For our Father says unto thee,


A stairway to Heaven
187 min readMar 14, 2018


And upon this day our Father says unto thee, “THE GLORY OF YOUR GOD IS UPON THEE,” and those things that thy should ask in our Father’s name should be given unto thee.

But we should say unto thee, we are here to prepare a way. We are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, and the Messiah shall be as a servant unto his Father. Then live each day of thy lives and await his coming.

We have come not to change the Laws of Moses, we have come not to change the prophesies of the one known as Jesus of Nazara, we have come for this time, for the time unto which you live now––for the time you are in, for the next 2,500 years.

In this article is some of the loving guidance that the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, gave to ministers and teachers in the Association of Universal Philosophy, and to others who wish to hear.

In 1970, they asked us to form an association with the Father and those He sends. “We have come but for one purpose, and that is to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.”

This peace can begin in our hearts at any time we wish.

“New words shall be written upon the sky, but they must be written in men’s hearts first.”

The vows that are spoken between each minister or teacher and God are written here. As this covenant is made, new life is given within. The light of spirit that God sends is kindled––or born––within each minister, as has been done through all time. He becomes our God, and we become His people.

The spiritual messengers of God also offer instructions to help the ministers fulfill their vows to serve those who come in need, who ask.

Twleve years after they arrived, a church was built and dedicated to God on December 5, 1982, in what could only be God’s timing. It was during the season of the Advent, which is the time for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. This is the purpose for which the Father asked the spiritual messengers of God to come.

“We are here but for one purpose––and that purpose it to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.”

May these words of the spiritual messengers of God bless you, and then may you bless many.

As the brightest light in the heavens of the century passed over the Earth on March 26, 1970, the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived. On that Thursday eve, many were remembering Jesus farewell words at his Last Passover Supper. (Read about this in A Stairway to Heaven.”)

This article shares in the words of spiritual messengers of God what the Association of Univesal Philosophy truly is — what it means to be in association with those the Father sends, as He sees through their eyes.

The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, said, June 2, 1972:“As we have said before, for those who should see of us in their mind’s eye, they shall see our Father, for we shall stand as close to soul Ray as his breath, but yet, we shall stand as close to our Father as His eyes and His heart and His tongue. For those things that were given in truth shall be received in truth. Can thy understand of which we speak?”

They have shown us this through a covenant they offer between God and those who were, are, and are yet to become, His people.

On the day that God’s spiritual messengers arrived, when many were remembering Jesus’ farewell words, were we told of this in John, chapters 13–17?

In John 15:4–12, Jesus said: “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing….Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples. As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love. If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love. These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.”

John 15: 26: “But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me.”

John 16:7–16: “For if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you….When he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you. All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you. A little while, and ye shall not see me: and again, a little while, and ye shall see me, because I go to the Father.”

John 17:20–26: “Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me. Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world. O righteous Father, the world hath not known thee: but I have known thee, and these have known that thou hast sent me. And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them.”

“When the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me.”

God’s spiritual messengers gather a flock

On May 15, 1970, a month after the spiritual messengers of God arrived, Aka spoke to the group who had begun to gather to hear them: Yes, it has been suggested that following of what you would know as the church be formed. Also, the meeting of once a week of thy group would be suggested.

It has also been suggested that soul [4–7–70–001] should conduct the meetings and teach once a week. [Note: Numbers are substituted for names and addresses to respect privacy.]

This should be suggested, that he should teach each member of the group the placing of soul Ray in hypnotic trance. Also, it should be suggested that a practicing of placing others beyond himself in hypnotic trance. There are many among you who could speak, if you were given a chance, and with proper preparation for this.

This work has been discontinued while soul Ray found himself once again, that all this work shall be in accord with God and His plan on earth.

Therefore, I should suggest, or we should suggest, that from this day forward these meetings shall be conducted preferably on Saturday. This is not advisable for all in your group; then it would be suggested that another day should be set.

The practicing of thy daily lives should be done from this day forward, that God may enter thy souls, thy spirits, for in God’s plan are many things which thy shall not understand at this time.

This group should never deny anyone the chance, even if they come of idle curiosity. It would be suggested that this group should take this person under their wing, for as the great bird of the pyramid once flew, so shall the souls of men fly.

Now, with all in accord — and this is something that thy should think about — but pray at the end of each meeting that all members shall be in accord. The discussing, or a discussion of this is good. As I have said before, that if not one man or one soul should shed but one tear, then it is a progress in the right direction.

But remember one thing — that love, love for thy fellow man — the honest intent be made on each soul that thy come in contact with. Do not be afraid to talk of this to thy many souls thy shall meet during the day, and that if one of a hundred, or one of a thousand should come and hear, at least it will give them food for thought, for thy — Father, thy Son, and thy Holy Ghost.

For now soul Ray sleeps and I may talk among you and walk among you. For even in the days when John the Baptist taught of the coming of Christ, so should thy talk of this, for thy are here to prepare a way. If thy may do this, thy shall be in God’s plan. For the building of the temple in God’s word, in God’s mind should be all-important to all men and women of thy plane. If thy would remember this, and remember thy love for thy human being, there shall be no need for material things, for all that thy should need shall come as raindrops, a drop at a time.

Soul Ray sleeps now and I am here, for I am he and he is I. Remember one thing, that God is the one important of all our work, and therefore, we must only approach it in a truthful manner.

It has also been brought — we have a message for soul [4–6–70–002]. And it would be very wise that this man attend thy meetings, for in his soul thy shall find Peter. It is also advisable the bringing back to thy fold John and James and Paul, for in them, and through them, what a mighty, mighty temple to God we shall build. In this manner all thy questions shall be answered.

For thy asked of the beginning, and this shall be told. Thy asked of the end, this can never be told, for this is in God’s plan. And Lord of Abraham, and Lord of Isaiah, Lord of all, we say to Thee — bless us, Lord, for it shall be the coming of Thy light. In Jesus’ name, amen.

The spiritual messengers of God added, July 12, 1970: Now, soul Peter, with this in mind, remember, as thy build — for remember once before, once before Christ said, “Upon this rock I shall build my church,” he did not mean a great building, he meant the kingdom of God in man.

December 17, 1971: Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we should say to thee these words. For as thy reach the time of year that thy should celebrate the birth, [as] the one known as Jesus Christ, we should say unto thee these words. For as a gift was given once before, so it should be again. But we should tell thee of the words and of the birth. For as we have said before, for God gave of His first-begotten son. And as He did give of Adam, so He begot of the same into this one known as Jesus. And yet, he did say unto man, “For [a] man to know of heaven, so he should know of earth.”

Then we say unto thee, hark, and get these words. For the wise to listen, let them listen. For the wise to see, let the see. [See Isaiah 42:6–9, 18–21, 43:5–10.]

For as we have said before, we have come not to prove to you that we are great. We are but the servants of God. And as it was so in another time, we did come upon the earth and prepare a way for the coming of [the] Messiah, and this we do again unto mankind. But as your time is a different time, so it should be done in a different way. But the glory of God upon your earth shall be the same. For He says to His children, “Hark, and prepare a way that I may rest My head upon your Earth.” [See Luke 3:3–6, Isaiah 40:3–11, 11:1–10.]

Then we say unto thee, as the time grows near when you should celebrate the birth of a before time, prepare that way within thy hearts and souls. Prepare the way, that as before when he walked by the sea of Galliah [Galilee], and therefore, called unto his brothers, and they did come and walk with him — and as he did say unto them, “Come and I should teach thee to catch men,” and so it was. [See Mark 1:14–20.]

But he brought unto this Earth love for all, for he could not see the difference in man’s skin, for he looked only into their souls.

And as he came in five places upon your earth, it shall not be again. But he should come unto all races as one. And as he should love of all, so should man love of all.

And as once before, your planetary system was posed to give forth the light of a birth of a savior unto your earth, so it shall be again.

But we say unto thee, thy can destroy nothing. Therefore, build upon what exists of the same. It is not necessary that a man should call himself a Christian. It is not necessary that he call himself Mohammed, Ishmael. Nay, these are not important. It is what is in his heart, his true love for his God. These are the things that shall be counted.

And therefore, we say unto thee, as thy celebrate the birth, stand below the cross and count the drops of blood unto the same, and thy shall know the true meaning of this word you call love.

But be not sad. Rejoice unto the same, for thy Lord has not forgotten thee — for this day shall come again. Then let your teardrops flow with joy unto the Lord.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. You spoke of the Star of Bethlehem, I believe. When the Messiah comes, will it be at the time that this star comes again, about 1998?”

Yes, we see thy need. And if all is in preparation for the same, and if we have accomplished our mission upon your earth, then all shall be in readiness. If we do not accomplish, then there shall be 300 years of darkness and bloodshed upon your earth. For remember, the last shall be first….

For as we have said before, upon this rock shall flow a brook, and this brook shall be as the spirits of God — and from this brook should flow a river, and this river should be as the spirits of man — and from this river should flow an ocean, that should be as the souls of man. But remember, God’s spirit flows through all, and therefore, flows through all the lands, all the universes, all your galaxies.

But as we have said before, there shall be many who should not have but coin enough to buy but one loaf of bread. Let them buy of it, and pray upon the same, and we should turn thy water into wine, and we should make of thy bread into yeast, and therefore, should feed the multitudes of the same. All thy must possess is the faith of God. And the faith, if it be so small into the smallest creature of thy earth, this should be answered.

January 1, 1972: And we shall say again, for hark. For those who have ears to listen, and for those who have faith, both in their selves and in God, our Father, let them bring the bread that is needed, and the bread shall be the body of the same. And let them pray over it, and ask for healing of the same. And the healing shall be given, for as we have said before, we shall furnish the wine that is needed, and we shall turn the bread into yeast, that the healing may grow outward and inward.

From this day forward, your medical readings shall not be needed, for those who come in faith shall be given the healing that is needed.

And we say these words unto soul [1–1–72–001], we see thy need, and therefore, should give healing into the same.

And we should say unto soul [4–6–70–003], we see thy need, and healing shall be given into the same.

But we should say unto thee these words. We may only give what is needed for those who should ask. And for those who do need shall travel forward and come unto us that we may administer into their needs.

But there shall be some who should not have the faith to heal, and to receive healing. For those, we shall continue your health readings, but only for the specific need of the time.

We see thy other needs and the needs of thy group, and we should say, yes, upon this. We should change but one thing. Thy instrument shall be called of the prophet of the same.

We see thy other needs, and the needs of the financial of the same, and we would say unto thee in these words, as we have said before. For as in the beginning, we did say unto thee these words, the material things that shall be needed for this work shall come unto thee as they are needed. But ask of thy needs, not of thy wants. For within thy group, as things are needed, pray upon them, and we shall see that they are provided.

We have given unto those who should believe and have faith the help that is needed, both of the material things and the spiritual things. But as we have said before, we ask but one thing in return. We are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. Let this flow forward, and let the spirits of Aka enter into thy minds, that we may guide thee; for all thy must do for our presence to be with thee is but ask….

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, only for the sake of clarification for others not present here, but I believe it is clear that you mean that the articles of incorporation are acceptable, except that you would like our instrument termed, the prophet. Is this correct?”

Yes, we see thy need….

Then we should say unto thee, soul Paul, fear not. There shall be many who shall venture to your door. Give your blessings freely. Some shall accept and some shall reject. For those who reject, take back your blessings and go forth to the next. But do not be fearful that they are not healed, for the Lord has given unto thee the power, as He has done unto all of these disciples. There shall be some that we shall wish that you should bring before our presence. But our presence shall be within thee. Lay hands upon the same, and the healing shall come.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto soul James, thy have brought the bread and laid it before us for offering unto our Father. Fear not, for we shall furnish the wine. But take up the bread and feed the multitudes of the same, for no matter how many you feed, there shall always be the amount that thy started with.

It was through the outstretched wings of two cherubim atop the arc of the covenant that God spoke to Moses. Is the Book with wings to be written in people’s hearts?

And remember, unto all, for our Father says unto thee, “HARK,” and hear our words. We have brought before thee the Book with wings.

Now we should say unto thee, provide for a guidance book for thy ministry. These things should come in this form:

· preparation for meditation, the difference between the prayer and the meditation of the same — a time for listening unto our Lord; a time for speaking unto the same;

· the manner unto which we have prescribed before, of giving unto the marriage vows between man and woman;

· the manner unto which thy should give up thy dead unto the Lord, that thy may help in the preparation for the changing of the two worlds, that thy may give guidance that they might see our Father’s light.

Thy have taken unto thyselves and brought the bread; we shall furnish unto thee the yeast for the same. Fear not, for as we have said before, upon this rock we shall build a mighty temple unto God, our Father.

For our Father says unto thee, “HARK, MY CHILDREN, FOR I LOVE THEE SO.”

And upon this day our Father says unto thee, “THE GLORY OF YOUR GOD IS UPON THEE,” and those things that thy should ask in our Father’s name should be given unto thee….

And we should say unto thee, now is the time of the Cherub, for the Fifth Angel rests upon thy earth. Walk lightly, that thy do not disturb his slumber.

A tetramorph cherub is depicted in Eastern Orthodox iconography. What are the cherub?

January 7, 1972: But we should say unto thee, we are here to prepare a way. We are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, and the Messiah shall be as a servant unto his Father. Then live each day of thy lives and await his coming. For as he called thee before, he shall call thee again.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, in the reading on January 1st, you spoke about the text that we should prepare, and you mentioned, among other things, that there should be a statement of marriage and burial. And I wonder if you could tell us what you wish us to say in regards to the marriage and burial ceremonies?”

Yes, we see thy need. And therefore, should say unto thee in these words.

For should a man or a woman come before God and offer themselves unto God, this is good.

But should a man and a woman come unto the ministry of the same, of this work, and ask that thy [they] be wed, at no time should thy ask them thy [their] faith. For remember, our Father has many mansions, and all roads should lead unto God, our Father.

Therefore, your ministry should say unto them these words. For they should come unto him three times.

And upon the first day, they should come and both kneel unto God.

And the woman should say unto the man, “Oh, Lord, I give of myself unto this man, my love.”

And the man should say unto the woman, “Oh, Lord, I give of myself, my love, unto this woman.”

And that one that should administer should say unto them, “I have heard. Go then, and come back unto the second day.”

And upon the second day, they should come and kneel unto our Lord.

And they should say, man unto woman, “Oh, Lord, I give of myself and all my worldly goods unto this woman.”

And the woman should say unto man, “Oh, Lord, I give of myself and all my worldly goods unto this man.”

And upon the third day, they should come and kneel before their God again.

And they should say, “Oh, Lord, I give unto my love unto my Lord; I give my love unto this, my mate.”

Each should repeat this vow, “For I shall take” — each man and woman.

And should it be the man, he should say, “I should take unto this, this woman, unto be my wife before God. I give unto her all of my love, all of my worldly things. I shall cherish her before God, loving and caring for her and all of her needs, before God.”

And the woman should say in this manner, “Oh, Lord, I take this man as the head of a household. I should cherish him, love him, and care for him.”

And then the minister of the same should say unto them, “Repeat these words after me.

‘Take this, thy husband and wife, take this both in body and soul to care for, both in health and sickness, for all of this plane.’”

And then, with their hands together in wedlock, he should pronounce them, before God, as married, unto man and wife.

January 15, 1972: Yes, we see thy need. And therefore, we should say unto thee these words.

Our Father has many mansions, and therefore, the way to our Father should be made through thine hearts.

Our Father has made no rules unto man to worship Him. He asks but two things, that you love of Him unto one-tenth of the love that He gives to His children, and you love unto your fellow man into the same manner.

Each man upon your earth shall worship his God in his own way. But he should do so in the privacy of his own heart and mind. And as you should pray unto your Father, say these things that should mean something to you, and therefore, it should mean something to our Father.

But if you should bring before our Father a gift, and have hatred in your heart for your brother, then take back your gift, and go unto your brother. But forgive thyself first and thy brother secondly, for if thy have not forgiven thy brother, how can thy possibly forgive unto thyself?…

But as thy should walk, walk in the light of God, each in his own way, with God’s blessings unto all mankind.

Many should call their God in many tongues. But we should answer in this manner your question of before.

For as thy Father should give unto thee these words for thy own baptism of thy own people.

And as thy should take unto this one who should come before thee, thy should look upon this one and say unto them, “Do thy, before God, promise unto your Lord your spirit, your soul, and your immortal body? And in so, should thy try to live a life that thy Lord should look down upon His child and be proud of the same?”

And should this one say, “yes,” unto you, then have him go, and come again upon the second day.

And upon the second day, thy should say unto him, “Should thy give all things unto our Father that is His? Should thy give all things unto thyself that are yours? Should thy give all things that are thy brother’s into thy brother?”

And should he say, “yes,” then have him come again upon the third day, of the third hour, of the third moment.

And there thy should say unto him, “Kneel before thy God.”

And should he do so, take both water and sprinkle three drops upon his forehead. Take of the wine and sprinkle three drops upon his forehead. And then, should he rise, offer him bread.

And say unto him, “I now thee baptize thee in the light of God.”

And he should say unto you, “I accept your baptism from God.”

And therefore, you have baptized the soul of this man.

January 21, 1972: As we have said before, we have but wine to offer. But do not place it in an old vase. Place this wine in a new vase, that it may last through your years.

But we should say unto thee once again, we are not great. We are here as instruments of our Father. We are here but for one purpose, to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. And we should say unto thee, this should take many hands, and much love and tenderness. And we offer thee thy wine. If thy should decide to drink of the same, and therefore, become one of the many that stand before God, then we should speak unto thee at a different time. We may answer all of your questions that we are given permission to do so.

And now, we should say unto thee in this manner. For those who should minister in this, thy work, let all who come before thee and ask that the ministers, therefore, perform the duties of burial, let not a minister charge anyone for this work. It should be done freely as an act of love unto your fellow man.

And we shall say unto thee in this manner. When those who have been left behind in the shell of their bodies come unto thee and ask that thy should perform this service, do not ask this one of their religious background. For remember, you can destroy nothing, you may only change its form.

And for those who should take one [soul] from God, this, in thy own words, should be unto thee both karma and sin. So therefore, perform these duties unto any of mankind who should ask of the same. But do so as a shepherd.

After thy have been asked, go unto thy solitude for meditation. And therefore, let the words of God flow into the minister that is to perform this duty. Then, bring all of thy congregation, of all thy groups, into prayer. This does not mean that they have to be brought into one building, but be in union in their prayer, that they — first, the one who has deceased, should see the light of our Father, that those who should guide him should be allowed to come.

Then, if this is possible, perform the service of burial on the third day, of the third hour, of the third moment of the passing. Do not do so before this time has lapsed, for in this time the soul shall leave of the body, and therefore, join the spirit. And upon the third day of the third moment, of the third hour, the soul and the spirit, and the immortal body shall become as one.

Then walk before those who should gather, and ask that all should pray for the deliverance and safe journey of these unto the many houses of our Father. At no time, violate this one who has passed free will, for it is his choice, or her choice, to join our Father or not, but your prayers should be offered up that the path and the light may shine upon this one, that they may find their way.

After your prayer, walk up unto this one. And say unto this one, “I give unto our Father these things that belong to our Father. I give these things unto this one that belongs unto this one.”

And give prayer again unto our Father.

Then, for those who are left, of his relatives, of his family, speak kind words of this one’s plane. But at no time shall you speak lies, for as we have said before, say these things unto your Father and unto your brother that mean something to you, and therefore, your Father and brother should understand these things that thy should speak of.

After this service has been performed, go into the private of thy homes, and therefore, give prayer unto the third time….

But we should say again, our Father has many mansions. There is food for all.

Give unto thy Father one-tenth of the love that Thy, our Father, gives unto thee. Give unto thy brother in the same manner. Denounce no man, religion, and their beliefs unto the same.

Understand the way they should believe.

Give of this wine in the same manner. Those who should reject it, do not denounce them for it, but praise them. But take of this and go unto the next. And if this is accepted, go into their house and drink of their wine, of their knowledge, and let them drink of your knowledge in the same manner.

January 23, 1972: As we have said before, we shall allow no one from either side to interfere with this work. For we are here to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah, and this, in itself, is the preparation of both your soul, your spirit and the immortal body of the same….But fear not, for the Lord, our God, walks with thee.

January 28, 1972: And as we have said before, hark, and hear these words.

And as we have said before, for meditation is the time unto talking to thy Lord.

One moment, please….As meditation should be unto a time for listening to thy Lord, thy God — and thy Lord, thy God, should say unto thee, “GIVE UNTO EACH MAN THAT THAT IS HIS” — walk before our Lord in such a manner that thy come without hatred.

For in thy mind thy have thought of these words, that as man is in, to live again and to die again, and therefore, pass before our Lord. And we say to thee, in the passing from one world into another, thy first thoughts will be the shock of knowing that little has changed. Thy body form shall remain much as it is in life; it shall be fed with what is known as cosmic energy in its purest form.

Many of you have thought unto see us. When we have made ourselves known unto you we have done so by making our form much as it was before. Our form within itself, now, is that of pure cosmic form, as you would know, pure light. And as we should pass among you, our speech, in those times that we should choose, not to choose through this, our prophet, but as we should choose to speak unto you, we should do so in thought form. Many of you as you should progress should hear our voices as we should come forth with teachings of the same.

But upon the first plane of passing, your form should change, as we have said, but very little of what it is now. This form should remain very close unto the earth plane.

Upon the second plane of rising, in this form you should have changed into such a manner that most of your prejudice[s] are left behind.

Even unto the plane of our time, you have the choice to return again for further learning upon the earth plane.

There are many who should come unto the earth for birth again upon new missions from our Lord. This should be done in such a manner of birth. But thy shall have remembrance of where thy have been, and therefore, shall know from where thy are going. But even upon returning upon a mission, thy have free will. If thy should decide not to remember of these things thy were sent to do, this is your choice, but it is also your choice to go backwards, down the ladder.

There are many lessons that we should give unto thy knowledge. If, before your readings, you should think these things out — think of the questions that thy need to know, plan them — your knowledge shall grow with each reading.

There are many questions of your universe.

There are many questions of your afterlife.

There are many questions of the knowledge of God.

And as we have said before, a good Father hides nothing from His children….

And now we should say unto thee these words. The time grows near when those of thy group thy have chosen for the ministry shall walk before our prophet, and therefore, be made unto ministers of this, our Father’s work.

And they should do so in this manner.

Ray Elkins serves as a prophet before God and the ministers and teachers, so they can come before God and the Council of Thirteen (the spiritual messengers of God, the Father who sends them, and the Messiah-to-come?) to renew their vows to God at the annual meetings of the Association of Universal Philsophy. The vows are a covenant between God and man, that He shall be their God and they shall be his people. As each of the seven candles on the candelabra is lit this light of God is born within the minister––or teacher (who makes one vow and has one candle).

Each should walk before this one.

And this one should say unto them, “Should thee promise in our Father’s light to teach these things our Father has given unto thee to teach?

“Should thee at no time be prejudiced against any man?

“Should thee at all time, for those who come in need, minister in both healing of the body and healing of the soul and the spirit, and the immortal body of the same?”

And should they say, “yes,” then he should take of what thy should know of the candelabra, but this one should have of seven candles. And each one who is chosen should be presented with this. And, as each time he should say, “yes,” one candle should be lit. And then unto another.

