of God spoke of Globe, the place to which they first came: It is not by chance they named this place where this work was chosen to begin. It has the name it does, for from it shall reach unto the four corners of the globe. From here through each of your hearts shall come that day when one can respect another’s religion or faith, and understand and be glad of the same. For here is the beginning of learning and sharing and giving.

In the first eight years that the spiritual messengers of God came, they told many loving parables of valleys. All that they they said from 1970 to 1978 on this is in part one of this series, “The Valley and the Lord’s People.”

The valley first was a vision of a place Ray stopped to rest when he returned back down the ladder from God to gather strength. A valley also came to be known as a hidden place in the quiet of the mind where God dwells, to which each can go. There are many valleys, many people.

The spiritual messengers of God arrived in Globe, March 25, 1970, with a brilliant comet, while Ray prayed for death to be out of tremendous pain.

No sooner had he finished his prayer than Ray found himself out of his body, walking up a stairway to God. He came upon a plane where many people were gathered around one seated. They parted way for Ray to approach him. This one had more love in his eyes than anyone Ray had ever seen––he knew he could trust him as he had none other. Without words being spoken, because words were not needed, this one gave Ray a gift. And he gave Ray the choice to stay there with all the others or return back to his body. Nothing would be changed. He would still have pain. But if he chose to return Ray was asked to give this gift freely to others in the same manner of love it was given to him, asking nothing in return.

Perhaps it was the love in his eyes that led Ray to choose to return.

From then on, Ray knew the way. He would return to stand with God many times for the next 19 years. He did this for the remaining 30 years of his life, until failing health left his body too weak for the far-greater energy of vast spiritual messengers whom God sends to enter and speak to us. After Ray passed on October 5, 2000, during the holy “Days of Awe” or Repentence before Yom Kippur, Ray must have walked up the stairway he had come to know so well. And he went on again to stand with God.

“Soul Ray stands with God,” the spiritual messengers of God would say each time Ray had left it before.

In a while, Ray would hear the words below to guide him back into his body each time he took this journey to stand with God.

On his way back, Ray would rest and gather strength in a special valley.

And then the vision of a valley came to be shared with those listening in a tangible way. A new valley was to be given from God in love to those who sought. It would become a real valley––in this world. But it seems important to remember the meaning of the valley, to find from where it has come, so we can know where we are going.

The tape recorder was still running, January 26, 1976, when Ray was guided safely back home into his body from God. We can read the words he was also told all the other times he returned back into this life:

“It’s time to begin your journey back now. When you start back, Ray, you’ll hear no outside interference. All you will hear is my voice.

“Starting down the stairs that bring you back, Ray. Down the stairs. Coming down, Ray. Down the stairs. With each step you feel new energy flowing into your body. Coming down, Ray. Coming down the stairs. Coming down, Ray. Down the stairs, coming back. Feeling stronger. Down the stairs, Ray. Down the stairs.

“Now we are at the bottom of the stairs. We’ll rest here and gather strength.

“This is a beautiful place; you’ve been in this valley many times before. It’s so peaceful here, so beautiful. There is a stream with roses on either side of all the colors, beautiful roses, fragrant ones. It’s so beautiful here, so peaceful.

You feel your body growing stronger and more rested.

“More rested, Ray. You’re gaining in strength. When you try to sleep tonight you’ll have no trouble sleeping, Ray. You’ll be able to close your eyes and rest just as you’re resting now in a very deep, peaceful sleep.

“You feel your energy returning to you, growing stronger, Ray. Your body is repairing itself and growing stronger. Growing stronger and more rested. Your body functions are gradually returning to normal.

“When I count to three you will awaken.

“One, you’re feeling very strong, now. Very rested, very good. Your body functions are returning to normal.

“Two, you’re completely normal now, completely normal in every way. You feel very good. You don’t have a headache. When you awaken you won’t have a headache. You’ll feel better than you have all day. Very strong. Very rested. Very good. You want to wake up.

“Three, you are awake.”

One might wonder, was this valley to which Ray went each time before he returned to his body real?

Was it a vision? Was it in heaven?

Was this place known to Ray soon to be a gift given in love from God for all –– a real valley, not only within the soul, but upon Earth? The Father and His spiritual messengers of God often fulfill their words in greater ways that we can imagine. “As above, so below.”

It is written, “seek and you shall find.” “Ask and you shall receive.”

And so it is.

In the first eight years they came, the spiritual messengers of God told parables about a valley to help each soul grow closer to God. But some of their words were prophetic of a future time.

As Ray came back from God into his body, the words he heard about a valley may have begun to take on an even greater meaning as the spiritual messengers of God lead us into the future.

In part 2 of “The Valley,” the spiritual messengers of God guide us from 1979 to 1985 on a journey. The dream and vision of a valley grew to be more. Angels guided us to follow the path of Christmas Star to a valley, in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. A gift is given from the Lord — and the vision of a valley becomes a reality!

The words you will read were spoken then by Aka as they looked into the future and saw our needs. Soon the angels would guide us on a route called Christmas Star.

The year, 1979, began as some people, who were seeking a safe place to be, asked for a place where God would lead them if difficult times were to come. It was during the Cold War. The spiritual mesengers of God answered those who asked in Tucson, Phoenix, Globe, and Dripping Springs Road, Arizona; El Paso, Texas; and California, on February 2, 1979: We shall also answer your question in this manner. The preparation to move the people from the land of the Tucsons shall be soon at hand. Many shall not leave this land. And this land must be made ready in such a manner that both bomb shelters and food storage shall be made available. You must remember, there are greater weapons at this time than atomic power. Soundproofing of these should be of a great importance. The newer weaponry of laser, ultrasound, shall all be brought forth in this new conflict. Plan well. Organize well, for those who should organize. And then, it should come time soon when also you should make ready that your families shall be moved.

Soon, land shall be made available in the Globe region.

Further information on this shall be given as it is needed. You should use your own judgment.

We should say unto Luke [1–1–3] and James [1–1–5], it is now apparent that as the new, as you would call them, greenhouses shall be made available, both foliage for animal and man may be grown. We would also suggest that this also soon should be made a time. But we should say unto you, rely now on the prophet and the knowledge we shall place within his mind, that all things shall come together.

For those who should live within the land of the El Paso regions, therefore, within the same, first, as you would know it, a natural catastrophe shall strike the land. Provisions and readiness should be made ready in these regions, from twofold. You shall gather knowledge from the first of this reading.

For those who should live within the land of the Phoenix, there shall be land in this area that shall stand even after the destruction. That land shall be in the land of the Queen Creek and Gilbert regions, and in certain proportions, therefore, in what is known as Peoria.

In that land of the California region, take from all these that we have said, and land shall be made available for you also.

But remember, you shall all live together in peace, or you shall die in a wasted land separately. And your children’s children shall perish before they are born.

Sixshooter Canyon near Globe, Arizona

We say, therefore, unto Paul and Ruth, continue with these of the restoration plans that soul Ray has in his mind, and the land you dwell upon shall be made safe [Kellner Canyon near Globe, Arizona].

“But here also shall be a safe zone in the latter days ahead.”

February 23, 1979: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee this parable.

As the Lord brought forth rain and snow upon the earth, the rain fell onto the land and the land replenished itself. And then came the snow upon the mountains and into the valleys.

The rain looked upon the snow and said, “You are a beautiful thing, but of what value are you?”

Sangre de Christo mountains in New Mexico

And the snow said back unto the rain, “For I am a lasting value, for I am the same as you — only my form has been changed. For I shall lay upon the ground and gently melt, and replenish the water beneath the surface of the earth. And I shall make the streams and rivers run, and the creeks that run.”

The rain thought upon this. And the rain spoke back unto the Spirits and said, “Why have you made me into such a small substance, when you have made the snow more beautiful and more lasting than I?”

And the rain did fall upon the desert where no snow could ever find its way. And the Spirit said, “Behold, for you have not been here in a long time.” And the desert turned green and the flowers came up from the desert. And all the desert plants soaked in, and brought forth, and stored within itself the multitude of moisture. And the Spirit said, “Behold unto that likeness of your likeness. Even though your form when you appear upon the earth is different from the snow, it is all but the same.”

We should say in this parable, that seasons may change upon the earth, and the earth may change upon the heavens, and man may change his form many times, but man shall remain man, and God shall remain God. And as the rays of the Lord shall come forth unto the sun and the rain, and the bountiful plentiness the Lord has provided He shall not take away. It shall but only change its form.

For as we have said before, where no water flowed water would flow, that all the surface of the earth’s form shall change, and man shall change with this. For you shall see the time that lies ahead, of the Anti-Christ. But one day it shall melt away, and the earth shall blossom forth into the coming of the Messiah.

And the harvests of the fields shall be bountiful. There shall be sparse days, and troubled days, yet spring shall come again upon all the land, in all the hearts of all the people.

There shall be troubled times. You can live and let your lives remain in this troubled time, or you can lift up your hearts into the Lord, and believe in the Lord. And believe that the Lord, that all that He has placed upon the earth He may taketh away, yet He has never taken from you, except that that He did replace tenfold.

All things shall unfold. As in the book of Revelations, the earth shall alter and change, and so shall man. And a new man shall be born from the earth, and shall come from the heavens to link up as one. All of these things we have shown unto your prophet.

We have told you, now is the time to prepare. Now is the time to bind together. Now is the time to come forth, for you shall be persecuted. But if you are come together, bind together and let your strength flow. If you shall learn from those who should strike you, if you should learn that the mighty arm of the Lord shall protect you, bind together as many twigs should come forth and you shall not be broken. Through all the harshness and the harsh days the sun shall shine through. And each day of sunshine shall give you new hope for the spring.

Believe in these things, and your children’s children shall inherit a new heaven and a new earth. Believe not in these things, and there shall be no heaven nor earth. For the debt that shall be paid shall go unto thy unborn children, and their children’s children. And it should be so unto the fifth generation.

We have come unto you in the ninth year. [Note: The spiritual messengers of God began speaking through Ray in 1970, nine years before.]

Great sabers shall soon be brought forth. That of the Red Horse or the Dragon shall rustle its saber in one place. And while you are looking in one place, the Bear [Russia] shall devour the land of Iran. [On January 29, 1988, Aka answered that China is the Dragon. And the Red Horse is Pakistan. See The Revelation 6:3–4 and chapter 12.]

As we have said before, it shall start from France and the fuse shall go forth — and all that has been before and all prophecies shall now be fulfilled. [Note: In 1973, Aka spoke of and gave Ray a dream that a fuse had been lit in France that went on to Israel. Ray cautioned that, if not stopped, it could ignite the world. Also see the prophecies in scriptures, such as Isaiah, Daniel, The Revelation, Zechariah, and Matthew 24.]

We should say unto those who seek to prepare a place for the people, it would be better to remain where you are than to march into an open valley, as those who should march into Armageddon, for all who shall march in shall be destroyed. Do not be foolish.

The place that shall protect the people must have natural fortification, such as mountains. It must have natural water, and sources of water.

A photo of Dripping Springs ranch. (Ray’s ranch was not this one. His was called, Wellsprings Ranch.)

As we have said before, as the weather shall change and continue, your greenhouses shall feed you in abundance. Take from these things that we are providing and showing you, and there shall be a way for all.

As these sabers begin to come forth and unfold, the Messiah is now upon your Earth — in the same land that he once walked in before. If the Eagle [U.S.A.] does not spread his wings, the Lord shall snatch him back up into the heavens, before the Anti-Christ can swallow him. [See The Revelation, chapter 12.]

We shall say this much farther to you, it shall not be long until we are ready to bring forth and deliver this one into thy hands for safe keeping. Yet only the prophet shall know of him.

And the prophet shall pass away, as all things pass away, and we shall come to you no more in this form. All these things shall come about in time.

To you, it may seem that all you do, and all things are in slow motion. Time is but a twinkling of the eye of the Lord. It is but a measurement made by man in the vastness of all things. Yet, it is important.

We have told of you these things that you may have the hope that is needed.

March 2, 1979: “Yes, Aka, [11–397–2…Redondo, California] asks, ‘Would Hot Springs, Arkansas, be a place free of earthquakes, or where should we move to be safe from earthquakes?’”

An aerial multi image panorama of the San Simon Valley from the intersection of highway 80 and highway 9 looking south by BAlvarius — Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=11350950

We shall answer your question in this manner. In that which you are seeking, the land that should lie from the San Simon through Safford [Arizona], forward unto the edge of the Indian reservation, this land should serve thy needs. But we should also say unto you, false prophets have risen in this region, beware.

Safford is a city in Graham County, Arizona, United States. According to 2005 Census Bureau estimates, the population of the city is 8,932. Photo by Ken Lund — originally posted to Flickr as Safford, Arizona, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6818725

But if land was chosen well, there is a bountiful of watershed into this region. The land is fertile. The mountain ranges are such that the atomic wasteland, as you would know it, should but pass over this land, and it could be left as a region of mild and bountiful climate. Many of you who are seeking shall find this to be so.

The Gila River near Coolidge Dam in Arizona (left). San Carlos Lake (right).

The other land shall be on the other side of the Pinal Mountains into the San Carlos Basin; this land before it reaches the Apache Reservation has a bountiful amounts of water, and shall provide for many needs, and the land is fertile, therefore, within the same.

The San Carlos Basin is shown on the San Carlos Indian Reservation in shade. Globe is to the west of the reservation. Winkelman is to the south (in the bottom left corner). The Pinal Mountains are shown south of Globe. The Gila River flows south from the San Carlos Basin to Winkelman.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [11–397–3…El Paso]. She asks, ‘For the benefit of all concerned, where should my husband and I reside?’”

We shall answer in this manner. At the present time, many of you have the desire to run and hide. Prepare, therefore, where you live; where you are now. Take those words of your prophet into the storing of food, water, the placing of greenhouses. Take these thoughts, and your needsshall be provided for. But to grow strong, and binding together — that where one family stands, they shall stand alone; where one person stands, they shall stand alone — but when the family becomes one, their strength becomes that many more fold. Where two families stand together their strength is even stronger. Where three — you shall remember, when we first came unto you we said unto you these words, that your groups would form in threes and Thirteens, and the multitude grow. (See Acts 1:12–23 and Acts chapter 2.)

And so, it is as we had spoken before unto you. If your strength shall come, bring your minds together, and the distance between you shall not matter. But come and bring these things in harmony. Let all of your people prepare. And if one is stricken, let all go to their aid; therefore, the loss of material values, of substance, may be replaced.

Give unto your brother and your sister with open hearts. Bind together. Bind together.

Take away the past from your lives. It is not important what you have been; it is only important what you shall become. Shall you become a mob, fighting for crumbs of bread? Shall you become a mob, who shall walk upon each other? When the dead lay before your eyes in the multitudes you cannot count, shall you steal from the dead? Or shall you welcome the living?

Is it not better to say something good of your fellow man? Is it not good to share? Is it not good to build [upon] a strong foundation that your children’s children shall not perish, shall not come forth from the caves in ignorance, that all that man has brought forth from his millions of years upon this Earth and that that he brought forth from the planet, Yahweh, shall not perish forever?

Each of you look into your hearts. Cast away your grievances. Bring and come forth with useful thoughts. Come forth with your knowledge that God has placed into you, and let it become useful to all.

We have one other question which [we] shall answer. Soul Ray said unto you, make the wine of the prickly pear. In the times ahead, it shall be needed.

Now is the time of the Cherubim….

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. From the land of Alaska, as it had struck once before, and the cycle did increase down through the tip of Mexico and South America, the cycle shall now renew itself, but in greater form of earthquake pattern. East and west, north and south, build your Shepherds’ Fund, and then build your Building Fund, for soon you shall build a structure that shall become the center of the hub.

Each of you has talents. If you should live in a harmony, you shall soon find that one by one you shall pick up the shovel, the axe, the plow, and become one.

March 9, 1979: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner, for we shall say unto thee the parable of the seventh angels, the seven spirits that the Lord brought forth to manifest the earth and the heavens, and the oceans, therefore, within the same. And we say unto thee, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

For we say unto thee, that as the earth was formed, and matter begot matter, and the oceans came forth upon the land, and both fish and fowl were brought forth, and the animals of all species brought forth, “of their likeness” and “of their kind,” therefore, to bring ferment upon the earth, there was much discussion between the seven spirits of the different fowl that would be brought forth upon the land.

And each said, “There must a bird for spring.” And that should bring forth the robin.

“But there must be a bird for the winter.” And that brought forth the redbird.

“And yet, there must be a bird for the summer.” And that brought forth the sparrow.

“And there must be a bird for the autumn.” And that brought forth the blackbird.

“Yet, there must be a bird for all seasons. There must the predator and the protector.” And so, they brought forth the falcon with its sleek and beautiful lines. Yet, this did not satisfy them. And they brought forth the hawk. And this satisfied most.

And yet one said, “There must be a cleansing bird that shall keep the land clean.” And so he brought forth the vulture.

And the other birds and the other spirits did look upon it with sorrowful eyes, and despised it.

And as man and animals, the fowl, and the fish did begin to multiply, and each preyed off and from the other, then, the vulture waited and watched and circled even above that that was to die.

And the seven spirits looked upon this one, and said, “If this shall be the sign of death, and a cleansing of death, let us bring forth the bird of hope, the bird of freedom.”

And so from the heavens scoared [soared] the eagle. And all who saw it marveled at its beauty, its grace in flight, and its — to scoar the top of the mountains into the lowest of valleys. And where the eagle flew the vulture did not dare to tread.

And so as time went on, both the bird of prey and the bird of freedom, of hope, marched forward unto the times of man. And through his wars, and his destruction of his own world, and the destruction of animals, the vulture went quietly about its way, cleansing up after man and animal.

And you say unto us, “Why have you brought this before us?”

There is much to learn from these that we have brought before you. For there is the time of the four seasons of man. It shall be like the seasons of the earth. There shall be the winter, when the earth shall sleep, much as man shall sleep; and then, when man has had his long sleep and the spiritual form of the same should arise, come spring; and come into maturity and growth; and then bring forth unto his harvest, of autumn. In the autumn of man’s life he has sought his freedom, he has sought out his hopes, he has laid forth his fears, and if, within all things, he has climbed before the eagle’s wings and scoared the heavens and earth, and seen the valleys, green and brown, and scoared the deserts, then from the land and from the fowl, when his autumn of life has reached, when the time has come for the vulture, he will have known the completeness of the cycle of life and hope and love, and truly, he shall forgive the vulture.

In the time that the people, through each growing of civilizations, that your civilization has yet to learn, of the vulture and his part in life; you still look upon him as the foulest of creatures. In the time of Atlantis, and in the time of Egyptan, this knowledge was gained, but even in the gaining, they laid waste to the land, and the vulture did come and clean it in such a manner that no man knew that another had stood there. And yet, the man came and built his cities first, and then looked back from where he had been, to dig beneath the surface of the earth to uncover the civilizations. What of metal was left? None. What of all these precious things that had been so dear to him? He had forgotten.

And then a shepherd came from the Lord. He had even forgotten, this man-beast had forgotten from which he had come. And so the Lord sent forth a shepherd. And he did die, as you would know it, upon the cross, and the resurrection was brought forth in full, and the temple of the Lord was rebuilt in three days as a proof unto man of all the seasons of the Lord; of the seven spirits of the Lord; of the sacred numeral, 4; of the sacred numeral, 9.

In the next few days, ministers shall come forth to bring their teachers forth in their Board of Review. And students shall come forth seeking to become teachers.

Take from that from which we have spoken tonight into the wonderment of all things and the realization that the Lord, God, placed nothing upon the earth or the heavens without a purpose. Yet, within every blade of grass, and every tree, in every leaf, and in every man, not one is like the other. It is totally different, yet complete. In the mighty plan for His children, the Lord, God, brought forth upon the earth all things — things to learn from the past, and things to build for the future. [See “Hark, My Children, for I Love Thee So.”]

Now shall be the time of the building for the future, for tools shall be laid in your laps. Your Shepherds’ Fund must continue, and then, your Building Fund, for we shall place before you all things. As the seven spirits that did the bidding of the Lord’s work, so shall each of you bind together, as the seven spirits, to make judgments that all may live with hope and love and compassion and freedom, unto all man.

You have questions, ask.

“Aka, I have a question from [Ray’s wife, Kathy, 6–281–1]. She asks, ‘Over a year ago I had a dream about a place between Globe and Mammoth, Tucson; it has been on my mind for a long time. Please give me an interpretation of this dream. Thank you.’”

We have shown you the interpretation of the same —

for the valley has been laid before you, a valley that many crafts of many people shall come to.

Looking southeast upon the valley on Dripping Springs Road

For there shall be those who shall learn to quarry the stone; there shall be those who shall build from the earth adobes; there shall be those who shall tan the hides, and there shall be those who shall bake the bread, and those who shall grow the bread. And amongst it all, the knowledge must be kept — the natural protection that is needed, for you shall find in the last part of your book of Revelations measurements, measurements of the kingdom and the visions by John, the Beloved. Read of these, and then measure the same of the valley laid before you. Abundance, and many abundances shall be brought forth in this land, but yet it is your choice, the choice of all of you. There is land for all the people, and the nourishment of pure water that shall flow unpolluted. Do not rush into these things. Each piece shall be laid before you, one piece at a time. Yet there shall be room for all. For there is passage ways, that you may reach other people when the time is needed.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [10–379–1]. She asks, ‘Please, the direction of my life I know, yet my purpose in the Association — am I fantasizing as to peacemaker, or what?’”

We say unto you these words. If you and your husband shall come forth and complete the teacher’s work, then the things you have thought to bring forth shall come about. Remember, the master of all masters started as a student.

A peacemaker must be wise, for “glory be the peacemakers, for they shall be held holy in the eyes of the Lord,” for they shall bind the wounds, and help to bind the people together. But in the knowledge of making peace, do not bring serpents, and tigers and lambs, and expect them to retain their peace, for the serpent must have that which they need, and the lamb must have that that they need, and the lion must have that that they need. If making peace, you can see these things, then you shall be truly wise in the eyes of the Lord.


And death may come in many forms, a physical death, or death or a means of discrediting the work that has been brought forth through the vehicle which we have chosen.

Many of these who should come forth — do not consider them stupid people. They have much learning, and they are wise and well-trained in the arts. Do not underestimate them.

But we say also into them, do not underestimate the people, for those who shall prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah shall never wear the mark of the Beast. [See The Revelation, chapters 7, 12–14, 15:1–4, 16:12, chapter 17, 19, 20:1–6, chapters 21–22.]

Bind together.

Bind together that your strength may be felt throughout the world.

And when the time and strength and the binding has become as such, you shall rise from the earth to rebuild it. And those of your brothern and your sistern shall come from the heavens to assist you. And a new heaven and a new earth shall come forth. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [11–398–1…Quartzsite, Arizona]. ‘Will you tell me if this place where we live is a safe place? Thank you.’”

We say unto you, nay. It shall be safe for now. Time is growing short in the region which you dwell. As we have said before that, that where no water flowed water would flow, and so it has come about. The desert shall bloom and provide for the people. The knowledge of learning to nourish from the breast of the desert is a wise knowledge. The time shall one day be when this is land you speak of shall be no more. The vastness of the land that we shall provide shall come as the binding of people comes forth.

We say unto you, even as we speak, the Russian Bear stands poised to strike, to devour more and more. And the Chinese Dragon grows fatter. And in Egypt, deceit grows from the mouth of those who should entrap the land of Israel. [Note: The Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty was signed 15 days later, on March 26, 1979, in Washington, D.C., following the 1978 Camp David Accords. The treaty was signed by Egyptian president Anwar Sadat and Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin, and witnessed by United States president Jimmy Carter. But Sadat was assassinated in 1981 by his fellow countrymen, the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, who thought he had betrayed the Palestinian cause to anhilate Isreal. Yet, he told them in Arabic that he had not.]

And we say unto you, the source — now is the time of the source.

May 18, 1979: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God; glory be the name of His children.

And we shall say unto thee the parable.

A promised land – the Dripping Springs valley was soon chosen as a place for the people to come who came from near and far to Ray for healing.

The Lord, God, laid forth a valley, and the valley was barren, yet He placed water in the valley, and all those things that were needed.

And the people that came to the valley came each for their own reason, and their own purpose.


Each of these things we have laid before you, and the tools, therefore, to do the same.

We say unto you, give glory unto the Lord, and He shall give glory unto you. Give praise unto the Lord, and He shall give praise unto you. Give hope unto the Lord, and He shall give hope unto you. Give faith unto the Lord, and He shall give faith unto you.

There shall be many sides of your wants in this valley, but your needs shall be provided for.

We have laid one piece of this valley before you. There are other parts that are also laid before you.

And the means and the needs shall be laid forth to bring this into completeness, for as we said before, piece by piece and part by parts, it shall all become whole.

But we say unto you, bring not these things.

Place forth unto you unto this valley a plaque and place the Ten Commandments, therefore, upon the same.

For the Ten Commandments shall never change.

“Thou shall not bear false witness.” If thy know this as a truth, and know all the facts of the same, then, thy shall bear witness. If thy did not know these things to be truth unto thyself and unto thy fellow man, bear witness not unto this. For there shall be many who shall thrust upon you foul abominations, half-truths, and falsehood. Let none of you do this into another, for this is the greatest of sin. For when you do this you have taken away the faith, the hope, and the love for the Lord from this person, for they shall feel the Lord has abandoned them. In truth He shall have not. For it is said that the sun and the rain shall shine upon all, and not the smallest of things shall fall upon the earth or the heavens leste He know.

Beauty is in the heart and mind and love that can be given unto one another. Abomination has no place to dwell. It can only build a lie and continue to lie, one lie upon the other, till all who sees it shall know the truth.

The Lord, your God, gave unto your hands the one known as Jesus of Nazara. At no time did Jesus say, “Hate unto that man. Curse upon that man. Spit upon that man. Cast stones upon them.” Nay. He said unto you, “Forgive one another.” Yet, you hear him not.

As of all things and as of all times, your times and events are but before you once again. From the land of Mexico war marches toward you. It is but a kindling fire. Which one of you shall take all that you have and bear witness before God? The Lord, God, does not want you to suffer; He does not want the blood of the lamb. He wants you to live, from life unto life.

We have set forth, first, the Rose without Thorns, and now, that that you would call The Psychic Light, the soul light.

There are many who would seek to become teachers.

If the strength within them is to carry the yoke and carry it in love in the worst of times, then the Lord shall help them, and we shall help them, for we are not great, we are but as you, the servants of God. We are the ones who chose, and were chose, from he who should come after this one you know as soul Ray. [See John 13:12–17 and 20, 14:15–29, 16:12–24.]

Soul Ray chose to be the one upon your Earth. And even as it began in five places, four fell and one stood. And his reward in heaven shall be no greater than yours.

As the water of life flows in the valley, let those who should hear our words take knowledge and meaning.

For those who have eyes to see let them see. For those who have ears to hear let them hear. For those who shall place forth the preparation of the coming of the Messiah before all other things, through them we shall place the light and the knowledge and the way.

We know you have many questions. Some of them we have answered. But soul Ray is weary, and our time grows short. We say unto you, we have brought knowledge unto him, as he has given his life unto you. Heed his words.

Many of you shall be tested, and tested again. And each shall become a link in the chain that cannot be broken. Let he, who shall come forth, and see the light of day in the night, and the night in the day, know of where our words come from. [See The Revelation 20:1–6 and chapter 21.]

We say unto you, have you ever thought that your greatest doubts are those of the Anti-Christ whispering in your ears, to divide you, to conquer you, to destroy you, to cast you unto the four winds? Do not let this prevail.

Pick up the staff and the yoke, and bind together in greater strength.

Cast aside all petty thoughts. When they enter your mind stop and think, “Is this my own mind talking to me, or is this Lucifer?”

June 9, 1979: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever. And we shall say unto thee the parable.

For there were three brothers, who left their home with three small flocks, and they came upon a valley that was bountiful with food and water. And each brother, therefore, took a part of the valley for his own.

At first they worked very good together, and they lost no sheep.

And throughout the land they became known as the “three shepherds.”

Their flocks did multiply, and multiply again.

The brothers had come into agreement that each would take turn in guarding the flock. But as the years passed and no wolves did bother the flock, they became lax and lazy. And they began to lie, one unto the other, about the guarding of the flock. And then one day, a fourth of their flock was brought down and laid to waste. And each blamed unto the other.

And so the next day another fourth of the flock was laid away and laid unto waste. And they squabbled even further.

And then, unto the next day, another fourth of the flock was laid to waste. And they became frightened and came, therefore, unto together, each vowing that they would guard the flock, and this would never happen again. And they did say their love for one another. And they did say their love unto their Lord. And once again the flock did multiply and years did pass.

And once again they became lazy, and gave blasphemy unto the Lord and unto each other. And once again, a fourth of the flock was destroyed. But this time, they came together, for they realized that that that had happened unto them too before would happen unto them again.

And each said, “What should we do, for we have lost that before the Lord that He gave us in the beginning?”

And so they sent one of the brothers forth to bring forth a holy man to bless the land and to forgive them of their sins. They brought many so-called holy men into the land. Each would give a blessing and take his money and leave. And still they would leave [lose] more of their flock.

One day a stranger came unto the valley. And as he walked by each of the sheep it did multiply, and multiply again. The three shepherds came unto him and said, “What wonders is this you have brought into our valley. Stay and we shall pay you.”

And he said unto them, “Nay, pay unto yourselves.”

And they said unto him, “How can this be possible?”

And he said unto them, “By loving one another in truth, by bringing hope, faith, and true faith into yourselves and into your brotheren, and by standing together, nothing can lay waste your land.”

And he, therefore, went forth unto the center of the valley and did build from rock a small altar. And once again, each of them went out to find, therefore, the unblemished lamb for sacrifice. And he said, “Nay, the Lord does not ask for the blood of the lamb; it is man that asks for the blood of the lamb. I have built the altar that I might have my small place of worship. But I give it unto you and your keeping. Keep the altar well until I return.” And then he left.

The three shepherds were frightened. And so, therefore, they instructed their sons and their daughters to maintain the altar, and to have harmony between them. But each, not unto the other, did not fully trust the other.

And as they grew old into their days, they began to squabble once again. And the altar was not kept.

And the stranger came forth unto the land, and said unto him, “I have come to collect my pay.”

And then they did grow angry with him and stone him, and cast him from the valley.

And the Lord, God, saw, and He did lay waste unto the land. And He did split away the people into multitudes.