The light of God is joined within each minister as each candle is lit. (See the seven-lamp lampstand which God told Moses to make to place within the tabernacle Exodus 25:31–40. In the Bible was the seven-lamp (six branches) ancient Hebrew lampstand made of pure gold and used in the portable sanctuary set up by Moses in the wilderness and later in the Temple in Jerusalem. Fresh olive oil of the purest quality was burned daily to light its lamps. The spiritual messengers of God provided for our needs, as promised, before the first annual meeting, when no candelabras could be found, anywhere. Miraculousy, the eve before the meeting, a box appeared on Ray’s front porch with 13 candelabras. Aka refers to this as the Miracle of the Candelabra. In Old Testament times, Jewish faithful received oil to burn their lamps in another miracle when God provided for their needs.) If you read the Revelation, chapters 4 and 5, what is described feels in ways like the presences at the Annual Meeting. Revelation 5:6 tells what the light is: “And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.” Also, “As for the mystery of the seven stars which you saw in My right hand, and the seven golden lampstands: the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches. (Revelation 1:20)

These who should be chosen should be versed into the words we have spoken unto thee.

They should have the honest effort unto helping mankind. And above all, they should enter all things with an open mind, closing their mind to nothing. And they shall never cease in their learning.

But you should remind them that the oath that they should take should be for [their] lifetime upon this plane and all others.

And then thy should ask into them, “Are you prepared to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah?”

And should they say, “yes,” then have them rise. And walk with them, and break bread with them and drink wine with them.

For remember, for those who you shall choose, among you, nothing can be hidden from one another. All things must come in truth from God, for you shall walk in the light of God, and should be known as men and women of God….

Remember unto our words. Prepare you questions. Think deeply of the knowledge that thy should use, for the questions thy should ask and the answers thy should receive shall be passed on unto mankind. Make them wise.

[And] we should say unto the youth of your group, fear not that thy should prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. Thy have many questions; ask of these. For did our Father not say unto thee, “BLESSED ARE ALL MY CHILDREN.”

Now is the time of the Cherub.

March 24, 1972: Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [11–26–71–002] asks this question. ‘Please ask for guidance on the best ways to reach the teenagers today in school and out. For example, will group activity be more effective than the older way of lecture and testing in the classroom? How do you reach out to them, their minds and spirit, and help them back from the distractions of today?’ She asks for help on this, Aka.”

We should answer in this manner. As the one known as Jesus Christ who walked before, he walked not as a hypocrite; he walked before those, and spoke of the things that meant something to him, and in the same manner, they meant something to the others around him. The old manner, as you would call it, is good for this reason; it brings the teacher into personal contact with each of their pupils. This new manner in which you speak is good within itself for self-learning only.

But as we have said before, the teacher shall not become greater than the pupil, nor the pupil greater than the teacher. But a wise teacher gives forth that of which they know. They do not teach of something they do not know. But at all times, they are the teacher; they must be respected in this manner.

There are many variations of your teaching methods today. What was truth yesterday shall not be truth tomorrow. This should apply to your mathematics and your geography of the same, for complete new methods in the next five years shall be known to man. But teach that that comes today, for it is the foundation for tomorrow, as the foundation for your yesteryear was the foundation for today.

Can you understand of which we speak?

“I try.” [She (11–26–71–002) answers.]

Nay, not fully. But thy shall within time, for we shall make thee a teacher. For thy shall be a teacher’s teacher.

April 1, 1972, more than a month before the first annual meeting in which ministers were ordained by God, the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, answered a question. “Yes, Aka. [1–15–72–006] has asked, ‘Will you tell me if the new state of consciousness which I seem to have found is valid, and if so, what is it called? Also would you tell me any points of the past lives which would help me in this life?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer first in this manner. Of your past lives, when you are prepared in this life, then we should call thee, Thomas. But prepare thyself; open the door that the spirit should enter. Go forth and give glory unto your Father, and your Father should give glory unto thee.

Of this new state of consciousness, we see thy need, and therefore, as we have said before, we walk before thee and prepare a way. Fear not. Walk in the light of God, and we shall walk with thee. Have faith, and thy shall walk on water with us.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [4–1–72–001] who is here with us tonight has asked for direction….”

We shall answer first in this manner. We have come but for one purpose, that, in itself, is a preparing of a way for the coming of the Messiah. If thy should take unto thyself this purpose, carry the torch before thee and light the way for others. We shall enter and give thee guidance….

And now we say unto thee these words. For those who should see us, for those who should see us materialize in human form, we should answer your question in this manner. For those who have seen us have seen our Father, for we stand before Him as servants. We are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. Glory be His name.

Go out among your people. Give them your message, and we shall go with thee.

But the time grows short, for the Fifth Angel lies upon thy earth, and beside him stand four more. There is but two to pass before thee, and pray that these seals are never opened. [See The Revelation of John 6:1–11.]

Give us but one soul in each of what thy know [as] thy towns, and we shall spare of this in our Father’s day.

April 7, 1972: Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should answer in this manner. As your candelabra should stand as a symbol, as once before in the time of Moses, and therefore, be given unto each of your ministers of the same, but it should stand only as a symbol, for your Lord, your God, has asked but two things, that you love unto Him one tenth of the love that He gives unto His children.

April 14, 1972: And we should say unto thee these words, soul James, for thy have asked these words of communion into the same. And we should answer you in this manner. We are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. We do not ask from any of you other than the love of your God — and as we have said before, our Father has many mansions; therefore, you can destroy nothing, but you may build on what is already there.

We have told into thee to take [up, of] the bread and the wine, for the bread shall be your soul and spirit, and the wine shall be that of our Father’s — for as the body, the soul, and the spirit should come in completion of the immortal body of the same.

And they asked of the wine. Place of this before each. If they chose to, let them partake of the same.

But our Father does not ask for the blood of the Lamb. And the Lamb does not ask for the blood of man. For these things that belong to the earth also belong to our Father, for they were His in the beginning. And should the grape choose to become the wine for your offering, then the grape has seen fit to use of its free choice.

And should the wheat of thy bread choose to come forth of its free choice unto your offering — and should our Father’s children see to come forth of their free choice, and therefore, give up into our Father the offering of the same, this is their choice.

But remember, this can be done anywhere, for this is between them and their God.

But as you should become ministers in the light of God, and therefore, speak of the words of God, this can be done unto your own people and those with free choice who come unto thee and ask.

But as we have said before, go unto this house and knock. If they should bid you enter, drink of their wine, that they may drink of yours. But should they not, then take of this, and go elsewhere.

But we should say unto all of the disciples of this work, give that that is God’s to God; give that to your brother that is your brother’s; but just as important, give that unto yourselves that is yourselves’. But close your doors to no man. For we do not come to one people alone, but to all the people and all the children of God. Therefore, give glory unto God and God should give glory unto His children.

But mark these words — for those who have been chosen to walk in the light of God and minister in the same manner, walk as a man and a woman of God. Be as a mirror into the same.

For as we have said unto thee, for those who should see us should see of our Father, and thine should be likewise in the same manner. Do not step backwards.

And now, we should tell thee of a time soon to come, this of your calendar of May the 2nd, of your year. [Editor’s note: the first Annual Meeting was held May 10, 1972.]

And as we have said before, the Fifth Angel stands upon thy earth. He no longer slumbers, but he holds in his hand the mighty Sword of God, that that should divide the people and the earth.

And as we have said before — where no water flowed, water shall flow again. Where water flew, it shall not, for your earth shall now start its change.

And pray unto the Lord that it comes in your summer months. [See The Revelation, chapters 5–7, 14 and 19, Mark 13:1–4 and Mark 13:14–37.]….

The Teacher’s single candle symbolizes the light of God that shines within one.

But we leave unto all of thee these words. For the teacher should feel great and mighty in the eyes of man, but within their hearts, if they should stay humble in the eyes of God — and God shall make them great. But a student shall never become more than the teacher, and the teacher shall never become more than the pupil. But your time of learning has come forth, and the Great Pyramid and the bird of the Great Pyramid should take flight, for now we shall give of thee the powers thy ask for.

April 17, 1972: Yes, we see this. Thy have other questions, ask.

Then we shall answer in this manner. Fear not this word thy call communion. Do you think that we shall not be there and guide each footstep in its proper place? For we shall answer you in this manner — for you shall always remember the miracle of your candelabra.

The spiritual messengers of God spoke, April 21, 1972: And we say, hark, into thee. For as we have said before, now is the time of the Cherub. And the Fifth Angel rests no longer upon thy earth, for now is the time of the great Sword that should cut of land and masses.

And we shall say once again that your earth is slowly changing upon its own axis. But your earth is sliding with this change. It has done this many times before. But this time it should be done with purpose, that mankind may hear and heed the words of God.

Our Lord has given unto thee free choice. But yet, you go onward with your wars and your killing. And we say unto thee, our Father does not seek the blood of the Lamb, but gave it to you that thy may see for thyselves in the resurrection of your own. Yet you took this and misinterpreted these words, and misinterpreted the deed within itself.

And now, as we have said before, your earth, this planet of yours, shall show that it has karma too. For earthquakes should come within your land. The earth should heave and give forth unto new life. And the temple of God that is in within man shall shine forth, and come again.

And thy ask unto thyselves, “Why do they talk in riddles?” [Yet] we have given unto thee many words. We have given unto thee many lessons to pass forth upon the people of the land. We do not come to you alone. We have chosen you first to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.

But first you must prepare the way within yourselves.

Thy have many questions, ask….

“Yes, Aka. You have made reference a number of times to the Seven Spirits of God. Could you tell me more about what you mean by this? Are they part of the council of Thirteen; are they different? What do you mean?”

The Seven Spirits of God are of the Seven Spirits of God. They are no part of any council.

This dwells within thyself. As we have said before, open the door that we may enter.

And we shall say once again, have faith and thy shall walk on the water with us….

[Note: In The Revelation 1:12–16, the seven spirits of God, our Father’s eyes and ears, are present with the Messiah in the midst pf the seven-candlestick candelabra: “And I turned back to see the voice that was speaking with me, and turning, I saw seven golden lampstands. In the midst of the lampstands was one like the son of man, dressed in a long robe and with a golden belt wrapped around his chest. As for his head, the hair was white like wool and like snow, and his eyes were like a flame of fire and his feet were as fine bronze as if having been burned in a furnace. His voice was like the sound of much water, and he was holding seven stars in his right hand and from his mouth came a sharp, two edged sword, and his face appeared like the sun in power.”]

But remember, (chuckle) we do not sleep. We are there night and day to give blessings unto the same. [See The Revelation, chapters 4–5.]

The lampstands in the book of Revelation are found for the first time in Revelation 1:1. “To the angel of the church in Ephesus write: The One who holds the seven stars in His right hand, the One who walks among the seven golden lampstands, says this . . .” Then Revelation 1:20 tells the meaning of the lampstands. “As for the mystery of the seven stars which you saw in My right hand, and the seven golden lampstands: the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.” The seven stars are the messengers to the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches. Some believe that the messengers are the pastors of the churches and others believe that each church had an angel assigned to it. The Greek word for “angel” is aggelos. This word means “messenger.” The seven churches are Ephesus (Rev. 2:1–7), Smyrna (Rev. 2:8–11), Pergamum (Rev. 2:12–17), Thyatira (Rev. 2:18–29), Sardis (Rev. 3:1–6), Philadelphia (Rev. 3:7–13), and Laodicea (Rev. 3:14–22). This helps the meaning of the minister’s vows and lighting of each candle as the vow is made the light of God enters into the minister more clear.

Then we should say unto thee these words. We shall give blessings unto your May meetings of the same. [Note: The first annual meeting of the Association of the Spiritual Philosophy of God was May 10, 1972. Ray and seven ministers were ordained. Aka renamed this the Association of Universal Philosophy in 1974.]

Now is the time of the Cherub. Earthquakes shall come upon your earth. Fear these not, for the children of God shall walk with God and give guidance unto the children of man.

April 28, 1972: And we should answer unto those of the disciples of the same — thy have in thy mind, and we should answer in this manner. Wear of these things thy choose. But wear, for this time, and this time only, unto white covering of thy clothing. But wear no ornaments before God, other than the one we have given unto thee. [Note: the ankh.]

The ankh is said to symbolize eternal life. Ray invited some to meditate upon the circle, saying that the spiritual messengers of God can flow through this to one.

Place into thy house no false images unto thy Father, for we have not asked that thy should build a mighty temple. The temple we should seek is within thy hearts, thy souls, thy spirits, and thy immortal body of the same.

And before your ordination, let all go unto soul Ray, and we should place in his mind these things he should say unto thee.

May 19, 1972: As we have said before, the Fifth Angel sets before thee. The strong shall stand, and the children of God shall walk forward and prepare the way. The weak shall fall. Help them to stand, but do not become a crutch for the same. As we have said, from your May 2nd, great pressures are upon your earth from your planetary system. These within the same shall cause the same pressures within man. Tempers shall become short. Death shall come unto many.

Your earth shall erupt in many places. Fear not this. That that man has placed in the sea shall come forth to sting him and torment him. We have said before, now is the time of the great Sword. Where no water flowed water shall flow. Where mountains rose they shall be no more.

These times of trial shall continue into your year of 1999. Wars and rumors of war shall rage upon your earth. But for the children of God, we shall walk before thee and prepare the way.

Thy thyselves must prepare the way within thyselves. There shall be many who should shout angrily at thy. Forgive of these, for they know not what they do.

But we have said in this manner, thy are thy brother’s keeper. Take each morning with love, and end it with love. And in this manner love shall blossom forth upon your earth. And therefore, as has been promised, your thousand years of peace shall come. But they shall come as our Father counts, not as you. And each day shall be as a thousand years upon your earth.

Within your Government great scandal shall come forth. And your Government shall shake and prepare to fall, but it shall not. For from it shall grow a better, more Godly government than exists at your present time.

But remember, let none of the children of God strike with their hand or their mouth to another. For as the spirits of God shall flow as a brook, as the souls and the spirits shall flow as the rivers, and as the soul of man shall flow to the oceans and to the many lands, so shall these words that we have given unto thy keeping.

June 2, 1972: Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should say into these words.

But first, we should say unto those — we have placed a block within Ray’s mind, but we did not leave him defenseless. And we should say unto those who should walk a false path, that what the Lord has given the Lord shall take away. Thy have walked long before this one under the Lord’s protection. Beware.

And we say unto thee, soul Luke, these words. Thy have taken the vows before God; yet, thy know not the meaning of the word of love. We have said before, do not misinterpret our words; do not twist them to meet your own selfish needs, and this has been done. And we should say unto thee, beware, for the wrath of the Lord is great, for nothing from either side shall be allowed to interfere with this work. We are here but for one purpose, and that is in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And those who are chosen should prepare first within themselves. If they cannot do this, let them walk away. We have asked you to promise nothing. Those things that thy gave unto thy Lord was given of thy free will. We have asked but two things, to love unto thy Lord one-tenth of the love the Lord should give unto thee, to love unto mankind in the same manner — and to coveth nothing that should belong to another. And for those who should encourage this, then they should walk alone and become lost souls. And we should say unto thee these words, the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, for not one stone upon your Earth may be moved without His knowledge and His consent.

And now, we should tell thee of this time of stress. We allowed these things to happen as they did, both for the test of soul Ray, for within him was the power of the mind to have destroyed all.

Yet, he has not done this. He did not curse his Father, nor blame his Father, for he accepted that that was given unto him as karma, that that he himself had chosen.

And we should say to those who should walk away, all thy must do is open the door that we may enter, for we are not great; we are but the servants and messengers of your Lord, God. But we have given unto thy hands a prophet. Beware, those who should stone him. Beware, those who should cast false accusations unto the same. Your Lord, your Father, is a loving Father. He should give love and kindness unto all. He has given unto thy keeping free will, but only that thy should not violate another’s free will. Thy have chosen thy paths. And it shall be a lonely path. Those things that thy have done shall be new karmas. But we warn thee now, cast no further stones, or we shall stand before this, and the wrath of the Lord shall be mighty.

But beware of one other thing. Should we take away the block that lies within this one, then chaos should come, and we should leave, and thy should walk in darkness for 300 years, but not as you count, for each day shall be as a thousand years. And your earth shall run red with the blood of man, and the plagues should strike thy land, for only through this work have the hands of the Cherubims been stayed; for, as we have said before, should the Seventh Seal be opened, yea, yea, beware, for mankind, for there is many who have cried unto our Father for justice. [See The Revelation 6:9–17 and chapters 7–8.]

And so, we say unto thee….

Editor’s note: Throughout the years in which the spiritual messengers of God spoke of this, Ray Elkins also spoke of it to the ministers and teachers at the annual meeting services –– “The only thing that stands between the Seventh Seal is this work.” “The only thing is you.” See The Revelation of John, chapter 7–8. This may become more clear if one reads the June 24, 1983, message near the end of this article. Quotes are given in order by the date on which they were spoken.

Can you see the 13 rays of light shining down from heaven around and into the unconscious body of Ry Elkins as the spiritual messengers of God enter and speak to man? This photo was taken at 8:15 p.m. in 1973 with a Nikormat camera. No light sources come from that direction in Ray’s living room. Only a dimmed chandelier faces him from the front. The microphone stand casts a shadow from it across his shirt. Perhaps this photo will help explain the answer to the next question.

“There is another question that has been asked. ‘Could you clarify your possession of Ray, or explain how you and Ray are the same, or how you and Ray are separate?’”

As we have said before, soul Ray is I, and I am soul Ray, for I come from a different time, a different plane. For the link to be made, the souls had to be tied together. As a before time, when soul Ray asked his Father for death and was given this gift unto the same, but yet, as he was given the gift of life and the gift to go forth and prepare a way for the people, he chose this. It was of free choice.

We are of the Council of Thirteen. As we have said before, for those who should see of us in their mind’s eye, they shall see our Father, for we shall stand as close to soul Ray as his breath, but yet, we shall stand as close to our Father as His eyes and His heart and His tongue. For those things that were given in truth shall be received in truth. Can thy understand of which we speak?… [See John 14:1–21, 16:6–27, 17:1–8 and 20–26, Acts 1:12–26, 2:1–28, The Revelation 1:1–3, 1:10–20, and chapters 4–8, 12:1–2, 14:1–7, 14:14–20, chapter 15, 19:1–16, and 22:6–22.]

“Yes, Aka.”

But we should leave thee with these words. For those who were chosen, you said unto one another, “I shall hide nothing from the other. Everything I say and do unto each other should be in the truth of God.” Remember thy vows.

October 6, 1972: “Thank you, Aka. [11–16–71–002] asks why all her life injured or crippled animals, such as lizards, and horny toads, and toady frogs seem to come to her for help and healing?”

And we shall answer in this manner. For not one thing upon your earth shall fall without our Father’s permission; therefore, the knowledge unto the healers of the same shall be placed. And do you not think that the same knowledge is not placed into the smallest of things? For they are all of God’s creatures. But did not out Father place you, man and woman, to rule above the sea, above the land, above the sky, and as the keepers of the same. You would be poor keepers if did you not look after your children and that of your lot.

But do not misinterpret these words we have spoken, and do not take them in jest. For the knowledge that thy should need, we shall place at thy fingertips. Open thy mind in such a manner that thy may receive. Open thy mouth in such a manner that you can give. But as we give, and as our Father should give unto us, give into others that that their mind can digest and understand. Take of thy knowledge and place it into the written word, and then decipher, add to and take from, and give unto mankind that that they can digest, one unto another. But remember, as a pupil, thy come in learning. As a teacher, thy also come unto learning and knowledge, for the teacher who would cease to learn, ceases to teach and becomes a dictator unto the same. We have said unto thee, we have provided the yeast and the wine.

November 24, 1972: “Aka, can you advise us as to, if you are pleased with our study sessions, or if you would like us to work on something other than what we are doing?”

Your study sessions are well. We have implanted the knowledge that is needed within your teacher, that you may become teachers. We have done this in a manner that should become increasingly more fruitful. But remember, only those who should wait for the harvest shall fill their baskets. And for those who should fall away from knowledge shall fall away from themselves.

February 16, 1973: Yes, we see thy need, and first, we should say in this manner, we shall protect this one that we call the prophet.

And we should say first unto the ministers that were ordained, as we said unto you, you should hide nothing from one another. And this has been done. We have given unto your hands a prophet. Yet, you have refused to use his knowledge. And we shall say unto you once again, in the order of all things, as in the beginning, did Gold place Adam to rule the earth, and the descendants of Adam, in a just manner. So we have placed a prophet. And the prophet should give justice into his ministers and words of wisdom, and therefore, in the spiritual work of this we have given you shall reign as a leader unto you.

We have said before, do not misinterpret our words, for we have said unto you there shall be dividing of a land, and the land we spoke of was not of your people, but of your earth. And it shall be as a great Sword that cuts two ways, both of the land and of the people. But we shall do the cutting. We shall say in this manner, bring forth all your people into one house. And those who refuse to come unto the house, let them remain outside, and they shall be no more, for we shall weed your garden in this manner. But as we have said before, the action that shall be taken upon your parts shall be in accord with the laws of your land….

And as has been promised in your book of Revelations that a new temple of Jerusalem shall be built — and so it has been, from this point beyond, in the measurements given, in the matter of the same.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I believe that when you say, let all people come together in one house; you are referring to the meeting that we are going to call…?”

We should answer in this manner. The house we have spoke of is the house of Jerusalem that stands here and now and should house the many souls of the many people of the many faiths who should enter with a love of God within their heart and a love of mankind in the same manner….

Let all of your membership come unto one house — not two divided, but one house. This shall be the Spiritual Philosophy of God. We say in this manner, according to the laws of your land, dissolve your charters. Soul Ray, as your spiritual leader, should have the right unto himself to write and attend to the needs of his ministers at any time….

You have other questions, ask….

“Soul Ruth asks, ‘Can you tell us more of the priests of the Mathotoc?’”

Yes, we see thy need. These, within the same, are part of the White Brotherhood. And as we have formed priesthood within your group, so should you be members of the same….

We should leave you with these parting words. If a soul that has become lost should look and see his Father’s light and rejoin his spiritual form, then God should accept the same. But let these lost souls show proof, both to God and to you, God’s children. We should say unto you, send the copy of this reading to the Yuma people….

Rembrant’s painting of the prophet, Moses, with the Ten Commandments from God.


And we should say unto you in this manner, should you be attacked, it shall be because of these weapons.

April 13, 1973: “Aka, some people feel uncomfortable about drinking wine with the bread. Can you comment on this?”

(Chuckle) Wine is only a symbol, nothing more. Water is the same as the wine. It is not necessary that wine be taken into the body. Use of the juice of the grape, as it comes from the grape, or use water; it means little difference. Take not into your body that that should do harm unto your body; take not that unto your soul that that should do harm unto your soul; take not that unto your spirit that should do harm unto your spirit. And in this manner your immortal body shall grow. But take not into your body that should do harm unto God, or your soul, or your spirit, or your immortal body.

April 20, 1973, before the second Annual Meeting, the spiritual messengers of God said: And now we should say unto thee, for we see thy need. For those who should come before our Father in a righteous manner, our Father should give glory unto them. But we should suggest in these words, that before one should become in whole, ministers, they should be teachers for one year first. Those who have been chosen should be honored as teachers in your May meeting.

It is good that you should review all of the ministers within your group. Do so as you have suggested. But for the new, after they have served one year as teachers, then they should know in full within their hearts their own destiny before them.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. When you speak of these people as teachers, do you mean that they should teach in separate sessions in their own homes, or do you mean that they should work with the group much as they have been working?”

They should do both. But they should work at all times within the structure of your group.

April 27, 1973: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer your question in this manner. No one can take from thee thy own free will. This was given from the High One, the Lord, our Father.

Therefore, we may only suggest and give guidance into thy paths.

And we shall answer your question in this manner. That of the spiritual work, we have given unto thy hands this one thy call the prophet. Therefore, the ministers and the teachers should serve under the direction of the prophet.