And the stranger came back into the land, and restored the altar, and planted a rose. And the old shepherds came back. They had very little left of their flock and of their descendants. And soon, they built a small building over the altar, and this was a place they called of worship.

And the stranger said unto them, “I shall leave you now, but one day I shall come again, or I shall send one from me or from my Father. Pay him well.”

Once again you say unto us, we have spoken unto you as in a riddle. We have not.

For amongst you many have fell. And the land has been laid awasted, and it shall continue.

We have told you before to bind together. Only in this manner shall you become strong and survive.

We do not say the survival of the body, we say unto you, survival of the spirit; the immortal body of man is the most important of all.

Heed our words. We are here but for one purpose, the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. Open the door that we may enter, and we shall walk with you. Close the door and we shall walk away.

Now we say unto you, unto the ninth day, look into the east, and you shall see a sign of our presence. And it shall appear in the sky at 9:30 your time, in your p.m. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children.

The Anti-Christ shall spread famine among you. He shall cause doubts in your minds of one another. He shall do all that is possible to split you apart. He shall take daughter and mother, he shall take man and wife, father and son, and cause doubt to reign in your minds. He shall plant the seed of jealousy among you, and greed.

We say unto you, open the door that we may enter, and cast the doubt aside.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

June 22, 1979: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee this parable.

And many came forth throughout the world, for the star that had been predicted of the birth would appear in two places upon the Earth.

One would mark the beginning of the Anti­-Christ.

Seven and one-half months after Aka spoke of this, Comet Bowell, C/1980 E1, was discovered by Edward L. G. Bowell on February 11, 1980. A non-periodic comet, C/1980 E1 came closest to the Sun in 1982. It is leaving the Solar System on a fast hyperbolic trajectory – a cleansing of Bowell. Chart of Bowell’s trajectory by Tomruen — Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=67261571

One would mark the beginning of the Messiah.

“We have come but for one purpose, and that is to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.” The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived when the brightest comet of the century (Comet Bennett) passed over Earth on March 25, 1970. Is this the comet of which Aka speaks?

And those of the might of the world first were afraid of both births. And then they gathered around about, and did discuss and did argue. And each took up sides.

But long before the birth of each side, the Lord, God, had made preparation for people who would prepare their coming, for those of the Messiah.

And that that should come from Lucifer did come forth upon the Earth to make preparation.

Those who were preparing the way for the Messiah at first came in great humbleness, and as they prepared, a greatness did begin to glow within them. But soon they began to argue, yet they could not understand within themselves why they felt the way they did. Why should their jealousies overcome them? And what were they really jealous of? These things they could not understand.

And they looked unto those who would prepare the way for the Anti-Christ; there was no argument among these people. They were precise, and exact in each step that they took.

The difference between these two was God, in those He had selected, gave them free choice. Lucifer in those that he had selected had not given them free choice; therefore, there was a dictatorship, and a one-knowing among those who would prepare for the Anti-Christ.

There were those who could see this, and they went unto each of those who would prepare for the coming of the Messiah, and said, “Let us come together; let us cast away all things. Let us say no bad things about each other. Let us serve but one purpose, that of God.”

And it did come about that the shepherds and the ministers and the teachers did stand together, and lay before them, and pledge their allegiance to the God Almighty and the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. And they laid away all their arguments and petty thoughts, and said, “Let us be one.” And the building came forth and all that was needed was provided by God.

And the politicians went on arguing, striving to cut away the food, fuel, all of these things.

Yet these people said, “What difference does it make what they take? We shall provide. We shall lay aside these things for all of our people.”

The Lord, God, has said unto you, in the first of the readings when we came unto you, that He would see to your needs, but not always your wants. The Lord, God, did not say what you could have and what you could not have. The Lord, God, did not say, “This is the only way,” even unto our name and the spelling of the same; He left the choice to you.

We have told you before to bind together, that if you did not bind together you would be broken, one by one, separate and apart.

These things, which we cherish the most on the Earth, from the sun to the moon, to the least of the things upon the Earth, were all gifts of God unto His children. For He did say unto you, “ALL OF THESE THINGS I DO GIVE UNTO YOU OF MY KIND — FOR EVERY FRUIT THAT GROWS UPON THE EARTH, FOR EVERY FLOWER.”

And then it did come about into the final days when the earth should shift, and earthquake and tornado and weather changes did come about. And the people became frightened, yet they knew not what they were frightened of. It was not that that they could alter or change. And they again began to fight among themselves. Yet they knew not even what they fought about or what they argued about. And they made false accusations against each other. And these accusations consumed much of the leader’s time.

We say unto you, at the end of this parable, that the springs of life, which [should] give you a beautiful planet and all beautiful things, should place upon you the yoke of love, hope and faith, and trust unto one another.

Do not say unto yourselves, “These other ones shall not do this or shall not do that.” What difference does it make whether they do or they do not? Go forth with the yoke of love and perform the task. If you perform it with love, then love shall come from it and to it, and therefore, those who prepare the way for the Anti-Christ may not enter.

It is though you are preparing the kingdom of God. Lucifer may not enter the kingdom of God, and the temple of God is within you. Therefore, the kingdom and the temple should become one. And therefore, those who should prepare the way for the Anti-Christ and the reign of the Beast, they shall come and they shall go, as a storm, leaving some bad memories, but many lessons you shall learn from it.

You say, “Why should the Lord, with all His might, let this happen, with all His knowledge? Shall the Earth end tomorrow?” And we say unto you, no. It shall only change its form once again. The question is, who shall reign upon the Earth, God or Lucifer? Who shall reign in your hearts?

Take it one day at time, one hour at a time. Forgive unto those who have trespassed against you, as the one known as Jesus did say, and the one known as Buddha did say, all in the same words. Do you not know that Jesus of Nazara did go unto the land of Buddha, and all of other religions, and was accepted — and is accepted unto this day? They only call of him by a different name.

What difference is there in a name? The meaning of the heart, of the soul, of the immortal body, is of the same. Throughout time, in normal — we use, as you use, the word, God, yet once a planet was called, Yahweh, and those who came from the planet did call their God, Yahweh, Jehovah. What difference is there in the word — the meaning, the meaning that you shall stand before your God, each of you separately, or together.

Forgive one another. Cast aside all your petty grievances. Throw them aside. Take them not with you from this room. Cast them now aside.

Open the door. We shall help you.

We shall help you in the purification of yourselves, if you will let us. We have no desire to rule you. We are here but for one purpose, the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

“If thy right eye should offend thee cast it aside.” The meaning has long been sought for. The meaning is, if hate dwells within you cast it aside. If jealousy dwells within you cast it aside. If you cannot forgive yourself, know that the God you love has long forgiven you. Even when you did not ask He forgave you and loved you. If the Lord, God, can do this, why cannot you forgive one another and love each other, and love yourselves?

We shall say unto these words. We cannot trespass where we are not wanted. We may not enter where we are not asked. But we do say unto you, for those who should ask healing in our name, and in the name of the Lord, our God — the one God, the one holy God, the one pure God, the one who should be the one before all others — loves you, and will continue to love you. He is there with you; allow Him to enter.

Cast aside ill feelings. Forgive one another. Love one another. Take the Ten Commandments. Do not twist them or turn them. Take them in their simplest form, and know that they are given to you with love from God….

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [9–373–3] asks, ‘Dear Aka, It appears to me that we can now put into use the so-called treasures I think I have located with my dowsing rods. I have several possible locations. Would you advise me which ones should help us?’ And then he mentions Black Prince Canyon, on the peak near Solidad Canyon, on the desert near Nikal, and near Rincon and northeast of Garfield, New Mexico.’”

We shall say once again, we have placed that of the metal substance that is needed in the valley which we promised. It is there, that the substance which will be most honored in trade, such as your gold, that is there at this time. Yet the greatest treasure, the greatest treasure shall be in the soul, in the heart, and in the love that each of you place forth unto one another.

You asked on the valley, for a name.

You asked for a name for the ranch. And we say unto you, the Dripping Springs would be appropriate––or any other name that you could come forth and agree upon. The agreement upon one thing, no matter how small or how large, means the casting aside, and the putting together of God’s work. Let your hearts flow into a righteous manner.

The ranch was named, the Wellsprings Ranch, possibly because of the healing springs above it on the Dripping Springs mountain. Aka said, “As the water of life flows in the valley, let those who should hear our words take knowledge and meaning.” Was it named for the river of spirits that flow from God in the brook, to the oceans, the souls of man, on to the many lands?

But we say unto you, if that of the Anti-Christ should smitten you, do not stand and let them smitten you twice. Call forth that of the power of the Lord, thy God, and from the right hand shall come that thy need, and from the left hand shall come that that thy need.

We have told you before of the power of the mind. Remember, they also shall have the power of the mind. But let the mind flow forth as a river, always changing, but unlike a river, let it not flow uncontrolled, and undisciplined.

We shall say unto you, that as the Lord, God, did call Abraham upon the mountain, and say therefore, to “BUILD AN ALTAR AND SACRIFICE THY CHILD,”Abraham did not understand fully. So the Lord, God, did stop him. But when Goliath came before David, it was the Lord’s strength that powered the stone; yet even David lost his way. Let not power corrupt you. Let peace and love govern you, one unto another. Cast aside these hardnesses in thy hearts. Put them aside. Have you not seen what hardnesses has done unto the one you asked to be healed? Have you not seen this with your own eyes? Have you not felt it with your own hearts?

Now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks upon thy earth. New perils shall be placed upon the earth, and pestilence. Yet, in this land, we have brought forth that that you sought that was destructive. We brought forth pure waters to purify the land and replenish the land, because these waters are that which shall change a desert into a garden.

July 20, 1979: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee the parable of the river.

For high in the mountains the brooks brought forth unto a river. And one river ran into another, and then into another, to form one mighty river. Yet, each river was sure that it contributed more than the others.

And the rivers did argue. And because of their arguments, each river decided into itself to stop its flow. It did not ask the brook who furnished the water. And therefore, as each began to dry up, and the mighty river in itself, suddenly there was a surge of great force and water from all three rivers that came forth and did gorge the valley.

And each of the rivers could not understand, for they could not by themselves have put such, such a mighty force. And each blamed the other for producing more than the other. And once again they did not ask the brooks, and they decided that they would see which one could produce the most. And the brooks dried up, and so did the rivers. And a drought came upon the land, for there was no rain that came from the heavens and no snow in the hills. And so it was.

And then, the snows came and the rains came. And the rivers once again could not understand what had happened to them. And as they entered the mighty ocean, they asked the ocean, “You have many rivers that run into you. All these things have happened unto us. Why, for surely we are not responsible?”

And the ocean answered back unto them, “For you have forgotten from the smallest of things, the Lord, God, has sent forth life, that should produce life, and life unto life.”

And so it is in all of your lives. Each of you in your own way have posed this question to us. “Why is my life in such a turmoil? Why, when surely it cannot be my doing?”

We say unto you, the Lord, God, gave unto you free choice. That that should come into your awareness can only come into your awareness if you allow it.

We shall explain in this manner.

Once an evil soul entered into the land of Germany. And when his rule ended, no one had said it was their fault. All of them said, “We are ignorant of this. We did not allow this to happen.” Yet they did, by closing their eyes, or turning their back. Because their stomachs were filled and their houses were warm, they cared not that there were concentration camps. They cared not of the deaths of the many and the suffering of all. It is true, they allowed this in the first in the tiniest way to creep into their existence; they asked for it or it would not have happened. It is true within your own lives — allow not that into your awareness that you do not want. Do not allow it to begin, for once it has entered the doorway, in the smallest of manners — the seeds of doubt, the seeds of jealousy, the seed of hate and greed and despair. The Lord, God, gave unto you freedom of choice that your lives might be guided in such a manner that your awareness became whole. For as you were created, so shall you return, each of your own choice and your own free will….

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. In regards to the efforts that I have made to obtain a hold on coal for the group, I have been unsuccessful, and I wonder if you have any suggestion as to how I should proceed from this point?”

We shall say unto thee, fear not, for your efforts are not without fruit. We say unto you, go unto these people and say unto them — placing one small acreage, such as five or ten acreage in the center or the edge of this, and then it shall be made so. Tell of them of the need and it shall be done. But either way, the time shall come when it shall be there regardless.

You have placed great effort in that which you have tried to do. This is good. You have placed faith in that which you have tried to do. This is good. And you did place hope. These things shall not be unrewarded….

And now we say unto you unto these words. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Blessed be the name of His children, forever and ever.

We see thy need, and for whoever shall ask in our name, we shall enter the doorway and we shall provide the help that is needed. But remember, we are here but for one reason, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We have promised unto you to provide for your needs, not your wants, for those who should work and dedicate their lives unto this.

We say unto you, whoever should ask in the name of the Lord, our God, and should come forth in the pureness of heart, that that they ask for shall be given.

August 3, 1979: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee this parable.

For the Lord did promise unto the people a valley.

And different ones came to the valley that the Lord had promised, each in their own way, seeking their own needs. And some did not care for the valley and they moved on. And some stayed. And some consumed great quantities of the valley, and said, “Because this is a gift from God, I shall sell it to you at a great price.”

God did not place a price upon the valley. He placed it there for those who should seek it. And He should place other valleys for those who should seek their own valley and their own need, for not everyone should find the same, or be the same, in the same place as another.

For within each of you, you have asked us to bring spiritual guidance unto you. And we shall answer you in this manner.

Do thy love thyselves? Do thy love thy brethren? Do thy love thy God? And the temple of God should be thy body. Then why should you shun from it? Glorify the temple. Go forth within the body and be glad that you are within yourself. Find peace from within.

We say unto you, why should you believe us of the earthly things, when you do not believe us of the heavenly things? And the most heavenly thing upon the Earth is yourselves.

If each of you listen, in the still of your mind you shall hear the brook, the quiet brook that flows through a valley. And you shall look beyond, and there you shall see flowers of many kinds and colors, and beyond that you shall see trees of many kinds and many colors. And you shall see of all the animals the Lord has placed upon the Earth, in each place at a different time for a different purpose. All is in complete. All as is one. In this of the temple of the Lord, God, so it should be. The One as I, and I as the one.

We have long told you that soul Ray is I and I am soul Ray. And you could not understand this. Think upon it. We have not spoken in riddles; we have spoken in truth. We have given you knowledge as you have asked, and now we give you the greatest knowledge of all. Love one another. Love thy God. Love thyselves.

If you should get up in the morning, realize that the Lord has created a whole new world that day for you. You can make it anything you wish. It can be a dark day within your heart, or it can be a bright day. For if the rain does not come, the flowers shall not grow. If the snow should not fall high upon the mountains, the rivers shall not flow, and the brooks shall not flow. If you shall try, that each day upon your awakening, you shall look out upon the world and say unto thyselves, “Behold, for all is in beauty. Behold, for this is God’s day and He has given it to me.”

What greater gift could you have than that day and that moment? Why should you waste it with bad thoughts? Why should you waste it with the thoughts that you should argue, one unto the other, and bicker, and bring false charges into the others? If you have taken the day in truth, you shall find that there is no room for greed or hate. The day, each day, is like a light that shall never shine again. Each moment is like a beacon which will pass only that way one time. Grasp it. Take the most from it. That is why God gave it to you, that moment.

But let the other person have their moment in their way. And then you shall see the true meaning of harmony of the earth, the sky, the ocean, the heavens — all as one — and man and all things upon the planet that should be in harmony, one unto the other. For man is like a fine instrument. In the creation, all is in tune. With use and time, the tune becomes improper.

A healer may help you retune the body, and should give the spiritual need to help you retune the spirit, but only you may retune the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body as one. Only you can play the beautiful music that comes from one in tune with all.

We say unto you, there are those who seek healing. And we say unto you, the healing thy seek shall be given.

There are those of you who should seek advice, and we have just given that in the greatest abundance, if you shall only take the time to understand — not for just this moment, but make all your moments as though they were your last. If you see a tree, reach to the soul of the tree, and feel it. Reach to the earth beneath thee and see the flowers, but feel the throb of the earth, and you shall see and know it is one.

You should reach for thy neighbor. Know that harmony may come within each of you. You do not need to need what the neighbor needs, to be happy. Nor the neighbor should need what you need. It is only a matter of understanding the neighbor’s need, and saying, “This is fine, this is good; this is wonderful, for they do it as one. And because I understand my neighbor, therefore, I shall love them, one unto another. And the greatest of all loves shall flow within me, for the love my neighbor shares with God, that I share with God, and if we put this together, the glow, the light shall become greater than man has ever known.”

We are here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. To do this, we are here to try to retune the great instrument, to place within you, not for just this moment, but for all moments, for all times, of the love that he shall come by unto another, the compassion he shall feel for another.

Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever….

Woe unto thee who should worship false images, for the falseness they shall only find within themselves. Woe unto those who cannot find forgiveness, one unto another. Woe be it unto those who should divide this flock.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Pestilence shall reign. But for those who should seek to prepare the way, in truth, for those who shall bury their false prides within themselves and join together, for those who should act as the brook that feeds the river that flows to the ocean, for those, all shall come and be complete.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

September 19, 1979: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. And we say: Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto you this parable ––

and it is the Parable of the Three Wise Men.

Each house stood in a different valley, and only a hill separated each. And each in their own way preferred their own flowers around them.

And one grew roses, and in his mind he thought, “This is all the beauty there is.”

And the other grew lilacs, and he thought, “What a great aroma!…is all the beauty there is.” Then this….

And the other grew daisies, and he thought unto himself, “Then this is all the beauty there is.”

And one day there came forth upon the three valleys a wind which came from the north, the east, the south, and the west. And each of these wise men suddenly smelled the fragrance from the next valley. And they could not understand this because the fragrance was also good. And each of them did say unto their people, “There is more. The Lord, God, has placed more before us. Let us journey forth to find these beautiful fragrances.”

And so in each building, great presents were made, and great preparation, for they thought the journey should be long and hard. And they began the journey. There was a point where the three valleys ran together. There, all three met. And each asked the other the way to where this new fragrance was. And first they turned into the valley with the lilacs, and there they talked, and there they traded knowledge.

And then they journeyed into the land of the daisy, and there they talked forth again. And there they gained knowledge.

And then they traveled into the land of the rose. And once again they talked and traded knowledge. But in the trading of knowledge, they decided, “There must be more than what we have heard, for there is still one other fragrance in the air.”

And so they began to travel all through the great plain together. And as they traveled from the center of the three valleys, Before them lay the forest. In it, therefore, they saw all the flowers that God had placed upon the earth. And therefore, they found, each unto himself, a greatness.

And the people they found there lived in harmony with their children. And they said unto the people, “How can this be so? You have lived with all these things, yet you want not, nor seek not.”

And each one of these people said unto them, “For we are happy with that which we are.”

And they said, “How can this be so, when you are not all masters?”

And one said unto them, “Once, long ago, a peacemaker came unto us. And we were at war, and flowers did not grow here, and the land was barren. And he taught us and told us of the time which would come when he would return. And he placed the flowers in our valley, and he put abundance of all things. And he said, ‘Tend my flock until I return.’

“At first we thought he meant all the vegetable and the edible, but then we were soon to know that all things in the valley were things that he meant. And then we began to know that the greatest thing that he had given us was to love one unto another.”

We say unto you, we have told you a parable, a simple parable. It carries great truth. Within it, it carries hope, love, and faith. These are the ingredients, that if you shall place them unto each of you, your fulfillment, that which you seek, shall come forth. Have the faith in the Lord to know that He loves you, each of you. Have the faith to know that he shall send upon the earth the Messiah that we come here to prepare the way for, for that is our only purpose. We come here to take nothing from you. We come here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

You have many questions.

“What should we concentrate our efforts on primarily at this time?”

We shall say unto you these words: we have answered that question, the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. Begin this preparation. Prepare there within your heart for a day when you shall — a greater than the son, the Lord, and into your satisfaction, your heart within yourself.

Within your mind you have it visualized moving into the land of Arizona. You have visualized a valley of flatness, and plenty, that should provide you a place where you could implant.

And we say unto you, we have given you such a valley. And the well water, that and the land of the Dripping Springs.

We shall give other valleys in other places, as time passes. Build this one, and we shall fill unto you….

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Please give me any message the Father would have for me.” [6–290–5].

Yes, we see thy need. And the Father should look upon His children, and be proud of the same. And as you know, these are part of the vows a Minister should say unto the Prophet, and we state them unto you. You have given glory unto the Lord, and the Lord has given glory unto you. But harken, and listen well, for soon great work shall come unto you. Do not let it pass thee by, but pick it up, and hold it to thy bosom, and share it, for it should come, and a Mark, not of the Beast, but of he who should come after….

You have other questions, ask.

“[11–406–6]. ‘Will I go to North Dakota this year? If so, what month?’”

You may go any time thy wish. But that that thy seek to go after shall not come into fulfillment, for you shall find it in the land that thy dwell now….

We shall answer in this manner. Between the years which follow it unto 1985, great preparation should be underway in this land. Great readiness should be made. Plans should be drawn in your major cities for evacuation. Much greater yet, plans should be drawn and brought to the attention of the officials that the evacuation of these cities is impossible. If there are those who should live, they must stay where they dwell. Proper facilities should be made ready for them, and proper food substance should be made ready for them. And the people should stay in the lands they dwell until proper help may be sent to bring the people into the land. Now is the time that these things should be done. Now is the time that God’s people should know that the mark of the Anti-Christ is about to be placed upon them. And should they accept it, then they…. [The Eagle] now flies unto his [beckoning] call, that of the Lord. These things we say unto you, the time is crucial. The time is short, for the half-times are over.

We say unto you unto these words, where no water flowed, water shall flow. The deserts shall rise and become gardens. And [inaudible] shall lay in waste, and cities shall lay in rubble. And the sword that shall cut two ways shall strike upon the earth. And one side shall strike away man, and the souls that have departed shall flee. If you are not ready at this time, if all things are not ready, then you shall flee, and not look back. Should you be in the field, do not stop to pick up thy coat, but flee, and do not look back. And it shall be this way for forty and eight days. And then those who should come and evacuate you shall do so.

You have other questions, ask.

“We have, Aka. [11–397–2]. ‘Should I move to Tempe, or nearer, and will I be cured?’”

The cure thy seek shall come forth, and the move thy seek shall come forth. We say unto you, that which we said just before shall go unto all of you, and each of you shall take of it in your own way.

September 28, 1979: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

We say unto you, cast thine eyes to the heavens. Cast thine eyes unto the hearts of one another, and you shall find the greatest gift of all, life, and a chance for each person to take that life and bring forth in it the hope, and love, and faith that should dwell within each soul and spirit and the immortal body.

We shall say unto thee, in a land there lived a healer. Some came to him for spiritual guidance. Some came to him for the healing of the body. Others came to see, for they could not believe that God’s holy power could dwell upon the Earth, and could reach forth and dwell into each person in such a manner.

We say unto you that there were those who would come unto this healer and promise that if they might be given their health they would do this and that that for the Lord. And as soon as they were healed they forgot their promises, until they needed healing again, and then they would come back again.

And you say unto us, “Then why should the Lord continue to heal?”

And healing is like forgiving. When it was asked unto the Lord, “How many times should I forgive,” what did he say unto you?

The limit of forgiveness can only be within the limits of yourself, the limits that you shall cast down all barriers and say unto one another, “You are my brothern and my sistern. You are part of God, and God is love.” How can you hate a part of God that is a part of you?

We shall say unto that one known as [6–281–1] these words. You say unto yourself, “Where is my place?” And the Lord has looked upon you and seen your suffering, for you have been asked to walk in the shadow of the healer. It is a harder task to walk in the shadow than to be the healer. It is a greater task, because you seldom receive any praise. We say unto you, glory be your name, for it shall be held holy in the eyes of man and God, forever and ever.

There are so many who work so hard, and yet, see little reap [of] praise. And each of you who have worked and served have said unto each of you, “Why do we not receive the praise due to us?”

And we say unto you, the praise shall come [in] abundance upon you. The praise is given in the sunlight, and in the dawn, and in the sunset. It is given in the mountains and the valleys, in the trees, into the smallest thing upon your Earth. The Lord, God, says praise upon all of His children. Look at your feet. Look around you, and see that the Lord, God, shall look after His children.

We placed unto soul Ray’s mind a chapter that lays in your scripture. We placed it there so that you might have understanding, better understanding, of the time to come. And as Daniel was to see the Son of Man, he did place it forth in Daniel 10. We say unto you, not only read this, but bring it forth that all may see it, and better understand that which lies ahead of them.

We say unto you, that the great Sword now begins to cut two ways, the land and man, and beast and fowl and fish, and all things of their kind shall be cut away and replaced. Where no water flowed water shall flow. And that which you have sought to receive shall be just before you. If it is healing reach out and it shall be given. If it is a material thing, it shall be given, as long as this does not violate another person.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [11–407–2…Albuquerque]. And he asks, ‘What will my debt be when the Messiah comes?’”

We say unto you, prepare now, and believe now, and know now, that each step that you take is a step for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. If you shall know this, then you shall walk with him. If you shall not know of this, then you shall not walk at all.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [11–398–1…Quartzite, Arizona] asks, ‘What is my purpose in life? Do you have to attend church to do God’s will?’”

We shall answer your questions in this manner. The temple of God lies within you. A house of worship is only a house. It is only a building. It is only stone, brick, lumber, placed together in a certain style. No matter where you choose to worship, God shall hear you.

Jesus of Nazara brought forth unto you these words, “When you pray, go into your closet, and God shall find you.” For it is a private place within your mind that God shall hear, and know that that which you give up into the Lord in a righteous manner, and that of your needs shall be taken care of.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka.”

One moment.


Yes, we shall further answer this question. Each of you in your own way have come unto this building for spiritual guidance. Then we say unto you, wherever people should mass together in this manner, it shall be as the greatest temple, or church, as you would know it, that could ever be built, for it is the giving up of the heart unto the Lord and listening to the Lord. Blessed be this place. Let no man, from either side, put asunder that which the Lord has laid before you….

And we should say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children. And healing that is asked for in our Father’s name shall be given.

The Cherubim now rides the wind.

Soon after the church was built in 1982, some bought land across the street from it and from Ray’s ranch (he purchased in 1979 or 1980). They had searched across the U.S. for a place that they felt the Messiah would come one day. In this valley, they finally found this. It is not surprising that they named their place “Wind Spirit” for the spiritual presence they could feel in the wind, soaring over all the valley. In the sky and above, Aka’s presence was always strongly felt.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

December 7, 1979: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in the manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

And we shall say unto thee the parable of the Seven Spirits and the creation of the earth.

And when all was finished they bid God to come upon the earth and breathe the life into it.

And upon that day, God saw the sunrise upon the earth, and He said unto them, “THIS IS GOOD.”

And upon the evening, as the sun came through the leaves of the tree, and a slight wind brought it forth in such a manner that the light glistened and changed in color, and the Lord said, “THESE ARE THE THINGS I WISH FOR MY CHILDREN, FOR THEY ARE OF OUR KIND AND OUR LIKENESS. BUT THIS WIND THAT YOU HAVE PLACED, IT CAN BRING DESTRUCTION AS WELL.”

And the Seven Spirits said together, “Yes, oh Lord, this is true. But you shall see, oh Lord, that the wind shall be a cleansing thing, that some men shall ride the wind and know it, and they shall make the wind do its bidding. And some men shall stand before it, and they shall build buildings that shall fall before it. And others shall build buildings that shall stand strong, and the wind shall not strike it at all.”

And then, as they gazed upon the heavens, a storm, a mighty storm, was brought forth by the wind, and there came lightening and thunder — and all things of good and abundance.

Oro Valley, Arizona in a rainstorm


And the Seven Spirits said to the Lord, “Lord, You sent us forth unto the fields, and You said, ‘PLANT A CROP AND HARVEST IT.’ It took us a long time before we could do this and do it together. This same lesson must be learned by the children of the Lord. The day that the children of the earth could stand together, all these things that have been placed here may feed them, clothe them, and house them. But it shall not fill the spiritual substance that must fill them in time. Only when we learned to work as one spiritual substance, or being, of oneness together, could we bring forth unto the harvest unto you, oh, Lord. And if Your children shall return into your many mansions, it must be by their choice.

“And the wind shall carry them. And they shall come together. And they shall rejoice unto the making of the earth and they shall rejoice unto the Lord, and give praise and glory unto the Lord.”

And the Lord looked upon the earth and did breathe life unto the earth, and all things did stir and come to life. And all things begot unto themselves and made the earth bountiful and plenty. And the earth did enter upon the earth into all things, and it was complete.

We have told you of the beginning. Now the ending shall be up to you.

The ending should need never happen. The earth was built much like your body. God did not choose death for you; you chose it yourself. God did not choose sickness for you. These are things and plights that were placed by yourselves. God has given unto you His love. And He has said, “LOVE THY BROTHERN AND SISTERN. AND LOVE UNTO ALL THINGS THAT I HAVE GIVEN UNTO YOU. AND I HAVE GIVEN YOU DOMINION OVER ALL THINGS.”

What we have said can be placed in a very simple sentence. The Lord, God, has given you everything that is needed to build your spiritual substance and the material things that you want and need. The Lord, God, looks upon you and has given you His first begotten son.

As the time grows near when you shall celebrate this, light that light, that little candle in that quiet place within you; light it, and bring it as a gift, as the gifts were first brought. And you shall know that it shall be the greatest gift of all.

From far memory, some of you shall remember the preciseness of all events. The time of year when you celebrate this does not matter, any more than the spelling of our name. It is agreeing upon it, the rejoicing in it, the coming together with love and peace unto one another.

It is loving one person enough, or many persons enough, to give them your blessing and say, “Go, if that’s what you wish to do.” It is loving others enough to know that they can fall down, and helping them to stand, loving them enough to not become the crutch.

It is the wind and the snow. It is the autumn and the fall. It is your winters and your summers and your springs. It is all things.

For the Lord God says unto you, “MAKE ME A PLACE THAT I MIGHT REST MY HEAD.”

Prepare the way. Give glory unto God, and God shall give glory unto you. Give glory unto your brother and your sistern, and they shall give glory back unto you.

Make all these things come first in your lives. But love yourselves enough to know that some have much to give, and that is enough. Some have very little to give, and that is enough. Do not set yourselves up as judges.

We say unto you, take this day and all others and make them holy in your hearts, and a new world and a new heaven may be born within you….