Ray Elkins rings the bell announcing services at the church pf the Association of universl Philosophy he built and dedicated simply to God.

Your board of directors should henceforth take upon themselves the handling of the business affairs of your organization. We do not mean this in a manner that should take from this one his right to vote upon issues that he feels within himself a necessity. But let this come forward in a spiritual manner.

Your garden has been weeded. Your future now lies full and complete. As we have told you in the beginning, the material things that are needed shall be provided as raindrops. The spiritual things that are needed shall come until your cups shall runneth over. All you must do is ask.

Your land lies rich with flowers, and as the earth awakens unto the glory of God, He has placed these flowers at your feet that you should see the bountiful needs of the earth. We shall lay upon the land a cleansing. And the cleansing should come unto your government, that your land shall be of the people, by the people, before God, in a righteous manner. These things shall be done, and the earth shall be handed back into your hands.

We have done that that has been necessary in the preparation, and we shall continue. You should do that that is necessary for the preparation, for we have given you the wine and the bread. Must we also provide the yeast?

And for those who should doubt unto the words that we have spoken, let them too look at the flowers that we have placed at their feet.

We came and gave you a sign in the heavens upon our arrival. Now we give you a sign upon the earth of beauty. Give this beauty from your souls, that others may see the flowers also. Let each of you in your own manner come into your May meeting as a new beginning and a new birth. Come there with hope and happiness within your hearts. Show this into others. Let this be a festival occasion for all. [Editor’s note: Aka was speaking of the second annual meeting of the Association of the Spiritual Philosophy of God, as they called it then.]…

Yes, we should answer in this manner. Let the teachers come unto the prophet. And let the prophet say unto the teachers, “For the teacher can never be greater than his student. And the student can never be greater than his teacher.” Let the prophet say unto them, “Take from thy hands all prejudice, that they shall teach in a righteous manner before their God.”

They shall serve under the direction of the prophet. They shall learn from your ministers.

And let the ministers stand and take a vow before the teacher that all of their knowledge shall be given freely unto the teacher, and they shall hide nothing from one another. But we say unto thee in these words, let minister or teacher hide that that has been given from one another, they shall no longer remain of either. And we say unto you in these words, what the Lord has given, the Lord can taketh away. Beware.

For this day we have laid aside that these teachers should be honored. And the Lord, God, shall look upon them, and He shall honor them. And the Council shall be present, and they shall honor them. For we, as they, are but teachers. And we are not great. We are here but for one purpose, as they should be, for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

Let not they bring into this work prejudice of any kind.

And glory be the name of the Lord….

We shall speak upon this further before you shall hold your meeting.

For the second Annual Meeting, the spiritual messengers of God created a new position of Teacher. The Teacher was to be given a singe candle candlestick to signify the light of God. This was so that for one year, before one was ordained as a Minister before God, the Teacher would have time to learn more fully.

For the second Annual Meeting, the spiritual messengers of God said, May 4, 1973: And we say unto you, lo, lo into the Lord, for these are the righteous days. For the Lord should pave His way with water. And if you should walk the path, you should find the bread along the way, and the multitudes shall be fed.

You have brought forth upon this day that that we have suggested. And tomorrow you shall celebrate your day of grace before the Lord. Do so with glad tidings. As we have said before, we have weeded your garden; therefore, we have planted flowers at your feet. But none of these things that we have done could we do alone, or could we have done them without the permission of the One, the High One, that that you would call of God.

And we shall say unto you, of that of the honoring of the teachers, we see of this and we are pleased. And we say unto the teachers, stand forth and receive that honor that is bestowed upon you. But upon that moment, we shall touch you and make our presence known to all.

May 25, 1973: And we say unto John, who has had such a difficult time seeing the honor that we have placed within you as a teacher, but now that you have seen within the same, now we should say unto you these words. As thy should teach, we have placed unto thy hands a prophet, who we should speak through, and who the Lord, God, shall sometimes forgive his transgressions.

Yet, if you should plant corn today, you would not go out and try to pick it tomorrow. Good corn takes many things. It takes the sun of the sky, the love of the earth, and the bountiful water of the soul to feed it. Yet, as the corn should grow, some that is not fitting should wither and die away, for that that should stay upon the earth must be able to withstand great pressures, high winds. It must anchor its roots firmly. Give this time of growth, yet use it in your time of teaching. Yet, we know you know not of what we speak. But yet, look into your body. Have we not placed within you the miracle of the Lord?

June 1, 1973: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner.

As a fountain should push forth as knowledge the waters of the earth, as the tree should reach upward unto the heavens, so should your truth be. For thy shall not give false witness unto any man, for truth shall be thy saber in the days ahead. For as a river should flow, and yet, as you stand in one place you shall never see the same river twice, for new water shall flow past you every moment, and so it should be with knowledge. But truth should come in many forms. And because one should speak differently, yet meaning the same, thy should not walk away from knowledge that is truth. Should a man come before thee, and yet, within thy mind, say, “Look upon the earth, for it is not there,” do not call this man a liar, but store his knowledge for another day, and let the time pass, and through time the truth shall be known unto thee. And so it should be true with prophets upon the earth this day. Choose your words wisely, yet come forth in truth. But yet, and we say unto you, your God is the God of the living, not of the dead. And we have come forth but for one purpose, and that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah….

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes Aka. [5–7–71–002] wonders if she should have any special guidance?”

Yes, we see thy need. And yet, we should answer in this manner. Thy have done thy duty unto thy family. Thy have filled thy vow unto God. And now thy shall do thy duty unto thyself, which shall also be thy duty unto God. And we say yet into thee in these words, as thy should become a teacher, present thyself, that this honor may be bestowed upon you. But do so with a whole heart, and therefore, be ready to dedicate the time, the energy, the effort, the love that must go forward with the acceptance of the same.

June 8, 1973: We have sent teachers. Yet we come now to prepare the way. Prepare that way within yourself, and give it unto others in the same manner that the Master would give it unto us, and you — with love, compassion. Learn that it is not the knowledge that should come from written words, but words that are put into written writing that are wisdom. As a teacher should teach always in a simple manner, our God said not words unto His children they could not understand. Say not words unto the children you shall serve.

July 27, 1973: Now we say unto thee in this manner, in these words. We have placed some of you in positions that are that of labor. Your knowledge is great. We have placed some of you in positions to do certain jobs. But we say unto you, in the eyes of God all is mighty. Look through the eyes of God unto yourselves, and you shall see that each within themselves are very important.

But you can build once again both an ark and a dike, that your 300 years of darkness shall not come upon the earth — and the 300 shall go unto 3,000 — that man should not walk backward and be that much less than the smallest animal upon the earth, that the way shall be prepared for his [the Messiah’s] coming.

Prepare, therefore, within each of you that way. But prepare it in such a manner that you should look unto yourselves, and see the righteousness of your paths.

October 2, 1973: Give that unto yourself that belongs unto yourself. Give that unto your fellow man that belongs unto your fellow man. Give that unto God that belongs to God. But as the sun should come forth upon your earth, and for the rays of the sun, so shall be the souls of man.

Thy have thought in thy mind, “How should I climb the ladder unto my Lord?” And we should answer in this manner, our Father has many mansions. But think of man and the souls of man as the rays of the sun that should filter forth upon your earth unto all proportions. Think of night, and think of day. Yet the sun shall shine where darkness lies, and darkness shall lie where the sun should shine. For think of that hidden place within your mind. Go unto that hidden place and find the knowledge therein, for we have placed upon the Earth teachers for all the mansions.

We have come not to change the laws of Moses. We have come not to change the laws and gifts of the one known as Jesus Christ. We have come but for one purpose, that purpose is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah upon your Earth. And so it shall be. Glory be the name of the Lord.

November 23, 1973: You have that of, in your mind, of your marriage ceremony, and we shall answer into these words. The answer unto this should be left to the discretion of the one known as soul Ray, as we have given forth that unto you for spiritual guidance.

But we say unto you unto these words, that should that of a minister be apart and no communications be allowed, then the minister must act upon his heart and soul and that unto which he knows is right before God. Yet unity must prevail. This is why we have placed soul Ray before you who have been placed as ministers. And as long as your organization shall exist, one such as he shall reign in this position. Should he be wrong in his decision, our Father shall let it be known unto him in a just manner. Should you be wrong in your decision, He should let you know in a just manner.

Of that of the burial ceremony, in extreme conditions, the whole ceremony also may be done at one time. And of that of the burial, and baptism, and marriage may all be done at one time, for you shall find those who should ask for, at their last moments of life, for baptism. Ask not their faith; give forth that that has been placed before you to give.

April 28, 1974: Yes, we see thy need. And now we should say into thee unto these manners, for we should speak of the matters of God….

Soon should come forth the time of the making of ministers and teachers. You have thought long upon soul Ray’s decisions in wonderment from whence they came, whether the man or the prophet did serve unto your needs. And we should say unto you, of the works of God the prophet did serve unto you, of the works of man the man did serve unto you.

We say unto you unto these words, glory be the name of the Lord.

A new decision shall be laid before you all. Handle each with patience and justice….

Each step has gone by, and as we have promised, we have brought this organization forward unto the respect of mankind. Your needs have also been brought forward. Cast aside these doubts, for nothing should stand still, not river, not ocean, not earth, not man, not seasons upon thy earth, for all shall change.

We say unto you, take unto your heart these words, for you are a minister of God. Thy have pledged servitude unto our prophet, as is just. Thy have pledged servitude unto thy Lord, which is just.

Remember of these things, for the things we should say shall be hard for you all to understand. Study the words well. Do not just listen once, but listen more than once, until each meaning of each word has brought truth within yourself.

Glory be the name of the Lord….

This house shall stand, not divided. Both ministers and teachers should therefore meet together at the half-time of the month from this day forward. Both ministers and teachers should give in writing form that of their activities unto that of the prophet, that a better understanding should come among all of you. For the house shall grow beyond your wildest thoughts and speculation, for this is a house of God; this is the mansion of God.

And now we shall give you one other suggestion that you should talk among yourselves. The book of the ministers should not lie only within yourselves. There are certain proportions that should be taken from it, and then in its present form — and you know those instructions that should be taken from this book — it should [thus] far be gone into print and go and prepare a way for the Book with wings.

Can you understand of which we speak?

“Aka, are we to take it to a publisher or are we to print it ourselves?”

You shall print it of yourselves. Take forth all of the mentioned teachers, take forth all of the mentioned ministers except those of James, Luke, and Jude, and discuss upon the same.

“I don’t understand you.”

Study our words. The book as it stands shall help prepare the way.

“[11–26–71–002] understands.”

Take forth, therefore, the instructions of the installation of the ministers. Take forth, therefore, the baptism; take, therefore, the marriage vows, leaving all unto the rest.

“Do you want the exorcism taken out?”

Take, therefore, of the exorcism.

Only in parts. For a beauty has blossomed upon the desert, and a rose has grown by the well. It should not be hidden….

In your own language, we shall say unto you, butter it up.


Bring forth certain knowledge of your prophet, adding to and within the book.

June 26, 1974: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For the Lord should taketh, the Lord should giveth, but the Lord should taketh nothing that He should giveth tenfold.

For within thy minds, thy think of the word, death, and we say unto you, the Lord giveth not death; He only taketh up that unto His keeping. For man in the beginning chose your death and life as a way of learning.

For remember unto these words. “Our Father is the God of the living, not of the dead.” “For those who should know of the earth should know of heaven, and for those who should know of heaven should know of the earth.”

We have brought forth upon the earth unto you healers of many forms, and you say unto us, “Then why should there be death at all?”

And we say unto you, that karma should end and begin. Within the span of lifetime, one lifetime, man marches forward from birth. Within your eyesight thy see them becoming older by the moment. Yet we say, nay, unto thee, for they return as they were born, that they may enter once again into our Father’s many mansions to learn and be born again.

And you say unto us, “Then must we go into our mother’s womb to be born again?” [See John, chapter 3.]

And we say, nay. Be transformed. Change thy direction. Learn from thy past. “If a man should know from where he has been, he shall know from where he is going.”

But we say unto you, we are the spirits of Aka, who were sent here for but one purpose, for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah, that your earth should know of its thousand years of peace upon the earth, but count not as you should count, for each day shall be as a thousand years.

We come forth that you should know the word you use so often, yet know not the meaning of, your word, love. We say unto you, stand beneath the cross and let the drops of blood fall upon your forehead.

But we say unto you, our Lord does not demand the blood of the Lamb, nor does He demand the blood of yourselves. Our Lord does not kill. Our Lord does not destroy. Our Lord has laid upon the earth all of His beauty before you. He brought forth man and woman of His kind, of their likeness, and He did find it good.

Then think thee in thy mind, thy are like the sun and the rays that come from the sun and return unto the same, for life is eternal; it has no beginning and no ending. It is like your universe and universes.

Your days shall soon come upon the earth when those of other planetary systems, your brothers and sisters of long ago, shall come upon your earth. Greet them in peace.

Bring forth not war and destruction.

Be as a mirror, and you shall know that the passing from one lifetime unto another is a beautiful thing, for it is like the rose without a thorn. Take it into your hands. Do not hide it and cast it away unto darkness. For the Lord say unto you, “WHAT IS HIDDEN SHALL BE BROUGHT FORTH IN LIGHT.”

Then we say unto you, we give you A Rose without Thorns. [Editor’s note: A rose without thorns is said to symbolize the birth or the coming of the Messiah.]

Thy have questions, ask….

Yes, Aka. [6–26–74–001] asks, ‘What can I do to increase my psychic awareness?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this question, in this manner. As the Lord, God, sent forth the Seven Spirits upon your earth, therefore, to build of the same, to put of His likeness, of His kind upon the earth, He hid nothing from His children. To most, that of the psychic gift comes naturally. To a few it is like a singer. It is greater into one than another. But yet the gift is given unto all — unto the composer, the writer, the singer.

Yet we say unto you, the simplest of methods is the easiest and quickest. We have brought forth unto much knowledge unto this subject matter.

For this one, we say unto you, learn first to meditate, and know the difference between your meditation and your prayer. It is not necessary that thy starve thyself. It is not necessary to place thyself in one position or another. But we say unto you, find a quiet place, and then, look into thy own mind. In that quiet place within your mind you shall find a candle lit by a still pool. And as you approach it in prayer you shall find many candles lit. And there within yourself you shall find the God part of yourself.

Sit beside the pool and listen.

For the difference between prayer and meditation — in prayer, you should talk unto the Lord; in meditation, you should listen unto the Lord and His messengers. There stands near each of you that which you would call your guardian angel, your teacher. As each lesson is learned and a greater teacher is needed with more knowledge, the teacher shall be provided.

But we say unto you, take unto thy mind, much as you would take unto thy stomach, that unto which you can digest at one time. Digest it well. From it you shall have new growth. If you eat too much all you will get is a stomach ache. If you devour too much to the brain all you shall get is a headache.

Take one step at a time. We have placed teachers upon the earth. Our Father, with His permission we have placed unto this one known as soul Ray great knowledge, the gift to heal, the gift to see visions, and the gift to translate the visions. We have also given unto this one the gift to pass between all planes. Come forth unto him, or come forth unto his teachers, those who should walk as his disciples. But remember, he is but a servant. His disciples are also just servants, for they serve the one God.

On June 1, 1974, in Globe, Arizona, Ray Elkins began talking before he went into trance. The tape recorded message began with these words, as Ray was describing the coming of the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, in early April 1970.

He said, “…She asked, why did they come? And the answer came back that they had not come to that person, they had come that — “my flock.” I looked up when I woke up and there were two people in it. And I don’t think anybody laughed any louder than I did. I thought, what? You know.

“Well, this organization is designed, not as a religion; each of you here belong to you own religions, and this is as it should be. This is a philosophy. If you can take any part of it and add it to that that you already have, then you’ve grown from it.

“And it’s not up to one person to say, “This is the way, the full meaning of each reading.” I think that it’s up to each individual in their own individual way, upon hearing the reading, they interpret it themselves to fit their own needs. And they take the philosophy into their own lives and put it to use. And this is way I wanted it to be. I think maybe this is the way God wanted it to be.

“And, I can’t express my gratitude — not because, the one thing I never wanted to do is become widely known for anything — but my gratitude, I’d like to express it in this way, that the philosophy that is good will last. And my gratitude is to the people who have made it last, to the people who have taken the work, or the readings, and shared it with so many others.

“As all of you know, we don’t advertise. We don’t solicit. Everything has gone by word of mouth, one into another. And it’s grown, sometimes I think beyond anything I ever thought it would. But the main place that I’ve seen the growth is in the people who’ve done the work — their growth, and the growth I’ve seen in other people who, who just shared in their work.

“You know, work is a word we consider as a hard thing. There are many types of work. But a labor of love has no price. It’s something that cannot be bought nor sold.

“That’s all I have to say.”

After speaking, Ray leaned back in his recliner with his head to the east and went into trance, climbing up a stairway to stand with God.

On June 29, 1974, the spiritual messengers of God spoke for the third Annual Meeting held late that month: And we should say unto you, unto thee unto this manner. Blessed be the name of the Lord. For the Lord, God, has seen, and we have seen. We say unto you that all things our Lord has seen He has give glory unto, for this is the day of joice and rejoice, both upon heaven and upon the earth. For we have seen you cast aside your grievances. We have seen you build together and become as one. A house divided cannot stand. The house is no longer divided, for it stands.

Now we shall say unto you, more hands shall be needed to do unto the work that we shall bring forth unto you, for now we shall lead thee from the river into the oceans. We shall open the doors that have been closed. Your work shall be praised by many. We shall remind you in this manner. As we are the servants of God, as we are teachers, remain as such. There have been many that the gifts have been offered to who have thought themselves as gods and closed the doorway unto their Father. Leave your doorway open. Let the multitudes come forward. Place forth now this Rose without Thorns. Your media, your television, your radio, your newspapers, all shall be set in motion. We have already started the thoughts into many minds that the way should be prepared.

Some shall come unto you and take. Some shall come unto you and give. Remember in these words, that a gift, a true gift, is giving without expecting anything in return. Let the words we have given unto you flow now freely. Do not be hypocrites. Do not flaunt yourselves in such a manner that you should disgrace yourselves and your God.

For the Lord, God, gave unto you the Ten Commandments. And Moses, on his return from the mountain did see his people in idol worship and did cast the stones, therefore, unto the people.

Yet, that day the Lord, God, learned from Moses, as He has learned from His children. But a true teacher should always learn from their students. But even though the tablets were cast unto the flames, He brought forth the Cherubim.

“The Ark passed over the Jordan” was painted by James Tissot. Atop the Ark of the Covenant are two cherubim with wings facing forward. God spoke to Moses through His spiritual messengers outstretched wings. The tabernacle and temple along with their articles contained many representations of cherubim (Exodus 25:17–22; 26:1, 31; 36:8; 1 Kings 6:23–35; 7:29–36; 8:6–7; 1 Chronicles 28:18; 2 Chronicles 3:7–14; 2 Chronicles 3:10–13; 5:7–8; Hebrews 9:5). Scripture tells of the cheribum many different times. Genesis 3:24 says: “After He drove the man out, He placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.” Prior to his rebellion, Satan was a cherub (Ezekiel 28:12–15). Chapters 1 and 10 of the book of Ezekiel describe the “four living creatures” (Ezekiel 1:5) as the same beings as the cherubim (Ezekiel 10). Each had four faces — that of a man, a lion, an ox, and an eagle (Ezekiel 1:10; also 10:14) — and each had four wings. In their appearance, the cherubim “had the likeness of a man” (Ezekiel 1:5). These cherubim used two of their wings for flying and the other two for covering their bodies (Ezekiel 1:6, 11, 23). Under their wings the cherubim appeared to have the form, or likeness, of a man’s hand (Ezekiel 1:8; 10:7–8, 21) The Revelation 4:6–9 also seems to describe cherubim.

Now we say unto you, now is the time of the Cherub. Now is the time of the great Sword that should cut two ways. The land should become parched and hard and dry. And fire should consume much of the land. Earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, shall ravish the land. We have given thee a way to prepare for this. But we say unto you, do so, yet in a sensible manner. Do not be as the man who was so busy storing that he forgot to plug the holes that the rats should come in and eat what he had stored. Build upon this foundation we have given unto you. Become that within yourself as the Seven Spirits of God upon the Earth. Build forth a new earth and a new heaven, and all shall rejoice. Fear not, that though chaos may be around you. We have seen to your needs as we promised in the beginning. Your wants and your needs are two different things. Your needs shall be provided as raindrops upon the desert. Yet they shall be provided for.

Cherish within your heart this day. Let none forget the vows they have taken.

We have placed in your hands this one thy call soul Ray − not by chance, not by accident, but by purpose. We have cast him into the fire, and led him through the fields of temptation. And now he is ready, for we have made from him our Sword. The steel is fine and sharp.

Our Lord says, “GLORY UNTO THEE.”

But yet, we have told thee the Messiah is born upon the Earth. Yet we can still not take him from his hiding, lest he be slain, for Lucifer lurks nearby to devour him from his mother’s womb. [See The Revelation, chapter 12.]

Each step thy take shall be a step closer to your thousand years of peace and plenty. Each step you take shall build the temple of God in man. There are those who have said vows and those who have not said vows. Yet we see in thy hearts the strength of all….

Within each of you we have bestowed certain gifts. These gifts, as A Rose without Thorns, should mature and blossom. Take jealousy from thy hearts. Accuse not lest ye be accused. Judge not lest ye be judged. We say unto you, restore the Tablets in their original form.

When we first came unto you we said there was a chain of Thirteen that had been broken many times upon the Earth, and each attempt to build it, it had been broken again.

Jesus in the garden when he asked his friends to stay awake all night with him before Judas brought the soldiers to betray him the next day. Yet, they fell asleep. May we not do this again today.

Build it once again upon the earth, and peace shall come upon the earth. [See Acts, chapters 1 and 2.]

And where no rivers have flown rivers shall flow. You lands shall no longer be parched, but shall blossom forth and bear fruit. Give forth love, as the waters of the river should give forth life.

Give forth hope, as the raindrops should fall upon the desert. Give forth faith, as a plant should have the faith from seedling to grow into maturity.

For those who ask for healing in our Father’s name, it shall be given. For we shall heal not only the body, but the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body, that all may come in accord with the same.

But we say unto you, for those who can give, let them give. For those who have but one teardrop to shed for our Father’s light, it shall be enough.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Now is the time of the Cherub.

On May 24, 1975, Aka spoke these words: We should say unto you, your Annual Meeting is soon at hand. And shepherds shall become Shepherds and ministers shall become Ministers, and teachers shall become Teachers. And the seven-candle candelabra shall be lit once again in unisance. But remember, as you should all say the vows, say them from your heart.

First, you were as the river and as the brook that flowed into the river. Soon your numbers shall come like the pebbles of the ocean. Prepare your household to feed the multitudes.

What God has given do not hide away — and prepare to bring forth The Psychic Gift before the Dawn.

For the fourth Annual Meeting, June 7, 1975, Aka said: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord — and glory unto His children, for the Lord has seen and the Lord is pleased. For as the autumn winds should come and the leaves should fall from the tree, so should the blessings of the Lord come unto His children.

We say unto you these words. To know where you have been is to know where you are going, but to dwell upon the past is not a good thing, because you can become so involved in the past that you cannot see the future. A lesson learned from the past is a lesson learned from the future. It is like a gift carried forward from lifetime to lifetime.

For as the one known as Jesus of Nazara did walk upon the Earth, [in] the land of Israel, of Egypt, of Persia, of the land you know as India, and as he walked upon the North and South American continents, and as he journeyed forth and brought the words of God unto man, and brought the coveth, therefore, unto the same, he said unto you these words, “I have come not to change the laws of Moses, but to fulfill the prophesies of the same.”

And we say unto you, we have come not to change the Law of Moses, but we have come for this time. Moses’ laws were for of his time. Yet the Ten Commandments were for all time, for they were the words and [the] laws of God.

And as the tablets were brought forth upon the two continents, even then the preparation was being made for the coming of the Messiah upon the Earth.

We say unto you, watch the sky and watch the leaves as the autumn should fall. Each day his presence shall grow stronger in your hearts. As we have said before, we came not to change the prophecy, but to bring the fulfillment of the prophecy of the same, and the promise made unto the Lord, God, unto His children, of a new heaven and a new earth, and the thousand years of peace and love and tranquility upon the Earth.

But we say unto you, now is the time that Lucifer must be chained.

Build the links of the chain, one by one, two by two, three by three. Multiply them, and he who should come as the Anti-Christ shall be defeated before he sets a foot upon the Earth, for his beginning and his ending has already been written. Let not the mark of the Beast appear upon your foreheads. Continue your work. We shall provide for your needs. [See The Revelation 20:1–6.]

New enlightenment and new methods of healing shall now be implanted unto soul Ray, and the gift of the mastery shall come in full.

Wounds have healed; and healing from the Lord, God, has placed His hand upon the ministers, the teachers and the student-teachers, the shepherds and the prophet, and all is in fulfillment. You have reached the river. Now is the time that the river should flow unto the ocean. And the souls of man shall be as the pebbles of the ocean. And so shall the words be spoken and reach the many lands.

Multiply your number. Increase your teachers. Go into your courses; look unto them, improve upon them.

Improve upon the newsletter. Bring forth advertisement unto your newsletter. Bring forth, in full, the vitamin and mineral supplements and formulas that have been placed unto soul Ray’s mind. For we have said before, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Pollution and pestilence shall follow his path. With the formulas at hand, these problems can be overcome. Further information shall be given unto soul Ray. [See The Revelation 6:1–11.]

All thing that we have said and promised unto you we have fulfilled, but only we could fulfill them with the permission of our Father, our God, and yours. For when we were sent to you He did say, “LET THOSE WHO KNOW THE ONE WHO SHOULD COME THE BEST COME FORTH AND PREPARE THE WAY.” [See John 14:15–21, 15:26.]

And so it has been.

We say unto you, we gave unto your hands the miracle of the candelabra. Now, increase the candelabras once again by thirteen, and the cup shall runneth over.

We see the leaves that fall and the questions in your minds.

We say unto the shepherds, carry your staff in a proud manner, for it shall be the staff of Moses.

We say unto the ministers, carry your candelabras, for they shall be as the candelabras of Isaiah. But as a coveth was given unto Abraham, so must the candelabras reach around the world, linking hands one unto another.

We say unto the teachers, prepare thyselves as that that should become ministers.

We say unto the students, prepare thyselves that thy may become teachers. But remember unto these words. The student shall never be greater than the teacher, nor the teacher greater than the student. But if you have but one teardrop to give, give that, and it shall be enough. If you have many, then give of these.

New financial means shall be provided for the material needs of the work. Soon will be the time that your newsletter shall be placed forth in the hands of all mankind. Now is the time that you must reach out.

But in the months that shall come forth, bring forth The Psychic Gift before the Dawn, for it shall be another chapter in the Book with wings. And wings shall be placed to the Rose without Thorns….

Prepare this book that lays at your hands.

August 20, 1975: When we first came unto this land, and unto this nation, we did say unto the people, form thyselves a group….And we did say unto them, prepare a Teachers’ Course for the teaching of new ministers. We did say unto them, take no man nor woman from their religion. This should be found and added to the works thy already have, that what we have brought forth, and the knowledge we have brought forth is for this time. We have come not to change the Laws of Moses, we have come not to change the prophesies of the one known as Jesus of Nazara, we have come for this time, for the time unto which you live now, for the time you are in, for the next 2,500 years.

If our work is accomplished your world shall know a thousand years of peace, but not as you would count, but as the Lord should count. Each day should be as a thousand years. The earth shall then be transformed by the hand of the Lord, and a new earth and a new heaven shall arise from the same. And the Messiah shall rule, not as a king, not as punishment — as love. And for those who have net been changed at that time, and all, even the lost souls, shall be lifted from the earth, and they in turn shall have another chance, the choice to enter this new heaven and earth. For the earth again shall be a heaven….

June 5, 1976, before the fifth Annual Meeting, the spiritual messengers of God spoke: We should say in this [way] will, unto this manner. A flower should blossom upon this earth, yet to return to the earth − and so it is with all things − who should know of heaven who has not known of earth? For that is the kingdom of our Father. Yet we say unto you, our Father has many mansions, each is great to behold. [See John 3:1–13, 3:31–34, 6:28–40, 8:14, 12:20–24, 14:2–5, 14:16–21, and 16:4–15.]

We say unto you, as the time comes near for your Annual Meeting, and the bringing forth of the teachers, blessed be they who should come in truth, and unto the servitude of our Father.

But we should say unto thee, unto those, at times the yoke should be heavy and the burden should be hard, for the task you take upon your shoulders is not all glory, for this [is a] time to see sorrow and a time to see gladness within the hearts of all our Father’s children. You shall see the birth and the death and all things in between, for that is the way of those who have chosen this path.

The yoke at times may be heavy upon thee, and reward shall come lightly. But if physical reward is that that thy seek, enter not unto this, for the kingdom that Jesus spoke of was not a kingdom upon your Earth, but our Father’s kingdom, which should be both heaven and earth. [See John chapters 15 and 17.]

As we have said before, we do not sleep as you. For if you should see us in our form, you should see but an energy source. Yet, for those of you who should see us, we should plye the energy substance into a material substance that you should see.

These things we should tell thee. But we should also tell thee − come in truth….

We shall say again, many earth changes shall take place upon your earth, but man shall remain, and the children of God who shall go forth. And so is the destiny of God and man. All things in between are of free choice.

A prayer once spoken shall be heard. But we should say unto thee that those should pray unto the Lord and say something that means something to them, then it should make a difference in the prayer. For if it should mean something to the person who should pray, then the Lord should hear. But if you should stand and say that that means nothing to you, then how can it mean anything to the Lord, our God?

We say unto you, the prayer is a private thing between your God and yourself. It is like the fruit upon the tree. If you should reach to the top of the tree, you shall find the sweetest fruit, and so it is, the closer you should climb the ladder toward your Father. But we should also speak unto you, that if you take only from the tree and put nothing back, then the tree should wither away and become dust, and return to the earth. We have placed unto your hands a prophet of this time.

As you take from this tree and the fruit that should bear from it, replenish it, and so we shall replenish yours in full. Glory be the name of the Lord.

They gave this parable, September 17, 1976: Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner, for we shall say unto thee the Parable of the Earth, and its Being.

For as God sent the Seven Spirits unto the Earth, and after much toil upon their part, the Earth was created, and all those things of their kind was placed upon the Earth. And man did come upon the Earth.

And as time passed, and as the Seven Spirits did see unto the folly of man, they did meet together and say unto themselves, “Why has the Lord, our God, created us? And why has He sent us forth to create, under His instruction, all of these things, [that] this man, as He calls him, who resembles us, who is of our kind — yet the folly of him? The Lord has sent teachers unto the Earth of their kind, yet they see them not. Instead they look for sensationalism. They look [with] things that are shrouded by many words. They look for the mystery of all things, and hidden meanings. Yet what the Lord, the Lord has placed before them is in the simplest form. Why should the Lord continue with such as thy?”

They thought long as they observed the Earth. “We have placed a balance unto the earth, a balance of life, and man has continued to change this balance. We have placed a balance into the earth’s form, and man in his quest has continued to change this. Even the things we have placed into the outer atmosphere to protect man, he wishes to change this. Where [would] he stop in his heaven and earth?”






But still they stood, and they said, “But look Lord, You have sent unto the land Your first begotten son, and they have crucified him. And You now plan that the Earth should be chosen again for the birth and return of the Messiah. And You have sent your masters forth to prepare the way. Yet look, Lord, look as they prepare the way. Their own apostles have turned against them. Their own apostles have decided that their thoughts are the only thoughts. And the apostles fight among themselves. Little has changed since the time of Jesus and this time. Little has changed since you did send John the Baptist forth to prepare the way, and he was betrayed and his head severed and fed to the dogs. You, oh, Lord, have asked much of us. But You ask much of the ones You asked to prepare the way. Where is the justice in this?”





And the Seven Spirits said unto the Lord, “That we may learn, that we may serve, let us go forth and enter into the twelve as You do enter, and it shall become Thirteen.”


And as they entered, and as the Council began the pilgrimage upon your Earth upon the day in your year of 1970, April the 3rd, the Council did break through and become known.

And then one, and then all of the spirits did say unto the Lord, “Look, oh, Lord, for ministers are coming forth. Yet, each of them shall betray him in their lifetime. And each of them shall go forth. Yet he knows this; why does not he act?”

And the Lord, God, said, “PATIENCE UNTO THEE, AND WATCH.”

And then he did bring forth unto the shepherds. And then he did bring forth unto the Teachers’ courses, that new seed should be planted.

And yet, he did look forth and see that still this was not enough. You of this earth-plane are inquisitive, and you like mysteries.

We say unto you, each of you, place yourself in this instrument of God’s place. Place yourself there for a little while, each of you, who say, “I cannot complete this course,” and those who complete it for title, and those who reach for ministry without substance.

We say unto you, those [who] have now completed the course, who have waited for the instructions of the minister to start, prove of yourselves as teachers and then the instructions of the ministry may start.

Of those who have agreed to take minister’s or teacher’s positions, let them comply. Many of you shall say, “I shall not have the time.” But we say unto you, you cannot afford to not have the time. Leaders will be needed in many places. If they think only of themselves, your people shall return back unto the Stone Age.

The Fifth Seal has not only been opened, but it shall not be long until the Fifth Angel has completed his walk. And woe be upon thee as the Sixth shall be opened, and the time of the Anti-Christ shall be there, and the mark of the Beast shall be that in your hearts — that you shall place there yourselves. [See The Revelation 6:9–17, chapters 7, 12:13–17, chapter 13, 14:1–16, chapters 16, 18–19, 20:1–6, chapter 21 and 22:11–17.]

We say unto thee of the time of Noah, when his words were cast into the wind by the people, he spoke of the mark, yet they heeded him not.

A thousand years of peace has been promised unto you, a new heaven and a new earth, but only when mankind can accept of this and these things.

A shepherd should tend his flock, not one but all of them. In failing to do this, he should place his staff upon the ground and walk away, or come into whole­ness and in the realization.

There are those of you who we have named as teachers because of the potential, therefore, within the same. And you have become lazy and not complied. Either pick up the staff and continue, or step aside, for we shall weed the garden, and none from either side shall interfere with this work.

For we are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, that the thousand years of peace may reign upon the earth, that the new heaven and the new earth shall become unto reality.

These are not our words, but the words of the Lord, our God, Almighty.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

We know you have many questions, but instead of asking questions, take of what we have said and give it thought and you shall find the answers.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. The great Sword is poised, striking, striking, striking.

And one side shall cut away man, and the other side shall cut away the land. Where desert once stood, it shall become fertile. Where forest stood desert shall reign. And man shall thirst for the words and the compassion of his Lord. We have brought the wine and the bread. We have even given you the yeast. [See Genesis, chapter 3, The Revelation, chapter 19 and John 5:19–37, 6:26–64.]

March 17, 1978: If you should bring your prejudice into religion, if you should bring your greed into your wants, then you shall destroy each other upon this land and you shall die and waste away in a polluted land, for you will have polluted it with your sin, or your karma, wrongs that can never be undone, only by yourselves.

We are here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Heed our words. Heed them well. For there shall be those who have passed before you, and they shall prepare a way upon one side. And there shall be those who shall be born before you and after you, and they also shall prepare the way. As our Father has many mansions, so He has many children. He loves them all. Can you not love of your brothren and sistren in the same manner?…

You have…questions, ask.

“Yes, [6–206–2] asks ‘What will happen in the year 2022? You mentioned the year is important for some reason. Will man’s life span be increased?’”

What will happen in this year? It shall be the kingdom, or the downfall of your world.

Man’s life span shall either be increased or decreased. All shall depend upon what you shall seek.

We have laid before you the work for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. You cannot see this. Another man, much the same as you, could not see it in another time, and he let both his friend and the Messiah die and be crucified. Yet, death did not come as he thought it would. [See Acts 1:15–26.]

You speak of words and you say unto us, “Why should there be shepherds to tend the flock?” If the shepherds did not have gentle hands, they would long ago have cast you from among them. Do not anger us further. We are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, and nothing from either side shall interfere.

We say unto you, that that has come upon the Western seaboard is only the beginning. That that has laid upon the land shall become into floods and earthquakes. Hurricanes and tornados shall sweep upon the land. The Fifth Angel no longer stands upon your land; he walks upon it.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Build your houses, tend your flocks, do your work, but remember, the Lord, God, is with you always. Only you can disregard Him, throw Him aside. Only you can crucify yourselves.

April 15, 1977: We say unto you, these are the later days. If the work we have come to do is successful, a thousand years of peace and harmony shall come upon the Earth, but not as you count, for each day shall be as a thousand years, and each half-day shall be as a hundred years. But we say unto you, the half-times are over. Fulfillment of the prophecies are at hand − full fulfillment.

You have asked us before, “When is the time to prepare?” We say unto you, as we have said in the beginning, the time to prepare for the coming is now. The time to prepare for your famine is now. We have spoken unto you unto many ways. We have given unto you all the knowledge that you have asked for….

Soon shall come the time of your Annual Meeting. Look within yourselves and find the meaning for our coming. If you can take this meaning and truthfully place it unto all the people, all the time, your work shall spread, and the new heaven and the new earth we have promised we shall deliver.

We say once again, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Soon floods in your Eastern lands shall smitten the land. Hurricanes, tornados, and volcano, earthquakes, shall shake and rake the earth to its very core. But we say unto you, pray not that the Sixth and Seventh Seal be opened. [See The Revelation, chapters 5–8.]

It would be our wish that we could come unto you with glad tidings and joy in our hearts. But we say unto you, prepare to receive your new ministers. But prepare them, that they may prepare the way. A minister in name only is not a teacher. If a man should put on his finery and to attend his place of worship on the day of Sabbath, or any other day, and does not place back more than he has received has received nothing.

Saturday, June 11, 1977, at the sixth Annual Meeting, Aka said: And we say unto thee that from the east, the west, the north, the south − from the four corners of your Earth − so shall His children come together, as it was written. For there within Paul’s dream is now the fulfillment; for he did say unto those of the Council, “For I saw an angel appear in the east and it carried a veil. And I saw an angel appear in the west and it did carry a veil. And I did see an angel appear in the north and it did carry a veil. And I did see an angel appear in the west [south] and it did carry a veil. And from my dream, so I see that the words of the Master and the fulfillment of what he was to bring unto us.”

And so we say unto you, for seven years we have struggled. For seven years, you have struggled and toiled. We said long ago that if you could grasp the meaning of our words, your thousand years of peace should come forth. Few of you could understand that we would select one small group of people and let them build, provide their needs, and watch them struggle. We watched you fight and quarrel among yourselves. It has not been now, when your quarrels have ended, that we could bring unto you this message. For as the messages were sent unto Abraham that the two cities that were to be destroyed, and Abraham did say, “Spare them, oh, Lord” − yet, only Lot, his daughters, and his wife − and his wife did look back, and she was transformed. [See Genesis, chapter 18 and 19:1–29.]

You asked unto us, “What do you mean now?” And we shall explain. We knew that if we could bring together you from many places, you, each of you, from many cultures and religions, and have you live in a house with peace and love, one unto another, if this task could be completed, then all of you would turn unto the Earth as mirrors and reflect out. This is important, more important than all the other tasks that we have placed before you. You this day have achieved this.

You have linked your hands together in love, in true love.

We have long said, “Stand beneath the cross, and should you feel the drop of blood upon your forehead you should know the true meaning of love.” That word you have used so often, you now know the meaning of. Love of this sort cannot be bought, nor sold, nor traded, nor bartered for in any manner. It must come from the body, through the soul, through the spirit into the immortal body, the binding of your spiritual substance into the blessings of the Lord, your God. Your moment of truth, your moment of acceptance, has now come into fulfillment.

Now, we are ready to go to work. Now we shall bring unto you the four corners of the earth, and the multitude. It shall be no easier than the first task that took you seven years to achieve. For some of the people that we shall bring unto you shall try to dominate, to control. Love is nothing to be controlled; it must flow freely and be given freely.

We say unto you, all of you, close your eyes this moment, and we shall take unto thee the mountaintop. Close your eyes. Let us lift you. Now, look about you. Breathe the air, touch the wind, and know that where we have brought you is a better place by far. Look down where you stood.

Now you see what was meant within our words. You shall now bear the yoke of love, of faith, of hope. Remember these things before you quarrel again. We are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. We have no other purpose. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of the Messiah, and glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

April 7, 1978, the spiritual messengers of God said: And so it has been throughout time.

But the baptisms that you receive now, and the marks that are placed on your forehead, therefore, shall never be the marks of the Beast placed there. For in the baptism you have accepted the mark of Christ, the mark of God, and therefore, the Anti-Christ can never mark thee.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7–317–1], who is here tonight asks, ‘Should I leave Globe?…’”

It was not by chance this night thy have witnessed the baptism, it is not by chance thy have felt the spirit that dwells within thee. Pick up the cup. It makes little difference where you shall dwell, for the wine you have tasted shall grow sweeter in your mouth no matter where you go. And the bread shall fill thy body. But as thy should make thy choice, make it with love and compassion and in the spiritual light of God. Judge no one lest ye be judged. Take not that from thy brother that belongs to thy brother. And take not that from thyself that which belongs to thyself. The Lord shall be with thee.

Once again you shall say we have spoken in riddles, yet we have answered your question.

For not our will shall be done, but thine; and not thy will shall be done, but God’s. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God, forever and ever….

In the worst of things, there is a lesson to be learned, as in the best of things. You shall find many a man who shall stand in a garden of beauty and abundance and find fault. Yet you shall find many a man who shall stand in a desert laden with cactus and find all the beauty that should fill the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of man.

Love, hope, for each is part of the spirit of man.

For a dream yet unspoken —

for a word, a sound yet unheard —

for a song yet to be seen —

for a wind that is yet to be felt —

for the cool water that should rush by thy feet — shall be the love and the hope that shall dwell within the heart of all mankind.

Into the worst of things take these words and you shall find that hidden place within thy mind where God shall dwell.

You have other questions, ask.

“[______] asks, ‘There is one wish that I desire more than any other. Will you please walk strongly with me, and make your presence known day by day as you have, yet more fully? I love you.’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God, glory be the name of His children, and glory be the name of His children who should prepare the way for His son. For the last shall be first and the first shall be last; yet they shall arrive at the feast at the same time.

For darkness and shadows are but the beginning of light. To feel our presence, you shall know within you we dwell — and for all of those who should prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. Yet the sun and the rain shall shine upon all.

And the Lord, our God, should say unto all of you — and we should say unto [1–1–3] and [2–30–2] and [2–30–3], and to each of you — as the Lord has said before, “THESE ARE MY CHILDREN, AND I AM WELL PLEASED.” Glory be the name of the Lord.

And taketh unto the multitudes, and feed them with the love that should come from your Lord. And let it flow through you, from every teacher, from every student, from every minister, from every shepherd, and from your prophet, and from every member. Let it flow unto the multitudes, this love, this gift of love.

And let it rise unto the heavens, and you shall hear the angels sing unto thee. And let it rise from beneath the earth, and up and through the roots of the trees and the plants, and you shall hear the angels sing unto you. And let it come from the sea, and from the bottom of the sea, and from the waves, and the love shall rise up into thee. For the earth shall be covered with love.

Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

Let not greed dwell among thee. Let not mistrust dwell among thee, for nothing shall be greater than thee, and nothing shall be greater than the Lord, thy God. Cast aside, and let the blossom of the dawn rise within thee. Now is the time of the cherubim.

For the seventh Annual Meeting, June 10, 1978, the spiritual messengers of God spoke: And we should say unto thee, glory be the name of the Lord, and glory be the name of His children forever and ever. For the Lord has seen, and the Council has seen, and that that we have seen, and that that we have heard, the Lord is pleased. For that that His children have brought unto the earth shall now reach into the oceans and the heavens, unto the many universes.

For in this day thy have set forth a new step.

And the Lord shall place a new star in the heavens for thee. And there, for all to see, they shall know the presence of the Messiah. No longer shall you wait and not know of His presence.

May 18, 1979: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God; glory be the name of His children.

And we shall say unto thee the parable.

The Lord, God, laid forth a valley, and the valley was barren, yet He placed water in the valley, and all those things that were needed. [Editor’s note: This parable may refer to the Dripping Springs valley in Arizona that Ray would choose as a place for the people of God to come who came from near and far.]

And the people that came to the valley came each for their own reason, and their own purpose.


This is the view from near the Dripping Springs looking down the canyon beneath where the pool was built in the late 1980s. In the valley was Ray’s ranch from 1980 to 2000. The church to God still stands to the right, next door.

Each of these things we have laid before you, and the tools, therefore, to do the same.

We say unto you, give glory unto the Lord, and He shall give glory unto you. Give praise unto the Lord, and He shall give praise unto you. Give hope unto the Lord, and He shall give hope unto you. Give faith unto the Lord, and He shall give faith unto you.

There shall be many sides of your wants in this valley, but your needs shall be provided for.

We have laid one piece of this valley before you. There are other parts that are also laid before you. And the means and the needs shall be laid forth to bring this into completeness, for as we said before, piece by piece and part by parts, it shall all become whole.

But we say unto you, bring not these things. Place forth unto you unto this valley a plaque and place the Ten Commandments, therefore, upon the same. For the Ten Commandments shall never change. “Thou shall not bear false witness.” If thy know this as a truth, and know all the facts of the same, then, thy shall bear witness. If thy did not know these things to be truth unto thyself and unto thy fellow man, bear witness not unto this. For there shall be many who shall thrust upon you foul abominations, half-truths, and falsehood. Let none of you do this into another, for this is the greatest of sin. For when you do this you have taken away the faith, the hope, and the love for the Lord from this person, for they shall feel the Lord has abandoned them. In truth He shall have not. For it is said that the sun and the rain shall shine upon all, and not the smallest of things shall fall upon the earth or the heavens leste He know.

Beauty is in the heart and mind and love that can be given unto one another. Abomination has no place to dwell. It can only build a lie and continue to lie, one lie upon the other, till all who sees it shall know the truth.

The Lord, your God, gave unto your hands the one known as Jesus of Nazara. At no time did Jesus say, “Hate unto that man. Curse upon that man. Spit upon that man. Cast stones upon them.” Nay. He said unto you, “Forgive one another.” Yet, you hear him not.

As of all things and as of all times, your times and events are but before you once again. From the land of Mexico war marches toward you. It is but a kindling fire. Which one of you shall take all that you have and bear witness before God? The Lord, God, does not want you to suffer; He does not want the blood of the lamb. He wants you to live, from life unto life.

We have set forth, first, the Rose without Thorns, and now, that that you would call The Psychic Light, the soul light.

There are many who would seek to become teachers. If the strength within them is to carry the yoke and carry it in love in the worst of times, then the Lord shall help them, and we shall help them, for we are not great, we are but as you, the servants of God. We are the ones who chose, and were chose, from he who should come after this one you know as soul Ray. [See John 13:12–17 and 20, 14:15–29, 16:12–24.]