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [11–411–1…of Quartzite, Arizona], and he asks, ‘We have five acres for sale; is now a good time to sell? Also, is this a safe place to live?’”

We shall answer your question in this way; now is a good time to sell. Today and tomorrow it is a safe place to live. At a later time, it shall not be. As we have said before, when that time occurs, we shall begin to move the people, and we shall find places for them to dwell. But these things you must earn.

You have one other question.

“I have a question from [11–411–2…in Scottsdale]. She asks, ‘Would it be wise for me to try to work out some way to live at Dripping Springs valley? Can I truly be of help? Will I be able to work it out financially?’”

We should answer your question in this manner. It would be wise if you stayed where you are….

The roses of heaven do not wilt. They are like the wild roses. They are like the Rose without Thorns. We say unto you, we shall place one before each of you. Pick it up and carry it with you in your heart.

We say unto you, let all of you close your eyes this moment who wish this gift, and we shall give it to you. You shall feel the warmth of it and the beauty of it, and it shall be sacred unto each of you.

January 4, 1980: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

And we shall say unto thee this parable, the parable of the three fields.

All of these fields laid within the same valley. One of the fields belonged to a farmer who worked very hard, but did nothing to replenish the ground; he only took from it. The other farmer took from the ground and put back, therefore, into it. The third farmer was lazy and did nothing with their land. He seemed that he would plant just a few things, enough for him to eat, and that was all.

The rains would come, and the sun would shine, and the years did pass. And the first farmer’s land became barren and useless. And he stood before the land and before his neighbors and did damn God. And he said unto his neighbor, “I do the same work as you, the same and more work than this shiftless one. Why should you two always be able to take from the land, and my land will bear no more?”

The one who put back into the land that he had taken, said unto him, “The Lord, our God, made us equal, and you have had an equal opportunity to place back into the soil that which you have taken from it. You have deplenished [depleted] the soil of its nutrients.”

The third farmer said, “Since your land is no good, I shall give you one half of my land, and take half of your bad land.”

The other farmer said, “I shall do the same.”

And so the three farmers went about their business, each prospering in their own way.

And the man, the first farmer, took back his damnation from God. But it was not long until he had committed the same sin unto the land. And he did come forth into his neighbors’ and damn God again.

And his neighbors said unto him, “Then I shall trade you back the land.”

And they did so. And he took back his damnation unto the Lord.

And then, the second neighbor dug a well and brought forth abundance of water, that during times of drought that he may water his land.

And the first neighbor said, “You must share this with me.”

And he looked into him and he said, “Drink that which you wish, but I shall not give you my water to plant your land.”

The third neighbor said unto him, “Dig your well, and I shall help you.”

But instead, he did give damnation unto the Lord. The land — now he was back unto his original land — they had shared and shared again. Yet he learned not from the ways of the Lord and the ways of nature. And so he did leave the valley.

And as time passed, the one neighbor who worked quite hard bought the land for taxes. It was not long until this land too plenished. But he went to his neighbor who planted little, and said unto him, “We have been neighbors for a long time. Why do you not buy one half of this land?”

The neighbor said unto him, “I do not need it. I have the land I want. I’ve always had the land I want.”

He said, “What do you mean, you have traded back and forth with this other neighbor who damaged the land?”

And this neighbor laughed unto him and said, “I plant that which I need, knowing full well that by planting that which I need, the Lord has provided for me. For you seek the material things upon the earth. I seek the spiritual things upon the earth. Would you trade me?”

The other neighbor thought upon this. And each day as he gave thanks unto the Lord, he decided that he would go about his work, but in the evening he would go and talk to his neighbor. And he went to his neighbor and he said, “I shall not stop planting my fields, nor replenishing the fields, but I need to know of the spiritual substance you speak of that has given you such strength.” And so they talked long.

And the next year, the farmer who grew very little grew more. And the farmer who grew and put back into the land, his land did seem the harvest was greater.

The third year the farmer who grew very, very little grew even more, until all of his land was planted.

And so his neighbor came unto him and said, “You have taught me much.”

And the other neighbor said unto him, “You have taught me much, for I have learned from you the value of planting land and reaping a harvest.”

And the other said unto [him],“Yes, but you have taught me the spiritual meaning of the harvest.” He said, “Take one half of this land that I took from the first neighbor for taxes.”

And the other farmer said unto him, “Nay, for one day our neighbor shall come back. And should we not give him back the land?”

This was great puzzlement unto his friend.

And one day the farmer did come back, and did offer to buy the land.

And the second farmer said unto him, “I will sell you the farm on one condition, that you learn from the third farmer of the spiritual substance that is needed in all men, and you learn from me how to place back into the land.”

And so he agreed to these terms.

At first he went grudgingly to the third neighbor’s home. And he went grudgingly each day to learn how to place back into the land. But as the year passed, and a new harvest came forth, there was no more grudgery within him. And he said unto his neighbors, “How could have God forsaken me all this time and not given me this knowledge?”

And the two neighbors said unto him, “God has not forsaken you, even when you damned Him, and profaned Him, for He has walked with you all the way. And He did bring you back here, and all these things you have learned is because of God.”

He left them.

And for a week they could hear him working, but they could not see what he was doing. And then he came unto them, and he said, “Would you come to my house for worship?” And so their families went unto the house to worship. And there he had built an altar, and he said unto these words, “I am God, and God is I.”

We have told you this story to answer in the minds of more than one a question….

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [12–412–1…Long Beach, California]. She asks, ‘How soon should we consider moving from California, and where?’ And then she also says, ‘I pray to awaken to more understanding to be of more service to others.’”

We will say, in a two-year period the foundation that you seek should be built well.

A way has been opened. Seek out this way, and the knowledge you seek shall lay before you.

As we said before, the whole valley has been laid before you….

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. All that God places before you He places for a time, to fill your need, to take you one step closer to your own, made destinies. There are those who think they have been cast down, when the truth is they’ve only been cast upward.

We say that wars and rumors of wars are about you. And sometimes your politicians play foolish games. We say unto you, bind together. Love one another.

February 8, 1980: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee the Parable of the Valley.

And the Lord’s children said unto the Lord, “Oh, Lord, give us a place.”

And so the Lord laid forth unto them this valley. And in the valley there was an abundance of water and good soil, and so the children went into the valley. And there into the valley there was the mineral substance that those who needed lay forth unto the same. And some of God’s children went into the earth to bring forth their treasurers, into that of the minerals. Others went forth and planted their crops; some were of vegetable, some were that that was needed to feed their livestock. And others utilized the land just to live upon.

At first, they quarreled over small things. And then one day they said unto one another, “Let us build a meeting place, a place of worship.”

But each looking into the other, did not have that of the monetary value to do such. So they began to take turns, meeting in one house and then the other. And soon, as they began to pray together, soon they found that they really were not so much unalike. They found great wisdom within each other’s minds. They found the art of giving, and the art of receiving.

Yet the land even became more and more into more bountiful things.

And the people thought unto themselves, “How much more could the Lord give unto us than that which He has already given?”


Many were very skeptical about this, for the bountiful amounts that the Lord kept giving. And then, the children of the Lord said, “Lord, provide, therefore, unto another valley.”


And the people looked around and about, and they thought, “How can we do this? How shall we take and go into this land, when we have already bought all the land we can?”

What they did not think of is the children of the Lord is a bountiful amount. Open the door that they may enter; let them come forth and buy other land that is needed. Let them cherish their thoughts and their dreams, and let them come into fulfillment.

What we are saying unto you is quite simple. The Lord, God, has placed before you all of the things you have asked for, all of your needs — as we said when we came, that we would provide for your needs, not always your wants, but your needs. And we struck, therefore, a covenath [covenant] with you, and we have fulfilled this covenath. For all those who should come forth in the preparation of the coming of the Messiah, their needs shall and have and will be provided for.

And we said unto you, we have come not to change the Laws of Moses, or the prophecies. We have come not to change that of the words of the one known as Jesus of Nazara. We have only come to show you the further fulfillment of the whole — and that is the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

We shall say unto you unto these words. If the Lord provided you with a horse, and you ran the horse to death, who would you damn, the Lord God, the horse, or yourself?

The words that were left unsaid from the last reading that we had implanted in soul Ray’s mind, he did say unto you unto your last Sabbath. Yet you did not understand that which he said to you, for you felt that he was speaking to you not as the prophet. And when should you should divide that which he is? We say unto you, all these things shall be provided. If you need a house, ask for a house, and these things shall come forth.

One might wonder about the house of which Ray spoke the previous Sunday, February 3 1980, that Aka implanted in his mind, that was left unsaid in the previous reading?

March 7, 1980: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee into this manner. As the Seven Angels did come forth in the creation of the Earth, there came into them the dis­cussion of man’s thought form, and what could be done about it.

And one of the spirits said, “This could be a bad thing, for think of all the bad thoughts that man might think, and leave behind for other men to stumble upon.”

And then the other said, “But think of all the good things that man will think, and leave behind for men to stumble upon.”

And one said, “Yes, but that would be interference of freedom of will.”

And they decided they would take it unto the Lord, God.


And so the Seventh Angels, or the Seven Spirits, said unto the Lord, “We shall accept your wisdom, and we shall watch and we shall see.”

And they did watch as man passed forth and left forth upon each thing he touched the thought form, the memory of himself. And each person touched and retouched, and in a manner, it was a way of passing forth love, affection, and also fear. It was a way that, from generation unto generation, that man might one day touch himself, once again, and know by the touch that he had been there.

And so it is as each of you touch one another with your minds, you leave behind a memory of that touch. There are some whose touch might be deadly, yet it cannot affect one whose touch is whole and in one unto another.

You wonder why we have brought this parable to you. If the thousand touches came together and magnify in love, then a thousand shall become a million, and a million shall become ten million.

There will be many who shall say unto you, “This is a bad touch, and this is a good touch.” Decide for yourselves. Make your own decisions. You are a stubborn lot, you sons and daughters of Abraham. But I say unto you, it is because of your independence that you shall cast aside the Anti-Christ and become one unto the Lord, your God.

In your lives you have touched wealth in the desert, and roses in the mountains. Take all these thoughts into your next lifetime. There is yet much destruction about you through earthquake, tornado, hurricane, and flooding. Yet those of the Lord, wherever they have touched, God shall know and see, and their needs shall be taken care of.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children.

You have a question, ask….

“Yes, Aka, I have a question for the sake of our membership in general. Would you comment on any impending financial crisis in this country in the coming year or so?”

Yes, we see your need. And we shall say unto you unto these words. You have a bad leader who has brought this country near its death. Yet there are those who should pick it up and put it back together again.

We shall say unto you, that as two brothers were taken, the last shall be the greater, and could be the difference whether this country is led by the nose by the Anti-Christ or not.

Note: Were the two brothers U.S. President John Kennedy and Senator and former U.S. Attorney General Robert Kennedy? Days before his assassination in November 1963, President Kennedy signed an executive order to issue U.S. dollars backed by silver from the U.S. Treasury, rather than the Federal Reserve notes issued by a private international company, the Federal Reserve. Robert was assassinated June 6, 1968, after he just won the California Presidential primaries in the 1968 election. In a famous speech, President Kennedy warned in a speech on April 27, 1961 of secret societies and attack from within.

We told you before, the one who would sign the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt would be of the false prophet and would be of the Anti-Christ, and it would be a false peace.

The March 26, 1979, Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty was signed by Egyptian President Anwar Al Sadat (right) and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin (left) at the encouragement of U.S. President Jimmy Carter (center) whose Presidency was from 1977–1981.

But hear our words. Many shall stand before you and say, “Choose I; choose I!” And many shall stand before you and lie and say, “Look at me, how great I am.”

We say unto you, this country that has been blessed by the Lord must continue….

Now is the time of the Cherubim, and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.


We say these words unto you − bond together, and the needs shall be taken care of.

March 14, 1980: You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have a question from [12–417–1]. She asks, ‘I need to make a decision regarding where I am to live. Should I remain in Tucson, or consider living in Globe?…

We shall answer in this manner. The time shall come when your journey to Globe shall be a necessity, both for your moral and physical support….

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. We have a question from Flagstaff as to how long the people living there have before it will be unsafe to live there.”

If all goes well, five years period.

We shall tell you the story of Jonah.

“Now the word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time, saying, ‘Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and preach to it the message that I tell you.’”

And he did come forth and warn these cities of their destruction if they did not change their way. All these things may happen, the destruction of this land. Yet again, as we have told you before, your thoughts may turn and divert this, and hold this land. But it must be your will and your asking.

You have other questions.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [10–391–4…Las Cruces, New Mexico]. And he’s asking about — will he have advance warning as to when he should move to Round Valley, and will he be given time to pick a route and get some cattle together so that he could drive them?”

Yes, we have told you before, form a plan. Produce this plan in such a manner that the people in your area will come together, and that the help that you shall need shall be laid forth from your national headquarters. If you shall do this, it shall allow the shepherd and the Prophet to send forth those who should come and assist you in your journey, and a passageway shall be provided at that time.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [12–417–2]. He asks, ‘Am I fulfilling my role in life that I am supposed to, and is there some way I can be more useful to the community of man?’”

We should answer your question in this manner. To be very specific, you have the experience necessary to formulate the plans that are necessary for the evacuation and safety of the people of your area. Do so….

Now we say unto you unto these words. Now is the time of great decision, a decision that should bring your country forth as one nation before God or it shall cast your country back as a Sodom and Gomorrah. It is your choice in the next few months to make these choices.

You heard our words at the last reading. Take from them. But remember, this country was built by the people, for the people, and all the people. It must stand that way. If you cast prayer from your lives, you cast God from your lives. If you allow radical people to disrupt your lives, you cast God from your lives. If you allow radical people to disrupt and destroy, then you shall have no country at all and it shall become as the whore of Babylon. It is a precise time, and many powers are at work at this time. And the greatest power is the Beast that should prepare the way for the Anti-Christ and his reign.[See The Revelation, chapters 12–18.]

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

At Easter, a Healing Springs Is Given —

“As the water of life flows in the valley, let those who should hear our words take knowledge and meaning.”

At Easter, April 4, 1980, ten years after their arrival, Aka spoke of others who had prepared a way before for the Messiah’s coming: And we shall say unto you, unto this way, for we see thy need, and we shall say unto thee the parable.

In the time of this you would call the Essenes, and of these had come together for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, and that also of the coming of John the Baptist. And all did come together. But those who prepared the way for John, and worked with John, became so obsessed with his preparation that when John said, ‘Follow that of Jesus of Nazara,’ many quarreled.

Does this not look a little like the Dripping Springs in Arizona?Through Ray Elkins, 19 years of recorded and transcribed messages came from spiritual messengers of God, Aka, which are archived nearby. But Qumran is an archaeological site in the West Bank managed by Israel’s Qumran National Park. It is located on a dry plateau about 1.5 km (1 mi) from the northwestern shore of the Dead Sea, near the Israeli settlementand kibbutz of Kalya. The Hellenistic period settlement was constructed during the reign of John Hyrcanus, 134–104 BCE or somewhat later, and was occupied most of the time until it was destroyed by the Romans in 68 CE or shortly after. It is best known as the settlement nearest to the Qumran Caveswhere the Dead Sea Scrolls were hidden, caves in the sheer desert cliffs and beneath, in the marl terrace. Photo of the Qumran caves by 9old9 — Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=16874245

Many were sure that John was the Messiah, yet he said, ‘No.’ And upon John’s death, many stories were told that Jesus had had John put to death so that he might become the greater.

Judas came to Jesus and said, “Why do you not go and destroy the walls where he is imprisoned?”

And Jesus said back unto him, “For John’s time is now complete and he shall go unto another land, and soon so shall mine be.”

Judas mistook the words that he said. He thought to force Jesus into becoming a worldly king, and therefore, he did go forth and betray him. All these things that Jesus did, and Judas did, and John did, were as it would be so.

But remember, Jesus was crucified in the eyes of the people for crimes he did not commit.

Not once did he steal, nor lie, nor once did he break the commandments of the Lord. Nor did John.

Yet, they were punished. They paid with their lives.

You come forth now to say that you shall celebrate the crucifixion, and we say to you, who shall celebrate John’s death?

All has come forth for this time. Once again, when greatness of the world and the Lord shall be made mighty, the way shall be prepared. All these things we say unto you.

But they cannot be prepared upon lies and deceit. Love one another as ye would love this one. Come together as brethren and sistren. Do not take from this as a selfish thing as Judas did.

Take from it and know that it is of the kingdom of God we speak, and the world we speak of is your world, your earthly plane. We have come not to make kings upon the earth. We have come not to place our hands upon one or another and say, ‘Hold this one in a righteous manner.’ We say, hold yourselves in a righteous manner.

We have come not to change the Laws of Moses, of the prophecies of Isaiah, or the covenant given unto you from Jesus; yet we have come that a new covenant may be placed upon the earth and in the heavens and universe. We have come to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.

We have come unto you not to bring hate upon the world, but love. We have come unto you not to bring suspicion, or make liars of you. We came for none of those purposes.

Take from our words; as we have said before, that that shall be as a food to you. Know that from where we are, these things that you are going through have long been in past tense; yet for us once again, that we may succeed in our task, we say unto you, open the door that we may enter.

And now we say unto you,

of the spring of life in the valley, where the water flows and begins to seep into the ground, there a pool of 16-by-30 measures should be placed.

This pool should be made from 4-to-8 foot, and should be lined with stone and mortar that the water may come from the springs of life and flow out.

In the early 1980s, Ray built a dam, as Aka asked, to catch the water that dripped from the springs. A pond soon filled with water, and reeds grew along it in the shallow places. In the photos, those gathered for a spring retreat several years later clean the pond of reeds and debris, so that the water will run. Some happily recall another Sunday in the late 80's when those who gathered at church (built in 1982) accompanied Ray up the hill to the pool by the blessed healing springs for a baptism. Ray sprinkled the infant with blessed water that flowed from the springs of life, while the Lord, God, looked upon and blessed her. Then the 6'4" Ray held the baby up high in his outstretched arms, as he asked the Father to annoint the newborn with the greater Life that flows from God. Ray said, “L’chaim!” (L’chaim means “to life” in Hebrew.) The powerful, holy, spiritual messengers He sends stood in attendance with the crowd, as all of heaven and earth rejoiced. It seemed as though there was no time. God’s spiritual messengers made their presence known as when they baptized through John the Baptist in a place in the desert wilderness that looked much like this one. Were we transformed into the past, or was the past also in the present as we witnessed a baptism in spirit and in truth? For where the Father and His spiritual messengers dwell there is no time. Jesus tells us in Mark 11:30: “The baptism of John — was it from heaven or from men? Answer Me.” Matthew 21:25 continues: “And they reasoned among themselves, saying, ‘If we say, “From heaven,” He will say to us, “Why then did you not believe him?” But if we say, “From men,” we fear the multitude, for all count John as a prophet.’ So they answered Jesus and said, ‘We do not know.’ And He said to them, ‘Neither will I tell you by what authority I do these things.’”

And yet, we shall say unto you, that of the prophet unto you, the robe shall be changed. The robe that is now shall be encased and placed nearby the springs. A new robe, and it shall bear only white, shall be brought forth. For now a ten-year period has passed, and now we shall take you forth into newer things, and transitions.

And angels shall walk upon the earth and talk to many.

For now the armies of heaven shall descend upon you to make way and to prepare for the coming.

Many shall hear voices, but we say unto you, make certain that these are the armies of God, not the armies of Lucifer.”[See The Revelation of John, chapter 19.]…

You have other questions.

“Thank you, Aka. [H___ B____…Albuquerque, New Mexico] asks, ‘Are there any active center of light communities within a hundred-mile radius of Albuquerque, New Mexico? If so, where? Thank you very much.’”

We see thy need. And we shall say unto you, there are many of you in Albuquerque. Is it not time that you brought forth unto a church? Can you not see? Have you not heard? For the kingdom of God is about you.

Jesus said unto you these words. “When the wind blows from the east you know you shall have warm weather and it shall be dry. When the clouds gather in the sky and the thunder and the lightening is about you, you know it shall rain. When snow falls upon your heads, you know it shall snow. If you can read the signs of the earth can you not read the signs of the time?”….

Now we should say unto you, our time grows short, and we shall say unto those who should ask this question, “How should I stand beneath the cross and let the drops of blood come forth and touch my brow?”

We say unto you, those drops, when they fell, were of purity, were of unselfishness. And for those who they fell upon, they were changed from that moment on.

We have asked you to prepare the way for the coming, and we have said unto you, listen to this one called soul Ray. Listen to his words. For he prepares not a place for himself. And the blood that should come from his body is as the blood that came from the cross. As you know, he has a blood disease that is unusual, for he produces more red cells than normal and more blood than normal, almost as though he should belong from another place and another time. Can you not see that the blood he gives up is the blood that the Father nor the Lamb desires? It knows it is necessary, so that proof might come forth to those who seek miracles.

We say unto you, ten years of your time has passed.

Let love and compassion be your words, for nothing has been taken from you, only added to. Let those who say, “I have been harmed or wronged,” look deep within them. Have they not more now than they had when they came? Have they not heard that that we speak? Can they not see around them? Take hatred, suspicion from your hearts. Cast it aside. Love one another. Love one another as you would wish to be loved yourself. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

We say unto you —

God pleads unto you — prepare this way.

Open the door. Love one another.

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, May 9, 1980: Yes, we see thy need. We shall answer in this manner; glory be the name of the children, glory be the name of the Lord, forever and ever.

And we say unto you, for we should say unto thee the Parable of Faith.

And it was a time of drought. And the farmer plowed his fields and began to sow.

All those around him looked at him and said, “Why should you do this? No rain comes. Your crops shall not grow.”

And the farmer said unto them, “I must be ready when the Lord brings forth His bountiful.”

And they said unto him, “But this is the year of the drought. How do you know that the Lord shall provide the rain you need?”

And he looked unto them and said, “If there is a Lord — and I know there is — then I know there shall be rain, for He shall not let His children go hungry.”

Yet they doubted. And they said, “How can this be so?”

And the farmer looked back unto them and said, “For my Father has said, ‘ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE,’ and I have asked.”

That night this stranger came unto them. And twelve of the — came with him, came as his disciples. And this stranger was known as a great healer and many gathered around to be healed.

And he looked upon them and said, “Why do you believe of the things of this earth when you cannot believe of the things of heaven?”

And they said unto him, “What do you mean?”

And he said, “One among you has the faith to know that that he asked for from God shall be provided, in the amounts he has asked for. You have so little faith that you have laughed at him.”

All the others did not know what to say.

And the farmer who had the great faith, he went to the stranger and said, “Heal them, Lord, and forgive them, for I have a faith enough for all of them. And the rain shall not just fall upon my field, it shall fall upon all their fields.”

And so this stranger and his twelve disciples worked among all the people and brought healing. And as the last person was healed, so the rain began to fall — and not just on one field, but upon all fields.

And when the sun did come forth, and fields rose forth upon the earth to bring food to the people, then all the farmers and all the people from around about did come unto this one, and said, “Teach us faith.”

And the man, the farmer, looked upon them, and said, “I cannot teach you faith. Only you can do this for yourself. The gifts of God come to all, as the rain drops. Some should take that gifts that God has given and have the faith to know that it is true. Others shall not. It is the freedom of choice that God has placed upon all of His children….”

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, thank you. What is the source of the reoccurrence of herbicide contamination that seems to be affecting us? How should we deal with it?’”

We shall answer you in this manner, in the pollen — that that that should come from the root that should come into your plants and come forth at this time of year. We should suggest that that of the Alpearon be used. And we would suggest that that of the sage tea be used, and that of the prickly pear be used. And it should come forth, and tea should be placed, taking 1/4 of the water of the Dripping Springs, to 1/4 of the prickly pear; therefore, the Yerba Santa be placed and the sage be placed in the same to make a tea. And the honey of the local area be used. That, with what you would call, for the male, which you have named the M.E. 10, and for the female, that you call, the Femina 6, or the — yes — with the new formulas that have come into completeness, with the necessary vitamins placed forth into them, these also should be used.

May 30, 1980: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the children. Glory be the name of the Lord.

And we shall say unto you unto these words, this parable.

For there was a valley. And in the valley there was an abundance that the Lord had laid forth in waiting for His people.

And the Lord did bring His people into the valley.

And there were those who lived in the mountains around the valley, and at first they were very suspicious of these people.

And the people did bring forth fruit and vegetables and grains of many kinds. And they did bring forth their livestock, and it did multiply and multiply again. And the Lord smiled upon the valley, for that that it was put forth for was coming into full blossom.

And there was mineral and substance in the mountains and that of the valley in itself. And there were those who went forth to bring forth this mineral. And soon all were working in harmony.

There were those who could not, and would not, work with the others. Into them, and into those people, the Lord banished them from the valley.

And the people did set forth a temple, or an altar, as you would call it, a place of worship. And they built a building, therefore, that they should meet in. And then, therefore, they brought forth, and did bring from the springs of the mountains a healing pool that all might share in.

And then came forth many people. And soon, there were clinics there.

And man from all over the Earth sought this valley, and sought the multitude that came from it.

And, some were jealous, and they did say wanton things of this, the valley, and the people, therefore, in it. And they accused them of witchcraft and sorcery. But the Lord laid His hand firmly upon the valley. And no matter who could attack it, none could set it asunder, for those who would try would soon leave that valley.

Now we say unto you, such a valley has been laid before you, and abundance shall come from it with hard work, and determination, and the will of yourselves and your belief in your God. The valley is a place at this time; yet, the valley shall be laid forth in all men’s heart who wish it so, for the wellsprings of God shall flow for all, and for all those who should seek forth its abundance.

We say to you, look within yourselves, and say unto yourselves, “What can this valley give to me?” Nay.

Say unto yourself, “What can I give unto the valley of my soul, my spirit, my immortal body?”

There is healing that has been asked for, and we have brought forth an instrument to bring forth the same. And we have shown you of these many herbs of nature that might help this come forth and about. And we say unto you the greatest of all gifts of man is to love one another, and to give back unto the Lord one-tenth of the love that He has given unto you.

One such man came into this valley, and he was healed, and he could walk. And another could see again; another could hear again, for there was many, as you would call them, miracles.

Yet that valley began ten years ago in the minds and hearts of those who would allow us to come into their hearts.

There are great earthquakes that rumble upon the earth, and volcanic action, as we told you there would be. All this is but one more sign that should tell those people that now is the time to leave that land. Some shall not listen.

For within the next two-year period, the earthquake and volcano action shall come forth in many fold — a hundredfold, a thousand fold, a million fold.

But we say unto you, if a man stands beneath the volcano and his heart is content with himself and his God, and he chooses this place, the volcano cannot hurt him. It may kill that of the human body, but it cannot touch the immortal, the soul or the spirit. So do not weep if they should die, but wish them well. And do not say, “What foolish people are they who choose to stay,” for it is their will, the will that God gave unto them, the free will that no man can take.

We say unto you, the valley is like the pool within you, that quiet place where the candle grows, the eternal flame of life. It is like love, and hope, and faith. It is all these things, and more.

Reach out upon the land, wherever you stand, and bless it, and know that the Lord has blessed it. For in the beginning, your whole Earth was holy land. Only man has separated it, not God….

We shall bring love unto your hearts. We shall sprinkle teardrops across the valley of your hearts. Flowers shall bloom. Rejoice! Rejoice, for is this not the time that we prepare for, the time of the coming of the Messiah?

June 7, 1980: And we should say unto thee this parable. For upon the mountain there was three shepherds. And they had joined their flocks together. And at first there was peace and harmony.

And then, one day, one of the shepherds went over the mountain and there was a fourth, with his flock. And he ran back unto the other shepherds, and he said, “Beware, there is another shepherd, over the mountain.”

And so the three shepherds began to plan and scheme. And then another one of the shepherds went up to see this fourth shepherd. The fourth shepherd saw him and called out to him, but he ran back.

And soon the three shepherds began to build a mighty wall. And they put all their flock inside of this wall. But soon, there was no feed for their flock, and their flock became diseased, and began to waste away.

And the three shepherd said, one unto the other, “This mighty shepherd out there, this unknown shepherd, maybe one of us could go forth, and therefore, bargain with him for part of our flock, that he might not destroy us.” And so it was decided to draw lots.

And so the one shepherd who had drawn the lot reluctantly went over the mountain.

And when the other shepherd saw him, he greeted him, and said, “Come, come into my camp.” And he brought forth the fatted lamb, and brought forth a great feast. The shepherd ate, but did not speak at all.

And he went back into his fort, and he said to the others, “He must be up to trickery, for he has given me a great feast. There must be others there, for he could not provide such a great feast.”

And still their stock began to die away. And so they drew lots once again.

And this time one of the other shepherds went forth. And again the shepherd hailed him, and brought forth a great feast, and suggested that he come and join him. But the shepherd once again became afraid and ran back over the mountain into his fort. And still his flock dwindled away.

And finally the last shepherd went over the mountain. And the shepherd again brought forth a mighty feast, and he looked out, and there was this — the flock had multiplied and multiplied again. And he ran back and he said, “For this one must have some great form of witchcraft.”

And still they forted themselves up, until all of their flock was gone.

And then upon almost upon starvation they went over the mountain, there, all three to be greeted by the shepherd.

And they said, “We have lost our flock, and yours have multiplied. Why is this, and why could it be so?”

And the shepherd said, “Is the food not good on the other side of the mountain? Is there not great meadows, and streams, and bountiful of food and water?”

And they said, “There are all those things.”

Then the shepherd said, “I shall go with you and see what this great problem you have is.”

On the journey, they planned and plotted to kill the shepherd and rid themselves of him.

And the shepherd looked upon the valley and the fort, and he said, “What is that thing?”

“And that,” they said, “we have built for protection.”

And the shepherd looked and said, “Um hum. Why should you need protection? From me? From the wolves, there are no wolves here? There’s only me and my flock.”

And the shepherds began to hesitate.

And the other shepherd said, “Come. Take away this fortress you have built. Clean the ground and I shall share my flock with you.”

Still they were suspicious. Yet, they would have something to gain. And so they took part of his flock.

And the shepherd went on.

And gradually, their flock began to multiply.

And again they went to the other side of the mountain, and there they found another shepherd. And he hailed them. And they ran back once again to fortify.

The shepherd, the first shepherd they had met, came over the hill to see them building their great fortress. And he said, “Why? Why are you fortifying?”

And they said, “Oh, do you not know? There is another shepherd over on the other side of the mountain. And he is different from us. Even his sheep are a different color.”