Soul Ray chose to be the one upon your Earth. And even as it began in five places, four fell and one stood. And his reward in heaven shall be no greater than yours.

As the water of life flows in the valley, let those who should hear our words take knowledge and meaning. For those who have eyes to see let them see. For those who have ears to hear let them hear. For those who shall place forth the preparation of the coming of the Messiah before all other things, through them we shall place the light and the knowledge and the way.

Was this fir a sign? After his passing on October 5, 2000, Ray Elkins boots were placed in the grotto where he asked, up above his “Wellsprings” ranch where the Dripping Springs began to flow from a rock into the valley below. Ray built the church to God in 1982 in Dripping Springs valley beneath the healing springs. He dedicated it to God; all faiths are welcome to come.

We know you have many questions. Some of them we have answered. But soul Ray is weary, and our time grows short. We say unto you, we have brought knowledge unto him, as he has given his life unto you. Heed his words.

Many of you shall be tested, and tested again. And each shall become a link in the chain that cannot be broken. Let he, who shall come forth, and see the light of day in the night, and the night in the day, know of where our words come from. [See The Revelation of John 20:1–6 and chapter 21.]

We say unto you, have you ever thought that your greatest doubts are those of the Anti-Christ whispering in your ears, to divide you, to conquer you, to destroy you, to cast you unto the four winds? Do not let this prevail. Pick up the staff and the yoke, and bind together in greater strength. Cast aside all petty thoughts. When they enter your mind stop and think, “Is this my own mind talking to me, or is this Lucifer?”

June 9, 1979, for the eighth Annual Meeting, the spiritual messengers of God said: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee the parable.

For there were three brothers, who left their home with three small flocks, and they came upon a valley that was bountiful with food and water. And each brother, therefore, took a part of the valley for his own.

At first they worked very good together, and they lost no sheep. And throughout the land they became known as the “three shepherds.” Their flocks did multiply, and multiply again.

The brothers had come into agreement [that] each would take turn in guarding the flock. But as the years passed and no wolves did bother the flock, they became lax and lazy. And they began to lie, one unto the other, about the guarding of the flock. And then one day, a fourth of their flock was brought down and laid to waste. And each blamed unto the other.

And so the next day another fourth of the flock was laid away and laid unto waste. And they squabbled even further.

And then, unto the next day, another fourth of the flock was laid to waste.

And they became frightened and came, therefore, unto together, each vowing that they would guard the flock, and this would never happen again. And they did say their love for one another. And they did say their love unto their Lord. And once again the flock did multiply and years did pass.

And once again they became lazy, and gave blasphemy unto the Lord and unto each other. And once again, a fourth of the flock was destroyed.

But this time, they came together, for they realized that that that had happened unto them too before would happen unto them again. And each said, “What should we do, for we have lost that before the Lord that He gave us in the beginning?”

And so they sent one of the brothers forth to bring forth a holy man to bless the land and to forgive them of their sins. They brought many so-called holy men into the land. Each would give a blessing and take his money and leave. And still they would leave [lose] more of their flock.

One day a stranger came unto the valley. And as he walked by each of the sheep it did multiply, and multiply again. The three shepherds came unto him and said, “What wonders is this you have brought into our valley. Stay and we shall pay you.”

And he said unto them, “Nay, pay unto yourselves.”

And they said unto him, “How can this be possible?”

And he said unto them, “By loving one another in truth, by bringing hope, faith, and true faith into yourselves and into your brotheren, and by standing together, nothing can lay waste your land.”

And he, therefore, went forth unto the center of the valley and did build from rock a small altar. And once again, each of them went out to find, therefore, the unblemished lamb for sacrifice.

And he said, “Nay, the Lord does not ask for the blood of the lamb; it is man that asks for the blood of the lamb. I have built the altar that I might have my small place of worship. But I give it unto you and your keeping. Keep the altar well until I return.”

And then he left.

The three shepherds were frightened. And so, therefore, they instructed their sons and their daughters to maintain the altar, and to have harmony between them. But each, not unto the other, did not fully trust the other. And as they [grew] old into their days, they began to squabble once again. And the altar was not kept.

And the stranger came forth unto the land, and said unto him, “I have come to collect my pay.”

And then they did grow angry with him and stone him, and cast him from the valley. And the Lord, God, saw, and He did lay waste unto the land. And He did split away the people into multitudes.

And the stranger came back into the land, and restored the altar, and planted a rose. And the old shepherds came back. They had very little left of their flock and of their descendants. And soon, they built a small building over the altar, and this was a place they called of worship.

And the stranger said unto them, “I shall leave you now, but one day I shall come again, or I shall send one from me or from my Father. Pay him well.”

Once again you say unto us, we have spoken unto you as in a riddle. We have not. For amongst you many have fell. And the land has been laid awasted, and it shall continue. We have told you before to bind together. Only in this manner shall you become strong and survive. We do not say the survival of the body, we say unto you, survival of the spirit; the immortal body of man is the most important of all. Heed our words. We are here but for one purpose, the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. Open the door that we may enter, and we shall walk with you. Close the door and we shall walk away.

Now we say unto you, unto the ninth day, look into the east, and you shall see a sign of our presence. And it shall appear in the sky at 9:30 your time, in your p.m. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children.

The Anti-Christ shall spread famine among you. He shall cause doubts in your minds of one another. He shall do all that is possible to split you apart. He shall take daughter and mother, he shall take man and wife, father and son, and cause doubt to reign in your minds. He shall plant the seed of jealousy among you, and greed.

We say unto you, open the door that we may enter, and cast the doubt aside.

The church door stands open as people gather outside. A church to God was built in 1982. On December 5. Ray dedicated it simply to God, for it was not meant as a denomination or another religion, but a philosophy to be built within hearts and minds in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. In this photo, people attend a June annual meeting in one of the following years. Ray Elkins built a church on what was then his ranch beneath the Dripping Springs. Later the Association of Universal Philosophy purchased it. Ray wanted there to be a place for the people of God to gather long after he had passed away. A sign out front says, “All faiths welcome.”

March 28, 1980: “[6–227–7] asks if you will give us some guidelines for the church service. Should these be worship services, or conducted in the manner of study groups sometimes?”

We shall answer your question in this manner. The worship of the Lord, God, in your own manner, is that that God looks forth and you are giving unto God. But you are also giving unto yourselves, for you are pushing forth the love or energy force unto the Lord, and receiving back.

In your study sessions, as you would call them, you are doing the same thing. Nothing has changed in either part. Both is a service unto the Lord, and unto yourselves.

It is written that the Sabbath be held holy. When each of you come into your services, you lay before thee the Lord, God. You leave behind you the petty things, and you cast them out of you, for those things cannot be taken into the house of the Lord.

The Lord, God, has seen unto your service, and each of you in the way you have done this, each teaching unto the other, and each learning from the other. This brings you together in an enlarging light, and you are creating a pool of knowledge that is warm and gentle, all about, for you are finding that hidden place within your minds that God can dwell, and you can dwell, all in harmony, and is bringing you together, and is binding yourselves together before God. Wherever one stands, so does the Lord. Wherever two stand so does the Lord, if they stand in the name of the Lord. This should never be forgotten.

You must know these things. Each of us, when we walked upon your earth and galaxies, in life form, we sought out to build the great temples. And each of us, from different religions, as you would know them, thought that our way was the only way. Here, where we are placed together, we know that all ways are the ways to God, if they are used in the name of God, in a righteous manner….

Now is the time of the Cherubim….

Say unto the people these words: Prepare. Lighten the light in your hearts. Let it kindle, and let it burn pure as an offering to the Lord.

April 4, 1980: And now we say unto you, of the spring of life in the valley, where the water flows and begins to seep into the ground, there a pool of 16-by-30 measures should be placed. This pool should be made from 4-to-8 foot, and should be lined with stone and mortar that the water may come from the springs of life and flow out. [Note: The valley is beneath the Dripping Springs on Dripping Springs Road, Arizona.]

And yet, we shall say unto you, that of the prophet unto you, the robe shall be changed. The robe that is now shall be encased and placed nearby the springs. A new robe, and it shall bear only white, shall be brought forth. For now a ten-year period has passed, and now we shall take you forth into newer things, and transitions.

April 11, 1980: And we should say unto these words. As the man named Jesus did say unto Peter, “Upon this rock, so shall I build my church,” and those who heard him speak sought forth that this would be a physical thing, yet in reality, he meant the spirit of Peter. And so it is today.

You can build large buildings, you can build great steeples, and yet it is a building. The temple of God is within you. The spirit of God is within you. And there shall be no other gods set before your God. And there shall be no graven image nor idols. And this is the word of God. [See Exodus, chapter 20.]

And Jesus did say unto you, “I have come not to change the prophecies, nor the laws of Moses, but to show you the fulfillment of all. Yet that that I bring you, you shall bring forth even greater than I.”

This temple that you seek, this wondrous temple of God, for did not God say, “I AM THAT THAT I AM. I AM.” The Lord, God, did bring these things unto you.


Again and again we have come unto you.

Yet, before the altar of God you’ve come in petty grievances. In the words of your marriage ceremony, we have said unto you that you shall accept this, thy husband, as the head of your household — not in such a manner that the wife should walk behind the husband, but so she may walk with him. For the word, husband, comes from the word, caretaker. If these words offend you, then you are looking in the wrong place. The vows that we were given, and have given, unto these of the people were for these people, not for others, for others already had their vows.

But you shall find it is difficult to ride two horses at the same time.

At the June 7, 1980, ninth Annual Meeting: “[5–206–2] asks, ‘Why is it so important that the thirteen come together again, twelve apostles and Christ?’”

(Chuckle) The thirteen is a symbol. The Thirteenth is God, not Christ, as you would know him.

The council need not be the same apostles you knew before, for what is in a name? The preparation for the coming of the Messiah — for as you shall know it, the number thirteen is four, and four is the anointed one. When more than one, or even one would stand and ask in our Father’s name, so shall He hear, and so shall He give that that is asked for…. [See Acts, chapter 1 and 2:1–21.]

Aka was also asked at the June 7, 1980, Annual Meeting: “Please name and tell us what each of the Seven Spirits of God represent and symbolize?”

(Chuckle) Look within yourself, and you shall know. You talk of the sixth sense. Is there not a seventh? In your Old Testament you speak of the seven archangels. Or you may look at them as love, faith, hope, eternity, all of these things. When we told you of the Seven Spirits of God, and their great task that God laid before them, before He created the earth and universe, when He sent them forth — and we told you again, then He sent them out upon the mighty sea, and how each returned — all of these things and more represent the Seven Spirits of God, for all things upon your universe were built on the numeral “7.”

In the distance, looking from the AUP church to God parking lot across what was Ray’s ranch, is a mountain some call, the “7” mountain. From a certain angel one can see the number, “7.”

For “7,” “4” and “13” may be found throughout the whole universe, into the smallest of the atom, and beyond. Look at the flowers, or a tree, or at your children, and know that within them dwell the Seven Spirits of God. And know that it is a wakening thing, one piece at a time that emerges forth. Remember this, that the Seven Spirits brought forth upon this earth, and all others, that that God wished them to. For is it not said, “Of our likeness, of our kind?” [See Genesis 1:26–27.]

April 3, 1981 (at the annual Spring Retreat): Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto you these words, and in this way. For, in a time the Lord, God, had made the plans that His son should come unto you, and, therefore, He did choose one who would come forth for the preparation of the same. This one’s name, as you would know him, would be called, John the Baptist. “The Baptist” was placed as an after-name upon him because he went before and in front of all others, and did baptize unto the Lord, God. And he told them, “I am here to prepare the way.” Many gathered from far lands to come unto him, to receive the baptism of the spirits of God.

He abided by all the laws of Moses. And he was there for the fulfillment of the prophesies of Isaiah. Yet he had come as the sons of man did descend upon the Earth. He had come from another planet in another galaxy, known as Yahweh, named after the Lord, God.

From lifetime unto lifetime he came to prepare the way. And from lifetime unto lifetime he felt failure. And yet, before him, as he baptized the one known as Jesus, and all that had come before this, he felt that this time success. For at long last his journey would end. At long last his quest would be fulfilled, his destiny.

Yet, he had seen all things, even before he was born, as the one known as Mary, the mother, did come unto her cousin, Elizabeth, and John was in the womb of Elizabeth. He knew then that for a short distance was the one he would go before, and great joy filled John.

And so, the day that came forth of his baptism of Jesus, he felt at that time his total journey was done. He cared not how he would die, as long as he could see that what he had done was a righteous thing before God. And hell feared him, even when he put him in a dungeon. He even feared him when he cut away his head, and left it to the dogs.

It was not long after death that John knew his journey was but to begin again, for after the crucifixion, and even before it, he had wandered into a new land. And the tips of the Eagle began to spread across your North American Continent and South American Continent, for he was there for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

And he thought, “Here, in this place, where they had accepted Jesus, the Messiah, in such great multitudes, they shall never wander from the ways and his teachings.” And so, when he reached Black Mesa, to spread his wings, again he felt fulfillment, and thought his quest was ended. And at that time, he saw once again that [he had] yet, it was the beginning.

He went forth once again, from what you would know as Salem, through your famous Spanish Inquest, through the Roman rise and fall, to find himself from body to body, until even he had become to where [that] all that was past he would forget, for his quest had become an unfulfilling thing.

And then he came forth for rebirth. And then came the day, the day that you are about to celebrate, the 3rd day of April, 1970, the day of resurrection, for all that he had been would be resurrected back unto him, and all of his heritage would be restored unto him. That day when we came unto you, and spoke, we said unto you, “We have come but for one purpose, the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.”

Comet Bennett on April 4, 1970

We have told you a story of a time, of a place. It is much as you read the Akashic records; it is as though the wind has taken time, and yet, it never ends. We told you of the times when we had touched your earth and the heavens above, and the many planets and galaxies. We have even told you when we walked the earth. But most important, we have tried to explain to you that, in the task of the preparation, from the beginning until now, our time has been but for the same purpose. Many have gathered to hear our words — and hear the words of God.

Many have believed us, and many have shunned the words. But the Lord, God, has not been displeased. Now, above all other times, His gladness, as a bouquet of roses, as a healing well, has been passed on to you. Into the hearts of each of you, we see your souls, the souls that you have prepared to place before God, as an offering unto Him.

As we said before, we do not ask for the blood of the Lamb. There are many times when you have thought that we had asked for your blood, yet we had not. The fulfillment of the soul is a cup who runneth over, a horn of plenty, that for what you take from it may be replaced in full.

The baptism of your soul unto God is a beautiful thing between you and God — and the light of the Lord at your doorstep. For you have not left Him outside, but you have beckoned Him to come in to that quiet place within yourself, where a candle burns, where a cool pool runs clear, for you have said to the Lord, God, “Enter into the temple,” the temple of God, which is yourselves.

For those of you who have worked but one day, the Lord would bow upon His knees to give you thanks. For some of you who have worked so long, through the 11 years, who have wavered many times, but stayed, the Lord says unto you, “You have our undivided love.” For in each of you, you have given all you have. You have given love unto God, the most important commodity that you possess.

We say unto you, take this day and make it holy unto yourselves, and never forget. For the Rose shall be placed in each of you, [it] shall be stamped into your souls, for you have picked up the flowers at your feet and have passed them on to others.

You have gone unto the mountaintops and to the seas. You have crossed the seas and spread the word[s].

We say unto you, remember this, the Anti-Christ cannot hurt you, cannot harm you, cannot place his mark upon you. For you, through your own turmoil, through the struggles you have gone through, have proven yourselves worthy of the love of God. Many times we have said to you, “This word you use so often, yet did not know the meaning of.” And we told you to stand beneath the cross; the cross is the crucifixion of yourself. “And feel the blood,” the blood was your own blood that ran through your veins. The life was your own life. Now you shall know the true meaning of this word.

Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

There are many questions which you wish answered; in your next reading we shall answer more.

Some of you say, “Why have all things been taken? Why have I been uprooted from my land and brought to this place?”

And we say to you, it was but the test of your soul. If you shall go about your task each day and be as a mirror, reflecting out unto others that great warm fire which burns within you, giving it to others as it has been given to you, then forever will the gift be given, the gift of love. Bring this into your hearts. You shall waver, you shall doubt, yet you shall return back unto yourself.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. The course of your history is now about to change. Great things shall come forth in the next year, and great catastrophes.

June 5, 1981: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee this parable.

For as the Seven Angels came forth to begin work in the creation of the earth and the heavens, they had worked long and diligently on each plan, working together to make a whole. And one by one they looked upon the land they were working upon, and each at the same moment decided to create a rose, a natural rose that would grow in that area. One thought of a yellow rose, another a pink, another a red. Each one chose a different color, or shade of color. And each one thought that their color was the best.

They went before the Lord, God, and each one presented his case, why his rose would be the best.



So the Seven Angels returned back to the earth, and they said to themselves, “Since we have created man, and he is upon the earth, and is now multiplying and spreading, why should we not let him choose which is the best?”

And so each of them rushed to the earth, and the different parts of the earth, to place their plant, their rose, upon the earth. And they watched man.

At first, in finding the roses, man was overjoyed at all the colors. And as gradually they found there were other colors man became even more overjoyed. And soon man began making hybrids and making even more beautiful roses.

The Seven Angels went back to God, and said, “Lord God, we have placed the roses upon the land, and we left the choice up to mankind. And mankind chose them all. But more than that, Lord, they have even changed that that we gave them.”

The Lord, God, looked upon them, and said unto them, “FOR DID NOT MAN BE CREATED IN OUR IMAGE, OF OUR KIND, OUR LIKENESS?”

The Seven Angels went back to observe man. And soon man was planting gardens, and making greater designs of their plants. They grew on the hills and in the valleys, and even in the desert. Man found ways into which to survive, replenish the earth.

And each one of the angels said, “Yes, now we see what God spoke of, for in them are the hope. There is lust in them, yet it is a healthy lust. There is hate in them, and yet, at times it is a healthy hate. There is anger in them, and yet. at time[s] it is a healthy anger. Why could we not see these things before this? There is love in them and compassion. Yet there are those who would kill one another. And yet, there [are] those who would murder one another. And there are those who would enslave one another with their thoughts, and with their chains.”

They went back to the Lord, God, for as man progressed, both the good and the bad progressed within him, for both Cain and Abel lived from the moment of creation. And they asked the Lord God, “Who gave them the roses — each of us, though we disagreed in a color, but all for the same reason.”


“Yet, Cain murdered his brother, and You slew him not.”


And the angel said, “Well, why do you not stop this?”


Now we have given you a parable, one unto which you, at this moment, do not fully understand the meaning of. When the Ten Commandments were given to you, you altered and you changed them to suit yourselves. What we are showing you, God does not condemn you when you alter the form of earth, when you reach into the heavens and make the alterations there. He does condemn you when you destroy or murder anything. It is one thing to protect yourselves. It is another to bear false witness against thy brethren, or to steal from another. It is but another to worship other gods than the Lord, thy God, thy one God. We have told you the Lord does not wish the blood of the Lamb. He does not wish that you worship images of any kind — any graven images. Therefore, we say unto you, let thy hear the words of the Lord. Let them come in a truthful manner. Do not alter His words or change them.

Give the Lord the right that He has given you. He has given you the right to choose your own destinies. Your freedom of choice to live, to die, to love, to hate, to cry, to laugh, all these things He has laid at your feet. It is your choice. But take not from the Lord His choice. When He gave unto you the Ten Commandments, He did not place them in such a way that you should judge one another. They were not Laws for you to judge another person with. He gave to you His commandments, and He said, “FOR ALL WHO SHOULD KEEP THEM HOLY.” He did not instruct you and say, “Worship Me in this way or that.” He did not bring judgment into your house.

Now we say unto you, for those of you who should hear these words, and who have built your houses of the Lord, and have these places you wish to go to, we are not here to change this. We are not here to take you from your churches. We are not here to change your religion, or your thought on religions. We are here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

It makes little difference to us if your religion is pink or blue, or any other color, as long as it becomes a part of the preparation. It makes the Lord little difference if you have chosen a great cathedral or a small house as your church. It is but a meeting place, a place that you come that you may share your belief with God, and about God.

You, who have gathered about now, it is becoming time when a place of meeting shall be necessary. We have given you this parable in its form, that you might use the same judgment in building this.

But tomorrow you will come forth to praise God and to praise the work of those who have done God’s work. [Note: The 10th Annual Meeting of the Association of Universal Philosophy was held June 6, 1981, in Globe, Arizona, for the renewal of vows between the minister’s and teachers and God.]

Let this place be hallowed ground, let no man, nor woman, bring any thing within it except the love due and respect due to it. For as you have made this place a holy place, let the thought that sets with you now go with you tomorrow — and we shall be there, and the Lord, God, shall be there, not to judge you, but to applaud you. If you can see these things within yourselves, then we have grown a long way in the preparation [of] the coming of the Messiah.

If you must bring the part of Cain with you, let it be changed into a constructive part. Remember, the Lord, God, did not destroy Cain, but He forbade all mankind from destroying him, or his descendants.

Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God.

Thy have come here with many, many questions. Into each of you we have answered these questions this night. Some of you will not think so. Some of you will not even remember we have spoken — and when asked afterward what was said, you’ll say, “Yes, I was there. But I do not remember.” To remember means you have accepted what has been said, that it was important enough, not only that you be here, but that you brought your brains also.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. As you have noted, that your weather and climatic changes are taking place more rapidly upon your earth. So will the earth changes, now, be more rapid. There has been the rattlings of war — the land of Lybia, and the land of Israel. And we say to you, the Bear [Russia] now is ready to strike. But so is the earth ready to strike. That that they have placed within the earth shall come forth and consume them. If the Bear continues its way, the war of Armageddon is but a short way, and a short distance from you now. Bind together in your thoughts, and you may alter the pathway of the earth.

You have within you many questions, and they shall be answered at a different time.

June 8, 1981: “[13–441–1] asks, ‘Should the group called “The Seven” stay together at this time?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. If there is but one person who stands in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, wherever they stand, so shall we. If all the things, or any part of the things that you do, you do in a Godly manner, reconcile your differences and bind together, but bind together also. Understand that the time grows short and whether it is seven, or one, or one thousand, or one million, for those who should bind together, they shall not wear the Mark of the Beast….

You have other questions, ask.

“She would like to know if she has a guide, and the guide’s name?”

We shall answer your question in this fashion, for those who should ask of God for assistance, guides from both sides shall be sent. These of the earthly plane and those of the heavenly plane as you would know it. But when you ask for help of a certain type, then your guides shall also interchange. What good would a guide be to you if you wanted to dig a ditch, and the guide had never dug any ditch before? He could not help you in your pursuit for happiness. And this, is the job of your guides. This is why you do not have one, but many.

What you speak of is what you call your guardian angel, or one who has chosen to look after you, and should call upon the other guides as needed and his name is John.

June 26, 1981: Be as [the] light. Be as the beacon upon the hill, the psychic beacon, that of the soul that lights up the world. Let us go forth and prepare the way for his coming….

At the annual meetings of the Association of Universal Philosophy the lights of many Ministers’ candelabras and Teachers’ candles join in accord with God and one another so that God will send His the spiritual messengers to walk together with us as one.

And therefore, we say unto you, harken unto our words, for all around you new beginnings are taking place. All around you God is sprinkling His gifts before you. We say unto you, give forth the blessings unto the Lord, thy God.

June 26, 1981: “Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [13–442–5…Albuquerque, New Mexico]. ‘Should I continue in the work I am in now?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer your question in this manner. Yes. But soon, there shall be new and different [challenges] be placed before you.

We shall answer your question in full. If God brought forth and handed into your keeping a sacred tablet, and He said unto you, “EACH DAY, TAKE THE TABLET FORTH AND SHOW IT TO ALL THE PEOPLE WHO WOULD WISH TO SEE IT; CLEAN IT AND KEEP IT SAFE,” and you would do so, this is like the job of the work you are doing right now. You are performing the work in a Godly manner, and therefore, the task and the task[s] brought forth, and the gift of God. But if also God said to you, “I SHALL GIVE ANOTHER GREATER TABLET,” would you throw the first tablet aside, or would you wait until God was ready to hand you the second? Think upon these words, for they have a great deal to do with your life at this time.

July 17, 1981: You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [13–443–4…Las Cruces, New Mexico]. ‘What is my destiny in this lifetime?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall say, and answer your question in this manner. The destiny of all men and all women − there are only a few that are predestined, preordained. This is because of a choice they have made before entry. Your destiny is that which the Lord, God, gave unto all men, even the chosen ones, freedom of choice − your own free will, to do with that, with the most precious commodities that can be given you by the Lord, God, life, to do with it as you see fit. God shall not interfere. If you chose to come upon the land and build a meeting place for the people, this He would appreciate. If you choose not to, to go on, the other things you have in your mind, this He would all understand, and love you the same.

October 2, 1981: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we say unto thee, take these words that we give you. Take them in such a way, as they are given, as a gift. Take them and use that part; [put] that that you need, and pass them on to another. Take not from them, nor add to, except to explain in such a manner that another may understand. We have come to you, not to take from you of anything; we have come with a gift. And the gift is a Messiah, the fulfillment of God’s promise unto His children of all races, of all colors, of all religions. We have come to prepare the way.

Many shall reject this. Many shall say unto you, “Why should I contribute my time or my thought in the preparation of the one who is to come who promises me no monetary gain?” Of those who would say, we shall see to your needs, but not always your wants.

Of others who will say, “Look, and you shall see, for this is the way,” nay, we have not said that. We have said unto you, this is one of the ways. And we have also said unto you, if a man should come unto you with knowledge and wisdom, and it be good, take of it.”

We shall tell you this story, of a land called Sodom and Gomorrah. [See Genesis 18:16–33, 19:1–29.]

Now this land, and these two cities, were high trade cities. They did an abundance of business of trading everything that man could want or think of.

And across from the desert came a man called Lot, and he was a leader of his people. And he was the brother of Abraham. Now Lot, as Abraham, knew of the ways of this city, and yet he went into the city and made his home there. And he became there a merchant, and a trader of many things. And he became very wealthy. Yet he tried to keep before his family all the things that the Lord had given unto him, all the things that were good and holy.

Now three angels from heaven were sent unto Abraham. And they said unto Abraham, “These cities are wicked and corrupt before the Lord. And they have taken the people of the Lord to corrupt them. It is like a bad seed within a fruit. If it should be allowed to continue, it shall con­taminate all the lands. Therefore, it must be removed.

And Abraham did bargain with the angels of the Lord until he reached the bargain if he could find three just men in these cities, the cities would be spared. For, in this way, not all the seed would be rotten.

And he did go unto Abraham with the three angels, and did speak unto Abraham, his brother, and did tell him of the bargain he had struck with the three angels of the Lord, thy God.

And Lot went around and about, and through all the land thereof, from night and through day for three days, and yet, none would listen. The only three that went with him were his two daughters and his wife.

And his wife could not believe Abraham or the angels. And when they were instructed to flee unto the mountain and not look back, she did thereof. And the moment she looked back into the brilliant light, a light more brilliant than ten suns, first the eyesight went, and then the brain, and then the molecular structure, until that of her component parts were as salts or stone.

In this day and in this time you have come upon those same components that were used to destroy this, two cities, and you now know how rapid the molecular structure of man can be changed.

Now the Lord removed, [on] the face of the earth, for not but one day, but for all days. For go there and you shall find that not one thing grows upon it, this earth, no water, not even the smallest of weeds.

And count the years since this has happened. And think to yourselves, if the Lord, God, must clean the path before Him, He is more than capable of doing so.

Yet, in the new coveth He did make with Moses, and the coveth He did make with the one known as Jesus of Nazara, He has given you free choice and free birth, and times and half-times upon the Earth. The prophesies of what you would call the Later Days, are now being fulfilled. The choice is up to you.

For in the coveth He made with Jesus, and Moses, He gave you complete and total freedom of choice. But we say unto you, should the whore of Babylon try to swoop up this one, then he shall be raised back into the heavens where he shall be made safe until the time of his deliverance. [See The Revelation, chapter 12.]

You have that choice now before you. Shall you take from him now that he has reached his 13th birthday, now in the time when he knows who he is and shall become, and begin to come and make you aware who he is, and begin his work upon the Earth?

Shall you prepare a way, or shall you leave it to the Lord? And shall the Lord have to pick him from your bosom and hold him until his time is full?

Shall you allow those who prepare for the Anti-Christ and his coming, and his rule, rule you? Or shall you know that now is [the] time of the full times. The half-times are past.

November 6, 1981: You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [11–398–1…Quartzite, Arizona]. ‘When and if, is the rapture going to take place or be, the calling of the faithful to meet Jesus in the air?’”

We see thy need. As we have said before, our Father has many mansions. And for that which you believe and wish, so it shall be; that day shall come forth upon your death. But we say unto you, the new heaven and the new earth shall be upon this earth. The judgment shall be your own. And the day shall be when enough souls that dwell upon the earth shall call upon it….

Now is the time of the Cherubim. Blessed be the name of the Father, the Son, and the children of God, for [they] shall come as one unto all of you. And blessed be this day, for around and about you is the rapture of the angels. All you must do is open your hearts and let them enter, and great joy shall be there. And laughter shall ring the Earth with the one song and the one note that can take all parts of the worst of things and make them right.

March 5, 1982: Now we should say unto you unto this time. Take from our words, if you wish, and make them your own. Give praise unto one another. And when you do so, God shall be giving praise unto you. Give glory to one another, and God shall be giving glory unto you.

For we say to you, once was a man who thought he had lost everything, and an angel appeared unto him and said, “God shall come to you this night.”

He waited patiently. And first an old cobbler came to his door in need of bread. And the man gave him bread. And then, a bird came, and lit upon his window sill, and it had a crippled wing and it was hungry. And he gave healing unto the bird and fed the bird, and the bird left. A child came unto the door, and he was lost, and he fed him and he showed him the path. The day was soon to finish. And in his anxiety of waiting for the Lord to appear, he fell asleep.


He awoke the next day happier than he had ever been in his life. From that day forward, unto all things he came in contact with, he treated them with the greatest of respect, for he knew that into each of these dwelt the Lord. And the Lord had truly visited him, not that day, but into all days.

Now is the time of the Messiah.

For the 11th Annual Meeting, June 12, 1982, Aka told a parable: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory be the name of He who shall be.

For we say unto thee unto this way, unto this manner — for we shall say unto you the parable of the moneylender.

For he lived within a community, and he used his, what wealth he had, to loan unto other people for their needs — the money to buy homes, to buy means of transportation, and sometimes, just to buy food. The people within the community, their hearts had grown hard against this one, except when they needed money. Then they would be back at his door asking for more.

And he gave more.

And he asked that they repay that that he gave them. And as any goods that were sold, he asked to make a small profit. Those that borrowed the money could not see the many employees that were necessary to run his business. They [could] also not see the costs that he had to endure when they did not pay. None of these things could they see.

But one day the moneylender had lent out all the money that he had, and there was no more. Yet all the people believed there were. And because they came to him and said, “Let me borrow this amount and that,” they thought that his heart had grown hard toward them. And soon they were cursing him, and saying what a great miser he was. And soon they said all kinds of abomination against this man. And it was not long until they had thrust upon him the breaking of all commandments. When he went into his place of worship, even the minister talked in such a manner that he knew that he was not welcome.

One day the moneylender sold out to another moneylender all the paper that he had.

And all the paper that he had was sold to another man whose heart said, “These people shall pay that which they owe.” And he did bring about the payment of these debts.

The people were angry with this moneylender, but they blamed the other one, for when he sold, he had sold to the other moneylender for very little of the money he had placed out, which had left him a poor man. But through wise investment, he made money again. And he became a moneylender again.

And he went back to the same town. And once again the people were to take the same advantage of him.

Now we say unto you, you who have thought that those who deal in money are evil people, these people are much like God in a sense of the word. You call on them in the time of need. And you want to make sure that they fulfill your needs and your wants. You call on them in a time of greed.

But when the Lord comes for His just dues, and when the Lord says unto you, “Give back unto Me one tenth of the love WHICH I have shared with you,” you refuse.

And you say unto yourselves, “What use have I for this Lord which I cannot see? What use have I?”

The Lord is like the moneylender. You only call upon Him in your times of need. When was the last time you invited the moneylender to your house and said, “Come, take of my food, not because I want of your money, because I want of your love.” When was the last time that you asked the Lord to sit down at your table and eat from your table, and share your bounty? When was the last time that you thanked Him?
We have said these things not to belittle you, not to make you feel bad. We have said these things to show you that wealth is not a crime, that wanting a material thing is not a crime, into man or God, for all things that you ask for, the Lord has given you, and shall give you.

We say these things unto you that you might, in the privacy of your own hearts, say unto the Lord, “My God, come into me. Let me be part of You, for I open my doorway that you may enter. Sit at my table and share my house.” And truly, you shall bring forth the kingdom of God upon the earth….

Now is the time of the Cherubim. We say unto you, bind together. Share, one unto the other. And soon those signs which you wish to see shall be given to you to see in all parts of your lands. Soon those things which you wish for shall come unto reality. And soon you shall walk into your own house of God, and it shall come, first in two places, and then in three.

And after the three, then we’ll show you how to multiply once again. Remember, there is no greater joy for the teacher than when the teacher sees their pupils go beyond the steps they have. We have taught you long, yet now we see the wisdom of your footsteps, for they are with purpose now. They are with love and compassion. The Father has [seen]. We have saw.

And soon the world shall see. For the mountain which you stand upon shall spread unto the four corners of the universe.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

A church to God stands beneath the Dripping Springs Mountains.

August 13, 1982: August 13, 1982

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee the parable.

For from this land there came a prophet. And those things that he did prophesy did come true. And he brought forth mighty teachings. And he said unto the people, “This is the way, the true way, and there can be no other.”

The people thought upon this. And one day the prophet died. And the people came together, and said, “We have seen the light, and we have seen the truth, and there can be no other. And therefore, we must preserve for all time this truth.”

So they did find a mighty rock upon a mighty mountain, and they began to dig. And they dug in night and day. And they dug past forty days. And they dug more than forty days. And they dug into another great [old] mountain of [might]. And there, they stopped digging. And they brought forth all the writings, and all the sayings of the prophet. And they did seal this tomb away.

Now in another land, a farmer decided to dig a well. And he saw a spring that came from a hill, and he thought, “If I dig this spring out, and the hole therefore in, it shall retain the water.”

He began to dig. And he dug, and he dug. And suddenly the earth gave beneath him, and he was in a mighty chamber. And there was all of these writings.

And he looked upon them, and they were in [a] strange tongue. And they had been laid upon bronze plates to preserve them, yet they looked new.

And so he rushed forth unto the mighty scientists of his land. And they came forth, and laid down the plates. And they came to the conclusion that even though the plates looked to be very new, and of the newest art of manufacturing plates, but because they had been buried in this huge tomb, that they must be very old, and must contain great knowledge.

And so, they brought from the tomb, and built a huge shrine and placed within the shrine all the messages − and across the land, to transcribed these secrets.

And finally, in another land came one who could dissolve the riddle. And he found a way that he could read. And the first thing that he found and deciphered were these words, “If there is any truth upon the earth, then all things are true.”

Now the people who had dug the shaft and had made the code into the plates heard of this great find of knowledge. Not realizing that it was their own, they had sent an envoy to journey into this land. And they saw the plates, and what magnificent thing they were, for they were exactly like those that they had buried. So they knew that they were true. And they came forth and said, “This is a great find, for we know this to be the truth, the very only truth. And therefore, now the whole world has it.”

The farmer went back to find another place to dig his well, and thought to himself, “I shall leave all these things of such importance to the scientists and great religious leaders of the world.” So he went on the other side of his mountain and found another spring, dug a well, drew from it daily. The water was sweet and satisfied his thirst and that of all his animals and his children, and his children’s children. And that was the truth, for within the [farmer] he had found truth.

So we say unto you, if that that you find satisfies you, it makes a little difference how long it has been in the ground. For there is nothing new under the sun, for everything you find, God put it there in the beginning and knew of it.

For every truth you see, it is the other side of the sword. And for every lie that you find may be the truth of tomorrow, for the best of liars place some of the truth within their lie.

So what is the truth, the whole truth? And we say unto you, when God placed forth the vineyards upon the earth, He did not start them to fermenting. Man started them to fermenting. God did not make the first wine; man made the first wine, but God provided the means. And He made many types and ways this fermentation could take place. He showed man the way to make fermentation.

If the wine that you drink satisfies your taste, that’s all that’s necessary. If it makes you happy, and rejoice, then you have found the truth for yourself. But it is not necessary to force your truth upon your neighbor. If he chooses a different wine be happy for him.

Soon the day shall come when you shall spend your first day of dedication and prayer unto your church. Know that the truth that you speak in your church is the truth of God. But bid God enter, dedicating this house of worship to the Lord of Hosts, dedicating those things you wish to give of yourself do so freely.

Seeing this for the first time shall be a great thing for you, for you have waited long for these days. But dedicate your church into all truths….

December 5, 1982, people gathered for a service in the new church, which Ray blessed and dedicated to God. All faiths are welcome.

Now we should say unto you unto these questions, and into these words. We have told you long before that we’d provide for the needs of those who would bring servitude unto the Lord. When we men­tion the word, servitude, you immediately assume you are a servant, you are a slave of God. No. Servitude in this respect, or in this manner of speech, means that you have taken the yoke of the love of God upon your shoulders to carry, that you should stop and give it where needed, that it shall bring great joy into your lives.

But we say unto you the joy is like the bud of a rose. First, we see only the beginning, and then day by day it grows in hope; it grows and blossoms into the fullness and gladness of mankind, only to pass away. But once it has occurred upon the earth, it can never stop happening, for it has passed that way that time, and to you who seems such a short time, yet it shall be eternal, never beginning and never ending….

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

The spiritual messengers of God spoke June 3, 1983, the 13th year of their coming and a week before the 12th Annual Meeting: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we say unto thee, for we shall say, as we have said before, nothing shall interfere with the work that is at hand. Thirteen [years?] has passed, and the prophecy has been fulfilled.

Now we say unto you, unto this parable in this manner and in this way.

For in the beginning, God looked upon man, and that that He did create of His children. He said unto them, “Behold, and I shall send forth the Seven Spirits, and they shall create you a home. Go therefore, and build a place that I may rest my head.”

And so the children did come forth.

And they broke the Laws of God, that they might survive and reproduce, and become fulfilled. They did so in such a manner that the seed of man should be sprinkled upon the universe and galaxies beyond galaxies, that the word and the love and the Law of God would become whole.

And the Lord sent forth among the men and women of the Earth, and earths, His prophets. At first, there were those who thought that surely, for the Lord should choose a prophet, was a beloved thing, and surely that this one the Lord had chosen would bring peace and love unto the Earth. But even unto the greatest in loves for the Lord, the yokes were heavy, the yokes of love. And the Lord looked forth and saw these things. And He did remove the yoke, and make it lighter upon their shoulders, that the weight that they carried they might carry it with greater ease.

Now from the beginning until now the Lord has sent these to prepare the way for those things He wished His children to know. And He did create into them a difference, that the world might know that the Lord, God, was God beyond all question­ing. He did not do it to prove His love was greater for one than another of His children.

We say these words. For though we have cleaned the garden, and though the fields now grow ready to harvest, all those from any place, at any time, who wish to hear these words, let them hear. For all those who should see, let them see, for we have come not to hide; we have come not to ridicule, nor defile any person. We have laid our hands, that the prophet we have should do the work [for] the Lord, thy God. It is by his free choice and his love to the Lord, thy God, that he does so. Under­stand these things, and in the understanding, things will be much simpler to understand and ac­cept. For it is within him to love his God with all his heart and all his soul. And the Lord, God, he has offered [into] the Lord, God, his body, his life, and his soul and his spirit. And the Lord, God, has seen fit to use of these things. The Lord, God, has not changed the man, for there was no reason to change him. For as time has grown, so has the man.

Now we say unto you unto these words. Behold! As we have said before, in the city of the saints [St. Louis, Missouri?], as in the time of Jonah, shall be of the first of the cities, and the first warning is now. Let the rest of the word look upon it, for now all is in readiness. For that that would enrich the earth can destroy the earth. We have said before, where no water flowed, water would flow; that the great Sword was at hand to cut both ways, land masses and masses of people. And the Lord now has pick­ed up the Sword. And the Sixth Angel now walks upon your earth — not the Fifth, but the Sixth. [See The Revelation, chapters 4–7 and 19.]

“For those who have loved ones who live on or near that that you call the great Mississippi River,” Aka warned. The flood between May and June 1983 was the second most severe flood in the lower Mississippi Basin since 1927. Two days after Aka’s June 3, 1983 message that “the city of the saints shall be the first of the cities, and “the first warning is now,” Red River Landing, Louisiana, downstream, reached the 4th highest crest of record at 60.52 feet (18.45 m) on June 5 and was flooded for 115 days. All bays of the Bonnet Carre Spillway were opened for 35 days. Red River Landing was the name of a community located in northern Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana, United States, near the Red River and the Mississippi River. Was this Aka’s first warning as the Sixth Angel began to walk upon the earth? Six month later, in December 1983, fishermen off the coast of Peru noticed a warm Pacific current that was named for the Christ Child, El Nino, because of the time of year. The 1982–1983 El Nino season was one of the strongest on record. Were the spiritual messengers of God speaking of El Nino’s effects on the weather, which as years have passed, have brought flooding, increased storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, and crop failures. While in other parts of the world it has brought droughts and famine. See

Now, more than any other time, you must bind your wounds and bind together, for from the old shall be cast new seed into the fertile fields.

But we say unto you, from the mountains shall come the forces that shall destroy the [upper] lowlands. And the mighty thrust is but the beginning. We told you before that in this year, and in this time, these things would happen.

For those who have loved ones in the cities of Sacramento and San Francisco, beware. For those who have loved ones who live on or near that that you call the great Mississippi River, beware. In the lands of the northern parts there [are] of New Mex­ico, for as Taos has fallen, it was of the second city, as we spoke before. Now look unto the Colorados and beware. There is much that we could say, but all you must do is look around and about you, and you shall see the truth of it. [Note: All that Aka said did come true, you can discover with an internet search. “During the winter of 1983, a massive El Niño storm pattern hit the country,” meterologist David Gutzler said. December 1983 was “The coldest December on Record,” the National Weather Service reported in Sioux Fall, SD.]

For the cleaning is at hand.

You have within your minds this question, how long shall we remain this time with you? And “Why did you not tell us when you left us?” And we shall answer both of your questions. We did not leave you, for soul Ray was with you all along, and when he spoke, we spoke with him and through him. Can you not hear the crying in the wilder­ness? [See Isaiah 40:3.]

Candelas de Dios (Candles of God) bow down before a church to God in the country, reflecting the seven-candlestick candelabra inside––which symbolizes the seven spirits of God, the eyes and ears of the Messiah. (See The Revelation, chapter 5.)

The 12th Annual Meeting reading from Aka was June 10, 1983. After a parable, some question were answered.

Yes, we see thy need. We should answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord thy God. Glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we should say unto you unto this parable, unto this manner and unto this way.

For in the valley of the great Nile, long ago, there was a river man. And the river man crossed the Nile daily. And he did carry passengers back and forth across the great Nile. And sometimes he carried cargo. And sometimes [his] cargo was that of live­stock. It made to him little difference, for they all paid the same price to cross the Nile. As long as his boat was full he was happy.

But one day as he started to load his boat, a very rich man walked forth. And he said unto him, “How much do you get for a whole boatload?”

And the man looked at him and thought, “This man must be willing to rent my boat to ship his goods.” And so he told him.

And the man paid the money, and walked out onto the boat and said, “Now let us be gone.”

And the man said unto the rich man, “But where are your wares? We have an empty boat.”

And the rich man said unto him, “I am the wares. I am the way, of all things, for I have just purchased a trip on your boat.”

Now the river man was not a wasteful man in any manner. And he was not a greedy man. But here was a person willing to pay to cross the great Nile. And the mighty ropes that towed the boat across and all the animals on both sides that brought it to and from, on the land, would not have the heavy burden to pull in the hot of the day. So the man said, “Then we shall be gone.” But he started to give the order, and no matter how hard he tried, he could not utter the words from his mouth. And he said unto the rich man, “I’m sorry, sir, but I cannot take your money to just haul you across the river, when my boat can carry many who need to cross as badly as you.”

Feluccas on the Nile by Beniamino Facchinelli, circa 1880s

The rich man became very irate. He left the river and went back into one of the great cities. There he had a great boat built and many animals brought forth, and placed beside the river man his great boat, where he began to have himself [pulled] back and forth across the river. The river man went on each day, taking his cargo. The rich man, with all his wealth, laughed and laughed. It did not bother the river man.

One day a great storm came forth, and both boats were in the center of the river. And as it would be, both boats were overturned, and both the wealthy man and the river man were killed. Now, in due time, [both] bodies were found, and the rich man was embalmed for his great journey, and the poor man was embalmed for his small journey.

Now, as death crept forward and they both awaken[ed], the rich man looked upon him and said, “How can you be here, for this is only for the great.”

And the poor man looked at him and said, “I think God has a place for me, for I shall carry His many wherever He wishes.”

The rich man once again became very irate, and he did venture forth unto what he thought was a high official. And he said unto him, “How dare you let such riff-raff into this great place!”

And the man said unto him, “Sir, we have a private place for you, which will make you very happy.”

When they reached what [they] thought was a dock­ing port, he soon realized it was to remove from this great place, and he said unto this man, “But why should I be cast from this great place, for I am wealthy, I have done great things?”

The man looked at him and smiled, and said, “Heaven is for the needy, not the greedy.”

The rich man became very irate, and he said un­to the man, “How dare you speak to me in such tones!” And so he stomped forth. Each step he took he thought surely should take him into the Almighty, Himself. And he shouted in loud overtones. Soon his overtones [became] curses. But soon, he realized that he was on the outside looking in.

We have told you a story, a parable. You could interpret it in many ways. But we would say to you in this manner − he who hollers in great tones of the badness of others is only trying to expose the badness in himself.

You have questions, ask….

“Yes, Aka. [13–431–1] asks if Dallas, Texas, will be a safe place for the next three years for her daughter to go to school?”

As we have said before, there are wars and rumors of wars. In the year of 1985, war is almost evident, inter-nuclear war. We have spoke[n] to you before of this. At that time the city of Dallas, Texas, shall be no more. I would think upon this, and know that the first rumor she must be removed. It shall be as a tremor of the night, a rattling of the leaves of the fall. We shall tell you ahead of time; we shall warn you when to remove her. Do you understand of which we speak?

“Yes.” [She answers.]

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [5–206–2] asks, ‘What will happen in the year 2022? You mentioned that year as important, for some reason. Will man’s lifespan be increased?’”