The shepherd laughed, and walked over to the other side of the mountain. And he hailed him. And the shepherd hailed back, and came forth.

This shepherd was of a different color. Yet the two talked and laughed, and the other three thought, “How can this be?”

And the two walked forth and became five. And they sat in counsel. And they told of their Lord, their God, who was always with them, and that they need not build fortresses, for God stood with them in all things — and that God had a son, and the son came forth upon the world to give love and sharing. The other three could not understand these things.

But they finally made agreement with the other two shepherds to join their flock all together, for now was the time of the market. And as they journeyed forth they came upon this stranger.

The other two rushed forth in great gladness to greet him. The other three held back. This town they had come to was a town called Jerusalem.

Before the Passover was to end, this stranger, this loving stranger they had met would be crucified.

And those three went back and built another fortress, for they had not found the love, the compassion and the trust that should be given one unto another.

This is the same as your own groups. Be as a mirror. Reflect out light, and let the light be love and compassion, and faith and hope. Bind together, and no wolves may enter your camp, only God and the light of that that is to come — the coming of the Messiah….

“[12–423–3] asks, ‘What can I do to help in preparing for the coming of the Messiah?’”

“We say unto you, there is much work to be done, the preparation of food, the preparation of the soul, the spirit, the body, and the immortal body. We say to you, make the first step. Make the decision to walk in the light of God. Denounce no religion, and denounce no man. Place yourself in a righteous manner. Remember, you shall make mistakes, many of them, and you shall find yourself upon the ground, and the gentle hands of God helping you up. If you wish to serve God, there is already a way placed before you. If you wish to help prepare the way, touch ten, and they shall touch a hundred, and therefore, so it shall grow.…”

“[12–421–1] asks, ‘Am I fulfilling my destiny, my life’s plan? What more can I do in the now and the future to help others and myself?’”

“Yes, we see thy need, and we shall say unto you, bind together. Bring forth study groups to learn, to prepare. Do not say you have all the truth, only show them the truth you have, and they shall come and multiply. There is a way for those in the town of Albuquerque, and there is a way that this city shall be spared, if enough can be found to turn it in a righteous direction.”

June 13, 1980: Yes, we see thy need; we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of the people.

And we shall say unto you this parable.

For it is in a time when the earth began great movement and volcanoes thrust forth into the heavens, and molten upon the earth. And earthquakes did shake the earth and tremble, and the earth did split away. And man became frightened, and animals, and all these things. And they began a great migration.

And they entered the great mountains. And they looked around about them, and they thought, “How can we survive in such a place as this, in such a wilderness?” They knew not of the mountains. These were city people, people who had dwelt only in the city, and when they needed bread they did barter for it. They knew none of these things. What small food they had brought with them would soon run bad.

And yet they traveled on. And they came into the high valleys of the mountain. They looked upon it, and it was the spring of the year, and it was the most beautiful thing they had seen — flowers everywhere, the streams full of trout, all sorts of abundance of game thereabout.

And so they [stuck] about, building their buildings, and taking that from day to day that they needed for food.

There was wild wheat that grew in the valley, yet none paid any attention.

One day that that they would call a mountain man did come into the valley. And he tried to explain to them that the winters would come and be severe, and all the things that they had in abundance to eat would be gone if they did not store now, and dry their fish and dry their meat, and store the wheat, and take other vegetables that grew wild in the valley. And he tried to tell them of root cellars, of places they could store all this abundance of food.

Yet, they listened not.

The mountain man had planned to settle among them, and he decided, no, he could not settle and watch all these people die. So he went on forth into another valley and busied himself with the gathering and storing of food for the winter.

Yet, these people in this other valley were of a great concern to him because, being the type of man he was, all life had become very precious. And so, he decided he would put back abundance more, not just for himself, but for others.

And when the winter came forth, he made himself snow shoes from the leather of the skins of animals that he had used, and he did bring some food with him and make the journey unto the other valley. And there, as he knew, they were starving. And so he took what food he had and laid it in their doorstep.

Once a week he would do the same.

And finally, spring did come. He never did enter into their homes in all this time. And when spring came, the people were thin, but they were all alive. And he ventured forth into their valley. And all were interested in what he had had to say.

And one of their leaders came forth unto him and begged him forgiveness, and said, “Why did we not listen to you?”

The mountain man looked at him. And he said, “When you were in your cities, in your flatland, why did you not leave when your prophets told you that the time was near?”

And one of the leaders said, “Well, we — it could not happen to us.”

And he said,“Yes, that is one; you escaped. But with very little tools or other provisions, you have naught. You do not even have books to teach your children. So now you must make books.”

And so he spent the whole long summer, from spring to autumn, in preparing them. In the meanwhile, he made trips back into his other valley and he did store once as he had before, the year before.

Yet, with all they had stored and all they knew, still he brought provisions from the other valley into this one. And so it went into the third year.

And he came forth and said, “Why is it with, instead of preserving some of the seed, you eat it all? You have saved nothing for your spring planting.”

And they said, “Well, as once before, it could not happen, another severe winter as bad as the last.”

The mountain man said, “One more time I shall help you, and then I shall leave you to your own folly. Even the smallest of the animals here know how to preserve their food, yet you, you do not.”

And he said unto them, “You have built a church building to worship your God, yet you listen to Him not. You have built a great building, and spent a long time in its building, yet you have forgotten the greatest of commodities that should go into the building.”

When the leaders asked him what, he said, “God.”

And they said, “What could a mountain man like you know of God?”

The mountain man had been taught from childhood not to argue over God, and so he did not. He said, “If you wish to eat from my table, come. If you do not, then do not.” And he left them.

Some of the people from the valley began to realize that this mountain man was a greater leader than all they had. And so they picked up all their belongings and moved into the valley where he was, and said to him, “Be our leader. Show us your way.”

And he said unto them, “My way is the way of the earth, the sky, the heavens, and the water.”

And the people were quite surprised to learn in this same valley there was those of the Indian people. And they worked in harmony. And late at night, after the sun was down, when they were working on hides and other work, the mountain man talked of his philosophy.

And one of the men said, “I have heard men talk as you; our prophets in the lowland talked as you, yet we heard them not. Why did we not hear them not? Why did we not hear their warnings?”

Finally, the mountain man said unto them, “Because your prophets in the lowlands refused to lead you by the hand. And even when they offered, you refused them because you did not want to know of any ill thing happening to you; you could not believe it until it did. Yet, it was written thousands of years ago, and all the prophecies are now coming true.”

We say unto you, this is but a parable, a parable in truth. Prophecy is coming true before your eyes, yet you hear it not. For we have said before, this land of yours shall be the great melting pot, migration pot, as things grow worsen. Be as the mountain man. Gather your crops together, that you may survive and others also. But the survival of the body is nothing if the spirit does not survive with it.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request from [6–290–5], and she asks, ‘Could you give me a life reading? Thank you, dear ones.’”

We see thy need. We say unto you, not at this time. At another time this shall be brought forth, and your question shall be answered. But our time at this time is short.

There are other questions that lie in your mind, and we shall answer these, and that is of your children in the land and [in which it] shall become the isles of California. And you worry that they are doomed in the land they live. And we say unto you, for your sake, safety shall be brought about them, and a safe passage shall be made unto them. And then and only then shall they know of the wisdom of your words….

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [12–424–2…Las Vegas, Nevada] asks, ‘I am now renting. How can I obtain my own home, and the kind and size of home that I desire?’”

(Chuckle) Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Your wants are one thing, your needs are another. You do not need, at this time, the elaborate house that you desire. But if you wish it, ask in our Father’s name, and it shall be given. But remember, know this, ask for a way to pay for it also, and to maintain it. Do not just ask part of the way, for the Lord only cares that you have a roof over your head. How elaborate it is is up to you.

Now we say unto you unto these words. As we have said before, the time now grows near when that that shall happen in the California, Oregon, Washington, and Arizona regions shall begin. More and more, the earthquakes shall be felt upon the land, and new volcanic action shall increase, and new volcano[es] shall erupt. Soon these things shall be made clear. Hurricane and tornado shall [increase] to the eastern seaboard. We shall also say unto you that earthquakes shall occur in Nebraska, Kansas, and they shall be quite severe, stronger that any others have been felt before. Your South American region shall be wracked with those of the same. But for those who walk in a righteous manner before God, and are willing to do this work, fear not, for all shall be made ready for you when you ask.

Spiritual messengers of God, September 19, 1980: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Four of the wisest men upon the Earth, from the four corners of the Earth, had decided to come together, that they might learn from one another and take back into their own lands that that they would receive. And so they journeyed far across the land, through the mountains and deserts, and through the valleys. And they did come forth upon a mesa.

And they brought with them those who would stand in attendance and help each one. As they came together, each one who attended the other at first were jealous, for they felt that their teacher was greater than the other three. But then they decided there must be a greater knowledge on the other side or from the other person. And they reached out to learn from the others. And they said among themselves, “We must elect one of the four which [will] be greater, and stand to lead all of us.”

The four had heard all these things. And none did comment. They stood in their own places, and found their own seats among the fire that gave forth the light and the warmth. And they said unto one another, “First, let us pray unto the Lord that this meeting should come out to fit into His greater pattern. Then leteach of us contribute our knowledge, that we may take from one another.” And so, they did do so.

And one of the wise men said unto the others, “I have brought this message for you, for I believe in your truth, I believe in your knowledge. I have brought this message from my people that was given unto us — to love one another, to share with those who would allow you to share, to give of the knowledge as a free thing.”

And another shepherd said, “I hear, and I too have come from my people. And our greatest gift that we may bring unto you is faith, the faith that binds us together in peace and love, the faith that we will accept your gifts in such a manner that it shall not insult you, nor insult God.”

The third said, “I have come forth, and I bring the gift of hope, in the hope that I too, and our people, shall accept your faith and love in such a manner that it shall not offend you, and not offend God.”

And the fourth sat for a long time. And the other three said, “Have we offended you?”

And he said, “No. It is just that your gifts are so great and so beautiful I have taken into myself that I must bring forth thought. And that is a gift I may bring you, the thought that love, hope, and faith may bring eternity to our people, may bring life and health and happiness, that all these things may spread out unto you. Let us link ourselves together. Let the soul substance of each of us join in the center, and let it feed from there unto the four corners of the Earth.”

And so they brought forth unto the souls, not only of themselves, but the souls of the land they had come from, the souls of the people who were willing, and supported them in their journey. And it was a beautiful blending of light and sound that came forth in the center. And all was in awe of such a beautiful sight.

And then they said, “Let us sleep and eat, and then, in the morrow we shall talk further.” And so they did sleep and they ate.

And then, of the second day the first wise man said, “I bring you knowledge of one who should come. He is coming to bring peace unto the Earth. And he has said unto us to prepare a way. I bring you this gift.”

And the second said, “I too bring this same gift.”

And the third said, “I too bring the same gift.”

And the fourth, once again, was very thoughtful. And they said unto [him], “Have we offended you in any way?”

And he said, “Nay. But I too have brought this gift. But I must show you that those gifts that you have already given are what we need to prepare the way. Let us do this, that we shall always remember. Let us build a house upon this ground, and let it reach to the east, the north, the south and the west, to the four corners of the Earth. And let us make it into a round building that may touch all the universe. And let it come out and around, and let it be known, that there shall be no more wars, nor hate, nor greed, nor jealousies of any kind, for now there is no room for this.”

Again their helpers began, each to say how much greater their masters were than the others.

And the fourth came and said, “Let us trade helpers, that they may learn.” And they did so, and they left. And in three years they returned to the same place. And there before them stood a beautiful building. It was round; it touched the four corners of the earth, and it had four doorways. And each did enter from a separate doorway and form their circle.

And the first said, “It is strange, brothers, but why do we have four doorways?”

The second said, “The four doorways is so that we may not go out of our way to enter the building.”

The third said, “But why do we need four doorways? Can we not all enter all together, in the same way?”

The fourth thought long and said, “The four doorways shall represent the many mansions of our Father. Each person who enters this building may enter with their own beliefs, their own way of worship, into the house of God. Yet, let us place one doorway, that we may all enter as equals before God.” [See The Revelation 21:9–27.]

And the discussion began of where the doorway should be. And before them into the center of the light that they had transformed into energy came forth one clad in a brilliant, beautiful robe of white, one whose color was neither black, nor yellow, nor red, nor brown, nor white.

They looked upon him in amazement and he said, “You have done much to prepare the way for me. I have entered by none of your doorways, for it is the spiritual substance which I have brought here. And being the spiritual substance, God shall see, and know, and hear, and feel, and love, and hope. All of these He shall do, as you do, and as I shall do. I shall not tell you where to build your doorway, but if you shall prepare the way for me, the doorways must be in your heart. And they should not need to be four, but one.” And he left.

And each spoke up rapidly and said, “Oh, there were so many questions I wanted to ask him.”

And the fourth said, “He answered all our questions. We just did not hear him. In each of our lands we have great libraries where his words are written in many languages across the face of the Earth, and we have heard him not. Let us hear him. Let us put the doorway to our hearts in this building. Let us enter through the doorway with our hearts, our souls, our spirits and our immortal bodies. Let they become light unto the Lord’s. Let there be greatness and [psalms]. Let joy ring out from our hearts unto all men and all mankind. Let this place be as a mirror — and from it, many doorways shall be built across the lands. Let us hear his words and know they are true. But to know if one is true, you must first hear and understand, so I bring you unto this day, understanding.” They all left.

And the third year they came back, only this year there was one doorway, entered by the north, and one small exit that a person could leave, by the south. And they sat down together. And they cast the energy into the circle. The soul, the love, the hope, the faith of all mankind grew into the circle.

And again, the one appeared into the circle. And he said unto them, “For I am the oldest of you and the youngest. I am the wisest, and the most dumb. I laugh with a light heart and heavy heart, for I am all things that you are. For I come from my Father to tell you these words, for you are His children, who is well pleased.”

We have told you this parable. It is only a parable, a story of understanding.

Love one another as you would wish the Messiah to love you. Love one another as you would wish God to love you. Ask not what God will give you. Ask not what God may do for you. Ask deep in your hearts what you shall give and do for God.

Let there be laughter in your hearts, and songs in your minds. Let the true meaning of what we have said here today come to you. Let it surround you like a lover. Let it mold into your ever-being. Let it be.

Take not from our words, nor add to. But let each one, as teardrops upon your earth, take that that should fulfill their needs. Bind together. Cast aside these things we have spoken of. Cast them aside and let the beautiful, [who] All-being, enter into you.

If another comes to you with negative thoughts, you do not need these. If another comes to you with anger, you do not need these. You do not have to pick them up. If another comes to you with greed, you need not pick this up. Pick up and cherish in your heart, in your soul, and allow that to enter into you which would make you a whole being. We have not left you. We have not forsaken you. We have not ceased to love you.

There is a time for all things. Let that time begin now, in you, in each of you. Let it reach into your souls, into your spirit. Let it become your immortal bodies, blended with God, and know that He loves you.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. You have all been through great tests, trials, and tribulations. You have all felt the heavy hand of that that we would call the Anti-Christ, and his movements, the Beast who goes before him to prepare his way. Accept not this mark. [See The Revelation, chapters 12–22.]

January 16, 1981: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto you this parable.

For there was a time when there were wars upon the Earth, and wars upon wars. And no one knew, therefore, what to do, for there were many upon the Earth who longed for peace. Yet there were those who would bring warfare and more warfare to the land.

And finally, into the warring nations it was decided that each would send forth a disciple of their beliefs, and gather together that they may talk and bring forth peace. Each disciple made ready to leave. Each of the heads of the state, both the hawks and the doves, gave them many words of advice. And they all walked out unto a common ground, and therefore, sat upon the ground, and they made rules that each may speak, and in turn, and that each would listen fully to the other without interruption and would try to understand that which the other had to say.

One of the least nations, who had not wanted war, but had [been between], between the warring nations, was chosen to speak forth. And he said unto them these words. “We have no grievances with you, any of your nations. For in our philosophy we see the world in a grain of sand. We see heaven in a flower. We see the ocean in a stream. And all is the making of the Lord, our God. And, it is our belief that we have all come from the Lord, our brethrens and sisteren, in the spirit of mankind and in the spirit of God.

We have but little to say. We see no difference in your beliefs. We honor them. All we ask in turn is that you let us, our small nation, live in peace. Let us worship as we wish. And you worship as you wish. Let each nation stayed out of the internal affairs of another. If one nation should go to war within itself, let that be decided within the nation. But let it not take the warfare beyond its own borders. But even then, if there is a difference within the nation, let them come together and speak. Let them tell no lies. Let them come forth as men and women of God, sit down, as we are sitting, and decide their own fates. It is said, ‘If thy right eye offend thee, cast it aside.’ It is our opinion that if we do not stop this war, the Lord shall cast us aside.”

The other nations listened. And each of the delegates thought long on the words they had been instructed to say. There were some among them who were fanatics and stood to say their philosophy in a fanatical way. Yet none could say what the first delegate had said, nor deny the truth within the same.

We tell you, there shall be nations who turn from God, and have turned from God. They have turned their backs, their hearts, their souls. And there are nations who are reaching to God, some in a different way than your own.

But you are a nation of many religions of many kinds. There shall [be] brought forth unto this nation many crisises ahead. We have told you before, now is the time that the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. We have also told you that now is the time that a preparation is being made for the rule of the Anti-Christ.

But we have also told you, for those who should not wear the mark of the Beast, they have nothing to fear. The great turmoils that shall take place upon the land shall be the final reckoning of peace upon the lands. Stand fast in your beliefs and you too shall hold the world in your hand, and heaven in a flower. For in darkness there is light. What has been covered shall be uncovered, and all truths shall be known.

There shall come forth unto you, now more than ever, many false prophets who shall tell you, “Come this way and that.” We say unto you, God did not invent religions, man has done so. Believe in God and His commandments and the heaven and the thousand years of peace shall be yours. It is not a reward. It is not something God dangles before you. It is your just earnings.

For as there are those who should make ready for the rules of the Anti-Christ, we are here but for one purpose, that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah who shall rule upon your Earth for a thousand years — but not as you count, but as the Lord counts.

Cast aside the differences among you. Bring forth the love that can be your eternity, for you have it before you. and within your hands to start that thousand years any moment you wish, in the mere knowledge that all you must do is reach down and pick up the torch, the torch that shall burn in your heart and in your mind.

Jesus of Nazara said unto you, “I have come not to change the Laws of Moses, nor the prophesies of Isaiah, but to show you the fulfillment of the same.”

We say that the Son of God speaks the truth.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Reverend [13–432–1] asks for help and also for advice on their property.”

We see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. While there is time, remove that that is yours into a safe land that has been offered you. Use your court, which is called, bankruptcy laws, and the final knowledge that you need for the completion of this shall be in soul Ray’s mind. If you wish this, then take of these words which he has already spoken unto you, and act upon them. Further information shall be given on this subject at a different time in a manner that shall be private unto you. If you wish, come forth and ask, because of the extreme delicacy and nature of this situation, that a private reading shall be given, that we may speak frankly. But the knowledge you need shall be placed forth in soul Ray’s mind. But decision cannot be indecision.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Soul Paul [2–30–3] asks, ‘What is the source of our vandalism problem and how can we bring it to an immediate halt?’”

In the first part of this reading we spoke to you of the problem. There is [are] those who are fanatics. But as we said, “an eye for an eye,” and so it shall be, for as we have said before, nothing from either side shall interfere with the completion of this work. But those who should wish harm upon another, then harm shall be returned. If they cast a stone, ten shall be cast back. This does not mean that you have to pick up the stone, for we shall do that that is necessary, with the permission of the Lord.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [R_____ McK_____] asks, ‘Because of the water problem, should we plan to purchase elsewhere so we can grow food in the years ahead?’”

We should say unto you, yes. A way shall be provided. But we should also say unto you that if these things are to be done, they must be done with discretion and forethought and planning. Again, the light shall be placed in soul Ray’s mind to complete your answer.

You other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9–372–3] says, ‘I know of a treasure near Wagon Mound — gold bars, 48 pounds approximate, assay over 85 percent. Can I do this with a trover’s lease to rancher, and then can he turn to government for his 20-to-30 percent, tax free?’ He asks your advice.”

(Sigh) We shall say unto you that there is no treasure [sayeth] the ground in the area you seek. If you wish to bring treasure forth, bring the people, that “MY CHILDREN SHALL HAVE A PLACE TO REST,”and work, and come together in harmony….

And we should say unto you, your country shall go through many changes in a short period of time. Bind together, and all shall come through this time. Cast aside your grievances. Cast them out, as an unwanted spirit. Now is the time to begin to work together, more so than any other time.

We shall answer one other question that is in the mind of [13–431–4], and we shall say unto you these words. Glory be the name of the Lord, and the spirit of the Lord that dwells within your soul. And the goodness that you have shown, and the patience you have shown, for you have waited long for some small reward from the Lord, or even to be [spoken unto] Him.

And we say unto you, the Lord says these words unto you — He has seen. And we say unto you, pick up the book, A Rose without Thorns, and find and open unto the page of the Healing Well, and the same words shall apply to you.

But the healing well shall be made, as we have suggested, in the springs, on the land you are living on. This healing springs must come into completion.

You do not understand this now, but you shall.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

A view of the valley from what was to be blessed by Ray soon to become the healing springs.

January 30, 1981: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the children; glory be the name of the Lord, forever and ever.

We see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. He who should offend another, and should do so in the namesake of our Lord, shall never know the glory of the Lord, for he has committed the greatest of all sins. He who should break the Ten Commandments and accuse another falsely, in any way, there is but one way that he shall find the righteous way unto the Lord, and that is by going to the person he has accused, and telling them of the wrongness they have done unto him. For we should say, the wrath of the Lord is mighty. For in the twinkling of an eye all things can be changed.

You have seen despair. You have seen yourselves on the verge of bankruptcies. You have seen all of these financial things, physical and mental things, beginning to happen to you. We have told you for many years that the time would come, the time when those who would make ready for the Anti-Christ would try to destroy you. And we told you at that time, for all those who did not wear the mark of the Beast, that of the money changers would be hard upon you.

You have seen that time now before you. You are beginning to see in a way that we could show you no other. Earthquakes have shown you nothing. Tornados, hurricanes, plagues, all these things, as soon as they passed, you could not see beyond that. These you see, because they are happening all around you.

But the wrath of the Lord for those who cause this shall be mighty.

We shall say unto you, we have tried many times to prepare you for this time — the storage of food, the storage of monetary means. We have also told you that we would give you your needs, but not your wants.

We have also told you to ask and you shall receive. And yet, you say unto us, “Why should all of these things happen?”

And we say unto you, this is but the beginning, for as it is written, “In the full time, for four and one-half years you shall not be allowed to barter outside of yourselves, nor buy nor trade.” And it is written so for those who should not wear the mark of the Beast. [See The Revelation 13:16–18.]

So now is the time that the bartering system among yourselves, far and wide, should be established. Now is the time that you may think not only of yourselves, but of one another. Now is the time to wipe away all prejudice and thoughts of these kinds.

There are those who should try and assassinate your leaders. There are those who should try and destroy you, financially, morally, and spiritually.

Now we say unto you, let the demon within you be cast out; let it leave your bodies. Reach out into the fullness and the knowingness that there is but one God and one Messiah. God is the Father; the Messiah is the son. And as God sent him forth once before, so He shall, and is here on your planet now. It is not within our power to tell you the place and whereabouts that he dwells at this present time, but should you read the Rose without Thorns, you shall find the verse and the answer, therefore, within the same. You shall further find the answers to the trials and tribulations which you go forth through now.

We say unto you, if you should plant a quarter acre of vegetables, plant ten. Now is the time. Do so in harmony and in a just manner. For all these things shall be needed. Let the wheat come forth that it may be stored for making bread and feeding your animals. Let the oats and the barleys both come forth for feeding both.

Now is the time that all these things are coming into fulfillment.

There are those who have looked upon soul Ray as a fool in his obsession to plant and lay ways to land that could be planted, and developed, therefore, unto the same, but this could be the savior. Your time is running short. Therefore, the development of such places as this will not happen in many places. You will find other groups like yourselves who have picked up and listened. But you shall find many others who shall persecute you and throw stones upon you, and spit into your wounds. If you shall stand you must stand together. When you speak, speak with wisdom.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Soul Ray asks, ‘What was the motive, or motives, for the disturbance on the night of January 18th to 19th?’ He also asks, ‘Who was responsible, and how many parties were involved?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. In the number of people involved, five. The motive — obsessed hatred, the same hatred that brought Adolph Hitler into power and saw millions upon millions die. The second part — alcohol, used in the wrong manner, and obsessed through one who was thought a friend. It shall be proven that that of a female species, of 5-foot-9, dark hair and white skin, did that of the writing upon this night. It shall be seen that that of a male, weighing approximately 180-to-190 pounds was involved. It shall also be found that the neighbor who sought revenge was involved and did bring about this.

Second, you shall find, with the use of alcohol and some drugs, hallucination did occur, not in before, after this one being shot. At this time the mind, grasping to reality and fear, did the rest. And unrealities became realities.

We shall also tell one in this room that when this one came back to reality, the love of this one was so afraid that you yourself were involved that a second shot was placed through a substance.

The reason? To drive all of these people from the land.

These things that we speak shall soon be proved, in polygraph, in writing analysis, and by other means, for as we have said before, for those who should strike in this land where the Lord holds His hand, for each that they strike ten times shall they be struck, and ten shall be of ten. And the children of God shall be held in His hand, for His hand coveths the valley and your hearts.

You shall also find that the problems in your life began with the entrance of this party into your lives.

Further information shall be given as it is needed. But the guilty shall not go unpunished. For that that they thought to strike down is that that we have said many times — nothing from either side shall interfere with this work….

Other questions.

Mammouth, Arizona is shown with a black circle. It is in a line roughly south-southeast of the Drippings Springs valley which borders the national forest. As you can see, there are many valleys between Dripping Springs and Mammouth.

“Aka I have a question from [13–432–2 and 13–432–3…Tucson, Arizona]. They ask, ‘What would be the name of the area of a safe valley by the sea that our family will be safe and self-sufficient and survive for the coming years to do the work of our Father?’”

You have seen it, walked in it, squabbled over it. The valley extends, not into one valley but many valleys, upward and downward, unto that that is known as Mammoth. There it shall be — and pointing across in a straight line shall be the shoreline in the end days. There are other valleys, if you wish them, but the one that you wish by the sea lies in that area….

Now is the time to look into the healing wells, the healing springs. Now is the time to bring them about, for it shall be a place of baptism and a place of healing for many in a time when it shall be needed. As the Lady of Guadalupe appeared, so shall the lady in white appear — in five days, on the exact spot where you shall build the healing well.

The healing springs drip from the Dripping Springs mountain into a grotto. The ”lady in white” of which Aka speaks was first seen in 1973 by a blind man as he was given sight. In 1973, many people from all over the U.S. and Mexico had begun to come to Ray Elkins’s home in Globe, Arizona, to seek healing, after an article about the health readings given through Ray was published in the Phoenix newspaper, the Arizona Republic. Among many who were healed was an elderly man who came from Chicago, who had been blind for more than 30 years. He received an instant, miraculous healing. While he stood in Ray’s living room, Ray placed his hands over the man’s eyes to pray for his sight. Next Ray turned the man’s face toward the window to ask him what he could see. The man answered in Spanish that he could now see the sunlight framed by the window. So Ray prayed again, for more healing. Then Ray turned the man’s face toward the unlit part of the room to ask what he could see now. “Madre de Dios!” the old man exclaimed. His first vision with the sight he just received was that of a spiritual figure from God — a “lady in white,” his family translated. God not only healed the man’s eyesight, but also gave him spiritual sight. This miracle from the “lady in white” has never been forgotten.

Look into the Rose without Thorns, and you shall know the answer of what we have said. For those with the smallest faith shall see nothing, for only those who can see shall see, and only those who can hear shall hear.

For we say, hark, now is the time when the journey we have sent you upon to see if you could gather the seed from the worst of fields is coming about.

We say unto you, before you speak, of a harsh tone unto another, stop and think, would you want this same spoken unto me? When you accuse another, are you sure that this person has done that which you are accusing them of? When you look upon a person with lust in your heart, is the lust from love, or is it from the darker sides of all things? When you look unto a person who has more than you, why would you envy them? Do you not know that if you are in need they will give it to you? But we say unto you, be prepared from this day forward, for by the toil of your sweat upon your brows shall come your rewards.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. There is two more angels. Pray not that the last walks. There is time now. There is time that your prayers may be answered. [See The Revelation, chapters 5–8.]

April 3, 1981: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto you these words, and in this way.

For, in a time the Lord, God, had made the plans that His son should come unto you, and, therefore, He did choose one who would come forth for the preparation of the same. This one’s name, as you would know him, would be called, John the Baptist. “The Baptist” was placed as an after-name upon him because he went before and in front of all others, and did baptize unto the Lord, God. And he told them, “I am here to prepare the way.” Many gathered from far lands to come unto him, to receive the baptism of the spirits of God.

He abided by all the laws of Moses. And he was there for the fulfillment of the prophesies of Isaiah. Yet he had come as the sons of man did descend upon the Earth. He had come from another planet in another galaxy, known as Yahweh, named after the Lord, God.

From lifetime unto lifetime he came to prepare the way. And from lifetime unto lifetime he felt failure. And yet, before him, as he baptized the one known as Jesus, and all that had come before this, he felt that this time success. For at long last his journey would end. At long last his quest would be fulfilled, his destiny.

Yet, he had seen all things, even before he was born, as the one known as Mary, the mother, did come unto her cousin, Elizabeth, and John was in the womb of Elizabeth. He knew then that for a short distance was the one he would go before, and great joy filled John.

And so, the day that came forth of his baptism of Jesus, he felt at that time his total journey was done. He cared not how he would die, as long as he could see that what he had done was a righteous thing before God. And hell feared him, even when he put him in a dungeon. He even feared him when he cut away his head, and left it to the dogs.

It was not long after death that John knew his journey was but to begin again, for after the crucifixion, and even before it, he had wandered into a new land. And the tips of the Eagle began to spread across your North American Continent and South American Continent, for he was there for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

And he thought, “Here, in this place, where they had accepted Jesus, the Messiah, in such great multitudes, they shall never wander from the ways and his teachings.” And so, when he reached Black Mesa, to spread his wings, again he felt fulfillment, and thought his quest was ended. And at that time, he saw once again that [he had] yet, it was the beginning.

He went forth once again, from what you would know as Salem, through your famous Spanish Inquest, through the Roman rise and fall, to find himself from body to body, until even he had become to where [that] all that was past he would forget, for his quest had become an unfulfilling thing.

And then he came forth for rebirth. And then came the day, the day that you are about to celebrate, the 3rd day of April, 1970, the day of resurrection, for all that he had been would be resurrected back unto him, and all of his heritage would be restored unto him. That day when we came unto you, and spoke, we said unto you, “We have come but for one purpose, the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.”

The comet with which the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, came was photographed on April 4, 1970.

We have told you a story of a time, of a place. It is much as you read the Akashic records; it is as though the wind has taken time, and yet, it never ends. We told you of the times when we had touched your earth and the heavens above, and the many planets and galaxies. We have even told you when we walked the earth. But most important, we have tried to explain to you that, in the task of the preparation, from the beginning until now, our time has been but for the same purpose. Many have gathered to hear our words — and hear the words of God.

Many have believed us, and many have shunned the words. But the Lord, God, has not been displeased. Now, above all other times, His gladness, as a bouquet of roses, as a healing well, has been passed on to you.

Into the hearts of each of you, we see your souls, the souls that you have prepared to place before God, as an offering unto Him.

As we said before, we do not ask for the blood of the Lamb. There are many times when you have thought that we had asked for your blood, yet we had not. The fulfillment of the soul is a cup who runneth over, a horn of plenty, that for what you take from it may be replaced in full.

The baptism of your soul unto God is a beautiful thing between you and God — and the light of the Lord at your doorstep. For you have not left Him outside, but you have beckoned Him to come in to that quiet place within yourself, where a candle burns, where a cool pool runs clear, for you have said to the Lord, God, “Enter into the temple,” the temple of God, which is yourselves.

For those of you who have worked but one day, the Lord would bow upon His knees to give you thanks. For some of you who have worked so long, through the 11 years, who have wavered many times, but stayed, the Lord says unto you, “YOU HAVE OUR UNDIVIDED LOVE.” For in each of you, you have given all you have. You have given love unto God, the most important commodity that you possess.

We say unto you, take this day and make it holy unto yourselves, and never forget. For the Rose shall be placed in each of you, shall be stamped into your souls, for you have picked up the flowers at your feet and have passed them on to others.

You have gone unto the mountaintops and to the seas. You have crossed the seas and spread the words.

We say unto you, remember this, the Anti-Christ cannot hurt you, cannot harm you, cannot place his mark upon you. For you, through your own turmoil, through the struggles you have gone through, have proven yourselves worthy of the love of God. Many times we have said to you, “This word you use so often, yet did not know the meaning of.” And we told you to stand beneath the cross; the cross is the crucifixion of yourself. “And feel the blood,” the blood was your own blood that ran through your veins. The life was your own life. Now you shall know the true meaning of this word.

Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

There are many questions which you wish answered; in your next reading we shall answer more.

Some of you say, “Why have all things been taken? Why have I been uprooted from my land and brought to this place?”

And we say to you, it was but the test of your soul. If you shall go about your task each day and be as a mirror, reflecting out unto others that great warm fire which burns within you, giving it to others as it has been given to you, then forever will the gift be given, the gift of love. Bring this into your hearts. You shall waver, you shall doubt, yet you shall return back unto yourself.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. The course of your history is now about to change. Great things shall come forth in the next year, and great catastrophes.

June 5, 1981: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee this parable.

For as the Seven Angels came forth to begin work in the creation of the earth and the heavens, they had worked long and diligently on each plan, working together to make a whole. And one by one they looked upon the land they were working upon, and each at the same moment decided to create a rose, a natural rose that would grow in that area. One thought of a yellow rose, another a pink, another a red. Each one chose a different color, or shade of color. And each one thought that their color was the best.

They went before the Lord, God, and each one presented his case, why his rose would be the best.



So the Seven Angels returned back to the earth, and they said to themselves, “Since we have created man, and he is upon the earth, and is now multiplying and spreading, why should we not let him choose which is the best?”

And so each of them rushed to the earth, and the different parts of the earth, to place their plant, their rose, upon the earth. And they watched man.

At first, in finding the roses, man was overjoyed at all the colors. And as gradually they found there were other colors man became even more overjoyed. And soon man began making hybrids and making even more beautiful roses.

The Seven Angels went back to God, and said, “Lord God, we have placed the roses upon the land, and we left the choice up to mankind. And mankind chose them all. But more than that, Lord, they have even changed that thatwe gave them.”

The Lord, God, looked upon them, and said unto them, “FOR DID NOT MAN BE CREATED IN OUR IMAGE, OF OUR KIND, OUR LIKENESS?”

The Seven Angels went back to observe man. And soon man was planting gardens, and making greater designs of their plants. They grew on the hills and in the valleys, and even in the desert. Man found ways into which to survive, replenish the earth.

And each one of the angels said, “Yes, now we see what God spoke of, for in them are the hope. There is lust in them, yet it is a healthy lust. There is hate in them, and yet, at times it is a healthy hate. There is anger in them, and yet. at times it is a healthy anger. Why could we not see these things before this? There is love in them and compassion. Yet there are those who would kill one another. And yet, there are those who would murder one another. And there are those who would enslave one another with their thoughts, and with their chains.”

They went back to the Lord, God, for as man progressed, both the good and the bad progressed within him, for both Cain and Abel lived from the moment of creation. And they asked the Lord God, “Who gave them the roses — each of us, though we disagreed in a color, but all for the same reason.”


“Yet, Cain murdered his brother, and You slew him not.”


And the angel said, “Well, why do you not stop this?”


Now we have given you a parable, one unto which you, at this moment, do not fully understand the meaning of. When the Ten Commandments were given to you, you altered and you changed them to suit yourselves. What we are showing you, God does not condemn you when you alter the form of earth, when you reach into the heavens and make the alterations there. He does condemn you when you destroy or murder anything. It is one thing to protect yourselves. It is another to bear false witness against thy brethren, or to steal from another. It is but another to worship other gods than the Lord, thy God, thy one God. We have told you the Lord does not wish the blood of the Lamb. He does not wish that you worship images of any kind — any graven images. Therefore, we say unto you, let thy hear the words of the Lord. Let them come in a truthful manner. Do not alter His words or change them.

Give the Lord the right that He has given you. He has given you the right to choose your own destinies. Your freedom of choice to live, to die, to love, to hate, to cry, to laugh, all these things He has laid at your feet. It is your choice. But take not from the Lord His choice. When He gave unto you the Ten Commandments, He did not place them in such a way that you should judge one another. They were not Laws for you to judge another person with. He gave to you His commandments, and He said, “FOR ALL WHO SHOULD KEEP THEM HOLY.” He did not instruct you and say, “Worship Me in this way or that.” He did not bring judgment into your house.

Now we say unto you, for those of you who should hear these words, and who have built your houses of the Lord, and have these places you wish to go to, we are not here to change this.

We are not here to take you from your churches. We are not here to change your religion, or your thought on religions. We are here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

It makes little difference to us if your religion is pink or blue, or any other color, as long as it becomes a part of the preparation. It makes the Lord little difference if you have chosen a great cathedral or a small house as your church. It is but a meeting place, a place that you come that you may share your belief with God, and about God.

You, who have gathered about now, it is becoming time when a place of meeting shall be necessary. We have given you this parable in its form, that you might use the same judgment in building this.

But tomorrow you will come forth to praise God and to praise the work of those who have done God’s work.

The 10th Annual Meeting of the Association of Universal Philosophy was held June 6, 1981, in Globe, Arizona, for the renewal of vows between the minister’s and teachers and God.

Let this place be hallowed ground, let no man, nor woman, bring any thing within it except the love due and respect due to it. For as you have made this place a holy place, let the thought that sets with you now go with you tomorrow — and we shall be there, and the Lord, God, shall be there, not to judge you, but to applaud you. If you can see these things within yourselves, then we have grown a long way in the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

If you must bring the part of Cain with you, let it be changed into a constructive part. Remember, the Lord, God, did not destroy Cain, but He forbade all mankind from destroying him, or his descendants.

Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God.

Thy have come here with many, many questions. Into each of you we have answered these questions this night. Some of you will not think so. Some of you will not even remember we have spoken — and when asked afterward what was said, you’ll say, “Yes, I was there. But I do not remember.” To remember means you have accepted what has been said, that it was important enough, not only that you be here, but that you brought your brains also.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. As you have noted, that your weather and climatic changes are taking place more rapidly upon your earth. So will the earth changes, now, be more rapid. There has been the rattlings of war — the land of Lybia, and the land of Israel. And we say to you, the Bear [Russia] now is ready to strike. But so is the earth ready to strike. That that they have placed within the earth shall come forth and consume them. If the Bear continues its way, the war of Armageddon is but a short way, and a short distance from you now. Bind together in your thoughts, and you may alter the pathway of the earth.

You have within you many questions, and they shall be answered at a different time.

August 21, 1981: You think to build a building, this is good − a place that you may meet, a place that you may bring forth and have and study your readings, a place that you may share many things with one another. This is good. But we say unto you, put no law before the Lord − for when you journey, or when you build, build with love in gratitude unto one another. Give thanks unto one another. Give thanks unto yourselves and unto the Lord, God. And your day of rejoicing shall be all around you.

Worry not where a safe place shall be, for those who should walk in the light of our Father, do you not think that our Father shall see of your needs and provide? And that that you have built within you, do you think anyone can take it from you? No thief can take what is truly within you, for you are one with God.

November 20, 1981: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we say unto thee this parable.

For once there were seven cities. And they were very rich cities. But each looked upon the other in lust for that that the other had. And they did make war upon each other, and did bring damnation and destruction upon their lands and their fields. They destroyed each other’s temples and places of worship and defiled them.

But in each of the cities there survived small groups of people who did not believe in what the others were doing. And therefore, they left, each upon their own path, to find a new place and a new beginning, that they may worship the God of One as they wished.

Now in each of these places they had all waited for the coming of the Messiah. What they did not know is as they had left upon their different paths they would all meet at one place.

Now these people, even though they worshiped the God of One, and even though they had all awaited the coming of the Messiah, and hoped that in their cities they would prepare the way for his coming, when they met in this one place, at first they were very suspicious of each other. Each built his temple in his own way.

And they chose the elder from each of them to go in council.

So the seven sat together. And they were of many colors, for they were of many races. And the seven said, one unto the other, “Let us vote that we shall bring and have a council and we shall appoint one among us to stand as the chairman of this council.” They voted many times. Always the vote was split.

They stayed upon the ground for seven days and became quite weary, when from down the road came forth a stranger walking alone. He wore a plain white robe, and beside him was a small burro that he led. The burden that the burro carried was very light. He stopped in front of them, went to the burro, and removed seven candelabras. He placed one before each, and lit them.

The seven looked one unto the other.

He brought bread and gave one unto each. And he brought wine and gave one unto each. And each of them, one at a time, said, “Are you he that we wait for?”

And he looked upon them but to smile. He poured their wine, and took bread and wine for himself, and sat down. And he said unto them, “Let us take bread and wine, that we shall know the Father and His wishes.”

They did so.

And he said unto them, “Nay, I am not he who you wait for, yet I am, for I have come to prepare the way for the one you seek. And when I have finished here, I shall go elsewhere.” He talked to them of both heaven and earth, and then told each of them unto a valley that they may dwell.

And they said unto him, “Then you shall be the head of the council.”

And he looked upon them and said, “I have come not to be great in the eyes of men, I have come unto you but to give you this gift. If you choose it, pick up the candelabra, and each go your own way, and in one year we shall return here, all of us.”

The seven departed back into their people to tell them what they had been told. And all the people picked up their belongings and went their way into the very special place that they were to be sent.

During the year that followed, whatever they planted grew in abundance. The weather was fine, for there was an abundance of grain and clean, pure water, not contaminated.

And when they returned in one year, each of them brought a share of their crops and their flocks, and they brought all of their people. And when they returned, again there was the stranger coming down the road with his small burro. Each of them set their candelabras in place.

He went about and lit them all; he gave them bread, he gave them wine. And he said unto them, “How have you fared?”

All were most happy. They said, “Our flocks have multiplied and our people have multiplied. We have almost the same amount of people that live now that lived in the seven cities.”

And he said, “Are you rich?”

And they said back unto him, “We have been provided the things that are necessary for our lives. But we are rich in belief, that we are preparing the way for the coming of the Messiah.”

And he said unto them, “Then go there, all back into your valleys, and we shall meet again in another year. In this next year, mingle around about and trade among yourselves.”

Without hesitation they rose, went back unto their people to tell them what they had heard.

The people returned. Trade routes were established. And all who prospered in different goods, and food and ironware, and the different things that they had known from the great cities, soon becoming very rich.

But within the year they returned. And they sat down, and they placed their candelabras before them. Again up the road came the stranger. He lit their candelabras; he gave them bread and wine. And they took of this.

And he said unto them, “Are you rich?”

And they said unto him, “We have many things, and the faith among the people have not wavered. But the thing that we have not is the Messiah.”

And he said unto them, “If the Messiah is given unto you, will you give up all the riches that you now have?”

They looked unto him, and they said unto him, “Our answers would only be our own. Let us go back unto the people and ask.”

And he said, “Do not hasten, for come again upon the third year.”

They went back, and they prospered way beyond their wildest dreams, for now they traveled back to begin by air, by ship, and by machine across the lands. And great cities were being built, and new valleys were being established.

And they returned upon this third year. They set their candelabras before them.

And the stranger came up again. And he asked them, after giving them bread and wine and lighting their candelabras, the same question.

And all in unisis said, “Yes, we shall go back unto the poorest of our poor if you allow the Messiah to come unto us.”

And he smiled upon them, and he looked upon them and thanked them. And he said, “Now you have done my job well for me.”

And he started to rise, and they said, “But take our wealth.”

And he said unto them, “It is the offering that you have brought, that is the love for your God, that now the Lord, God, is truly sure of your intent. And the Lord, God, does not wish the blood of the lamb, nor all your material things. But now, He has sent to you His son, the Messiah you have waited for.”

And they all looked unto the heavens, for it had brightened and brightened. And from the heavens came a multitude, and they joined them.

And when they looked back, the stranger and the small donkey was gone. But in his place there stood another − and they knew that this was the Messiah that they had waited for.

And they brought all things before him.

And he gave unto them the blessings of the Lord, the blessings that they had truly kept holy, within themselves, and 3,000 years, not as you count, but as the Lord counts, did flourish upon the earth, and the Lord, God, therefore, laid his head.

What we have told you is a parable, a story of a time in the future.

Yet into each of your lives there is part of this now. Study these words, and make the decision for yourselves. For you have been given the candelabras, the bread and the wine, and you have been given the instrument unto which to prepare the way.

The future shall lie within the story we have told you.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, in a recent reading you said not one of us had ever asked − we’d asked all kinds of questions, but not one had ever asked how to prepare for the coming of the Messiah. Could you tell us how to prepare for the coming of the Messiah?”

We have just answered that question.

“Thank you, Aka.”

For no matter where you stand, on this earth on any other, now is the time to build together, put your hopes and your dreams together. For there shall be many who come from different places that shall wish the bread and the wine. Share all things in a like manner. Keep the Commandments as they were originally written, not as you have interpreted them, and not as you have chosen to turn them and twist them to suit your needs.

There were not just ten commandments, there were eleven. Send out among your people and find these. When you are not sure, ask, and we shall answer, but only after you have put the effort into the seeking of the knowledge. When that is complete the full answer to the question shall be known unto you….

Now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. We do not expect you to run out and stop all the wars upon your lands, nor change all the people upon your land. The only change that need be made is within yourselves.

Glory be the name of the Lord, our God, forever and ever. In that quiet place within your mind, beside the cool waters, where the candle is always lit, let it open up. Let it come forward, that the pools may mingle and the candles shall come together, and bring more light into the world.

December 4, 1981: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we say unto thee, as we have said before, in the darkest of hours, there shall grow hope and light. We have told you before that many things shall be placed within thy pathways by those who work from the other side, and by that we mean those who should prepare the way for the coming of the Anti-Christ. They shall go to many lengths to discredit and to harm you. But remember, no man, not even the Anti-Christ, can harm you. He may not put the mark of the Beast upon you. Only you can do this. As long as your heart and your soul and your spirit stays in the hands of God, and your trust, then we are there, we are with you.

If you give up, and say, “What difference does it make? What difference that one soul is lost unto the Anti-Christ?” − it can make all the difference, because the more that can stand against these marks, so shall the chances of your world becoming as one, a world of peace. In a time when war looms around you, in a time when chaos seems inevitable, if you shall look, you shall see the tiniest of flower that shall blossom, and from it may grow a great garden. But if you pay it no attention, if you say, “So what, there is one flower,” and destroy it, then it cannot grow into the garden. That flower is the spark of hope within you, and faith, the faith to know that your God is with you. He is not just with you in the best of times. He is with you in the worst of times. And “yea, should you walk through the valley,” where all within it could be evil, if you walk through the valley with God, there is nothing to fear, for He is not just beside you, He is within you.

We know, when these things happen over and over, and more and more is brought forth, you are inclined to say, “What good is it all? I can just give up and walk away. I can turn my back upon this and say, ‘I do not need it.’”

There will be those who say unto you, “You are not Godly.” There will be those who shall say unto you, “You are wrong.” There shall be those who shall say, and use the word, God’s words, to deceive you, to convince you to walk away.

We shall say unto you these words. When Mary Magdalene was brought before Jesus, and he said unto those who would stone her, “Let those who have not sinned cast the first stone,” and when they turned and walked away, Jesus did not stone her for two reasons. He found no reason to stone her, no great sin to stone another human being, for he knew God did not want her blood, for that is not God’s way.

So often, when all goes wrong we either stone each other with words, because we are hurt within and confused, shouldn’t we not think, “If you have wronged and learned from it, you need not stone yourself. That is not what God wishes, for when you stone yourself, you harm the temple of God. God has no wish for this.” When you learn from a mistake, put it aside, and go on. Do not blame continually yourself.

Or when your brothern has made a mistake, do not continue to blame him for it. If your brother makes mistake and tries to rectify the mistake, is it necessary that they kneel before you and say, “Forgive me?” Nay, this is not necessary. You and they both know a mistake was made. It was by act, and their actions. If your actions against them become bad, then they shall react against you. It is like throwing a pebble into a brook. For every act, there is a reaction. Yet, when another acts in a harsh manner, it is sometimes without, a lack of understanding. When there is not true understanding, there is anger, there is harshness, and cruelty. Stop, think, “This is my brother; this is the person I have loved all this time. Are they so wrong that I cannot forgive them?” And in the process of forgiving them, you allow them to forgive themselves.

It was said of Jesus, “How many times shall I forgive?” And I know, in a sense, that it sounded like forever. But here are all these who love you, each unto another. Their actions are petty sometimes, and out of place, though they work for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah, and they look and they seem ungodly. But they act only out of frustration, not meanness, not cruelty.

Know these things within yourself, and should you know them, go unto them and say, “Am I not still your friend? Am I not still your brothren? Do I not still love you? You were wrong, but you see it. You did not need to stone yourself, nor shall I stone you. Let us put it on the shelf where it belonged, and both of us shall learn from it.”

For the mistake they made, if you truly learn from theirs, you shall not make it, and you shall become greater for it, not only in the eyes of God, but in your own eyes.

There are many who do not want to hear these words. There are many who would come and say unto you, “They speak lies unto you.”

What have we to gain to speak lies unto you? What have we to gain − we do not ask for your souls. We do not ask for your worldly things. We come not to take from you. But we come but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Believe us in what we say this day.

You think when you walk alone that you are alone. You are not, we walk with you. We hear your thoughts. We feel your hurts. We even feel your frustrations. But we say unto you, faith, love, hope − are not these the things that God built your Earth upon? Are not these the things that we gave you an instrument for?…

Remember, fear is a beast. It is like jealousy is a beast. Once it is given the fuel of your feelings, it grows and continues to grow, into a bigger and bigger, and greater monster. Hate is the same. You need these not in your lives.

Are we but one crying in the wilderness? Can you not hear us? Can you not feel us? When we have been with you every day, are we strangers to you?

Love one another. That is the words we give unto you, that are the same words the Messiah gave to you before.

Know this, that your instrument, your prophet, bears a great knowledge that he may not even share with you. But if it is necessary, he shall give up his life for you. We plead unto you, do not make this necessary − for if he does, this world shall lose for all time, not just for now.

We speak to you with the words of our Father, who dearly loves you….

But remember, as we have said before, when you pray to God for something, if you want a car, do not just ask for the car, ask for a way to make the payments upon the car, pay the taxes upon the car, and the fuel and the maintenance necessary to run it, and a place to park it. Think your words out carefully. Think your thought transfer out carefully before you send it, and it shall come through clear.

But love one another. With unity, you have everything. Without it you have nothing.

We know that each of you look around you and see the small sins of the other. But when is a sin so great that you cannot forgive? When does it become? You may stop a person who is about to kill you, with a physical act, but the act, even though a violent one, can be produced with love and compassion.

We are giving of the words of another, who shall come after the one you call the prophet now. But it is not time; it is not time that he should leave you….

Each of you have been brought here for a purpose. Each of you were here before at every time when the coming of the Messiah has been attempted. Had it been the time last time, he would not have been crucified, but it was not the time. But now, before you, in a short span of years is that time.

He now lives upon your earth. He lives by the thread of your thoughts. He lives and exists with the knowledge that you are preparing the way for him.

He also knows that should you fail, then we shall fail, and therefore, he shall be taken back unto the Father, and another time it shall be tried again. But it will not stop the rule and the time of the Anti-Christ.

We have taught you the power of the mind. Ray has hidden nothing from you except the time that has been given to him of the great catastrophes, and the place where the Messiah is hidden. These things he knows, because the Father has seen fit to place these in his keeping. He also knows that it shall take each of you, each one of you, doing what you call your meager tasks, the things that don’t seem important. You are reaching more people each day through your clinic than you would in any other way. Each person you have touched becomes a thousand. Each person who passes through shall never be the same. Regardless of what happens, there will always be in their mind, “There is a God; there is a different way.”

You walk with, between all faiths. Some of them would destroy you if they could − and think that they were righteous in doing so, and think that God was on their side. No, God is not on their side. God is with you. We have told you before, there shall be many false prophets who shall come and say, “Look how great I am. Look what I have done.”

We are only here as the tools of God. We are not here to destroy you, your thoughts, your minds, your bodies. We are not here to own you. We are here to plead with you and give you knowledge. Take it, as a flower.

You may think that the tasks that have been placed before you are not important. But believe us when we say, they are the most important things upon this Earth at this time, or any other earths, in all the worlds and galaxies put together. They are like the man who is to build a dike. He started with one rock. You have many rocks now, for you are many. If you come together, [then] that’s the way to build the bridge, the dike, that that should hold back these things that are happening. If you come together in thought, in thought-form, and in love, all shall be laid aside.

It shall not be easy.

We did not promise you all your wants. When soul Ray made the decision to come back to you, we promised him nothing. We told him he would be ridiculed and persecuted because of it. Yet he came, because he had found two things: himself and God, and his love for His people, God’s children. And so he has chosen to serve. He has wavered many times, but he has continued.

We have come not here tonight to preach at you, to lecture at you; we have come here tonight to plead with you. Take these thoughts from your mind − the thoughts to run away, the thoughts to hide, the thoughts to hate one another. Take the petty things out of your life, and you shall find the riches that you seek.

Some of you do not understand Ray’s love for all of you, and the depth of his love, yet the loneliness of the man. For remember, he is a man. He hurts when he buries you. And he cries in the loneliness of his own despair. He has joy when he marries you. He has joy in bringing new life among you. And he has great joy in healing you. Yet he is a man, with all the feelings of a man. His body is weak. Help him. Help us, for when he dies, so shall we, for soul Ray is I, and I am soul Ray.

December 11, 1981: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of Thy children, forever and ever.

We shall tell unto thee the parable of the farmer who came unto a strange land, and there he found two other farmers, each trying to select the best land to grow crops and wheat of many types. There were three parcels of land left. The first two chose the bottom land, the best land, they thought.

The third farmer took what was left. He worked the land and he moved the rocks. And as he removed the rocks he built walls with them. And in building the walls he built dikes, dikes that would hold the water in and dikes that would release the water. And as each year went by his crops improved.

The two farmers from the lower lands could not understand this. They had the best lands. Yet at times they were washed out, and other times they had not enough rain, and other times too much. Yet the farmer who farmed upon the hill in a terraced manner, his crops [were] better year by year. So they went unto him, and they said, “When you arrived here there was but the rocky land of the hill for you to farm upon. Yet you did not complain? You went about the task of terracing the land, and now you grow the best crops in all the land. How is this so?”

The farmer said unto them, “Where we do the best we have with what we have. You in the bottom land have stripped your land of all vegetation, and therefore, when it rains the water has nowhere to go. You have not placed the dikes necessary to control the water, nor to contain it during the dry periods.”

The other two farmers looked upon this one, and said unto him, “But how do you know of all this?”

And the farmer who farmed the rocky land said back unto them, “For it is with the joy of God I farm. The harvest is always abundant because I shall tithe with that which I have to tithe with. And the Lord, God, knows this, and therefore, He has provided me with this wonderful piece of land, which required much work, but greater yet, our faith, the faith to know that God was with me always….”

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. The Publications Department has a question, ‘Is the 11th Commandment, ‘Give to yourself that which is yours?’”

Give unto all things that that belongs in them to themselves. In that way, you shall be doing God’s work in all three.

You have other questions, ask.

“There is another question from the Publications Department; ‘Is the three-part outline for the “Ten Commandments” pamphlet suitable, or would you like the material arranged in some other manner?’ The material arranged is, ‘Give unto God that which is God’s,’ Commandments 1–4; ‘Give unto your brother that which is his,’ Commandments 5–10; and the 11th Commandment, which they have down here as, ‘Give unto yourself that which is yours.’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we would say, this is true.

The April 1982 newsletter of the Association of Universal Philosophy, Rays of Philosophy, describes the Salado culture of indigenous Indians and the Hopi culture, local to the Dripping Springs-Globe, Arizona, area. Photo of Lower Cliff Dwelling, Tonto National Monument by Bernard Gagnon — Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6018439.

Aka spoke, March 5, 1982: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto you unto this manner.

For long ago, people were in a migration after a great destruction of the earth. And they looked, therefore, unto the land, a land that was bountiful and would give them food, land that they could grow crops upon, land that they could love and would love them back.

Many wanted to go north, others west, others east, others south. And they came upon all of these a dream, and in the dream they found a valley of great magnificence, for its size was not great in volume, because it was sheltered on the four sides by the mountains. And from the mountains flowed the water that was needed for irrigating the land.

A Hopi petroglyph in Mesa Verde National Park. The boxy spiral shape near the center of the photo likely represents the “sipapu”, the place where the Hopi emerged from the earth in their creation story. Hopi legend tells of the Creator, His Nephew, and Spider woman, to whom the Creator tasked to make the world, plants and the five colors of people. Nephew destroyed the Second World when Spider Woman told him that the people had forgotten to sing praises to the Creator and only praised material things. Each time the people have forgotten the Creator their civilization was destroyed. A kiva is a ceremonial chamber. The grotto containing the waters of the healing spring is shaped like a kiva without a roof. Beneath the Dripping Springs are Ray Elkins’ boots beside one of the Ten Commandments, “Thou shall not bear false witness.” Aka asked that we carve all the Commandments and place them at the Springs.

And they did take these things unto themselves, and began to build their homes. As time went on the valley flourished, and all things of all manner did pass through there. And they did take from the ground, and they took from one another. And they molded into the ground the love that they could pass from one to another, for there was always the promise that the valley would give back unto them into a bountiful thing.

Time passed. And soon men came to mine, and they scratched the surface and they dug into the earth, and they found some riches. But the greatest riches within the valley was the water, for it brought from the earth a plentiful and bountiful amount of food for their animals and for their selves.

Hopi legend tells that the current earth is the Fourth World to be inhabited by Tawa’s creations. The story states that in each previous world, the people, though originally happy, became disobedient and lived contrary to Tawa’s plan. They engaged in sexual promiscuity, fought one another, and would not live in harmony. The most obedient were delivered (usually by Spider Woman) to the next higher world, with physical changes occurring both in the people in the course of their journey, and in the environment of the next world. In some stories, the former world was then destroyed along with their wicked inhabitants, whereas in others the good people were simply led away from the chaos which had been created by their actions. Two main versions exist as to the Hopi’s emergence into the present Fourth World. The more prevalent is that Spider Grandmother caused a hollow reed (or bamboo) to grow into the sky, and it emerged in the Fourth World at the sipapu. The people then climbed up the reed into this world, emerging from the sipapu. The location of the sipapu is given as in the Grand Canyon. The other version (mainly told in Oraibi) has it that Tawa destroyed the Third World in a great flood. Before the destruction, Spider Grandmother sealed the more righteous people into hollow reeds which were used as boats. On arrival on a small piece of dry land, the people saw nothing around them but more water, even after planting a large bamboo shoot, climbing to the top, and looking about. Spider Woman then told the people to make boats out of more reeds, and using island “stepping-stones” along the way, the people sailed east until they arrived on the mountainous coasts of the Fourth World. While it may not be possible to positively ascertain which is the original or “more correct” story, Harold Courlander writes, at least in Oraibi (the oldest of the Hopi villages), little children are often told the story of the sipapu, and the story of an ocean voyage is related to them when they are older. He states that even the name of the Hopi Water Clan (Patkinyamu) literally means “a dwelling-on-water” or “houseboat.” However, he notes the sipapustory is centered on Walpiand is more accepted among Hopis generally. (See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hopi_mythology.)

And then one day there came one among them, and he said unto them, “I have come unto you to prepare the way.”

They looked one unto the other, and they could not understand this. They could not understand of what he spoke. He spoke of love and understanding and truth.

And he said unto them, “Love one another, for that is the greatest truth of all.”

And they of the people decided that this was a good thing.

And he went unto the valley, unto the canyon, and he thrust his shaft unto the wall of the canyon, and the wall produced a stream, a very small stream. And he said unto them, “This shall be a holy spot, a place upon earth that shall remain holy, for all civilizations, for all times.”

Now the lands were coming together. Many traveled to this spot, because it became known as a healing place. It became known as a place that they might worship, and worship back.