We have said before that those from the heavens and those from the Earth should rise to restore the earth, and the thousand years of peace shall be upon the Earth. In the year, 2022, mankind shall have knowledge beyond knowl­edge, for he shall be in communication with his brothers and sisters throughout the galaxies, and galaxies beyond galaxies. And they shall come forth and help man restore himself in a peaceful manner, that war[s] shall be no more.

You have other questions.

“Yes, Aka, someone asks, ‘Why is the Southwest, the Globe area, chosen for this organization, Ray, and this work?’”

In the beginning, as the work was planned for, five were chosen. They were tested and retested. Five is the magical number, for “for there are five races,” five basic races. At first, it was thought that if three did not succeed, then the mission in itself would be a failure. That opinion has since been changed, for now it is one. We have prepared other places and beginnings in the hearts of men, so that they may know, and receives our messenger.

Why was soul Ray chosen? He was not chosen, for soul Ray is I, and I am soul Ray. Our destiny, our karma, our lives are the same, for where he lives I live, and where I live he lives. For as he did come before through the many times throughout your history to prepare the way, so he has come now, [from whom] went out from among us, one was chosen to enter the Earth plane, to be born from the womb of woman to live as one of you. He knew before birth that the road that lied [lay] ahead of him would not be an easy one.

In choosing who would come in the body form, we chose the one among us who we thought loved God the most. It is not by chance that the first name is Ammie, “beloved;” it is not by chance that the second name is Ray, “king,” — “Beloved king.” It is not by chance that the last name would be Elkins, for the full name, and the interpretation would be “Beloved King of Kings.”

We know we have chosen now, this time, to give you information we have long held back from you, because we knew that as his growth took place, and his energy built, and his mind grew, he had to be protected. And now he no longer needs that protection, for he is now, Beloved King of Kings. He is the one sent forth to prepare the way for the First Begotten Son of God.

And so it shall be. All things that have been hidden from you shall now be opened and lighted. Your questions shall be answered.

Why are you so surprised Paul? Have you forgotten him so soon? Yet you have not. You have denied him, but you have never forgot­ten him. For he is as he was, and you are as you were. He was your beloved friend then; he is your beloved friend now. He left you to complete his task.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. How can we, in this coming year, with our Annual Meeting coming tomorrow, how can we best, what can we best do to put our work in order? What is most needed? What course should we set that would accomplish the most?”

First, we shall say unto you, utilize the abilities that we have placed at your disposal − all of them. Complete your church. Complete your healing well. Let those who wish know that now is the time to prepare the way, but to do so, they must survive.

Lay out a platform and a plan to increase your membership. Take from your shackles, the restriction we have placed there. Open your Board of Directors to include all of your membership. Utilize the talent which you have to the fullest. Cast aside any jealousies, but do not get so busy casting aside that you cast aside the best parts of yourselves and others. Add to, build upon the foundation. Lay a plan of ac­tion to increase your membership. Let each member become an envoy. Let them reach ten in the coming year. If you do so, you’ll soon multiply once again and again.

Now is a time of growth and maturity. You have had your childhood in your thirteen years. That time is now past; it is over. Remove it from you. You no longer need it….

Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever. The Cherubim is with you.

Now you have in your hearts and souls the chance to make the work at hand work. If you are going to do so, remember, keep the Sabbath holy. Fill your church. There’s always a reason you think of for not attend­ing, but is it really, truly a valid reason? We say unto you, is it really a truly valid reason? We would suggest that you do one other thing. That you may be known by that which you sing, build a choir group into your church, and make it work well. And soon, your church shall be known through the land. And soon the world shall come to you and you will not have to go to them.

June 17, 1983: You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. What is the Christ state? Is it when you learn to control and direct all of your life experiences?”

(Chuckle.) We shall answer your question. From Adam to that of the Nazarene was a great journey, a journey within and from without. And in the journey, the creation of life begot light. The Christ state, as you would know it, is not necessari­ly the knowing of all things, but the understand­ing. And it is only through the understanding, with compassion, and love, and hope and desire, is that that you mentioned achieved. As we have said before, as strange as it may sound, the beggar on the street might be the next person to walk through that gate. But it is not a gate that leads away from man, but rather to man, for it is the love of mankind that causes you to return.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have another question. You men­tioned the need to survive in the years ahead in a previous reading. Will nuclear fallout affect the Globe area? What specific precautions do we need to take to prepare for survival here?”

Nuclear fallout shall affect all areas. (Sigh.) The first and real danger shall come in sequence of five − five hours, five days, five weeks, and then five years.

The precautions that should be taken is being able to purify the water; second, because of the way your water is stored under­ground. The underground water shall not be con­taminated in this region, but the purest water you shall have for drinking shall be on the other side of the mountain. Much of your drinking water shall come from the Dripping Springs area. Wells have been provided that can produce that that is needed.

We should further explain some things to you. Look from the valley in Dripping Springs and you shall look forth and see that of that that you know as the Christmas Mine. The small communi­ty which lies a short distance from there, that you speak of as Cooleyville, shall be almost as a bor­derline marching straight in line. There shall be damage on both sides, and then the safe zone shall begin; because of the arrangement of the moun­tains and air currents in this area, that a direct fallout shall not take place, as you know it, in this valley. It shall be picked up and over, and drop­ped, therefore, around and about.

In the Globe area, the canyon unto which you speak of as Kellner Canyon has similar qualities, except that it does not have the necessary water, and enough abundance.

As your periods of, your climatary periods begin to alter, in the fullness of this shall come about the one-third shifting of the planetary substance. That in itself shall alter seasons and make it necessary for you to grow in different manners.

As we have said before, those things that you wish and desire are but a short step from you. If you really desire them, they shall be furnished. If you wish, all that is necessary has been placed at your feet’s. It shall take that that you know of as axle- or elbow-grease, hard work from you and your people to bring this about.

But we shall also answer your question in another manner. Your greatest threat shall not be the survival of radia­tion, but it shall be from those of the larger cities who shall flock from the north and the south, east and the west, seeking a safe place. We say unto you, put these people to work. Allow them to work, that they may eat, that they [pay] the toil of their backs, for those who wish to work. For those who do not wish to work, be prepared in such a manner that they shall know that they shall not take from you these things that are necessary to sustain life.

Last, we shall mention to you that even in earthquake, tornado, and hurricane, the worst damage is not done by that that is caused by the turmoil itself. It is the aftermath, the loss of electricity, the loss of any type of power, the loss that should come about by being unprepared, for using conventional fuels, and being able to switch over to them rapidly. What good is a freezer full of food if there is no electricity to run the freezer? You have a certain period which you could can this product, and preserve it, even when the electricity goes out. You cannot do so if you do not have that that is at hand to perform the task.

Your next, and one of your more important things, that means of transportation. For gasoline, as you would know it, shall not last forever where you are. This means that work in fields and many other types of work must be done either by hand or by beasts of burden that shall survive with you, and may breed and restock the Earth with you.

Now we say unto you, the year, 1985, is a year that can be changed, can be pushed forth, and away. War, [its sudden], can be diverted at this time, if, and on­ly if, the people change their ways.

We shall answer in this manner. You have a Pope of the Catholic faith, which has asked for the support of any faith in bringing forth peace. We would say unto you, you do not have to become one of the flock to be going the same direction, to become a traveler of time and space, with like minds and like achievements. If you wish, you may alter the course of things.

We know that it is easier for you to say, “Let someone else do this, for I am doing all I can in what I am doing.”

We also say unto you, for those who shall ask, that that is needed shall be provided. But they must be willing to [take] the Lord, thy God, as the one and only true God.

June 24, 1983: A garden not yet planted shall not yield a harvest. And the only way that you, all of you, shall harvest the crops which you wish to harvest is to cast all of these things from your hearts, so that you may work together, and be of one mind and of one entity. But if you cannot look into yourself and find these things, if you cannot ask God’s help, then the fields you choose to create, to plant, shall forever remain unplanted.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes Aka, for the pamphlet that the Shepherds’ Committee is preparing − you have mentioned nuclear war. How long will it be necessary in this area to remain in shelters to avoid being harmed by fallout?”

You ask two questions. We shall answer them in this way. We have told you before that things shall be as five. For the time to be of complete safety will be five months. But within five days, [with] proper clothing and the vastness of your Aloe Vera harvest and the use of the same, and the use of [it] upon the land to neutralize the land around and about you, and to neutralize your trees, your gardens, of all things that grow, and of all things alive, you shall cut this time into less than one month. But only if you can work together.

You have other questions, ask.

“Could our livestock go out to graze safely within a month?”

If one part of Aloe Vera to 100 parts of good water be mixed together and the land be sprayed afterward, then it may graze anywhere it shall. But understand this, there shall be mutates which shall survive this, not only of the animal, but of the fowl, but of the fish, and of the man. Yet, we should say unto you, if you should plan and plan well, your people shall survive.

Yet, we say unto you, if you can produce 300 people of righteous hearts you may avoid this from happen­ing, that they may come together before God.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, how long should we in this area prepare to be without electricity?”

If proper preparation is made, you will not be with­out electricity. But if you shall depend upon, as you would call it, outside sources, it can be for almost an indefinite time. It will be five years before your nation shall begin to put itself back together again.

You have other questions.

“Would it be as long as five years before gasoline will become available?”

We have just answered that question….

Now we should say unto [2–19–4], we see thy need. We have watched you, and seen the truth of most things. We have seen the love and devotion that sets in your heart. There is much to be done in the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. The time now grows short, and many of the strong backs that picked up the yoke when we first came, their backs are not so strong anymore, yet their hearts are willing. Become that of their strength, and the reward you seek shall be yours.

We should say unto you these words, all of you. If a shepherd should tend [the] flock, and your prophet has seen forth to appoint five shepherds, he has done so with the thought that the five shepherds shall meet and discuss and plan how the flock may increase in number and in wisdom. If this is done, then the fullness of these things that we all desire shall come about….

Now is not the time to go astray. Now is the time to build upon, for your thirteenth year has passed. That was the years we allowed for growth and to reach maturity. From these years forth shall be mature years, for as we have said before, the half times are passed, and the full times are upon you.

All things that were shall be. Ask and you shall receive. Listen and you shall hear. Look and you shall see, for the great Sword, that should cut two ways, is upon you. Where nothing grew, all things shall now be plentiful. Yet, a third, and [a] third, and a third of the earth shall be laid waste.

Each type of pestilence and floods have been brought forth to show you, to bind you together. As we have said before, bring 300 souls who should prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah unto one house, and that which you dread the most shall be prevented.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, by bringing them together in one house do you mean in one worship or in one geographic location or building?”

Of one mind.

“Of one mind; thank you.

“In the Bible it is mentioned that the temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem. Is this a physical temple?”


“What circumstances will lead to its being rebuilt?”

For land beneath it shall be destroyed; the present-day temple shall be destroyed. And from ashes shall rise the temple….

We are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. We are also here to bring you love and kindness and good wishes from the Lord, our God. As we have said before, ask and you shall receive. For those things which we have just mentioned are the richest of commodities.

July 1, 1983: How can you take all of your love, all of the Lord’s love, and place it only in one place? For it is too enormous, too beautiful. You cannot bury it as a treasure. It must be shown. And by showing, it must be given. And by giving, it must be done with love….

And now we shall say unto that one who should ask, and has asked, of the building of the pool. Yes, now is the time. And now is also the time for your healing. Count the days, for if all goes well, before the prophet’s birthday, the first of the healing pools shall be complete, and ready for the next. But, for those who love you, we have laid a task before them, and that is its completion, for we knew deep inside, that you needed this and this proof − and therefore, you shall feel it and touch it, as real as the flowers at your feet, as sweet as all the roses upon the earth, as gentle as the gentlest wind, as kind as a hummingbird upon the wind. For as the humming­bird should migrate great distances and back, so should your healing, and so should that that should last and be good take time in the making, but now is the time. [Editor’s note: Ray’s birthday was July 13. Under the dripping springs on Dripping Springs mountain, Arizona, Ray asked that we build a healing pool, after he had built a church to God in the valley below it.]…

But we shall say unto [12–428–1], go there unto the pond tomorrow and make a sketch of the dam, that those who should build it should have that to work with. You know of which we speak. Make it strong. Make it where it shall not leak water, for it shall be the water that is needed in another day to sustain life, quite possibly your own and those you love most.

July 28,1983: We say unto you, as has been suggested before, the completion of the healing springs shall bring about a greater healing than you shall know.

Do you understand of which we speak?

“Yes, I think so. Are you satisfied with the construction as it is proceeding?”

Yes, and we should say unto you, and to each of you, may God’s blessings be with you. May the world smile in the heavens this day for your presence, and your concern is greatly appreciated….

May the great world of worlds soon be complete. May the great universe of universes soon be complete. And may all of God’s domain lay before you.

Now, the words you have heard tonight are different; the love is not.

The springs that drip from a Dripping Springs mountain were blessed to become healing springs. Do you notice the shafts of light that appear to shine down on the water? The photo was taken at 3:30 p.m. March 25, 2018, on a cloudy day. In 1983, Ray said he had stirred the healing spirit in the springs,. Soon after, a woman went to the springs where the water dripped, and in great faith in God she prayed and poured the blessed water on her feet. Then her flat feet were healed. Ray told us in 1983 that this must be used or the spirit in the kiva will become dormant.

August 26, 1983: A woman asked, “What will heal my leg?…’”

“We say unto you, the water of the healing springs, when it is complete. And when it is com­plete, and soul Ray shall call on the Kiva of the springs, and when the Madonna is placed upon the mountain, then all shall be in readiness.”

Two madonnas stand above where the annointed springs drip, bringing spiritual life to the valley. On October 5, 2000, Ray passed on to stand with God. He asked that his boots be placed near the source. If you look closely, you can see where they were near the pillar in the kiva. He left us this sacred meeting place where people could come, pray, commune, and receive blessings for the water that flows with Life.

Aka was asked the next year, on June 8, 1984: “Since this is our Annual Meeting, and many people have gathered, is there any message you would like to give anyone?”

We have given unto you all a special message, if you shall take it into your hearts and know from which it comes; it comes with love. We have said unto you, “Let 300 come,” and you may divert that great catastrophe, which so many shall dread. You are reaching and touching. Your numbers are growing. Let us all pray before the Seventh Seal is opened that the number of 300 shall be reached. [See The Revelation, chapter 8.]

But we say into you, the Lord, thy God, has loved thee unto the utmost, for He has trusted you with the most precious gifts He owns. And He is willing to give you all of the knowledge He has, for “nothing shall be covered that light shall not shine upon.” And no words shall be spoken that you shall not hear, if you wish to listen.

You have come from many places. You have brought yourselves with you. You are the vineyard[s]; you are the fine wine, and you are the merchants.

Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God.

Give us but one soul in each of what thy know [as] thy towns, and we shall spare of this in our Father’s day, the spiritual messengers of God said April 1, 1972, before the first annual meeting.

June 1, 1984: You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. She [4–125–2] also asks, ‘What does the Lord, God, most want from me, and for my life?’”

We shall say it [in] this way. The Lord, God, wants but one thing from you in this life, and that is your happiness − the happiness and joy that you shall share with others. If you should seek a rare and precious stone, then show it to others that they may enjoy it. But they must want to see it. You have traveled this road before. Know that only those who have eyes to see shall see, and only those who have ears to listen shall listen. Remember the Lady of Lourdes. No one heard except Bernadine [Bernadette]….

Now we say unto all of you, soon comes the time of your Annual Meeting. Some of you have misinterpreted the words that we have spoken unto you. This is not unusual, for many times you have misinterpreted our words, or did not understand from which we spoke. You must understand that it is hard to make ourselves completely clear, when we come not from your language − and even speaking, when we do not speak, we transfer our thoughts from thought and mind to mind. We have come on your plane, at your bidding, to speak to you in your manner, of your kind. Therefore, we wish you shall understand and bear with us, and be patient with us. If you do not understand, just say you do not, and then, we shall have the opportunity [to] place it, the words, into a fashion that you shall understand.

Now we shall say unto you unto one other part, that you may understand this. As we have said before, in the beginning we did not come unto anyone except unto soul Ray, that he might lead his flock into the better light of God. For some of you that is hard to understand. In the beginning there were five like him. And now, we have but one instrument to work through.

Understand our words. If you do not understand them, ask and you shall receive.

Blessed be the name of the Lord, thy God; blessed be the name of His children, forever and ever.

Aka began the 13th Annual Meeting reading, June 8, 1984, with this parable: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way, glory be the name of the Lord thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee this parable, in this manner and in this way. In the valley near the ocean there was a man who had beautiful vineyards. And he sold each year the yield of his crop to a very fine winemaker. And the winemaker sold his wine to a very rich merchant.

After doing business many years, the merchant said to the winemaker, “I would like to do honor to the farmer who grows such beautiful grapes for us.”

And so they ventured forth into this valley. And there, they found the farmer. And so the rich merchant said unto him, “You have given unto me great pleasure year after year with such a fine crop. In some way I would like to repay you.”

The farmer said unto him, “You have paid for my goods, and that is enough. But as I am getting on in years, I need an apprentice, one who could learn from me how to grow fine grapes.”

The merchant searched the country far and wide, and he brought forth into twenty of the finest young men [of all] the nation. And he said unto them, “Farmer, choose from these, choose all or choose one, whichever you wish.”

The farmer took each separately into his vineyard. And as they walked, he asked them but one question, “What do we grow in this vineyard and where does it come from?”

Many answered, “Grapes is what you grow in your vineyards. It comes from the sun and the rain.”

Two among the twenty answered, “You have grown love and tenderness in your vineyard, and it comes from God.”

These two he asked to be his apprentices. The others, their feelings were hurt, for they were fine workmen. Why should he choose just the two when he could have had all?

And the merchant was interested, and so was the winemaker. And he said, “Why, out of all of these, why did you choose just these two?”

And he said to them, “I asked these questions − what we grew in the vineyard. The others said, ‘grapes.’ But these two did not. When I asked them where they came from, the others said, ‘from the sun and the rain.’ These two did not.”

And so, as the years did pass, and as the farmer went into semi-retirement, the vineyards thrived and became better. The grapes became better than even the farmer could grow. And once again the merchant and his sons came forth and said unto the winemaker and his sons, “How has this farmer done this? How has he brought forth even better than before, and the yield is larger?”

So they ventured forth, and there they found the two young men and their families, and there were three vineyards. The farmer’s, and his two apprentices, each had vineyards of their own. And they took grapes from each, and each was as sweet as the other, each as yielding. It seemed like each grape, reached forth with one thought, and that was to please the taste buds of the taster.

The merchant said, “How could this be possible? How can you even achieve through your apprentice[s] more than you were capable of doing?”

And he said, “First, I shall say unto you, all things are possible before God and of God. And when you know who the giver is, then you know that it can only be the best. And when more than I ask, then it surely shall be better. And what greater compliment could I have than my two apprentices to improve upon my vineyards and their own?”

The merchant stopped and said, “But why do they have vineyards; they were sent here to learn from you? These vineyards should all belong to you.”

The farmer said, “Nay, no, from the first, the vineyards belong to God, but second, should a man work and know the sweat of his labor belongs to himself, he shall put more into it. Knowing these things, I did give them each a vineyard to work from. And because they loved me and loved their God, and knew their God was watching them as they went about their tasks and their work, and knowing that God would see the results, they have created even better vineyards.”

The merchant and his sons left. The winemaker and his sons left. And they thought, the merchant was selling more wine than he had ever sold before; more people were making comments on such fine wine he had, the finest in all the land. The winemaker was making better wine than he had ever made before because he was sharing all this, and each was sharing with their sons. And they realized that they themselves had been doing the same thing that the farmer had been doing.

There is many ways that you can look at this parable, and many solutions that you may contemplate. If the parable fits the taste buds of your mind, accept it, and let it grow and manifest within you, for this is the reason we have given you all the parables. Know these things.

We shall answer as many of your questions this night as we may, for soul Ray is tired. Ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Since this is our Annual Meeting, and many people have gathered, is there any message you would like to give anyone?”

We have given unto you all a special message, if you shall take it into your hearts and know from which it comes; it comes with love. We have said unto you, “Let 300 come,” and you may divert that great catastrophe, which so many shall dread. You are reaching and touching. Your numbers are growing. Let us all pray before the Seventh Seal is opened that the number of 300 shall be reached. [See The Revelation, chapter 8.]

But we say into you, the Lord, thy God, has loved thee unto the utmost, for He has trusted you with the most precious gifts He owns. And He is willing to give you all of the knowledge He has, for “nothing shall be covered that light shall not shine upon.” And no words shall be spoken that you shall not hear, if you wish to listen.

You have come from many places. You have brought yourselves with you. You are the vineyard[s]; you are the fine wine, and you are the merchants.

Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God.

July 20, 1984: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

We give unto you this parable in this manner and in this way.

For a woman who carries a child should be beautiful in the eyes of all mankind. But she should be exceptionally beautiful in the eyes of her husband. For only she knows that life dwells within her; only she may feel that life. And from the wonder and the miracle from within shall shine from without her, and therefore, she shall be beautiful among all women.

But we say unto you, when the woman bears the child, and gives it unto the man, and the man brings the child into his heart, as he has his wife, then, in truth, there is love, the love that the child may feel from the day it is born.

And should the mother say unto the grandmother, “Here, I give unto you a gift of love,” and the grandmother receive this love, then the love has become bountiful.

And should the mother say unto the grandfather, “Here is my gift of love,” then in truth, a mountain of love has begun to build.

And should the father say unto his mother, “Mother, here is a gift of love that my wife and I have given unto you,” and she accepts this love, and he says unto his father, “Here is a gift of love,” and should they accept this love without jealousies, then a love beyond love, beyond all love, is born.

In one small infant it is manifested in its finest form.

Take that of the finest that you have of love, and bring it into your heart. Look at the smile that the child gives unto you, for that child asks nothing from you but love. And it gives you love in return. Yes, the child may make messes, but they are messes of love, for the child knows no hate of any kind.

So, glory be into the gift of love, the miracle of birth, that the Lord, God, has given unto mankind. And what the Lord, God, has given, let no man put asunder.

June 7, 1985, the evening before the 14th Annual Meeting of the Association of Universal Philosophy, Aka said: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we say unto you this parable on the eve before your gathering.

For once upon your Earth, the earth in many places began to shake. Great volcanoes erupted from the earth. It shook and twisted, and it eased from its orbit in the sky and began to move, not closer to the sun, but farther from the sun.

Now those of the great scientific minds upon the Earth gathered to see what could be done. Many, many things were suggested, from the explodings of great bombs to force the Earth back into its orbit, but no one knew for sure.

And then there were those of the wise men, men known from the four corners of the Earth for their wisdom. They met. And each had no answer.

“What shall we do? If God is angry with the Earth and it shall end, then we can accept this. But if this is not true, then God has left us a way.”

They each bowed their heads and prayed. And suddenly, four angels appeared before them. In each hand of the angels was a great saber, or sword. And each handed the sword to each of the wise men and said, “Go back to your homes, and you shall find an energy center where you live. Sink this sword into the earth to its very hilt.”

And then, they gave them another small, very small, tuning fork. And they said, “Strike this tuning fork, not once, but twice for each of you. And then strike it again. And then, you must strike it between you, for the risk is great, which shall strike it the last time. If you do this in the proper sequence, the Earth shall stabilize itself and return to its orbit.”

They began to discuss this. “Who should strike the last blow?” Each was afraid. Each wanted the other to be responsible. And then it was decided, “Why cannot we not we all come to one place after we have struck this, and all of us shall place our hands together, and strike the last blow?”