And he said unto them, “For I leave three guardians to protect this place, that no man may put it asunder. And in another time I shall return.” And he left, to go unto other lands.

Soon, the one he prepared for came. And he ate from the dates, and he took from the wine, and he ate of the many things that Spider body provided. And he taught long on many things. And he said unto them that he too would go, but he too would return. And he went, therefore, unto the stream, and he did give prayer unto the Lord that all things would be as they were when he returned.

And the Lord said back unto him, “DID NOT I SEND HE [TO GO] BEFORE YOU TO PREPARE THIS PLACE?”

And he said into the Lord, “Yes, I know, and I hear, for I see the three guardians.”

Now many, many years passed. Many came and left this valley. And soon even the word was gone, but not forgotten.

The healing springs drip onto a rock beneath a kiva on the Dripping Springs moountains above the valley.

The valley has been given back, and therefore, a place has been provided.

We have told you before, that the one you wait for is upon the Earth. One day he shall come into your valley, as he had before. And from where he lays his hand, the dimensions of a new Earth shall grow — for the kiva of the springs are the three spirits, and the fourth spirit is the spirit of the one who came before, and the fifth spirit, making all things whole and holy, was that of the Messiah.

Place there in stone these things that we have asked you. And soon, flowers shall grow all around you, for soon that time shall come, the time when the hand shall be laid forth.

Therefore, we ask you this night to let that sacred place within you begin to grow and release itself, all, therefore, about you. And let it grow in your hearts, for the most important one that shall be placed there shall be, “Love one another,” for it is the eleventh Commandment. [See John 15:9–12.]

There are two others which we shall give you when the time is right.

The Commandment, “You shall not bear false witness” was placed in the kiva at the healing springs by Ray, not long after Aka later asked each person to take one Commandment to the springs. After Ray passed on October 5, 2000, Ray’s ashes were sprinkled from his favorite boots at the church and his ranch. And as he had asked, his boots were placed beside the Commandment on this sacred spot that he had blessed to become the healing springs. The words Aka had answered at the begining of each reading when asked, “Where is soul Ray?” come to mind. “Soul Ray stands with God.”

June 12, 1982: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory be the name of He who shall be.

For we say unto thee unto this way, unto this manner — for we shall say unto you the parable of the moneylender.

For he lived within a community, and he used his, what wealth he had, to loan unto other people for their needs — the money to buy homes, to buy means of transportation, and sometimes, just to buy food. The people within the community, their hearts had grown hard against this one, except when they needed money. Then they would be back at his door asking for more.

And he gave more.

And he asked that they repay that that he gave them. And as any goods that were sold, he asked to make a small profit. Those that borrowed the money could not see the many employees that were necessary to run his business. They [could] also not see the costs that he had to endure when they did not pay. None of these things could they see.

But one day the moneylender had lent out all the money that he had, and there was no more. Yet all the people believed there were. And because they came to him and said, “Let me borrow this amount and that,” they thought that his heart had grown hard toward them. And soon they were cursing him, and saying what a great miser he was. And soon they said all kinds of abomination against this man. And it was not long until they had thrust upon him the breaking of all commandments. When he went into his place of worship, even the minister talked in such a manner that he knew that he was not welcome.

One day the moneylender sold out to another moneylender all the paper that he had.

And all the paper that he had was sold to another man whose heart said, “These people shall pay that which they owe.” And he did bring about the payment of these debts.

The people were angry with this moneylender, but they blamed the other one, for when he sold, he had sold to the other moneylender for very little of the money he had placed out, which had left him a poor man. But through wise investment, he made money again. And he became a moneylender again.

And he went back to the same town. And once again the people were to take the same advantage of him.

Now we say unto you, you who have thought that those who deal in money are evil people, these people are much like God in a sense of the word. You call on them in the time of need. And you want to make sure that they fulfill your needs and your wants. You call on them in a time of greed.

But when the Lord comes for His just dues, and when the Lord says unto you, “GIVE BACK UNTO ME ONE TENTH OF THE LOVE WHICH I HAVE SHARED WITH YOU,” you refuse.

And you say unto yourselves, “What use have I for this Lord which I cannot see? What use have I?”

The Lord is like the moneylender. You only call upon Him in your times of need. When was the last time you invited the moneylender to your house and said, “Come, take of my food, not because I want of your money, because I want of your love.” When was the last time that you asked the Lord to sit down at your table and eat from your table, and share your bounty? When was the last time that you thanked Him?
We have said these things not to belittle you, not to make you feel bad. We have said these things to show you that wealth is not a crime, that wanting a material thing is not a crime, into man or God, for all things that you ask for, the Lord has given you, and shall give you.

We say these things unto you that you might, in the privacy of your own hearts, say unto the Lord, “My God, come into me. Let me be part of You, for I open my doorway that you may enter. Sit at my table and share my house.” And truly, you shall bring forth the kingdom of God upon the earth.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, thank you. I have a question from [14–457–1…Seattle, Washington]. ‘How soon will I make a move?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer your question in this manner. It has already started within your mind. The actual physical movement, which you speak of, that also can happen at any moment which you wish it to. You must make up your mind. We shall not do that for you. We know the direction in which you shall go. But rather than remove your freedom of choice, we shall leave that up to you. But, it shall be soon, within the month.

You have other questions, ask. …

Now is the time of the Cherubim. We say unto you, bind together. Share, one unto the other. And soon those signs which you wish to see shall be given to you to see in all parts of your lands. Soon those things which you wish for shall come unto reality.

And soon you shall walk into your own house of God,

and it shall come, first in two places, and then in three.

And after the three, then we’ll show you how to multiply once again. Remember, there is no greater joy for the teacher than when the teacher sees their pupils go beyond the steps they have. We have taught you long, yet now we see the wisdom of your footsteps, for they are with purpose now. They are with love and compassion. The Father has seen. We have saw. And soon the world shall see. For the mountain which you stand upon shall spread unto the four corners of the universe.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

A Chapel to God Is Promised

July 23, 1982: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we say unto thee unto this parable.

For the Lord of Hosts did bring forth upon the earth three very wise men. And the Lord of Hosts did bring forth in another part of the world three wise men. And in another part of the world He brought forth three wise men. And from another part He brought forth three wise men. And each prayed and prayed [for a] long and many hours, for they were sure that the longer they prayed, and the louder they prayed, they were sure that God would hear them.

Now each was waiting patiently for a messenger of the Lord to come unto them. Now one lived in the north, the other the south, the other east, the other the west. And each thought that the place they lived was the only and the greatest place upon the all of the earth and all the universes.

And they prayed so loud, the echo of their voices soon rang around the earth. And the others began to hear them. And they thought that this echo was an echo of themselves, so they prayed even louder. One day they decided they would pray all day and all night, that one would stay awake and continue in their loud prayers, for the Lord of Hosts would hear them.

And from the north, as they prayed, a young man walked up to the one who was praying in such a loud and boastful voice, and said, “Who are you talking to?”

Of course, this wise person had prayed so long and so loud that he could barely hear the other man. And he wasn’t quite sure whether he should stop and answer the young man’s question or not, because he was afraid if he stopped, the Lord would not hear. So, he went on praying louder and louder.

So the young man went on. And soon he reached the east, and there he asked, who were they talking to? They felt that they were the only ones that were talking to the Lord, and if they stopped talking to Him, the Lord would not hear. So they would not answer the young man.

The young man went to the south, and asked once again, “Who are you talking to?”

And they felt that if they stopped talking, the Lord of Hosts would not hear their prayer. And therefore, they chose also to ignore the young man.

The young man went on to the [west], and there he asked, “Who are you talking to?”

And they said unto him, “We shall stop talking only to answer your question, but one of us must continue talking to the Lord.” And so, one shouted while the other answered the question.

The young man said, “Why do you shout in such a loud voice?”

He said, “So that the Lord, our God, might hear us, the Lord of Hosts.”

The young man said, “Is He the same God that those in the east and the west and the north and the south have?”

And those of the west said,“Yes, but there is no east, there is no north, there is no south; we are the all that worship the God.”

And the young man said, “Nay, there are others.”

They could not believe this. It was an unbelievable thing to them. How could this be so; how could the Lord allow others to worship Him? And so they became quite angry, and they decided that they would not shout to the Lord.

When they stopped shouting to the Lord, those of the north and the south, not hearing the echo coming from the west they thought that was themselves, stopped shouting to the Lord. And that from the east, not hearing any echo, any sound, stoppedshouting to the Lord.

And so those of the west, said to the young man,“See, if what you say is true, then there is no sound.”

The young man said, “Come, I shall show you.”

So the young man took them to the edge of a cavern and said, “Follow this cavern and you shall find that of the truth.”

And he went to the north and said, “Follow this cavern and you shall find that of the truth.”

He went to the east and said, “Follow this cavern, and you shall find that of the truth.” He went to the south and said the same thing.

Well, as it happened, they all met in the center of the earth. (Chuckle) And as you know, the center of the earth was a rumored place where Lucifer lived. And they all were so sure of this. And as they met each other, they each decided that the other was Lucifer. And they decided that their only way to rid themselves of each other was to shout praise unto the Lord.

Well, when they all shouted praise unto the Lord, the bowels of the earth, not being able stand such loud noises, decided to have earthquakes upon the earth. And so, therefore, they were erupted upward, and soon found themselves, not in the north, the east or the west, but all mixed up into different places upon the earth.

Now we say unto you, the Lord, God, has strange and mysterious ways, but are they strange? Are they any stranger than your own? God does not argue over who is God. God knows who is God. God is satisfied with any temple, which is man. The house of the Lord’s which you built, He is satisfied with those also.

But when you decide that you have found the true and only way to the Lord, and when you shout at others and it becomes warm and hot and you are sure you are in hell, that is the day that you shall be, for you have made your hell. For even Lucifer has eardrums that could be burst.

If you wish to walk upon the earth, and wish for God to hear you, it is not how loud you speak, it is the way you speak, from the heart of yourself.

Yes, God notices those who stand on street corners, and find soap boxes to stand upon, to shout and tell you you are sinners, that you’re all going to hell, that you are blasphemous, that you have taken all His commandments and done them wrong. God had heard all of these things. Andone day — andthat day, thank God, is not too far away––the Lord, God, shall empty His bowels upon the earth. And then, you shall hear the whisper.

So why must all this be necessary? Why should it be necessary you condemn one another?

Why can you not love one another? It is nothing new.

You say you are Christians. Yet you say, “I could love this person, but there are these small things. This person is a little better looking than I.” Or, “This person is green or purple, and if they would only change their color.” In truth, what does it take for you to commit the one act that God has asked you, to love one another, to take hatred from your hearts, and cast it aside?

In truth, these twelve wise men were not wise. They had shouted so long they had become deaf. They had blinded themselves with their own self-importance, until they knew not where they were. Look unto yourselves and “judge not, leste ye be judged.” Take not the words of God and say, “This is the words of God, for I have heard the spirits.” The spirits that were sent to you were for you, but not necessarily meant for someone else.

We say that the chapel, as it is concentrated [consecrated?] unto all segments, unto all places, shall be open to the earth and the heavens.

A new chapel was begun in 1982 for the Association of Universal Philosophy on Dripping Springs Road, Arizona This is part of the land on which it was being built. In the background is the “7” mountain, with a “7” on its face. The church was consecrated in December 1982 as Ray Elkins dedicated it to God. He said, this is not a denomination or just another religion, but it is a philosophy. All faiths are welcome.

And laughter shall come unto you, and praise shall be sung from you. For look into a child’s smile, and you shall see God. Look unto laughter, and there is God, all around you, within you and without you. You do not need to shout for Him to hear you, for He knows you are there, for you have forgotten you were created by God, and you are unlike any other person upon this world and all others. You are unique in kind. Does that not show you that God loves you?

You have thought in your minds that the times of war, the times of earthquake, the times of famine are here before you. This is true. How many times have we told you, let not the Seventh Seal be opened? How many times, in how many ways, in how many parables have we said the same thing, “Love one another….”

And you shall say into your hearts, “Once again they have spoken as unto riddles. They have shocked us; they have pleased us; they have teased us; and they have given us some knowledge. Why do they not pick us up and show us all of the truth of God?”

And we say unto you, unto each of you lies the truth; unto each of you lies the knowledge. But there is but one total and complete truth, love one another. If you wish to start this, do it now, this moment. Cast out of you your hatreds. Cast out of you your jealousies. If [some]one has something you do not have, be glad for them. But all things that God has given you, do not cast dirt upon it, for it is all beautiful. And those things He shares within His children are beautiful. For men and women are like flowers upon the field, each a different color, each reaching to the heaven in its own way, yet the beauty of it all is beyond your spoken words.

July 30, 1982: Yes, we see thy needs, and we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of the children of God.

And glory be the name of the people of the universe.

And we shall say unto you unto this way, unto this manner.

For in the land of the valley, there came into it many people, each with their own ideas, each with the things that they would desire to have and to keep unto themselves.

Some brought forth with them the cuttings of many plants, that they would sprout forth unto trees and bear fruit.


Some brought forth whole plants, whole trees, and put there forth into the earth.


Others brought forth seed.

Vegetable garden

And the earth did yield an abundance of all things to feed the people and to clothe them.

And there were those who brought forth the written word. And the written word was knowledge.

And so, all the people gathered from around and about and they brought forth unto themselves counsel. And they said unto themselves, “Let us cast out this written word, for it has been used before to destroy ourselves, our livelihoods, for the written word has been brought forth in forms that were lies.”

Another, of the wiser, said unto them, “If you shall cast this aside, then cast aside the spoken word also, for it should come forth in both truth and lies.”

They all thought upon this.

And it was true. So they decided, therefore, that they would not do away with the written word, but they must pass a law, the law of the lands, against the lying in the printing of the written word. And all from around and about did say unto each other, “What sort of punishment shall be fitting those who should violate this law?”

Some thought of hard labor. Others thought of imprisonment.

But then those in the valley said, “We have no room to build prisons in this valley.”

And others said,“We have no people to watch after those who would do hard labor.”

And others said, “Then let us bring death unto them.”

Once again, the wise one said unto them, “For what is the difference in murder? Is not murder a planned and plotted thing? Is it not the killing? And we say unto you, no, let it be that only a life be taken for a life. Let this one who shall trespass upon the Commandments of God be sent forth, and be judged by God.”

So, this one who did this, and printed lies into written words, they sent them into the high place. And they provided him food and water. And each thirty days they came to see what God had given him as punishment.

Each day, as they came forth, they saw in this one something different, something lost. And so they did bring him down after six months. And they said unto him, “What has God told you? What punishment has He befitted upon you?”

And this one looked into all their eyes and said, “Loneliness. For you placed me upon the mountain so that God could judge me, yet I found not God there, but only myself. For it is not the high place that God dwells, but in the hearts of men and women.”

Now we say unto you, to walk alone without God, in either world, is the loneliness of all lonelies. For to have the world without God would be nothing. Look closely into the things you write, into the things you say unto one another, and say the best you can to another. And sometimes the truth may hurt, but it will be the best that can be said or done or written. But judge yourselves not too harshly, for what is truth to one man may not be truth at all to another.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from [14–459–1…Las Cruces, New Mexico]. She would like to know if she is following her divine design also?…”

We shall answer the last ques­tion.

Divine footsteps of all man and yourselves is that which you make them. You have cast your lot into the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. Take it in such a way that it becomes a reality. The rock unto which we have spoken many times, unto which we shall build, has been your bodies and souls, your spirits everlasting.

And we say unto you, as the church is born it shall soon need the roses for the rose garden.

Bring it forth.

A red rose is planted at a church to God on Dripping Springs Road, Arizona. When the church was completed, a dozen red rose bushes were planted along both sides leading to the entrance.

There are many things that we shall say unto you. And one of these things we shall say unto you is ––

blessed be the name of the Lord, thy God. And blessed be the holy place in thy heart where the Lord may dwell….

August 6, 1982: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee, for those who should ask, things that they should ask for shall be provided, as long as they do not interfere with that of the free will of another.

In asking, you shall receive. If you ask for knowledge, then knowledge shall be given. If you ask for a material thing, that shall be given. But we should say unto you unto this manner, a man would have little use for what you would call, for a yacht, in the middle of a desert. Nor would he have very much use for an oasis in the middle of a lake. Nor would he need more ice in Alaska, or the Antarctic. What we are saying unto you, ask that in propor­tion to your needs and it shall be provided.

We shall say unto thee this parable.

For the farmer had land that was rich in abundance. But on the land he called his bad land, in one place there bubbled forth that substance known as oil. He looked upon it in contempt because it ruined the land around it. In another place came forth hot water from the ground in an artesian manner. He looked at this with contempt. But that of the hot water gradually seeped over and formed a natural lake. And in the farther corners, as the water cooled, an abundance of fish grew. And the farmer took his leisure in fishing from the lake.

And one day came forth men with knowledge of oil and refining. And they gave him much money for that of the oil well that bubbled to the surface.

Another day, another came by and offered much money for the artesian hot water. And he said to him, “We shall continue to provide you water for your lake.”

The farmer did not fully understand, but he liked the money. And so, with the hot waters they pro­duced much power, energy. And, as the water cooled, it went into his lakes, and provided the water for his lakes. Soon he had more water than he had ever had before, and he was pumping the water in­to his fields, and using the energy that came from the power that was produced by the hot water. And soon he was buying his fuel at the refinery where the old oil well stood.

And one day he got to thinking, “Why did I not think of these things? Why did I not put a refinery where my oil well was? Why did I not make a power plant where my hot water was?”

He became quite vengeful. But the people went on producing both. Then he became hard in his heart, and he went somewhere else to buy his electricity, and he went somewhere else to buy his gasoline and oil. But those who had agreed to pay him royalties continued, each month, to send him their check. They did not notice that he had gone some place else to buy his oil. They did not notice that he had gone some place else to buy his electricity.

Now, on another farm there had come forth in the same manner of oil and hot water. And many came forth, and they stole the land that the hot water was upon, and they paid no royalties. And another came forth and he stole the oil from beneath the land. And the farmer looked upon them and knew not what to do.

And then one day, the farmer who was receiving royalties came upon him, and said, “What a stupid man you are,” and went on his way, still being mad at all parties.

But others of his neighbors came forth, and they saw that which had happened to him, how he had been cheated. And they stood together and they said, “We shall not buy the oil that comes from this land. We shall not buy the electricity that comes from this power source. But we shall go farther, and anyone who buys or sells from this power source, we shall not do business with them.”

More and more of his neighbors and friends did bind together, until finally those who had stolen were out of business. And they left and they went away. And in their place came honest men.

Now, we say unto you, the parable is true with each of you this day. By yourselves you have little strength. Bind together, with one decision, and you have the strength, that you [are] needed, to carve your way into the history of the world, that you may and your people may survive.

If you do not find this way to bind together, you shall soon perish. And all the land around you shall perish with you.

For it is you who can preserve the land, the energy, and all these things that you need, but you must do it together.

You have built a church unto the Lord, God. When you have placed a roof upon it, make there fast a service that all thy people may attend. And all may have the choice to invite God into their hearts, but also to invite God into the house of God, for that is when a meeting place becomes a church, when the people within it invite God to enter….

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14–460–2…Santa Teresa, New Mexico], ‘Am I fulfilling the mission I was sent here to complete?’”

We shall answer your questionin this manner. Many people come to the rose garden to see the roses. Few walk up to the gardener and say, “Let me learn how to tend the roses, how to make them grow, how to make them beautiful.” When that choice, which is now, and all, forever, when you have made it, the rose garden lies at your feet. You have seen it. You are like Muhammad that has been brought to the mountain, and the mountain has been brought to Muhammad. It means little difference, until you are ready to apply yourself, fully, completely, and compassionately.

The last reading before a church to God was dedicated (in December 1982), the spiritual messengers of God spoke this parable on August 13, 1982: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever. And we shall say unto thee the parable.

For from this land there came a prophet. And those things that he did prophesy did come true. And he brought forth mighty teachings. And he said unto the people, “This is the way, the true way, and there can be no other.”

The people thought upon this. And one day the prophet died. And the people came together, and said, “We have seen the light, and we have seen the truth, and there can be no other. And therefore, we must preserve for all time this truth.”

So they did find a mighty rock upon a mighty mountain, and they began to dig. And they dug in night and day. And they dug past forty days. And they dug more than forty days. And they dug into another great old mountain of might. And there, they stopped digging. And they brought forth all the writings, and all the sayings of the prophet. And they did seal this tomb away.

Now in another land, a farmer decided to dig a well. And he saw a spring that came from a hill, and he thought, “If I dig this spring out, and the hole therefore in, it shall retain the water.”

He began to dig. And he dug, and he dug. And suddenly the earth gave beneath him, and he was in a mighty chamber. And there was all of these writings.

And he looked upon them, and they were in a strange tongue. And they had been laid upon bronze plates to preserve them, yet they looked new.

And so he rushed forth unto the mighty scientists of his land. And they came forth, and laid down the plates. And they came to the conclusion that even though the plates looked to be very new, and of the newest art of manufacturing plates, but because they had been buried in this huge tomb, that they must be very old, and must contain great knowledge.

And so, they brought from the tomb, and built a huge shrine and placed within the shrine all the messages — and across the land — to transcribe these secrets.

And finally, in another land came one who could dissolve the riddle. And he found a way that he could read. And the first thing that he found and deciphered were these words, “If there is any truth upon the earth, then all things are true.”

Now the people who had dug the shaft and had made the code into the plates heard of this great find of knowledge. Not realizing that it was their own, they had sent an envoy to journey into this land. And they saw the plates, and what magnificent thing they were, for they were exactly like those that they had buried. So they knew that they were true. And they came forth and said, “This is a great find, for we know this to be the truth, the very only truth. And therefore, now the whole world has it.”

The farmer went back to find another place to dig his well, and thought to himself, “I shall leave all these things of such importance to the scientists and great religious leaders of the world.” So he went on the other side of his mountain and found another spring, dug a well, drew from it daily. The water was sweet and satisfied his thirst and that of all his animals and his children, and his children’s children. And that was the truth, for within the farmer he had found truth.

So we say unto you, if that that you find satisfies you, it makes a little difference how long it has been in the ground. For there is nothing new under the sun, for everything you find, God put it there in the beginning and knew of it.

For every truth you see, it is the other side of the sword. And for every lie that you find may be the truth of tomorrow, for the best of liars place some of the truth within their lie.

So what is the truth, the whole truth? And we say unto you, when God placed forth the vineyards upon the earth, He did not start them to fermenting. Man started them to fermenting. God did not make the first wine; man made the first wine, but God provided the means. And He made many types and ways this fermentation could take place. He showed man the way to make fermentation.

If the wine that you drink satisfies your taste, that’s all that’s necessary. If it makes you happy, and rejoice, then you have found the truth for yourself. But it is not necessary to force your truth upon your neighbor. If he chooses a different wine be happy for him.

Soon the day shall come when you shall spend your first day of dedication and prayer unto your church.

Know that the truth that you speak in your church is the truth of God. But bid God enter, dedicating this house of worship to the Lord of Hosts, dedicating those things you wish to give of yourself do so freely.

Seeing this for the first time shall be a great thing for you, for you have waited long for these days. But dedicate your church into all truths….

On Sunday, December 5, 1982, the church was completed. Ray Elkins dedicated it to God. The church was not built for one denomination or religion, but as a place for all the people of God to gather. All faiths are welcome. It might be interesting to know the amazing timing of its dedication by Ray. The church was dedicated to God on the first Sunday of Advent. Wikipedia says this is a season observed in many Christian churches as a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus at Christmas as well as the return of Jesus at the second coming. The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, who spoke through Ray say, “We have come but for one purpose, and that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.” Advent is a version of the Latin word meaning “coming”. The term “Advent” is also used in Eastern Orthodoxy for the 40-day Nativity Fast, which has practices different from those in the West. Latin adventus is the translation of the Greek word parousia, commonly used to refer to the Second Coming of Christ. For Christians, the season of Advent anticipates the coming of Christ from three different perspectives. “Since the time of Bernard of Clairvaux (d.1153) Christians have spoken of the three comings of Christ: in the flesh in Bethlehem, in our hearts daily, and in glory at the end of time.” The season offers the opportunity to share in the ancient longing for the coming of the Messiah, and to be alert for his Second Coming. What an amazing blessing we have witnessed, from one through whom the spiritual messengers of God spoke, as they tell us they did before in the one known as John the Baptist, who came to prepare a way.

Now we should say unto you unto these questions, and into these words. We have told you long before that we’d provide for the needs of those who would bring servitude unto the Lord. When we men­tion the word, servitude, you immediately assume you are a servant, you are a slave of God. No. Servitude in this respect, or in this manner of speech, means that you have taken the yoke of the love of God upon your shoulders to carry, that you should stop and give it where needed, that it shall bring great joy into your lives.

But we say unto you, the joy is like the bud of a rose. First, we see only the beginning, and then day by day it grows in hope; it grows and blossoms into the fullness and gladness of mankind, only to pass away. But once it has occurred upon the earth, it can never stop happening, for it has passed that way that time, and to you who seems such a short time, yet it shall be eternal, never beginning and never ending….

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

June 3, 1983: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we say unto thee, for we shall say, as we have said before, nothing shall interfere with the work that is at hand. Thirteen has passed, and the prophecy has been fulfilled. [Note: April 3, 1983 was the thirteenth year since the spiritual messengers of God arrived with a brilliant comet and began to speak through Ray.]

Now we say unto you, unto this parable in this manner and in this way.

For in the beginning, God looked upon man, and that that He did create of His children. He said unto them,“BEHOLD, AND I SHALL SEND FORTH THE SEVEN SPIRITS, AND THEY SHALL CREATE YOU A HOME. GO THEREFORE, AND BUILD A PLACE THAT I MAY REST MY HEAD.”

And so the children did come forth.

And they broke the Laws of God, that they might survive and reproduce, and become fulfilled. They did so in such a manner that the seed of man should be sprinkled upon the universe and galaxies beyond galaxies, that the word and the love and the Law of God would become whole.

And the Lord sent forth among the men and women of the Earth, and earths, His prophets. At first, there were those who thought that surely, for the Lord should choose a prophet, was a beloved thing––and surely that this one the Lord had chosen would bring peace and love unto the Earth. But even unto the greatest in loves for the Lord, the yokes were heavy, the yokes of love. And the Lord looked forth and saw these things. And He did remove the yoke, and make it lighter upon their shoulders, that the weight that they carried they might carry it with greater ease.

Now from the beginning until now the Lord has sent these to prepare the way for those things He wished His children to know. And He did create into them a difference, that the world might know that the Lord, God, was God beyond all question­ing. He did not do it to prove His love was greater for one than another of His children.

We say these words. For though we have cleaned the garden, and though the fields now grow ready to harvest, all those from any place, at any time, who wish to hear these words, let them hear. For all those who should see, let them see, for we have come not to hide; we have come not to ridicule, nor defile any person. We have laid our hands, that the prophet we have should do the work for the Lord, thy God. It is by his free choice and his love to the Lord, thy God, that he does so. Under­stand these things, and in the understanding, things will be much simpler to understand and ac­cept. For it is within him to love his God with all his heart and all his soul. And the Lord, God, he has offered into the Lord, God, his body, his life, and his soul and his spirit. And the Lord, God, has seen fit to use of these things. The Lord, God, has not changed the man, for there was no reason to change him. For as time has grown, so has the man….

You have within your minds this question, how long shall we remain this time with you? And “Why did you not tell us when you left us?” And we shall answer both of your questions. We did not leave you, for soul Ray was with you all along, and when he spoke, we spoke with him and through him. Can you not hear the crying in the wilder­ness? [See Isaiah 40:3.]…

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Isaiah 40:1–14 says:

“Comfort, yes, comfort My people!”
Says your God.

“Speak comfort to Jerusalem, and cry out to her,
That her warfare is ended,
That her iniquity is pardoned;
For she has received from the Lord’s hand
Double for all her sins.”

The voice of one crying in the wilderness:
“Prepare the way of the Lord;
in the desert
A highway for our God.
Every valley shall be exalted
And every mountain and hill brought low;
The crooked places shall be made straight
And the rough places smooth;
The glory of the Lord shall be revealed,
And all flesh shall see it together;
For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.”

The voice said, “Cry out!”
And he said, “What shall I cry?”

“All flesh is grass,
And all its loveliness is like the flower of the field.
The grass withers, the flower fades,
Because the breath of the Lord blows upon it;
Surely the people are grass.
The grass withers, the flower fades,
But the word of our God stands forever.”

O Zion,
You who bring good tidings,
Get up into the high mountain;
O Jerusalem,
You who bring good tidings,
Lift up your voice with strength,
Lift it up, be not afraid;
Say to the cities of Judah, “Behold your God!”

Behold, the Lord God shall come with a strong hand,
And His arm shall rule for Him;
Behold, His reward is with Him,
And His work before Him.
He will feed His flock like a shepherd;
He will gather the lambs with His arm,
And carry them in His bosom,
And gently lead those who are with young.

Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand,
Measured heaven with a span
And calculated the dust of the earth in a measure?
Weighed the mountains in scales
And the hills in a balance?
Who has directed the Spirit of the Lord,
Or as His counselor has taught Him?
With whom did He take counsel, and who instructed Him,
And taught Him in the path of justice?
Who taught Him knowledge,
And showed Him the way of understanding?

“The voice of one crying in the wilderness:
‘Prepare the way of the Lord in the desert…
The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, And all flesh shall see it together;
For the mouth of the Lord has spoken’….You who bring good tidings,
Get up into the high mountain….Lift up your voice with strength,
Lift it up, be not afraid; Say to the cities of Judah, ‘Behold your God!’”
In the valley, above Ray’s ranch on the mountain, some see the the sacred number, “7”. On September 30, 1977, the spiritual messengers of God spoke of this: And the coming of the Messiah’s sign shall be seven seven seven [777]. On January 31, 1986, Aka spoke of it in a parable: And upon the mountain there was a great “7.” And the “7” had always represented the Seven Spirits of the Lord. January 8, 1988: And we say unto you, in the land that was given, in the land of the valley, we say to you, there are many times and many people who have come to this valley, each in the name of the Lord, thy God. But we say unto you, unto the land of the “7” was laid aside to be a sacred place.” Remember Isaiah’s words: Behold, the Lord God shall come with a strong hand.” On March 5, 1982, the spiritual messengers of God said: One day he shall come into your valley, as he had before. And from where he lays his hand, the dimensions of a new Earth shall grow.