And so they ventured forth, the land, and went into their own land. Each sunk the saber or sword to the hilt into earth. Each struck the saber three times with their tuning fork. And upon doing so, ventured to the last of the four. And all, they stood there with all their hands upon the tuning fork. And as they struck the last blow upon the sword, the tuning fork shattered, and the sabers shattered also, and the earth became still.

And they became afraid that they had done the wrong thing.


Each went home, each with their story, and each with the story of the swords and the tuning fork. And none seemed to believe them, even though they rejoiced that the Earth was stable.

And so they left their homes, and they went unto their meeting place and there they built a temple. And they prayed in the temple. And each said, “If it is sacrifice the Lord wants, we shall sacrifice ourselves.”


They went back unto their people, and they spoke, and they spoke again.

And then, when no one believed them, they returned, and they built a larger temple. And they prayed unto the Lord.

And the Lord did answer them, and said, “We have heard your prayer, but go back unto the people.”

The men were weary and tired. The money that they had was gone. But yet they returned back unto their people and they spoke again. And no one believed them.

And they returned back unto the temple. And this time, from stone, from rock, from all the places they could find, they constructed a temple with thirteen sides. And they did bring prayer unto the Lord.


And so they went, each into the other’s land, and they spoke. And as they spoke, the temples arose in front of the people, and the people believed and began to change their ways.

From village to village and town to town, so it went.

And they completed their circle, and came back unto the temple they had built. And there they did give thanks unto the Lord.


Once again you shall think we have spoke to you in riddles, when in truth, we have spoke a truth, a complete truth….

We shall say unto you these words, and heed the wisdom of the words, we have placed a healing well upon the land. Yet no roses grow. And no trees grow. We say unto you, go, therefore, tomorrow, each of you, and before your madonnas, light, therefore, a candle unto each of you. And as you light the candle, tell God what your intentions are, what you would give to God.

And then you shall learn what God shall give to you.

Near Dripping Springs at the top of the mountain is a grotto with madonnas.

The 25th Annual Meeting message, June 6, 1986: Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory be the children of God.

And we shall say unto thee this parable.

For once upon the land, the Lord looked onto the Earth and looked into the times that would come. And He called forth His son, and He said, “Send thee there one who shall prepare the way for your coming.”

And so, one was selected. And he went there before.

And he went into the multitude as he grew older, and he preached to the many, and he gave of himself, all of himself. He gave nothing unto himself. He prepared for that day when the Son, the first-begotten Son of God, would appear on the Earth and be known to man.

He kept himself clean. And he took naught into his body that would not keep his body clean. And he prayed to the Lord, thy God, as was called of him and as he was taught. He did all these things. And he tried to make the land of Israel ready for the coming. Yet he knew that it would not be only in the land of Israel, it would be on all the land.

And so he ventured forth. And he went unto Egypt. And he went, therefore, unto all the lands of the Earth. And he did preach and talk, and say, “The Lord, thy God, has sent His Son. Be prepared. Change your ways. Be transformed.” And all there did hear him speak.

Some were greatly impressed by that which he had to say. Others, who should by all right, and of their teaching, made way and ready for this time — and they did not make ready for their time, for they plotted only for the prophet’s death.

And he went unto the Lord, and he said, “God, my Father, I who have come as You have ordered to prepare the way, why have You made it so hard for me? Why is it that those who should know the most know the least? Why is it that they can not hear Thy words as I speak them?”

And the Lord, God, said, “The Earth is not an easy world, at best, to live upon. And we can make it no easier for them to hear.”

And so he went back upon the Earth and he preached and he taught.

And that holy day did come forth.

And the Messiah walked among men and talked to men. And he walked unto all lands of the Earth. In some he was received greatly; in some, in his homeland, he was denied. And there, in his own homeland, this prophet did die.

Many of you know this story we have just told you. Many of you who hear our words will say, “Why have they spent this time to speak of such a thing?”

It is but a small thing to know the time of year to plant and the time of year to harvest and put aside that which you need for winter. We say unto you, it is that time − it is a time to harvest, and plant at the same time. Harvest the grain that you have planted in the fields, and plant it, so that the seed of man may multiply and hear the words that we have brought unto you. For time grows short.

How would you measure time? We measure it by your time, that you may understand of which we speak.

There shall be many who shall cast asunder, [of] this work, and others shall accept it and embrace it and know the truth of it.

And tomorrow you shall have your Annual Meeting. And you shall come forth and light your candles and say those things that have been prepared to say.

And we say unto you, for [in] all that we promised we have given. For we told you before, for those who should not believe shall leave the valley, and the valley shall become as one. In the worst of times the greatest of things shall happen. When you look upon the Earth and think not, that the righteous shall rise upon the Earth, is when they shall be righteous and rise, and captivate the Earth.

Hear our words − and we say unto you, believe, therefore, in us this day. We do not lie to you. We have come to you in truth. Through the many years we have come.

We say to you, each prepare your houses for the day that the Lord shall be here, that you may welcome him, and allow him to enter….

We say to you these words, the Fifth Angel walks your earth, and the Sixth should soon inhabit it. It is the time for spiritual awakening unto all.

August 1, 1986: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner and in this way. For we have told you the parable of the healing well and the young girl who went there to receive healing. [Editor’s note: See the parable of March 16, 1973.]

And many people pushed and shoved to reach the healing well, and she waited. She waited until the very last. And a voice came unto her and said, “Why do you wait my daughter?”

And the child said, “For if in truth this is a healing well, there shall be an abundance left over for me.”

And the Lord, God, looked unto this child and said, “BEHOLD, FOR IT IS YOUR FAITH THAT SHALL HEAL YOU THIS DAY.”

And the Lord wept, and the teardrops touched the child and she became new again, and whole, a body.

The child rose and thanked the Lord for that that had been given unto her.


In three weeks the child was back. And again she waited.

And there were some who had known her and had seen her from before. And they said, “Child, if you have not received healing go before these others.”

She said, “Nay. The healing that I shall need and receive shall come when all of them have received that which they need.”


And the child said, “Yes, Father.”

All those who saw her saw the brightness of her face, and the glow of her body, and they knew that a heavenly body had touched her.

And she left this place. And she went forth, but a child, to speak among all the adults. She went into the learned places, and into the churches.

And the elders feared her, and they said, “Look, she is of the devil, beware of her.”

Yet there were those who looked, and heard, and saw a truth within her.

She walked on. And she went into her parents, and her parents became greatly afraid. And she said unto them, “It is written that I must respect your wishes and I must obey my mother and father, and show you all the respect due unto you. But I tell you unto this day, the Lord, God, has spoken unto me and sent me on a mission.”

Her mother became quite hysterical, and cried.

The father looked and saw a truth. He reached down and he picked up his daughter and said, “Daughter, I see God in thee. Come, we shall go, and go about your Fathers work.”

So the father and the mother, with what meager earnings they could find, they went from place to place where the girl spoke. And more and more people began to gather to hear this wise and wonderful child.

And she said unto them, “For I have come to prepare a way, for the Lord, God, has told me this day, I shall go forth to prepare the way for he who shall come and prepare the way for the Master.”

And many said, “Why is it that you go to prepare the way? Why does he not come himself?”

And she looked upon them and said, “I do not know all the ways of the Lord, for I am not as smart as some. I only know these things that I have been told to tell you. I know that the way of the Lord is mysterious and strange, but in the end you shall find that the greatest wisdom shall come forth, and the greatest good shall be unfolded before you, and the greatest wisdom laid at your feet.”

One day as she had toured a foreign country, the voice came unto her, the voice of the Lord, and said, “DAUGHTER, NOW IS THE TIME, RETURN BACK TO THE WELL.”

The little girl went unto her father. And great gatherings had come about, great fame had come unto her and her parents, for those who had believed. And her parents did not want to give this good life up. But the father once again looked upon the daughter and said, “Let us go, daughter, and we shall be about your Father’s work.”


And they went there. And they did give of the water and they did give of the blessings. And they returned back unto the well.


And she said, “Oh Father, tell me, who was the woman that you had brought me here to heal?”


And so it has been throughout time and throughout history − one handing the torch to the other, unto this time. The torch of light that burns within you is the torch of love that overflows and comes this day into your hearts. It is like a beautiful bouquet of flowers; it comes in many colors. Pick it up. Hand it one unto another; share it. Do not be afraid that you shall run out of these gifts, for they are abundant.

June 6, 1987, before the 16th Annual Meeting, Aka said this: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall tell you the parable in this manner and this way. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

For upon the land there came two men. First, one came into the valley, and then the other. The first in his wisdom saw the need to plant of foodstuff. He also saw the wisdom to clear the land and make fields that could grow in abundance. And so, he went about it, and he built, and grew fine horses and fine cattle, and good fields.

The other who came into the valley looked upon all this and coveted, and said unto himself, “I shall have all these things that this man has.” And so, he plotted. He came not − or cared not, that it took much work to make the valley flourish. All he saw was that it was there and that he could become abundant.

Soon, in the valley he brought thieves that would go into other places and steal and rob. And he continued to covet the land. Yet, he said unto him, “What you have given unto me, I shall take tenfold.”

And the other said unto him, “Nay. But go unto your land and grow what you may.”

After many attempts to take the valley and to take the man’s land, he had decided he would buy the land.

But as he had brought forth not unto good substance, he brought forth a bad and dangerous element.

And the Lord, God, had looked down upon this place and said, “FOR THIS IS MY LAND, AND THIS IS MY PEOPLE, AND I SHALL PROTECT IT.”

There were those who had laughed and thought great folly upon it. Yet, in the backs of their mind[s] they knew that the Lord was with this one. And so, they became afraid. And yet, they put out bad rumors about him, and they said cruel and horrible things.

There were those who came to say good about him, and to tell the world of his goodness. Yet there were more that came to tell the lies, and to bear false witness against him.

At times he would think, “I shall find someone and sell this land and go elsewhere, for why should I continue to battle this battle day after day?” And it seemed that no one else cared. He felt alone and rejected. For the only one he could truly talk to, he felt, was the Lord, God.

And he said unto the Lord, God, “Lord, where are Thou? Why are Thy not with me? Why do You not stand and destroy mine enemies?”

And the Lord, God, looked upon him and said, “We see that that is your enemy, but it is our child that is your enemy. Does not the sun and the rain shine upon both?”

He could not understand this; he became more paranoid, and said, “Lord, I shall challenge you − protect me. Take these evil people away from me. Allow me to go back to my simple life of living, and being and seeing.”

Yet the Lord spoke not unto him.

And so he wandered about the land. He worked; he built his fences. He did good work upon the land, and the land yielded forth in abundance.

And still, those of the other people stayed. And then another year passed, and still they were there. And then another.

And he went unto his sacred place, his place where he had built a shrine unto the Lord. And there he knelt and said, “Oh, Lord, look upon me. Know that I am tired and weary, that I can no longer stand, night and day, and wait for these people to come forth upon me. So, Lord, I shall take and place into Your hands all these things I cannot do.” With this, he went into his house, went to his bed, and went to sleep.

When the other man heard that he had gone to sleep, he was sure that he would project and bring forth demons unto him. And so he said to his fellow outlaws, “Come, go with me and we shall destroy this one.” And so they all went with him.

And he reached to where the bedroom was, and they all circled around and proceeded to killeth of him. But yet, the Lord, God, would not allow this; so the weapons they had became useless and the bullets they had fired did not touch him.

Then great fear rose among them. And they wailed so loud they woke him.

When he woke up, he said, “Why do you wail; why do you make such horrible noises?”

And they said, “Because we fear you.”

And he looked at them and said, “Why do you fear me? Have I done you any evil? Have I committed any crime against you?”

The crime that had been committed was not in the eyes of man, but in the eyes of the Lord, God. And the one had not committed a crime against Him, for this one had committed a crime against himself for that which he thought and thought to do.

It is not always that which you think you see that is true. Before you bear false witness against someone, go and find out the truth for yourself. Allow the love of God to enter you. Allow that love to be transformed through you. And let it come out in the words of love, faith and hope….

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. B__ L_____… asks, ‘Will we complete our bond, bond sales to [the] Arab and receive our full commission?’”

We will explain in this manner. That which you feel you have is what you have not.

You have spent many hours toiling, to elevate your income. We say unto you that this could come about in a greater means and manner by looking, one thing at a time, and taking it to its completeness.

There are many opportunities upon the Earth, and many before you.

We see that you have certain things that you need to do. First, we would say, if you feel you cannot fulfill your vows as a student teacher, withdraw those vows. You do not have to serve God only in one way; there are many ways to serve Him. But remember, promise not the Lord that which you will not give Him. If you are to succeed, fulfill your promise. If you cannot fill it with [a] good conscience, or you do not feel that it is now the time, then say so. But do not blame the Lord, nor the religion, or anything else other than yourself, for there is time for all things. If you wish the help that you ask for, then it shall be given, but ask in a righteous manner.

June 26, 1987:G_____ B_____ who is also here tonight asks, ‘Dear Aka, do we have any drastic problems around the time of August 16th or 18th, or is it a [marker] for the beginning of tougher times? Thank you.’”

We should say unto you [that] of these questions and of these answers. Remember that the clock that you watch shall be 24 [hours] older when your 16th day arrives. Therefore, we say unto you, in the days of Quetzalcoatl, these who you call as Jesus, who walked upon your American land and who brought teachings, and who went with the evening star and promised to return with the morning star − for it shall be the first step of his consciousness. And it shall be felt around the world.

Yet, they [are the other] side of the coin, that that you know as the Anti-Christ, his footstep shall also be felt.

Your consciousness, therefore, must be guarded and placed together, bound together, as one. Come together in harmony and in prayer and in learning. If you do so, learning and har­mony is what you shall receive back in return.

It is our sincere hope, for we are not allowed to interfere.

Now is the time of testing. From the time we have come until now, we have told you of this time, the time when the great Sword shall divide both man and land masses − for that also shall occur and begin to occur in such a manner that you shall feel the earth shudder upon its axis. Yet, for those [who are to] have the Lord in their heart, they have nothing to fear. But as you come together, remember, if you come in the house of the Lord, come with your hearts without prejudice of any kind, respecting one another, at all times, and bring prejudice against no one or thing.

We shall explain to you the difference between that which is prejudice and that which you do not care to associate yourself with. If a man came to kill your loved ones, and he was from the Anti-Christ or even if he wasn’t, and you must kill him in return, then you have not sinned before God. You have defended those things you love and cherish, and you have stopped this person from committing murder, and therefore, you have saved his soul, even though you have slain him. This is hard for you to understand. It is written, “Thou shall not commit murder.” There is a difference between the two. These things we say may be hard to understand, but we try to simplify it for you.

Praise be the Lord, thy God, in all manners, and praise be Jesus of Nazara, Buddha of Buddhas, Lord of Lords.

We know it is hard to understand fully the Lord’s way. Yet, is it like the river. The river you see you think is the same, but it is not the same, for the water is always changing, and so is the Lord flowing like the river, flowing to His children their needs. As their needs change, so the Lord alters and changes. But within truth, the great plan never changes.

We say unto you, now is your time and shall be your time of testing. Take the time to go unto all the people you can and say, “Come be with us. Let us take the time to worship. Let us [try and] take the time to bind together. Let us take the time to pray together, and learn together.”

But do so unto all, that they might hear this that is to be heard and seen and felt. For this con­sciousness shall cross the Earth many times, but only one time in this way and at this moment.

We say unto you, at what you would know as 1:00 p.m., in the afternoon, all the candles in your candelabras should be lit. All the single candles should be lit. Make there forth an area, of 9.5- inches [feet]-by-9.5-inches [feet], of a triangle in double sides. It shall [gain for you] forth the Star of David. [Plant], therefore, your candles at every one of these points, and you shall come unto the [point] in the center shall be the Thirteenth. Place that before your altar. And bring your prayer unto the Lord at this time, and you shall be within the conscious realm of all the world. It shall link you together.

We know that you will want to listen and read this message very carefully. For in truth, those who have eyes to see shall see, those who have ears to listen shall hear.

And unto the 9th hour of the evening they shall be lit again. And then look unto the heaven[s] and see that which the Lord has to give you back in return.

June 10, 1988, the 17th Annual Meeting of the Association of Universal Philosophy at a church to God, Dripping Springs Road, Arizon:

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God, forever and ever.

And we will tell you this parable in this manner and in this way.

For in the mountains there was a beautiful valley. And in the valley grew an abundance of all things. But only in one place in the valley, in a little hidden place, did the roses grow. All the other flowers had heard of the roses, but none had seen them. And [one from all] the plants [were] stories of the beautiful roses [that] had gone from this beautiful valley down into the deserts.

And all the plants knew of this.

But some of the plants said, “How can this story be true, the story we hear of [this] beautiful plant that produces such beautiful flowers? And how can it be? And how can it exist, that the animals do not destroy it, do not eat it, if it’s so beautiful?”

And the desert plants said, “Because it has thorns like we have to protect ourselves.”

Other plants said, “It must be poison and the animals know of this. That is why they do not eat of it.”

Now the keeper of the world’s plants, who had been one of the designers of the Earth, heard the plants discussing all these various things. And as he came and looked at all the plants, the plants asked him, “Is it true of this plant? Is there such a plant?”

And he always answered, “Yes.”

And the desert plants said, “Does it have thorns to protect itself?”

And the keeper of the plants [said], “No, not now, but one day it may, for it has no thorns, it has no natural protection because it has no natural enemies, for all the animals have looked upon it and seen it fair and know it is a gift from God.”

And then man came upon this land, and he found this rose and he reached down and he clasped it to hide it away. And when he did the rose grew thorns.

Now, the story goes that there are still roses in hidden valleys without thorns. And if you should find them, do not grasp them up to hide them away. Find them where they are. Look at them. Appreciate them. Smell them. But if you leave them, they will never have a thorn.

And so it is with things that roam free upon the earth, whether it is a plant, or an animal, or a bird or a fowl. That beautiful freedom gives it a beauty within itself because each part is a part from God, yet a whole, and part within itself….

You have other questions, ask.

“I do not have any more questions at this time, Aka.”

Then we shall answer this question. If the rose stood out and gave the food that was necessary for the world, there would still be those who would want to possess it, to hold it. But a wild rose should not be possessed or owned, any more than an eagle can be owned or possessed, for it is only beautiful when it is free. Know these things. For the wind and the rain shall come upon all, but you cannot own them. And so shall the sun shine. Man has tried to capture so many things. But some things come from God and He meant for them to be free and multiply.

There is a part of all of you that is the rose, that is the eagle. Allow that part of you to remain free. Do not try to capture it. As long as it is free, your souls shall score [soar] the earth and find all the hidden places to see and to appreciate, to smell, to touch.

Now we say unto you, you come together once again.

Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory be the name of His people forever and ever.

March 24, 1989: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer your question in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God, and glory be the name of His children forever and ever….

Now we say unto you, as we said before in the beginning, we have come not to change your world, but we have come for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Some shall not see this, for they shall be blinded because they have not known. Others shall just be blinded.

But we say unto you, for if the bird [blind] shall hear and they shall see, for all that has been covered shall be uncovered, and all things before you shall be laid, that the road shall be easy and smooth before you.

But remember, we did not come to fulfill your wants. We have said unto you, for those who should follow this way, we shall see that they shall have their needs and they shall not go wanting. And so it has been.

But we also say unto you that now is also the time when the Father shall take that that is His; the bird is what is His. [Editor’s note: Within Ray was that of a vast spirit that soared the heavens and universe, yet saw the earth and people’s needs, a spirit as a great Eagle.]

Ray Elkins sit behind the altar at a church to God. Through his eyes he and the spiritual messengers of God could look and see all things.

You have other questions, ask….

“[18–562–1] asks, ‘Was the Messiah [ ] on July 29, 1979?’”

Nay, we say unto you these words; the Messiah is upon your earth. He shall come into his own being here in 1999 and you shall know of him, but you have touched and known and heard before this time.

Note: The words Jesus said in Matthew 24:35–37 may bring hope:Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away. No one knowsabout that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man.”

For only the Lord, God, shall share that information at the time and place that He wishes. But know this: he walks among you; not as a spirit, but yet as one, for he shall be a body, a soul, a spirit and immortal body.

All things will be as they have been before; only you shall not be allowed to shed the blood of the Lamb, for the time that you wish, your thousand years, are but ahead of you. But they can begin any time you wish and be extended.

Many of you shall see him walk in the valley and shall walk with him. Believe.

A church to God years later, in 2016. The olive trees and cyprus have grown tall in the valley beneath Dripping Springs.

June 9, 1989, for the 18th Annual Meeting: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever….

“[15–562–1] asks, ‘When will my oneness come?’”

Yes, we see thy need and we say unto you, the oneness is at hand. You have yet to recognize it.

You have other questions, ask….

“Thank you Aka. [18–553–1 says], ‘I ask for a reading that will guide me now.’”

Then we say unto you, a reading is what you seek, yet what you seek is advice. And this advice we would give you this day and this time, go back into the old readings one year at a time. Begin at the beginning when we first arrived with the comet, Kahoutek, and from them allow yourself to share with others. [Note: the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived and spoke April 3, 1970, with the brightest comet of the century, Comet Bennett.]

If you do this we’ll give you that which you need….

Then we see your need, and we would say unto you, unto the greater things of the land so shall a gift be given. Each of you in your own way have asked and have been given from this gift. But we say unto you, a gift should be given with dignity and received with dignity. And just because you have a cup that runneth over does not mean that you cannot appreciate the cup or he who fills it.

But understand something − we come but to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. We come to bring Ray’s flock close to God.

Now we say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

Yet we say unto you, glory be unto he who is about his Father’s work.

But even he who goes about his Father’s work must do his own work and take the time that his mind and his body can rebuild and regenerate. Do not trap the Eagle, set it free.

You have other questions, and we see into those, the greatest that you shall ask for in your tomorrow.

Look around. You shall see the rose and you shall see the thorns no more.

Let each of you come in truth of heart and soul.

But we say unto you, do not judge yourself so severely that you try to cast unto [out the] best part of you away. Each of you are unique in your own way, and each of you have a gift hidden inside of you that shines through and is given to others.

Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of those who serve the Lord.

Now is the time of the cherubim.

Because of Ray’s health in 1989, the trance readings could not continue. The blessings from God and the spiritual gifts of greater Life given have never stopped. During each Annual Meeting of the Association of Universal Philosophy for the last 52 years by 2024, the gift of greater Life from God is given, as God and the Ministers and Teachers renew their vows to one another. They continue in covenant, as a promise was made in the rainbow, as the preparation for the coming of the Messiah goes on.

How important is it that we prepare a way? It means everything.

If a way is prepared in hearts and minds––first within ourselves, and then in others in the same manner of love it has been given to us––then the long-awaited thousand years of peace (as God counts) may begin on Earth. The Messiah will come. And we will see a new heaven and a new earth upon Earth.

Will you join us?

Email the Association of Universal Philosophy at, or follow us on our Facebook page. See more at “A Stairway to Heaven.”

Read the philosophy, transcribed in Universal Philosophy, Book 1 of 4, in the BOOK with Wings series.

For our Father says unto thee,


These precious, loving words spoken April 1, 1972, by the spiritual messengers of God still come to mind — a promise given the month before the first Annual Meeting:

Give us but one soul in each of what thy know [as] thy towns, and we shall spare of this in our Father’s day.

Please join us.

“The Spirit was left that it may flow through all mankind. As we have said before, we have come but for one purpose, and that is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And we say unto you, all of you, open your door that we might enter, and therefore, there can be a place prepared within each of you for his coming.” (Listen)

The words of Aka are copyrighted by A. Ray Elkins through whom they were spoken.



A stairway to Heaven

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.