June 10, 1983, was the day before the 12th Annual Meeting of the Association of Universal Philosophy at the newly built church to God in the Dripping Springs valley, beneath the healing springs and the “7” mountain. Questions were asked: “Thank you, Aka. [5–206–2] asks, ‘What will happen in the year 2022? You mentioned that year as important, for some reason. Will man’s lifespan be increased?’”

We have said before that those from the heavens and those from the Earth should rise to restore the earth, and the thousand years of peace shall be upon the Earth. In the year, 2022, mankind shall have knowledge beyond knowl­edge, for he shall be in communication with his brothers and sisters throughout the galaxies, and galaxies beyond galaxies. And they shall come forth and help man restore himself in a peaceful manner, that war[s] shall be no more.

You have other questions.

“Yes, Aka, someone asks, ‘Why is the Southwest, the Globe area, chosen for this organization, Ray, and this work?’”

In the beginning, as the work was planned for, five were chosen. They were tested and retested. Five is the magical number, for “for there are five races,” five basic races. At first, it was thought that if three did not succeed, then the mission in itself would be a failure. That opinion has since been changed, for now it is one. We have prepared other places and beginnings in the hearts of men, so that they may know, and receive our messenger.

Why was soul Ray chosen? He was not chosen, for soul Ray is I, and I am soul Ray. Our destiny, our karma, our lives are the same, for where he lives I live, and where I live he lives. For as he did come before through the many times throughout your history to prepare the way, so he has come now, [from whom] went out from among us, one was chosen to enter the Earth plane, to be born from the womb of woman to live as one of you. He knew before birth that the road that lied [lay] ahead of him would not be an easy one.

In choosing who would come in the body form, we chose the one among us who we thought loved God the most. It is not by chance that the first name is Ammie, “beloved;” it is not by chance that the second name is Ray, “king,” — “Beloved king.” It is not by chance that the last name would be Elkins, for the full name, and the interpretation would be “Beloved King of Kings.”

Ray Elkins lights his seven-candle candelabra when he renews his vows to God at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Universal Philosophy held at a church to God. Was this covenant with God an indwelling of the spiritual messengers God, who were sent for the one who asked our Father, “Send those who know You best” to prepare a way for the Messiah’s coming, so that our Father’s words not be misinterpreted? Did John speak of the seven-candle candelabra in the Revelation 5:6–7? “And I looked, and behold, in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as though it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent out into all the earth. Then He came and took the scroll out of the right hand of Him who sat on the throne.” The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, often said; “Soul Ray is I, and I am soul Ray.”

We know we have chosen now, this time, to give you information we have long held back from you, because we knew that as his growth took place, and his energy built, and his mind grew, he had to be protected. And now he no longer needs that protection, for he is now, Beloved King of Kings. He is the one sent forth to prepare the way for the First Begotten Son of God.

And so it shall be. All things that have been hidden from you shall now be opened and lighted. Your questions shall be answered….

June 10, 1983, more questions were read to the spiritual messengers of God, including this important one:

“Thank you, Aka. How can we, in this coming year, with our Annual Meeting coming tomorrow, how can we best, what can we best do to put our work in order? What is most needed? What course should we set that would accomplish the most?”

First, we shall say unto you, utilize the abilities that we have placed at your disposal − all of them.

Complete your church. Complete your healing well. Let those who wish know that now is the time to prepare the way, but to do so, they must survive.

Lay out a platform and a plan to increase your membership. Take from your shackles, the restriction we have placed there. Open your Board of Directors to include all of your membership. Utilize the talent which you have to the fullest. Cast aside any jealousies, but do not get so busy casting aside that you cast aside the best parts of yourselves and others. Add to, build upon the foundation. Lay a plan of ac­tion to increase your membership. Let each member become an envoy. Let them reach ten in the coming year. If you do so, you’ll soon multiply once again and again.

Now is a time of growth and maturity. You have had your childhood in your thirteen years. That time is now past; it is over. Remove it from you. You no longer need it….

And now we shall say unto you….Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever. The cherubim is with you.

Now you have in your hearts and souls the chance to make the work at hand work. If you are going to do so, remember ––

keep the Sabbath holy. Fill your church.

There’s always a reason you think of for not attend­ing, but is it really, truly a valid reason? We say unto you, is it really a truly valid reason?

We would suggest that you do one other thing. That you may be known by that which you sing,

build a choir group into your church, and make it work well.

And soon, your church shall be known through the land. And soon the world shall come to you and you will not have to go to them.

People gather for the Annual Meeting service at a church to God in Dripping Springs valley. The date it was dedicated to God, December 5, 1982, was during the Advent season when John the Baptist is remembered for preparing a way for the coming of the Messiah. Behind the church, from this view are the healing springs and “7” mountain on the Dripping Springs mountains.

June 17, 1983: Yes, we see thy need. We shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee this parable.

For there had been many who had come to learn from the teacher. Some were good students, and some were even better. Yet, some were great. As time passed, different students took that that they had learned to take into another land to teach.

One student had remained beside the teacher, for the student had become much beloved by the teacher. But one day, deep inside the student, the stu­dent knew that for its own growth it must grow un­to another land. It did not know how to tell the teacher. It did not know how to come and say, “I have learned from you these things I have come to learn. I have appreciated your love, and your knowledge.” It did not know how to say these words. And soon, one day the student left and went unto another land.

The teacher was much hurt, and much of not understanding, for the teacher had forgotten that that he had taught − for the greatest honor that could be placed upon a teacher was that a stu­dent should rise above him. But still, even with this inside of him, even with this knowledge, it still bothered him a great deal.

And one day the student took pen in hand and wrote to the teacher, and thanked the teacher for the honor of being able to study with him, and also in the letter, in a kind and gentle way, said, “Thank you for allowing me to go unto this land that I might develop myself into a full person, that I too may become a teacher in my light and in my way.”

This is a parable, and as most parables go, it contains truth. For those who have ears to listen, let them hear. For those who have hearts to feel from, let them feel. For those who have eyes to see, let them see. And they shall know the truth of the parable.

For a teacher is like that of a rose. When it is young and beginning to teach, it’s afraid, because it knows there are greater roses around it. But one day it comes into full blossom, and it knows at that moment, at that single moment in its life, that it has become the greatest teacher of all. And so it is between the teacher and the student….

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. What is the Christ state? Is it when you learn to control and direct all of your life experiences?”

(Chuckle.) We shall answer your question. From Adam to that of the Nazarene was a great journey, a journey within and from without. And in the journey, the creation of life begot light. The Christ state, as you would know it, is not necessari­ly the knowing of all things, but the understand­ing. And it is only through the understanding, with compassion, and love, and hope and desire, is that that you mentioned achieved. As we have said before, as strange as it may sound, the beggar on the street might be the next person to walk through that gate. But it is not a gate that leads away from man, but rather to man, for it is the love of mankind that causes you to return.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have another question. You men­tioned the need to survive in the years ahead in a previous reading. Will nuclear fallout affect the Globe area? What specific precautions do we need to take to prepare for survival here?”

Nuclear fallout shall affect all areas. (Sigh.) The first and real danger shall come in sequence of five − five hours, five days, five weeks, and then five years.

The precautions that should be taken is being able to purify the water; second, because of the way your water is stored under­ground. The underground water shall not be con­taminated in this region, but the purest water you shall have for drinking shall be on the other side of the mountain.

Much of your drinking water shall come from the Dripping Springs area. Wells have been provided that can produce that that is needed.

We should further explain some things to you. Look from the valley in Dripping Springs and you shall look forth and see that of that that you know as the Christmas Mine. The small communi­ty which lies a short distance from there, that you speak of as Cooleyville, shall be almost as a bor­derline marching straight in line. There shall be damage on both sides, and then the safe zone shall begin; because of the arrangement of the moun­tains and air currents in this area, that a direct fallout shall not take place, as you know it, in this valley. It shall be picked up and over, and drop­ped, therefore, around and about.

Cooleyville may have been close to the Christmas Mine (the pink circle) on the Dripping Springs mountains. Dripping springs valley lies between these mountains and Pinal Peak to the north, Highway 77 is east of the valley beneath the Dripping Springs Mountains. Further east of Highway 77. is Mt. Turnbull. Phoenix lies in a another valley about 70–100 miles to the west, and the Tucson valley is about 75–85 miles to the south. Kellner Canyon in Globe lies on the other side of Pinal Peak, 27 miles north of the church to God.

In the Globe area, the canyon unto which you speak of as Kellner Canyon has similar qualities, except that it does not have the necessary water, and enough abundance.

June 24, 1983: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee this parable.

For a man had many sheep. And each year his sheep had multiplied, for he took very good care of his sheep. Around him he had very jealous neighbors. And one day, one of his neighbors came forth and stole from him the very best of his brood stock.

When the man came home and found what had happened, he went to the local police. And they did investigate, and they found nothing. And soon the police forgot all about the man’s stock being stolen, but the man did not forget. He continued to scour the countryside. And one day, he decided to visit a market that he had normally not visited. And there he saw his neighbor with his brood stock, and the neighbor was selling it. The man ran forth with a shaft; he beat his neigh­bor severely. And he took back his brood stock, and he drove it home.But onthe trip home, many of the fine animals, which had been badly used, died on the way.

Each day he thought of this, and each day in the fury grew worse. Each time that he saw the neighbor again, he went forth and thrashed him again.

One day, a stranger came into the valley in which he lived, and with him were twelve of his apostles, or his followers. The man had heard of this one, the Prince of Peace. And so, he went unto him and he bade him enter his house and take from him his bread. And so the Master did.

But he said unto him, “I will break bread with you if you can forgive your neighbor.”

The man thought long on this and he said, “But each time I see my brood stock I become angry. And each time I see the man I become angry.”

And so the master said unto him, “How many times must you beat your neighbor before your anger is satisfied?”

The man thought upon this, and he said unto him, “But I have no desire to beat my neighbor.”

And so the Master said unto him, “Then why do you not cast this from yourself? If you had in your flock a wolf, would you not cast it from your flock?”

And the man said,“Yes.”

And he said unto him, “Then is not this anger inside of you which possesses you, as a wolf?”

The man thought upon this. And he said, “Yes, yes, it is as a wolf; it possesses me. It drives me into madness.”

Then the stranger said, “Then go, therefore, with me and forgive thy neighbor.”

When they reached the house of the neighbor, and the neighbor saw the man approach, he started to run away when the stranger called unto him. And the man stopped.

At first he was much afraid. And when the neighbor said unto him, “Forgive me for beating you, that I may forgive myself, and cast aside my anger,” the neighbor thought unto himself, “This stranger [has] great powers over my neighbor. But why should I allow him to get rid of his anger for nothing?” So he said unto his neighbor, “I will allow you to get rid of your anger for 50 of your breeding stock.” Upon which the man brought forth his shaft and began to beat him again.

The stranger sat and watched and did nothing and said nothing.

Soon the man stopped. And he said, “Master, what shall I do? Every time I see this man, even when I try to forgive him, he tries to take more from me, for he reminds me of the fact that he has stolen from me to begin with.”

The stranger said unto him, “My friend, you think he has taken from you, but I say unto you, he has taken nothing from you, for only you may do this. For only you can really take from yourself, for you are robbing that of your soul and your immortal body. Now you have come unto this one to ask his forgiveness and cast it aside, and he has insulted you. And you have beat him profoundly. What would you do now?”

The man said unto the stranger, “I should ask forgiveness. But first, I shall ask God to take anger from my heart.” And so he prayed unto the Almighty God that anger be taken from his heart.

His neighbor, when he saw, he too prayed, and he prayed that jealousy be taken from his heart.

And when the prayers were ended, they did look unto each other and become friends.

The parable we have just told you is but a parable. Yet it is true in all of your lives. A garden not yet planted shall not yield a harvest. And the only way that you, all of you, shall harvest the crops which you wish to harvest is to cast all of these things from your hearts, so that you may work together, and be of one mind and of one entity. But if you cannot look into yourself and find these things, if you cannot ask God’s help, then the fields you choose to create, to plant, shall forever remain unplanted.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, for the pamphlet that the Shepherds’ Committee is preparing − you have mentioned nuclear war. How long will it be necessary in this area to remain in shelters to avoid being harmed by fallout?”

You ask two questions. We shall answer them in this way.We have told you before that things shall be as five. For the time to be of complete safety will be five months. But within five days, with proper clothing and the vastness of your Aloe Vera harvest and the use ofthe same, and the use of it upon the land to neutralize the land around and about you, and to neutralize your trees, your gardens, of all things that grow, and of all things alive, you shall cut this time into less than one month. But only if you can work together.

Ray Elkins planted a large field of aloe vera on his ranch in the Dripping Springs valley.

You have other questions, ask.

“Could our livestock go out to graze safely within a month?”

If one part of Aloe Vera to 100 parts of good water be mixed together and the land be sprayed afterward, then it may graze anywhere it shall. But understand this, there shall be mutates which shall survive this, not only of the animal, but of the fowl, but of the fish, and of the man. Yet, we should say unto you, if you should plan and plan well, your people shall survive.

Yet, we say unto you, if you can produce 300 people of righteous hearts you may avoid this from happen­ing, that they may come together before God.

Please pray that these 300 people be found. The spiritual messengers of God words remind one of another time the angels may recall, when Abraham pleaded with God to spare the city – first if 50 righteous men could be found, then 45, then 40. Abraham continued to plead until God agreed to spare the city if only ten could be found. This account is written in Genesis 18:16–33. How similar are these words of Aka today.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, how long should we in this area prepare to be without electricity?”

If proper preparation is made, you will not be with­out electricity. But if you shall depend upon, as you would call it, outside sources, it can be for almost an indefinite time. It will be five years before your nation shall begin to put itself back together again.

You have other questions.

“Would it be as long as five years before gasoline will become available?”

We have just answered that question.

“Thank you, Aka. When is it most likely that the earth will move on its axis?”

Not until the year of 1990.

“At that time, what longitude will Globe be after the shift?”

It shall be a simple problem of mathematics.The earth has been shifting since 1932. It has now shifted 10 degrees. It should only need to shift five more degrees before the next 10 shall be multiplied to it. That will be the longitude and latitude. All things shall be one-fourth off from what you have known it.

You have other questions,ask.

“What present geographic location will most probably become the new North Pole?”

In what you should know as the mid-Pacific, or northern Pacific––very close to what you now know as Japan.

You have other questions.

“Yes, Aka. [10–381–1] needs guidance for her and her daughter at this time in their lives.”

We shall answer your questions in this manner. When you felt that the world had abandoned you, and God had abandoned you, you found that neither had happened. A job was provided, a livelihood was provided that you might wait out a period of time so that you could go on with your lives. We say unto you, take that which you have now, and utilize it in such a manner that what you wish could be brought into fulfillment.

You are reluctant, not necessarily because of your color, or race, but for other reasons, to ask for a place to place your roots in the valleys. Yet we say unto you, “judge not, lest ye be judged. Ask and you shall receive.” Have not the things you thought were most impossible at the time when the need was the greatest, were not these provided?

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka is there any guidance which you wish to give those gathered here this evening?”

We should say unto you − first, we should say unto the [6–269–6]s, there where you now dwell you should prepare to make the changes which you have thought of before. This has been hard on you; yet there has been ways that shall be opened unto you which you shall see and know of.

The Tucson area is not a safe area, for we have told you not only that a nuclear war can happen, we have also told you of war that is but an eyelash away, and that is a war in Central America which is sweeping forward and shall go forth into Mexico. [See Aka’s warning in “Beware of the Brown Horse.”]

In any event, the area in which you now dwell, for many reasons, is not the safest. We would suggest that as these new ways are made and prepared for you, that you recognize them and take the necessary steps to bring yourself into fulfillness with yourselves. But only do so if it is satisfying unto yourselves….

We shall say unto [12–23–1] and [13–437–3], love is the most, and richest of all commodities. It is but, and it is the only substance that you may take out of this world with you. Know this. And also know that the parable we gave in the beginning fits in many places. But what is given, and given freely, even though at times it does not look as though it is given fully back with love, does not mean that it is not.

Now we should say unto [2–19–4], we see thy need. We have watched you, and seen the truth of most things. We have seen the love and devotion that sets in your heart. There is much to be done in the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. The time now grows short, and many of the strong backs that picked up the yoke when we first came, their backs are not so strong anymore, yet their hearts are willing. Become that of their strength, and the reward you seek shall be yours….

For we come but for one purpose, for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

But we say unto all, the safety and the well-being of the instrument is of the utmost importance at this time, that the flock may reap the harvest that the Lord has promised. Now is not the time to go astray. Now is the time to build upon, for your thirteenth year has passed. That was the years we allowed for growth and to reach maturity. From these years forth shall be mature years, for as we have said before, the half times are passed, and the full times are upon you.

All things that were shall be. Ask and you shall receive. Listen and you shall hear. Look and you shall see, for the great Sword, that should cut two ways, is upon you. Where nothing grew, all things shall now be plentiful. Yet, a third, and a third, and a third of the earth shall be laid waste.

Each type of pestilence and floods have been brought forth to show you to bind you together. As we have said before, bring 300 souls who should prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah unto one house, and that which you dread the most shall be prevented.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, by bringing them together in one house do you mean in one worship or in one geographic location or building?”

Of one mind.

“Of one mind; thank you.

“In the Bible it is mentioned that the temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem. Is this a physical temple?”


“What circumstances will lead to its being rebuilt?”

For land beneath it shall be destroyed; the present-day temple shall be destroyed. And from ashes shall rise the temple….

We are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. We are also here to bring you love and kindness and good wishes from the Lord, our God. As we have said before, ask and you shall receive. For those things which we have just mentioned are the richest of commodities.

July 1, 1983: And now we shall say unto that one who should ask, and has asked, of the building of the pool. Yes, now is the time. And now is also the time for your healing. Count the days,

for if all goes well, before the prophet’s birthday, the first of the healing pools shall be complete, and ready for the next.

But, for those who love you, we have laid a task before them, and that is its completion, for we knew deep inside, that you needed this and this proof − and therefore, you shall feel it and touch it, as real as the flowers at your feet, as sweet as all the roses upon the earth, as gentle as the gentlest wind, as kind as a hummingbird upon the wind. For as the humming­bird should migrate great distances and back, so should your healing, and so should that that should last and be good take time in the making, but now is the time.

Ray’s birthday was July 13, 1983. Under the springs that drip from the crevasse in the Dripping Springs mountain Ray asked that we build a healing pool. Ray had already completed a church in the valley below six months before, on December 5, 1982, when he dedicated it to God. On August 26, 1983, Aka asked that the “lady in white” was placed beside the springs. Two statues in the form of both the Virgin Mary and the Lady of Guadalupe were carried up the steep hill and placed by the kiva. When the springs were blessed, God, Aka and Ray awakened the spirit of the kiva, to bring healing from the water that drips from the mountain. After that, miraculous healings occured at the springs and also for people who took the blessed water home to anoint themselves. Ray asked that we maintain the pool that he had had built beneath the springs to hold the water. (See the March–April 2016 AUP “Rays of Philosophy” newsletter, page 5, to learn about the water the pool could hold.)

And we say now unto soul Paul [2–30–1], yes, we see thy need. And when the day comes forth and baptisms begin at this pool, then shall come a time whenwe shall tell you, as the prophet already knows, that a new way of baptism shall begin.

And we say unto you, hark, Ruth [2–30–2], and listen. For as a stone was moved on the third day, and yet an appearance was made, but not yet whole, and yet it came upon the third day of the third moment, so it shall be again. We know that all of these things are coming so rapid that it is hard for you to understand. But we say unto you, now the needs of the people shall be filled, not as the rain drops upon the desert, but as a storm upon the desert, and the water shall flow in the same manner.

And now, we should say unto the one known as [2–19–4], and shall answer your question. If wine is worth making, it’s worth taking the time to make it. If you think that you can accomplish in three days that that it has taken all of those thirteen years to accomplish, then try. But we should say unto you, make a good wine, and then you shall look upon it and know in your heart that it is good. For there is the youth that needs that which you have to give, but remember you too must take the vows to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. If you do not, then you have not fulfilled the prophecy, and you have not fulfilled that that you slept through. [Note: Aka was referring to when this man was a boy between ages 8–10 who slept through the messages that Aka spoke.]…

But we shall say unto [12–428–1 (the architect)], go there unto the pond tomorrow and make a sketch of the dam, that those who should build it should have that to work with. You know of which we speak. Make it strong.

Make it where it shall not leak water, for it shall be the water that is needed in another day to sustain life, quite possibly your own and those you love most.

And we shall also say unto you, (chuckle) “Rafael!” [Note: The architect who designed the church to God would often tease Ray, and thus, the spiritual messengers of God within Ray, by exclaiming, “Rafael!”]

As your periods of, your climatary periods begin to alter, in the fullness of this shall come about the one-third shifting of the planetary substance. That in itself shall alter seasons and make it necessary for you to grow in different manners.

As we have said before, those things that you wish and desire are but a short step from you. If you really desire them, they shall be furnished. If you wish, all that is necessary has been placed at your feet’s. It shall take that that you know of as axle- or elbow-grease, hard work from you and your people to bring this about.

But we shall also answer your question in another manner. Your greatest threat shall not be the survival of radia­tion, but it shall be from those of the larger cities who shall flock from the north and the south, east and the west, seeking a safe place. We say unto you, put these people to work. Allow them to work, that they may eat, that they pay the toil of their backs, for those who wish to work. For those whodo not wish to work, be prepared in such a manner that they shall know that they shall not take from you these things that are necessary to sustain life.

The valley below the Dripping Springs Mountains (red dot) is 27 miles south of Globe, Arizona. One hundred miles to the east (a 116 mile drive) is central Phoenix. Tucson is 80 miles south (85 miles drive to central Tucson).

Last, we shall mention to you that even in earthquake, tornado, and hurricane, the worst damage is not done by that that is caused by the turmoil itself. It is the aftermath, the loss of electricity, the loss of any type of power, the loss that should come about by being unprepared, for using conventional fuels, and being able to switch over to them rapidly. What good is a freezer full of food if there is no electricity to run the freezer? You have a certain period which you could can this product, and preserve it, even when the electricity goes out. You cannot do so if you do not have that that is at hand to perform the task.

Your next, and one of your more important things,that means of transportation. For gasoline, as you would know it, shall not last forever where you are. This means that work in fields and many other types of work must be done either by hand or by beasts of burden that shall survive with you, and may breed and restock the Earth with you.

Ray’s horses, Pork Chop, Desert Rose and her filly, graze happily at Ray’s ranch next to the church to God in the valley. In the background a trail leads partway up the mountain to the healing springs.

Now we say unto you, the year, 1985, is a year

that can be changed, can be pushed forth, and away.

War, [its sudden], can be diverted at this time, if, and on­ly if, the people change their ways.

We shall answer in this manner. You have a Pope [John Paul II] of the Catholic faith, which has asked for the support of any faith in bringing forth peace. We would say unto you, you do not have to become one of the flock to be going the same direction, to become a traveler of time and space, with like minds and like achievements. If you wish, you may alter the course of things.

We know that it is easier for you to say, “Let someone else do this, for I am doing all I can in what I am doing.”

We also say unto you, for those who shall ask, that that is needed shall be provided. But they must be willing to [take] the Lord, thy God, as the one and only true God.

July 28, 1983: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord thy God. Glory be the name of the children of the Lord, thy God, forever and ever.

And now we should say unto thee unto these words. For now is the time of the Anti-Christ. For his fourteen years, he now is flexing his muscles. And so the weakest shall fall away.

But yet, the weakest are sometimes the strongest, and so we should say unto you this manner. We see they need. It would be far better that the prophet call these people in separately and talk with them. It would equally be suggested that the prophet call a meeting of the shepherds, and these matters be discussed wholly.

Remember the Anti-Christ’s sign, Comet Bowell (C/1980 E1), that was discovered in February 1980? Its orbit was illustrated earlier in a graph. Before it entered the inner solar system to pass closest to the Sun on March 12, 1982, Comet Bowell travelled 74,300 times the distance from Earth to the Sun (AUs) — the furthest point in its orbit. It returned every 7.1 million years. But this time, something happened. As the comet approached our inner solar system on December 9, 1980, Jupiter’s gravity briefly accelerated the comet. This altered Bowell’s path so it will no longer orbit our Sun. (The chart shows the date of the resulting change in its orbit.) The comet is now moving farther and farther away. Comet Boswell is being ejected from our solar system, never to return. Could the distancing of his “star” be a sign that the Anti-Christ will soon be on his way out? Will we be able to cast Lucifer’s influence from our lives and thus from the Earth? The message below was spoken as Comet Bowell passed again through Jupiter’s orbital path in our inner solar system.

We shall suggest unto you that if thy right eye offend thee, cast it aside. The indiscretion of the lies brought forth against the prophet should be answered. A letter by the prophet should be sent to those who lie, allowing them a chance to come before the prophet and the shepherds, that these indiscretions might be heard.

We would further suggest that, should they continue as they have continued, these people do not wish good health or fortune to the prophet. It is their ultimate desire to destroy him totally and completely, for their own selfish gain. This is not the first time, nor shall it be the last, that they shall do as they have done. They have given information unto the enemies of thy people, that the people might be destroyed.

We shall tell you unto these words. Should it become necessary, cast them out, which it shall most probably be.

Yet, we are not allowed to say fully that which you know is sometimes felt in a most abominable way.

First, we should let you understand that the one known, and you have known, as Aka, does not speak this night, for the Council thought best that since the two were tied so close, and are one, that it would be better that I be allowed to speak unto you.

The business matters that you speak of, we should suggest that a greater attendance and preciseness be used in making appointments, that each person who should make an appointment should be fully aware that they shall be charged in monetary value should they not keep it. And if they do not notify you at least 48 hours in advance, they are depriving others of the help that is needed unto them. That unto which you would call, booking, or listing of the clientele or the patients should be done so in a manner that each day is filled before another one can be made. This way there shall be less wasted time. An outline draft should be handed unto a new patient that they should fully understand that the treatment they might receive.

It would be further suggested that a greater attendance be shown, both in Phoenix and in Globe, that soul Ray is not left alone in a treatment room at any time, with anyone, unless he so suggests. But each person should be completely clad when he speaks to them privately. Thisway there shall be no room for slander of any kind.

We would further suggest that improvements be made at this time in going ahead and labeling all of your products, for that of the copyright that you have shall protect you if it is sent in and properly done as you would do a book. Also we should have you understand that the trademark shall be given as is.

We should also have you understand that the speaking of this of the English language is rather difficult. We shall say unto you, it is not my place usually as spokesman. It is my desire and hope that you understand each of my words precisely.

We should further say unto you, there are those who utilize and will utilize this organization to feather their own cap. Those who should do so should not want to work as a full part of a team, have no reason nor room for being placed upon the team.

We shall make one last suggestion, that the full content of this reading be published before any other. An explanation should be made fully for the reason that you have asked for the reading, and therefore, no one, therefore, will feel deprived.

Do you understand that which we speak?

“Yes, I think we do, Aka, I mean spokesman.”

We say unto you, as has been suggested before,

the completion of the healing springs shall bring about a greater healing than you shall know.

Do you understand of which we speak?

“Yes, I think so. Are you satisfied with the construction as it is proceeding?”

Yes, and we should say unto you, and to each of you,

may God’s blessings be with you. May the world smile in the heavens this day

for your presence, and your concern is greatly appreciated….

May the great world of worlds soon be complete. May the great universe of universes soon be complete. And may all of God’s domain lay before you.

Now, the words you have heard tonight are different; the love is not.

August 5, 1983: Yes, we see thy needs, and we should say unto thee unto this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory be the name of Thy children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee this parable, in this manner and in this way.

For upon the ocean shore there lived a small village of fishermen. One fisherman in particular decided that he needed more than just fish to his diet. And so, he laid aside land that he could toil and bring into cultivation. And he did grow some grain and vegetables. And he did grow food for his animals. And therefore, his family soon lived quite well.

And then came a great storm. And the storm did destroy his crops.

Now this was a man who believed in the Lord, thy God, and lived by his beliefs quite strongly. And when he saw this happening, he was sure that someone had placed a curse upon him.

And so, within the village there lived a woman who dealt in herbs and other remedies to heal the sick. And he went unto her, and he brought what small amount of money he had as an offering unto her. And she refused his money and said, “I know of no curse placed upon you, and I know of no one here who could do of such. But if such has been placed upon you, it would have to come from others outside of this village.”

And he said unto her, “Then what should I do?”

And she said, “Venture forth unto yon mountain, and go unto the temple, therefore. And there you shall find a man of God. Ask unto him that that you have asked unto me.”

And so, he did venture forth unto the mountain and unto the temple. He did bring with him offerings of the fish that he had caught. And since the journey was long and hot, he had used the kelp leaves to preserve, and the salt to dry and preserve the fish. When he reached the village, all the people came out and tried to purchase and trade for the fish which he had brought. And he said, “I cannot trade nor sell these, for these are an offering unto the man of God in your temple.”

And he went unto the temple and to the man of God and offered.

And the man of God said, “I shall take one fish. The others you shall sell or barter for. And I shall answer your question. First, that that you think that has been a curse has been a blessing.”

The man looked upon him, and said,“How could this be?”

And he said unto the man, “Think; what did you bring with you, the crop that you yield from the sea? And you have found, when you reached this village, that people here did not have such a crop. And they were willing to barter with you or buy your crop. If it had not been for the storm, which laid your own awaste, you would not have ventured forth unto the woman; you would not have ventured forth unto the temple.

“Now I say unto you, go back. Plant again. But now, you shall have three things you shall do. You shall harvest the crop of the sea, and you shall harvest the salt of the sea, and you shall bring it with you. And you shall harvest from your own land.

“But you shall soon find that the greatest of work that you can do, you cannot do all well. So do the minor fields; grow them in small amounts. Come here and barter for those things you need, and for money you need.

“For do you not know that the Lord, thy God, has planted many fields and many types of farmers? You are a farmer from the sea. Did not the Lord say unto Adam that he should have the dominion over the fish of the oceans, the streams, the rivers, and the seas; and the fowl, therefore, of the same; and the animals, therefore, of the same.”

The young man went back to the village to tell of this great story.

And so, when the fish boats had come in, of the different types of fish, they would send forth great carts from one village to the other. Further and further inland became their trade.

And soon more and more things did they have. They had fine horses to ride, and fine chariots to ride in. And because of their venture forth, soon better craftsmen came to build better boats for them. And cotton, and wool, and all those things that came about and needed to make the nets, and the traps, were brought forth. And fine timber was brought forth to build good houses and fine stone of many kinds, and good cloth for clothing.

Now we say unto you, unto each of you and in you, is the bountiful field that is ready to harvest. You have only to look within you.

Cast aside your grievances, for they are not important. Barter and trade, and use your wares in such a manner that they shall be beneficial, each unto another.

We have told you that which is, and that which can be. Hear us, and you shall know that that that we speak of is in truth.

August 12, 1983: Yes,we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee this parable and in this way.

We shall tell you of a time when great famine of many natures had struck the earth. The mountains bellowed and volcanoes erupted. Oceans roared and tidal waves were not of just one day, but of many days. It seemed as though there was no safe place upon the land.

And so, from those who lived near the ocean they did come together and delegate to send a young man forth to find a safe haven for them. And for those who lived in the mountains, they did do the same. And so the young man from the moun­tains and the young man from the oceans, not knowing of each others’ existence, began their long journey. From what they knew, there was fertile land to the south of them.

And so they did venture forth.

But when they began to cross the great deserts, each had not come prepared for this. And even though their bodies were strong, and their spirits high, soon the toll began to come upon both. And as each day passed into another, they knew that should they not return, their people would perish. Yet they looked for water and for food, and they saw it not.

And one day, they came and met each other. And as they talked, barely in whispers because of the dryness in their throats, a young man came out of the desert whistling a merry tune. They looked up into him, and said, “How can you whistle, when we can barely speak?”

And the young man looked upon them, and laughed and said, “It is a saying, gentlemen, ‘But do you not know you have been sitting on water?’”

They looked all around and about them. There was many cacti of many kinds, but they saw no water.

Cholla cactus

The young man who had whistled walked forth, pulled from his belt a long knife; both of the other young men poised themselves for battle. Yet the knife was not for that purpose. For he walked to that of the cholla, and he cut it in two at the base; he brought forth from his belt a long protruding spoon, and reached up and started to pull it out. From the back of his pack he brought a bowl, and as he pulled it out, he offered it to them.

They looked at it, both one unto the other, both afraid to taste it. They did not know whether it looked appetizing or not, but it was moist. And so they began to eat of it, and they felt the moisture begin to fill them.

In the meanwhile, he had gone to the other plants, and began to prepare a meal. And soon he gave unto them a feast of the desert. After they were full, they did say unto him, “How can you live in such a desolate place?”

And he said unto them, “But this is not a desolate place. We live here; we live happily. Because of the water situations, we live in smaller amounts of groups of people. But where we have chosen to live more and more together, we developed the under­ground water which lies in tremendous vats beneath the earth.”

And they said, “But do you have not earthquakes yet here?” [Note: see Monitoring Swarms of Small-magnitude Earthquakes in Arizona.”

And the young man said, “Yes, we have had them. We have had them long ago. For once long ago this land which you stand on was once part of a great forest. And before that it sat beneath the sea, and thrust upward. Therefore, all these things that you have had where you live was once here. It has only changed its form in such a way that it can serve not only itself, but it can serve mankind.”

Sections of the Palo Verde River were mapped, showing its southerly path east of Phoenix. The brown-colored areas signify regions of higher elevation, while the blue indicates lower lands. Does the blue show land that may have once been undersea, or land that may have the potential for future flooding?

They thought upon this for a long time, and they said to the young man, “We are many people from where we come from. We must find homes for them; would you help us?”

And the young man looked upon them and said, “Yes, our people will help you.”

. The Gila River runs from the Colorado River near Yuma to Phoenix, and east to Winkelman (where the San Pedro River heads south). Then it curves north toward Dripping springs and east to the Cooledge dam, and on across the state line.A band of Pima (autonym “Akimel O’odham”, river people), the Keli Akimel O’odham (Gila River People), have lived on the banks of the Gila River since before the arrival of Spanish explorers. Map of the Gila River watershed-drainage basin — located in New Mexico and Arizona. Showing Gila Basin tributaries of the Colorado River.by Kmusser — Self-made, based on USGS data., CC BY-SA 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2742619

But that night as they began to sleep, the one from the ocean and the one from the mountain did come over together and say, “Is he tricking us? Is what he has and what he offers us, is it truly good? Can this be a vision of the devil that has been placed in this horrible place to trick us?”

The young man, in the morn, said unto them, “You may venture forth with me into our villages and see as we live. And then we shall escort you back, both back home.”

They thought upon this and thought to them­selves, “We shall catch the devil at work within his own realm.”

When they reached these villages, the one thing that made them more suspicious was that of the art of not speaking so much with the mouth, but more with the mind. And they saw other wonders about them that came from these of the desert people.

And they were taken unto the wise men and into council. And they said unto the wise men, “How do we know you are not of Lucifer?”

The wise men looked upon them and said, “This is a good question you ask of us. And since we have no way of proving to you that we are not, then it is your choice, your free choice, to make this decision. But we should take you unto one who has come among us from the beginning, into the valley of valleys, and let you see where the many live.”

And so the next morning they did go forth upon a journey. They did enter valleys, one after another. In each valley they found an abundance of water, they found an abundance of food, and happy people living in peace, each greeting them, and giving to them.

Finally one day they crested into the mountain and down into the valleys. There it stood, green.

Springtime in the valley beneath the Dripping Springs Mountains

As they came into the valley they were greeted in a most unusual manner, for there in the valley they were first given fish, the first fish they had seen. They had seen dried fish in the other camps, but here there was fish, fresh fish in abund­ance. And they saw beautiful horses, all around and about them. And they saw fat cattle, and sheep, and goats, and many other animals, of different kind. And they saw fowl. They could not believe their eyes of all the wonders they were seeing. They saw vegetables growing bigger than they had ever seen before.

And as they entered, it was of the noon time and the time of the meal. They thought they would be taken into a great commune. They soon found that they were invited into a private home to eat.

The homes were simple, made both for winter and summer. They found, therefore, there was coal for heating, and the structures were made to maintain the coolness. They found many structures made for generating electricity, and many structures made for generating and producing water. All the elements of the earth and the heavens were put to use.

And they said, “It has been some time since all this has come about unto us and we have seen such abundance.”

And they were told that that night, that at the church and the meeting house, that they were welcome to attend.

Edible yucca blosssoms on “candelas de Dios” bow down before God as an offering at the church in the valley that was dedicated to Him. The root of the yucca can be used to make soap for cleansing,

So they did go into the meeting house of the church where prayers were given up to the great Lord of Lords, the God of Gods. And they began to realize that the God these people wor­shipped was the same that they did.

But they also began to realize these people had survived because they had schools for learning, teachers for teaching. But they were taught, both in their classroom and in the fields, of every plant and every herb that grew upon the lands in natural state, and all those things that they could grow, and how to grow them, and how to get the most from the land and the water at hand, how to use the sun, how to use the air.

And they were told that their lands would soon become safe for living, but in the meantime, that all of their people would be willing to open up their hearts and make places for them. It was to be understood, should they come and be allowed to enter into the valleys, that they must work, as all did here.

They agreed very readily.

And within a day or two, and their rest complete, they were taken very short routes home upon fine golden beasts. And when they entered their own homes and their own camps with their new friends, the people there could not believe, because with them had been sent the gifts of food, of clothing, of many things to sustain them on their journey.

Now, we should bring this journey and this story to an end, yet it shall never end.

For the parable we have told you is that which will come and the time which will come.

We have told you [on] many times to prepare, and how to prepare. And if you wish to prepare, make these decisions. There is this time that these preparations can be made. If you decide to do so, then do so, in a manner which serves the whole and the one; the whole meaning the whole body, the whole soul, the whole spirit, and the whole people − the one meaning the one God, the one person, the one soul, the one spirit, and the one immortal body that should come into oneness.

August 26, 1983: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

Now we should say unto thee the parable of the twins.

For in a land of plenty, it came to be that this good man and this good woman could not have children. They had laid themselves unto a good farm with much stock of many kinds. They had built good store­houses, and yet, even though each day they came forth and knelt unto the Lord, thy God, there was no answer. From the offerings they had given, nothing was taken. From that unto which they gave unto the Lord, thy God, the Lord seemed to be listening with deaf ears.

And then one day, as the woman went about her daily tasks, and was in the garden harvesting that of the bountiful amount of vege­tables, there, among all of them, sat an angel of the Lord, thy God. And the angel did speak unto her and say, “For [of] you this day, and it shall come about, shall be the mother of two nations. And one nation shall begot unto another nation. And so it shall be.”

As she had seen the angel, she fell deep into a sleep, and she slept the long day.

In the field where her husband worked, therefore, appeared an angel, and the angel did say unto him, “For behold this day is a great day for rejoicing, for your seed shall be the seed that shall begot nations.”

Now this man, being a God-fearing man, knelt before the angel of the Lord’s, and said unto them, “Yet how can this be when my wife is bare and gives me no children?”

And the angel said unto him, “Is it your wife that is bare, or you? But that shall be no more, for you shall father nations, for your seed shall spread upon the earth, and it shall find unto itself that of many nations.”

The good news spread far and wide across the land − for behold, a child of the Lord was to be born.

And as the news spread, soon the great physicians of the land ventured forth, for they too wished to play a part in the birth of this special child. And they did examine her and find that not one, but two children lay in the womb. The day came forth, and two fine boys came forth of the womb of this woman.

And the father thought, “How can this be? How can they both be head of a nation?”

Time passed. And when the boys themselves were that unto eighteen, a vision did come before them that each should travel in a different direction, leaving one another. They looked so much alike that no one could tell them apart, not even their mother and father. So one went east, and one went west.

And one, when he had came unto the edge of the ocean did build a mighty craft. And he did sail this craft until the day that it came unto the land of the Americans. And therefore, he became the father of the land, for with him he brought those of both sex, and they did bring forth and make the land fertile, and did populate the land.

And the other young man, he went forth until he hit and came upon a great ocean. And he too did build a craft that was great and mighty, and he too did sail. And he reached unto that which is known as the South American continent. And he too did set about to populate the land. And he was thought of as Quetzalcoatl, that of the greatness of leaders of the land.

And in the other land, he who settled upon it, he too became of a great leader, and the father of his nation. And he too did build of great civilizations. And soon his children and his grandchildren went upon the land.

And soon the descendants of both brothers were trading with one another. And each, as they reached the other, told of their ancestor. And they realized that they were of cousins.

And soon there was marriages arranged, both for and about unto the land, and they did begot other children. And soon all of the land was populated by the descendants of the two.

Now all was quiet and all was peaceful upon the land. And whenever a man looked upon the land he thought, “What a good thing it is that these two were brothers, for there shall never be war among us.” And for as long as the two brothers lived, there was no war.

Yet their descendants begot other des­cendants. And soon they began to quarrel over who was the greater. And so they bought and made graven images of each of the brothers, yet, and they did use them as totems to march with in their armies.

And one day they faced each other across a great field, therefore, to enter into battle. Each looking unto the other’s totem became confused because they dressed alike and their totems was alike. Their totems looked alike. And so, they began to say one unto the other, “Why do we fight each other? For what reason?” − because one could not be greater than the other if they looked alike, if they dressed alike, if they were alike, and if they were brothers. “Then we must prepare a great feast upon this battle­field.” And they did do so.

Now we say unto you, did you not all come from the same tree? Are you not but different branches of that tree? Are all of you not going in the same direc­tion? Do you not seek our Father’s mansions? Therefore, we say unto you, there is but goodness and glory in the hearts of men.

Yes, there shall be men who shall say unto you, “Hate this person; dislike this person,” for this or that reason. But is that a reason enough? We say unto you, forgive thy brother and sister. Forgive thy mother and father. Forgive, that brother and brother shall be brothers, and sister and sister shall be sisters. And all upon the land a greatness shall reign.

For now the valley has been opened. And you shall soon see the abundance of the valley….

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14–459–1], She says, ‘I wish to live in Dripping Springs some day. What can I give to those already there? How can I help?’”

The gift of love is the greatest gift of all. When you have seen with thine eyes, you shall know the answer, for the greater of greatness shall be placed before you.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [12–423–1] asks, ‘Aka, thank you for our readings. At this time would you please give me the time of my birth? Also what will heal my leg?’”

The last shall come first, and the first shall come last.

We say unto you, the water of the healing springs, when it is complete. And when it is com­plete, and soul Ray shall call on the Kiva of the springs, and when the Madonna is placed upon the mountain, then all shall be in readiness.

9:45 a.m.

September 2, 1983: Yes, we see thy needs. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

Now we should say unto thee this parable.

For we shall tell you of the story of the three young men, who lived upon a fine land. Yet there was an ocean that was all around and about them. And each day they came to the edge of the ocean and they looked upon it and wished that they knew what was on the other side of the ocean.

One day one of the young men suggested that they build a craft that they might sail through the ocean and find the land that lay beyond the horizon. And so they did this. And they built a mighty ship. They did outfit it with provisions of all kinds, and tools of all kinds.

And then came the day that they should depart. And as the ship left its dry dock to enter the water there were mighty cheers. The three young men, not looking back, sailed off into the horizon.

It didn’t take them long to realize that they had lost sight of their own shoreline, so there was only horizons beyond them in all directions. They sailed for forty days and forty nights.

And one day they came upon this great land, and they did disembark upon it. And here they built their home, and here they grazed and made great fields, and captured many wild sheep and goat, and some cattle. And they thought, this land is but the land of the most bountiful of the world. So they made ready to depart.

But as they were making ready to depart, a company of men entered into their village and hailed them. To their surprise, they knew of these people, and they said unto them, “How did you come to this place?”

And they laughed and said, “We thought you were lost at sea. No one has seen you for a very long time. No one knew that you had sailed to this part of the land.”

They said unto the others, “What do you mean?”

And the others said unto them, “It is quite simple, you have never left the land you originally dwelled upon.”

They said, “Look. But look at the different fruits and vegetables. Look at the wild sheep that are now domesticated and multiply. Look at our cows. Look all around us.”

And the men who came said, “Yes, we know of this; we have known of this place for a long time. We come here to hunt and gather food. We take it back to barter.”

After much confusion they had made their mind up that all would go aboard this ship, this mighty ship; staying close to the shoreline, they would go back to the land that they lived. So they all took their great wealth and they did enter the great ship.

But in the middle of the night, the ship was caught in a mighty storm. And they sailed again for many, many days. And they found another new land. And so there they took those things that they had brought with them, and planted them, and yielded from the land, and yielded from the forest and trees, and the heavens above and the streams and the oceans.

And then one day, more people wandered into their camp. And they knew them too. And they knew right away they had not entered a new land, but it was more of the same. And so, they made the decision once again to board the mighty ship, one and all, to depart.

Now this time they had decided that they would make a type of compass, that it would allow them to guide themselves in the navigation and bring them back to their homeland. So they went to work, and worked, as you would say, long and hard. And then one day they decided to depart once again. Only this time, they decided that one person would remain on shore, following this one along, calling out to them, that they may always hear the other voice, and therefore, could not become lost once again. So they boarded the great ship and once again set out to con­quer a new world.

Now in the meantime, this friend of friends who lived in another land had built many things great, and many things that were of superb nature for all to see. They decided to take these things with them, and this time all did return home. Each had his own tale to tell. Each had the greatness of power of the story to be told.

There were many there who laughed at them, but there were many there who listened to their stories, and contracted with them to go and live in the different parts of this on their own land.

Now we say unto you, you have passed upon the land you live many times, and though you think you have seen it and experienced it all, if you look with new eyes, you shall see it each time you pass, anew. And you shall find new things within it that you have not seen before.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Thank you. I have a question that was submitted, that asks, ‘Why was the lighting fixture taken from the church, and was it taken by the same people who took the stones from the spring?’”

We should say unto you that that that is missing shall return, but it shall not be the same, for the original was broken.

September 9, 1983: “Thank you, Aka. [15–470–3] asks, ‘Do you have any advice for me?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer your question in this manner. For you have come into the land of the Eagle. And yet you have felt him not, that which was the intent for you to feel. Search the land. Look for that quiet place within your soul and body and mind, and you shall find that which is most desired unto you.

And now we shall say unto you, for fear only grows fear. It brings not laughter, nor joy, nor happiness to your hearts. Anger leaves you with an unclear head, not to think with, not to plan with, not to build with.

Ask yourself, in each task that you take, what is the most loving thing you can do for another? And then do it.

If you should take from your daily lives, and do this that we say, the world of peace that we all seek, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, can be and shall be a reality. Now we say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children.

September 16, 1983: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we would say these words.

And we should say this parable in this manner and in this way.

For there was a jewel smith who dealt in gold, and he was considered that of the goldsmith, and he did make many fine objects for all over the world. Now this man knew of many places that the gold came from.

And one day, a young man came unto him to sell him gold. Now the gold he bought from the young man was of a very desirable type. Soon, because he encouraged the young man, the young man would bring him all of his gold to buy.

And he said to the young man, “With such gold as you have, how is it that you come by such a great and fine quality?”

And the young man said unto him, “Through prayer do I come by the gold I bring to you, for the Lord, God, knows of my needs and provides of them.”

The goldsmith could not understand this, for he struggled hard in his trade. And he paid his tithing unto the church, yet he did his share of praying also. But he must work very hard, he knew, for what money he made from that of his craft.

As time passed, the young man brought more and more gold. And the man said, “If the Lord is providing this gold and it is for your needs, why is it that you have more gold than you need?”

And the young man said unto him, “But it is not just for [what] only my needs, but it is of the needs of the community into which I dwell.”

And so the goldsmith said unto him, “I must know of this. Please take me unto the community unto which you dwell.”

The young man readily agreed to take him into his community.

And when they came unto the vill­age he saw many men and women and children. They dressed simply. They ate well. They grew of the stock; they grew of the fields.

And the young man said, “Now is the time when we should go unto the mountain that should give up the gold that God has offered that I may trade with you, that I may buy the staples for the people.”

And so, they went up to the mountain.

Mines in the Dripping Springs mountains are shown by a pick and axe. Clusters of close localities are identified with colored circles. As you can see, clusters of 5 and of 13 deposits were found in or near the valley. Exploitable minerals in this region (in alphabetical order) are: beryllium, bismuth, copper, gold, lead, molybdenum, silver, tungston, vanadium, and zinc.

And there in the mountain was a goodly amount of gold. The goldsmith became, you would say, very greedy, and he did strike the young man down and fill all his bags with gold, and ran as fast as he could to leave the valley. But as he had left the valley he had forgot to take food and water.

And as the days passed, and he was working his way back into the land in which he dwelled, he soon found himself throwing away gold because it became too heavy to carry and too much of a burden.

And as he grew more hungry and more thirsty, and as he had stopped by the tree to gather what shade it gave, suddenly before him appeared the young man, and he offered him food and water. And he said, “Come now, let us go back into your village that we may barter, that I might sell you my gold.” At no time did the young man speak harshly of him for striking him down.

This time, when the goldsmith went unto his temple of worship, instead of praying for himself, he prayed to the Lord, God, that he might be forgiven for his ghastly deed.

And one day, when he could stand it no longer, when the young man was there to barter, he threw himself upon the ground at the feet of the young man to ask his forgiveness.

And the young man said unto him, “Have you forgiven yourself? Have you gone unto your temple of worship, and asked your God to forgive you? And has He not done so? Then how could I do less but to forgive you? But now, I shall give unto you this gold this day, and you shall become a very rich man.”

The goldsmith said, “Nay, I do not wish of the gold that I work with except to continue my craft, for I am a rich man beyond all riches in the forgive­ness of the Lord, God, and the forgiveness of yourself. For I have learned that all that is the shiny, and all that glitters, is not gold, but the true riches is the riches of the heart, the soul, the body. But the true riches for all things is the love that the Lord, thy God, has for His children, and that the true love comes from one soul unto another, in the giving of, not gold, but of oneself.”

September 23, 1983: But we say unto you, hark, for the days lie at hand before the event of the prophet. There shall be those who shall try to prevent this time from happening. Do all that you need to do to make it happen. And remember that the power that you seek is but at your bidding. Use it and use it wisely. But remember while you possess it, thought may kill. Do you understand of which we speak?

“To whom do you speak, Aka?”

Unto you, Paul.

“Yes, I understand you, Aka.”

November 11, 1983: And we say unto these words. Your Earth is like a beautiful forest with many trees of many colors. It is like the autumn which is upon you. It is like a time when it is ready for rest, when it goes into the winter. But if the autumn comes in a harsh manner, it destroys the growth.

The earth is now coming in a harsh manner. The turbulence of the earth is growing stronger from Europe to the Mediterranean. But now look unto your north, of those of this United States, and you shall see it tremble. We say unto thee, protect your animals, and now is the time, if you shall, to prepare for harder times.

Store, but store as you can. Seek out a safe haven….

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

December 9, 1983: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee this parable.

For upon the land, in the western plains, where once many made war were the animals that could graze on the land. And in this land were cattlemen and sheep men. And they did come forth into warfare, one unto the other. The valleys were green and lush, and there was plenty for all. Yet all wanted more.

And there had been much hard feelings upon both sides. But the older heads of the both families decided to bring forth themselves into a meeting. And so, they did come forth into a meeting. And they argued over who would have what, and who would graze where, when that that looked like a young cowboy came in among them and sat down. And they looked upon him, and they said unto him, “Who invited you here?”

And he said unto them, “For I have come about my Father’s work. And I have come here to represent my Father. And if I speak for Him, then you must listen.”

And they looked at him and they said, “And from whom is your Father?”

And he said, “The same as yours.”

And they looked unto one another and thought, “This lad has gone mad, but we will listen to him.” So, they said, “Then what have you to contribute to this meeting?”

And he said unto them, “Let us, where the stream flows, let the center of the stream divide the land. On the right hand of the stream, let the cattle graze.

On the left hand of the stream, let the sheep graze.

But at the head waters, let them both graze. And if they graze together, and graze in harmony, then let all graze together. Is this agreed?”

The old heads looked upon this one, and thought, “Maybe he comes from a rich family. Maybe it is wise that, if his father is such an influential person, we should not listen to him?”

And so they discussed this among themselves and decided that they would take his advice. As each year did pass, both flocks of sheep and the herds of the cattle did multiply. And gradually they were grazing side by side. They had made meetings from time to time, and gradually the families were beginning to intermarry, sheep men into cattle families, cattlemen into sheep families.

And they decided to have another meeting, and they sent men out to the four corners of the valleys to find the young man and his Father to invite them to the meeting. They searched and searched, and they could not find him. When the meeting began, the young man walked in, and sat down among them. They were very glad to see him, and they said unto him, “Where have you been? We have searched for you and your Father. We have not found you.”

And he said unto them, “My Father and I have been with you always.”

And they said, “How could this be?”

And the young man looked upon them, and said, “For I am the son of God. God, your Father and mine, are the same.”

And then, he said unto them, “You have learned the greatest lesson of all, that no matter where you come from, nor what you do, you may live together in peace and harmony. And from the peace and harmony shall multiply the fruit of the land, whether it be that that grows from the land, or from the sea, or that that should graze upon the land, or the fowl of the air, for all these things my Father has given unto you in your keeping.” And he left.

There was great silence in the room.

And one said unto the other, “For this was the son of God? How could this be? He was dressed in a cowboy suit? What was he doing dressed in such a manner; why did he not come dressed in a shepherd’s suit? Or, why did he not come dressed in all the glory of the Lord?”

And the Lord spoke unto them and said, “My son has appeared to you dressed of your kind and of your liking, so that he might be accepted among you.”

And all was quiet.

One who came to prepare a way for the Messiah’s coming also dressed as a cowboy. Ray takes time to smell the roses the bloomed in front of the church to God in the valley.

Now we say unto you, what we have just told you is a parable. But we say unto you, it has great truth. For you dwell together with many thoughts. Yet, cannot the thoughts live among the other in peace and harmony? Cannot that that you give unto your neighbor be given with a blessing? And cannot that that the neighbor gives unto you be given with a blessing? For the blessing from you is that that you say in the Father’s name − and so it should be, a great gift, a glorious gift, a gift from the Most High….

For the gladness of your hearts, and the choice of your minds and bodies and souls, for the gladness of the Lord, God, and our own, glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

Editor’s note: While Ray was awakening he grimaced and was evidently seeing vision, which he described: “I was seeing the valley, not just the valley, I saw the whole land. And the heavens was…orange, the whole heavens were lit up. It was almost like the heavens were on fire.”

“Was there a war?” the moderator asked Ray.

“No, it was a great darkness.

“Then I saw the valley. And all the trees were bearing fruit. And fish were being harvested. And a great feast was being prepared. Tables were being set up outside. There were flowers, lots of flowers. The clothes had become homespun, because there was cotton and wool − wool for the winter and cotton for the summer. And the springs, people were going there daily. And it was after; it was after.

“[And that’s it.]”

The valley of which Ray spoke lies beneath the Dripping Springs Mountains. There Ray blessed the healing springs and built a church that he dedicated to God. A rainbow shines with God’s promise over Dripping Springs valley. The “7” Mountain stands above it.

December 16, 1983: “Thank you, Aka. [10–381–1] asks, ‘Please clarify the reading that you gave me concerning my apprenticeship to Joseph, husband of Mary. And how does this relate to the land that I am going to see in [new] Arizona tomorrow?”

(Chuckle.) What you seek is the contingence of what lies in the valley of the springs.

It has continued one more place where man may live in true harmony if he wishes − where man may rise above his acts of discretion because of race, or color, or creed, or religion.

One of the kings of kings, from the Magis, came from the kingdom of Ethiopia. And until of recent times, of that of the Communist takeover of Ethiopia, freedom to worship in the Jewish manner was an accepted way, as that of the Christian manner and Moslem.

We say unto you, what you take from the well here, you shall take and transplant it in the fertile soil of the Pleasant Valley, if that is thy wish. Bring it into reality and make it so.

You say unto us, “What has all this that you have told us to do with the relationship of Joseph?”

Go unto the first of the reading where Joseph went unto the lad and asked him, come with him unto the land of Egypt and tend his flock…. [Listen to the first of the reading, as the spiritual messengers of God tell the “Parable of the Birth of Jesus.”]

Rejoice, as John rejoiced the first day that Mary came unto her cousin, Elizabeth, and he saw, therefore, his cousin and the Messiah, and knew that it was all so.

Rejoice, and know that the Messiah is with you, for he lives upon the Earth. He breathes the same air you breathe. And his time will come, if you make it so.

But rejoice, as he will rejoice with you, for as you shall have a Christmas tree so shall he.

As he gives presents and you give presents, in your mind’s eye, be as the shepherd boy. Reserve your greatest gift that you might give it unto him.

We say unto you, shalom. Lehaim!


In the next six years, the spiritual messengers of God led those who sought a safe place to a valley, a place that was being prepared in hearts and upon the land for the Messiah’s coming. The words Ray heard when he returned from God back to his body take on a greater meaning, as they lead us into the future.

From the valley of the Lord — to a vision of a valley — to a promised land — to a step into the new world, the spiritual messengers of God guide their flock of people.

May you enjoy this journey.

Continue to the Promised Land.

In part 1, “The Valley and the Lord’s People,” begins with a vision of a valley, where Ray Elkins rested while he was returning down the ladder from God. Ray gathered strength in this beautiful place before he entered back into his body. Was it a glimpse of heaven, a dream, or a vision?

The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, spoke many parables through Ray’s unconscious body from 1970 to 1989 when he had walked up a ladder to stand with God. A valley also came to be known as a hidden place in the quiet of the mind where God dwells, to which each of us can go.

In part 2, “A Vision of a Valley,” the spiritual messengers of God led those who sought a safe place to a valley. And the vision became real. A place was being prepared in hearts, and upon the land, for the coming of the Messiah. A church was built within the soul, and in the valley, and was dedicated to God.

In part 3 of The Valley, “A Promised Land,” is given. Amazing blessings unfold. A sacred healing springs awakens to life. The words Ray heard when he was returning from his journey to God into a valley take on even greater meaning. They become a promise of the future — the gift of a new heaven and a new earth upon the Earth.

In part 4, some who come to the valley take “A Step into the New World.” The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, bring into being a sacred Corn Ceremony that had not been performed for 3,000 years. A pathway is opened into the new world. Those who enter become the People, in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And the Messiah’s consciousness is felt throughout the world.

In part 5, Aka says “The Land of the ‘7’ Was Laid Aside to Be a Sacred Place.” The spiritual messengers of God tell legends of an ancient time in the world preceding this one — before earth changes brought a migration to this land. Soon will be time for another migration. Yet, the new heaven and new earth on Earth can begin within each soul at any time. In the final three of the four sacred Corn Ceremonies, spiritual messengers of God, through Ray, initiated those who entered the new world into the ancient Nakuna priesthood. They became one of the People, March 16–18, 1988, August 26–28, 1988, and Easter weekend, March 24, 1989, and stepped into this new world — a new heaven and earth upon Earth.

Continue to Part 3 or read any part you may have missed.


You can read all the chapters combined in one paperback or e-book in The Valley and Promise of a Christmas Star. Or read each chapter you see above on Medium.com as a series in separate paperbacks or e-books. Give them as gifts.

Join in association with the spiritual messengers who God sends to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. The Association of Universal Philosophy is what they asked us to form.

The spiritual messengers of God and Ray began speaking in 1970 from a town appropriately named Globe. To learn more about how the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, began to speak through Ray, and read about the Association of Universal Philosophy, see “A Stairway to Heaven.”

We are asked to give their words wings and let them go unto the world. Please share their words too.

See “What Is the Association of Universal Philosophy?” Please “Join us.”

You can contact the Association of Universal Philosophy at AUP@earthlink.net or AUniversalPhilosophy@gmail.com. Or send us a message on our Facebook page, Association of Universal Philosophy


Enjoy reading Aka’s books, including the Book with Wings series.

The words of the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, are copyrighted by A. Ray Elkins through whom they spoke.

Want to helpto go on with this work of the preparation for the coming of the Messiah? The most blessed thing you can do is to please join us. See “Join us.” Or if you prefer to donate, please give a gift of a dollar or more for firewood to help keep the church to God warm. Or help repair the evaporative coolers on the roof to cool the church in th hot Arizona summertime. Thank you. See https://www.gofundme.com/f/warm-up-a-country-church-with-firewood?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet



A stairway to Heaven

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are here...to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.